First Interstellar Guide

Chapter 33


Lu Zexuan brought Yu Ran, who was wearing a military uniform, back to the White Tower.

Members of the Falcon Special Forces had already received the news and gathered on the starship on the tarmac, looking forward to the joining of this new guide.

A group of people were discussing: "What do you think, how far have Captain Lu and Yu Ran progressed?"

"Every time Captain Lu returns to the capital planet, he will take time to visit Yu Ran at the Guide Academy. This must be the period of passionate love!"

"I heard that Yu Ran stayed up late every day to study in order to join Captain Lu, and actually graduated from the Guidance Academy ahead of schedule."

"… Their relationship is too good, isn't it?"

The sentry had extremely sharp hearing. As soon as Lu Zexuan arrived at the apron, before he saw the team members, he could hear their discussions from a distance.

"Yu Ran stayed up late every day to study for the Lu team" - this news had spread a long time ago. After all, Yu Ran's graduation from the Guidance Academy so quickly surprised many people. He was the first student to graduate early in this year, and his learning progress was faster than that of Class A.

Thinking of Yu Ran staying up late to read every day and having obvious dark circles under his eyes, Lu Zexuan couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

He turned around and looked at Yu Ran, and met Yu Ran's gaze.

After putting on the military uniform, Yu Ran was full of heroic spirit. He no longer looked weak and pitiful as when they first met. Instead, he had the courage of a soldier. He seemed to be born to join the army. Once he put on the military uniform, his whole temperament changed.

Lu Zexuan couldn't help but ask, "Your military salute posture is very standard, have you practiced it specifically?"

Yu Ran blushed and said, "Well, I practiced on the military's propaganda film. My dream is to become a military doctor."

Lu Zexuan rarely smiled, and looked at him with a gentle gaze: "You really suit this military uniform. Come on, I'll take you to meet your comrades."

The two arrived at the Falcon starship side by side.

This was Yu Ran's second time on the Falcon starship, but last time it was Lu Zexuan who rescued him, and he only saw Moore, and didn't have time to take a good look at the interior layout of the starship. This time, Lu Zexuan personally took him to report to the special forces.

At the bridge, more than fifty A-level sentries were neatly lined up in two rows.

The moment Lu Zexuan arrived, a tall sentry shouted loudly: "Salute!"

Everyone put their right hands in front of their hat brims and saluted. Lu Zexuan saluted them back and said, "Let me introduce our new guide to you. His name is Yu Ran. He will assist Moore in the logistics and medical work of the team. Welcome everyone!"

"Pa pa pa", a group of sentries clapped particularly enthusiastically.

They were not simply welcoming the "new guide teammate", but welcoming the "captain's wife". Anyone with a discerning eye could see why General Lu applied for special approval to bring Yu Ran with him. Some things don't need to be said, just know it in your heart.

They must not offend Yu Ran in the future, otherwise General Lu will not let them go - this is the consensus of the sentinels of the Falcon Special Forces.

After saying hello, Lu Zexuan said, "Start with Daxiong. Introduce yourself so Yu Ran can get to know you."

There is no need to introduce Moore, Yu Ran is very familiar with him.

The man standing next to Moore, whose spirit body was a tall and mighty brown bear, smiled shyly and said, "My name is Xiong Kai, and I am the deputy captain of the Falcon Special Forces. Sentinel A, you have seen the spirit body, and my teammates call me Big Bear."

Standing next to him was a young girl with neat short hair. She saluted Yu Ran and said simply, "Falcon Special Forces Scout, Lin Fengyao, everyone calls me Hummingbird!"

Her spirit form is a light and nimble hummingbird. Among the sentinels whose spirit forms are mostly ferocious beasts, the hummingbird, which evolved in the direction of "speed", is usually tasked with quickly scouting the battlefield.

"Hello, my name is Carlo, and my spiritual form is a crocodile. You don't have to be afraid of it, it's usually very well behaved." said a sentry with golden curly hair. When his big crocodile heard this, it wagged its tail at Yu Ran in a friendly manner.

"My name is Zou Yong, and my spiritual form is a gecko."

"My name is Lu Xiaolong, my spiritual form is a chameleon, and I am responsible for reconnaissance with the hummingbird."

"My name is Ster, and my spirit body is a hound, responsible for search and rescue."

"My name is… "

One by one, the sentries walked to the front of the queue, introduced themselves briefly, and showed their spiritual bodies.

Yu Ran was a guide with an excellent memory. After listening to it once, he remembered the names, spirit bodies and tasks of the 52 sentinels of the Falcon Special Forces.

Who was the spy sent by the Dark Night Organization to monitor Lu Zexuan? He glanced at the queue and did not see any clues from the faces of these sentinels. To be an undercover agent, one must have extremely strong psychological qualities and superb acting skills, which cannot be determined by just looking at the surface.

However, he was not in a hurry. He still had two months, and he could slowly find out this spy and then put on a good show in front of him.

Yu Ran retracted his gaze and saluted everyone earnestly: "In the future, please take good care of me."

The sentinels laughed foolishly, and one whispered, "Please take good care of us." "Yes, yes, Guide Yu, please take good care of us!"

Lu Zexuan looked at Yu Ran: "I'll take you around and familiarize you with the environment."

Yu Ran nodded: "Okay."

Moore smiled and said, "I have already arranged a dormitory for Yu Ran on the starship. It's next to mine."

He brought Yu Ran to the dormitory on the starship, opened the door, and said, "You can change the password of the door yourself. The space on the starship is limited, and everyone's dormitory is very simple, with only a bed, a locker and a small bathroom. Sometimes you have to stay on the starship for a long time during a mission, so you have to get used to such conditions as soon as possible."

Yu Ran said: "As long as there is a bed to sleep on, it's fine. Being able to take a shower is good enough."

He was not picky about the living environment. Hearing this, Lu Zexuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief and continued to take him to visit other areas.

Command room, medical area, weapons warehouse, restaurant...

Although the Falcon starship is not big, its interior furnishings are very complete. After a tour, Yu Ran memorized the starship's floor plan in his mind. He looked at Lu Zexuan and asked, "When will we carry out the mission?"

Lu Zexuan said, "Next week, the Falcon Special Forces will recruit some new members. After the recruitment is completed, the White Tower will assign new tasks to us. During this time, you can follow Moore and get familiar with the various logistical work on the starship."

Yu Ran nodded: "Okay."

The military recruits soldiers every year in May. The Falcon Special Forces had hundreds of members at the beginning, but over the years, a large number of sentinels died during difficult missions, and now there are only 52 sentinels left.

Lu Zexuan mentioned many times that there were "not enough manpower", and taking advantage of the military's expansion, he went to recruit some new soldiers.

Yu Ran lowered his head in thought. When the marshal left, he told him that there was a frenzied sentry imprisoned in cell 103 of the underground prison on the 10th floor of the White Tower, and that person could assist him. The marshal would prepare a new identity and let the person blend into the Falcon Special Forces. Yu Ran had to rescue that person within a week.

Since he is the sentry named by the Marshal, he must have extremely strong abilities.

How to rescue people from the heavily guarded White Tower Prison? It seems that careful planning is required.

Yu Ran is a C-level guide and is not qualified to live independently in the White Tower, but if he is "Lu Zexuan's family member", he can live in the same dormitory with Lu Zexuan in the White Tower.

Lu Zexuan brought Yu Ran to the dormitory in Area S of Baita and swiped his card to open the door.

Yu Ran followed him inside—this was Lu Zexuan's dormitory, where Yu Ran had been last time when he treated Xiao Qi. But last time, he pretended to be exhausted and fell asleep, and did not observe carefully.

This time, after a closer look, he saw a row of warm-colored sofas in the spacious living room, next to a gym with some unfamiliar fitness equipment, next to the bathroom, and a master bedroom with a large double bed.

Lu Zexuan coughed awkwardly and explained, "The White Tower has a rule that only sentinels and guides above level A can apply for separate dormitories. For the time being... you can only live with me."

Yu Ran: “???”

Seeing Yu Ran was stunned for a moment, Lu Zexuan hurriedly explained: "I will sleep on the sofa, and you sleep in the master bedroom."

Yu Ran breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he wanted to get close to Lu Zexuan now to test whether he was trustworthy, he was still not used to sleeping in the same bed with Lu Zexuan. The guide element matching between him and Lu Zexuan was over 98%. If they were too close and triggered a combination fever, the consequences would be disastrous.

Yu Ran scratched his head and said with a fake blush: "You are so tall, the sofa won't fit you, right? It's more appropriate for me to sleep on the sofa."

Lu Zexuan said, "It's okay. I'm physically strong, so it doesn't matter where I sleep. You need to rest well..." Seeing that Yu Ran wanted to say something else, Lu Zexuan interrupted him directly: "It's decided."

As he said that, he took the suitcase from Yu Ran, pulled the suitcase to the master bedroom, and then opened the closet.

Half of the space in the closet was filled with Lu Zexuan's clothes, and the other half was empty. Obviously, Lu Zexuan had specially tidied it up in order to welcome Yu Ran's arrival.

The sentry was quite thoughtful and even bought the slippers, pajamas and toiletries that Yu Ran would need.

Yu Ran hung her clothes in Lu Zexuan's closet with mixed feelings.

White Eagle shouted excitedly in his head: "Great, great, you two are officially living together, right? I can see the little fox every day!"

It paused, and then said, "Master, why do you want to sleep on the sofa? Why don't you sleep with him? You can combine your spirits first, and then your bodies."

Lu Zexuan frowned: "I'm not a beast. He's only 18 years old, how can I be together with him... What are you thinking?"

Bai Ying was stunned: "You mean, my thoughts are beastly? I am a beast myself, isn't it normal to have beastly thoughts?"

Lu Zexuan: “…”

This bird's IQ is really worrying.

Lu Zexuan rubbed his forehead helplessly.

Yu Ran saw his action and couldn't help but ask with concern: "What's wrong with you? Do you have a headache?"

Lu Zexuan coughed lightly and said, "Having a stupid spirit body will give you a headache."

Yu Ran looked up at the white eagle, which tilted its head innocently.

Yu Ran couldn't help but chuckle: "Most of the Sentinels' spirit bodies retain the characteristics of beasts. Don't despise the White Eagle. It helped you evolve the ability to fly. It is already a very powerful spirit body."

The falcon was very happy to be praised. It flew over and landed on Yu Ran's shoulder, as if to say that it would stick with Yu Ran from now on.

Lu Zexuan ignored it and took out an access card from his pocket: "This is the internal pass to the White Tower. I applied for one for you. In the future, you should try to follow my actions. If I am not here, you can use this card if you want to go out. By the way, below the first floor, you are not allowed to pass without special circumstances."

Yu Ran took the pass and asked curiously, "Below the first floor, that is, underground? What is done underground in the White Tower?"

Lu Zexuan said, "There are many frenzied sentinels imprisoned on the underground floors of the White Tower, from the first to the tenth. Those sentinels are very aggressive and have lost their minds. Even if they are locked up, they are still very dangerous."

Yu Ran understood and said, "Is it the berserk sentry you told me about before, the one you captured while on a mission?"

Lu Zexuan shook his head: "Not only are there some sentinels who have gone berserk recently, but there are also some sentinels who were arrested many years ago. Because they have never been able to be cured, they can only spend their days in the underground prison."

He paused, as if he felt that he shouldn't say this to Yu Ran, so he stopped talking and asked, "Are you hungry? I'll take you to eat."

Yu Ran smiled and said, "Well, I'm just hungry."

The two came to the restaurant together.

Seeing Yu Ran wearing the black and gold uniform of the Falcon Legion, the other sentinels showed curious expressions.

"Is that the C-level guide that General Lu requested special approval to bring into the White Tower?"

"I heard that his Guidance Element matches that of General Lu by as much as 98%. In the future, if General Lu is in danger, his Guidance Element can save his life."

"How envious. When will I ever meet a guide like this?"

"They seem to be quite compatible."

Lu Zexuan listened to the discussions coming from the corner, and his mood suddenly became a little subtle - everyone thought that they were a couple, and that Lu Zexuan brought a boyfriend to the White Pagoda, wanting to tie the guide with a 98% match degree to her side, and then combine with the other party spiritually, or even physically, to make her spiritual world more stable.

If most of the Sentinels encounter such a highly matched Guide, they will also mark the other party as soon as possible and make the other party their "exclusive guide".

But... Lu Zexuan really didn't think that much.

He respected Yu Ran very much, and currently invited Yu Ran to the Falcon Special Forces to assist him as a "comrade-in-arms". He had no improper thoughts about Yu Ran, and it was even more impossible for him to mark a guide who was only 18 years old and had just reached adulthood.

He couldn't explain this to the sentinels.

Fortunately, Yu Ran’s hearing was not that sharp and he could not hear the discussions around him, otherwise it would be really embarrassing.

Yu Ran really didn't hear the discussion in the corner - he didn't care about the gossip at all.

At this moment, he was thinking, how should he get to the underground tenth floor and rescue the sentry

By the way, he is now the healing guide of the Falcon Special Forces, and he has every reason to provide mental counseling to the C-class Sentinel that Lu Zexuan recently captured.

He would go underground to check out the situation first, and start with the C-rank berserk sentinel. There was still a week left, so he could always think of a solution.

(End of this chapter)