First Interstellar Guide

Chapter 13


The Josephs brought Yu Ran into the sanctuary. As the largest enlightenment education institution in the Federation, the sanctuary is divided into the "Guide Academy" and the "Sentinel Academy", and the two academies are separated by a high wall to prevent young sentinels who cannot control their abilities from meeting guides and causing chaos.

The dean of the Guide Academy is called Xie Shiyi, with S-level mental power. His spiritual body is a silver-throated long-tailed tit - the cutest bird in the world, with snow-white and soft feathers, a beautiful fan-like tail, a pair of eyes like two black beans, and a round body. From a distance, it looks like a white ball of fur.

Xie Shiyi's "Silver-throated Long-tailed Tit" has a strong healing ability and can quickly dispel negative emotions. Dean Xie himself is also easy-going, patient and considerate to students, and has been engaged in teaching at the Guide College for more than 20 years.

Joseph brought Yu Ran to the dean's office. When they knocked on the door, they saw a very elegant middle-aged man sitting at the desk. He had long hair and wore a well-tailored white suit. After meeting Joseph's gaze, the man immediately stood up, walked to the two of them with a smile, and stretched out his hand and said, "Joseph, long time no see."

Joseph shook hands with him politely: "Thank you, Dean. I sent you a message before. This is Yu Ran."

Xie Shiyi carefully looked at the 18-year-old student in front of him. He had a pair of distinctive heterochromatic eyes, with a very beautiful red pupil in his left eye. He also looked cute, and the elders couldn't help but love him at first sight. Coming to a strange place suddenly, he looked a little nervous and uneasy. The spirit body, the little white fox, also looked very timid in the strange environment, curled up and lay on the shoulder of its master.

—Fox tribe.

—The most intelligent, cunning, and best disguised spirit.

The spiritual body is the guide of the fox clan, and Xie Shiyi couldn't help but think of someone.

The genius student who once rewrote the rules of Wizard Academy.

More than ten years ago, among the students enrolled in the Guide Academy, there was a very special child, 13 years old, extremely smart, and with superior comprehension ability. Shortly after the start of school, when other students were still wondering what "spiritual power" was, he actually successfully released red spiritual tentacles. He completed the two-year course of the Sanctuary in three months, and at such a young age, his control over spiritual power was even more terrifying than that of an adult guide. Later, even the teachers could not teach him, so the Guide Academy had to modify the regulations for him and let him graduate early.

That student was the most aggressive guide Xie Shiyi had ever seen in his many years as the dean of the sanctuary. His spirit form was an extremely ferocious fire fox, and when he ran, he was agile and nimble, as if his whole body was burning with blazing flames. He could even use his powerful mental power to burn other people's spiritual worlds into ashes.

Such a guide is too scary. He is still young and has not formed a good sense of right and wrong. Once he goes astray, he will become a huge threat to the entire human society. Therefore, after Xie Shiyi discussed with the president of the Guide Association and the student's parents, the three S-level guides jointly sealed his mental power and sent him to the church to let him calm down and receive a year-long psychology education. The purpose is to let this young guide correct his three views and learn to be kind and compassionate.

After leaving the church, he was admitted to the federal military academy, but unfortunately...

Xie Shiyi frowned, came back to his senses, and looked carefully at Yu Ran in front of him. Yu Ran's figure, appearance, facial features and temperament were not like the student in his memory. Moreover, Yu Ran's spirit body was a little white fox, a cute and soft healing spirit body, not the highly aggressive fire fox in his memory. Besides, if the student was still alive, he would be at least 24 years old now, which did not match Yu Ran's age.

Xie Shiyi looked down and saw a small unhealed wound on Yu Ran's wrist, which was left when the Guide Association implanted the identity chip.

This proves that Yu Ran is indeed a new guide who has just registered.

Maybe I'm overthinking it

Foxes were not very rare spiritual entities, and it was not uncommon for them to appear in the sanctuary.

Xie Shiyi collected his thoughts and asked gently, "Yu Ran, you just awakened last month and haven't studied any courses related to mental power, right?"

Yu Ran blushed a little and nodded embarrassedly: "Yes, Dean. I awakened late and don't understand anything."

Xie Shiyi said, "Most of the guide students this year are 13 years old. You are the oldest one. Do you want me to arrange a single suite for you?" He paused and explained, "Young students are curious and will be more noisy. Most of the schools have four-person suites. I am afraid that you will not be used to living with them."

Yu Ran thought for a moment and said seriously, "Dean, please arrange a four-person room for me. I don't want any special treatment. Besides, I started school late and don't understand a lot of things. If I have roommates here, it will be convenient for me to learn and communicate with them."

Joseph agreed, "Ranran is right. He is different from other students. If he lives alone, he may not be able to integrate into the group and will be easily isolated by his classmates. If he has roommates, he can chat and relieve boredom when he returns to the dormitory after class. Maybe he can meet some like-minded friends."

Xie Shiyi thought for a moment and nodded: "Okay, then I'll arrange for you to live in dormitory L1-101. This dormitory happens to have an empty bed, and several students are also C-level guides. Your mental powers are similar, maybe you can become friends."

Yu Ran said politely: "Thank you, Dean."

Xie Shiyi smiled and said, "You're welcome. I'll take you to complete the enrollment procedures first. The school is on holiday recently and all the students have gone home. The school will officially start next week. You can get familiar with the environment in the school in the next few days."

Joseph said, "Dean, I'll leave Yu Ran to you. I have something else to do at the association, so I have to go back."

"Go ahead. Don't worry, I will take good care of him."

After Joseph left, Xie Shiyi personally took Yu Ran to complete the admission procedures, and Yu Ran also received his student card.

Yu Ran

Sanctuary Guide Academy

The 500th Class 107

Student ID number: 500107037

Yu Ran gently touched the photo on the student ID card and carefully wore the ID card on his chest. The access control system of the Guide Academy would automatically scan the student ID card. With this ID card, he could freely pass through the Guide Academy.

After completing the admission formalities, Dean Xie continued to take Yu Ran to visit the Guidance College. Yu Ran scratched his head embarrassedly and said, "Dean, if you have something to do, go ahead and do it. I can find a dormitory by myself."

Xie Shiyi looked gentle, "It's okay. The school is on holiday recently, and I'm free, so I'll take you around. The building in front is the spiritual power meditation classroom. There are many small soundproof rooms for students to practice spiritual power control. Turn left here, the building that looks like a page of a book is the library of the Guide Academy. It is open to students for free. You can go there to read books when you are free. There are many works related to guides..."

Xie Shiyi took Yu Ran for a stroll, like a patient tour guide, introducing each building and its purpose in the Guide Academy. Yu Ran listened curiously and attentively, occasionally asking a few questions - all his behaviors were like a freshman who came to the Guide Academy for the first time, completely different from the person in his memory.

Xie Shiyi ignored the strangeness in his heart and stopped in front of a stone tablet.

I saw a line of flying characters engraved on the stone tablet in front of me:

Xie Shiyi asked in a low voice: "Do you know what this sentence means?"

Yu Ran looked up at the large characters on the stone tablet and tentatively answered, "People with great abilities also have to take on more responsibilities?"

Xie Shiyi smiled slightly: "Yes. As guides, we can manipulate mysterious spiritual power and invade other people's spiritual world. With such powerful power, of course we must take on more responsibilities to help those in need."

He looked back into Yu Ran's eyes and said, "I hope you can become an excellent guide with a clear conscience."

Yu Ran nodded seriously: "Thank you, Dean. I will remember it."

Dean Xie took Yu Ran all the way to the dormitory and settled him down before leaving. The cute silver-throated long-tailed tit flapped its wings and curiously flew around Yu Ran again and again. Yu Ran's little white fox also looked at it curiously. The two fluffy spirits looked at each other for a moment, and the tit seemed to dispel its doubts and left with its owner.

Yu Ran withdrew his gaze, turned around and went to his bedroom.

Most of the dormitories in the Guide Academy are suites with four rooms and two living rooms. Each student's bedroom is independent, and the living room, dining room and two bathrooms are shared. After all, they are the evolution of humans, and the federal government provides them with very generous conditions. During their study in the sanctuary, their food and accommodation are all free, and all kinds of textbooks are also free to use.

As long as you awaken and become a guide, the country will provide you with education and job assignments, and you can live a life that ordinary people envy.

Yu Ran opened the suitcase sent by Joseph, hung the clothes one by one in the closet, and then sorted and arranged the daily necessities neatly.

After packing everything up, he sat on the bed in the bedroom and took off the necklace he had been wearing around his neck.

There is a square pendant on the silver necklace. When the pendant is opened, there is a photo of a middle-aged couple and their son leaning against each other. The family photo is very warm, and everyone has a smile on their face.

At that time, the cake shop was knocked down by a monster and the necklace was buried in the corner by the rubble. It was Lu Zexuan who helped find it.

He never doubted that there would be something wrong with this "legacy left by his mother to Yu Ran".

Yu Ran took out a needle from somewhere, and rotated the tiny needle tip twice clockwise at the hidden hole in the upper right corner of the photo. Miraculously, the pendant split in two, revealing a tiny receiver the size of a baby's fingernail behind the photo.

At this moment, the receiver emitted a soft red light, followed by a line of strange garbled characters projected in front of the eyes.

This is a special code. Even if someone sees it, no one can understand it.

[Secret room on the top floor of the Sentinel Academy Library]

[Get the locked information]

Yu Ran quickly scanned the garbled code, then deleted the information in the receiver, restored the necklace, and hung it back around his neck.

His expression was calm from beginning to end, as if nothing had happened.

There is a 10-meter-high wall between the "Guide Academy" and the "Sentinel Academy" of the Sanctuary. He is a freshman in the Guide Academy, and it is not easy to take things from the Sentinel Academy next door. This mission requires extra caution.

The school is on holiday recently, so it is convenient to move around with fewer people. But if he acts now, he will be highly suspected.

We’ll wait until the sanctuary officially opens and our roommates have moved in, and then we’ll act accordingly.

Yu Ran frowned, closed his eyes and slowly sorted out his mental picture. In the forest, the originally calm lake suddenly surged with undercurrents, as if some dormant memories were about to surge out, but were forcibly suppressed by Yu Ran's mental tentacles.

At the same time, Lu Zexuan returned home and made a phone call.

The man who appeared on the projection screen had curly blond hair. He was none other than the head of the Federal Intelligence Department, Medis, who had just helped Lu Zexuan look up information about the graduation dance that year. The man had a frivolous smile on his face and joked, "Zexuan, you called me suddenly. It must be something bad, right?"

Lu Zexuan said, "Thank you for your help last time. Didn't I say I would treat you to a meal after returning to the capital? Are you free tonight?"

Medis raised an eyebrow and said, "You are definitely not so kind as to just treat me to a meal. Okay, let's meet at the usual place at 7 o'clock in the evening."

Lu Zexuan hung up the phone and turned to change his clothes.

He certainly didn't invite Medis to dinner to thank him. They had grown up together as brothers, so there was no need to thank him. However, he had a terrible suspicion about Yu Ran's background. Medis worked in the intelligence agency and was well-informed. He wanted to confirm some questions with him.

(End of this chapter)