First Interstellar Guide

Chapter 38


On May 9, the two-day conscription of the federal army for the new year was successfully completed. As in previous years, due to the "voluntary adjustment" regulations, the number of new soldiers recruited by the four major armies remained balanced.

The entry threshold of the Falcon Special Forces is A-level sentinels or above. There are not many people who can meet the requirements. In addition, the sacrifice rate is high, so some people who meet the requirements dare not report.

Only three people signed up this year, which made Lu Zexuan very satisfied. All three of them were admitted by Lu Zexuan personally.

In addition, General Lu Tingyu also selected two veterans with rich combat experience from his own guard battalion to assist Lu Zexuan. The situation has been unstable recently, and he was worried that his son would be in danger, so he sent his trusted confidants with A combat power.

In this way, the Falcon Special Forces had five sentinels at once. Although they were not many, they were all elites, greatly increasing their strength.

Moore did not submit an application for retirement, and the Guide Association did not send a new guide.

Lu Zexuan found Moore and said, "Actually, you can take this opportunity to go back and rest. I will ask the association to send another guide to replace you."

Moore smiled and shook his head: "Going back to the capital to work is just to see ordinary patients in the hospital. I still prefer to stay here."

Lu Zexuan asked, "Are you worried about me?"

Moore did not deny it.

Lu Zexuan frowned and said, "My mental picture is actually fine. It has been very stable over the years. The past events will not have much impact on me. You don't need to hold a grudge against me."

Moore asked back, "If it was really fine, how could you say that... What if one day you went berserk and asked me to kill you right away...?"

Moore stared into Lu Zexuan's eyes, and the latter looked away stiffly. He had indeed said this in person.

Moore sighed and said, "We have known each other for so many years, I know your temper very well. You have never asked a guide to help you sort out your mental picture carefully. Once the accumulated negative shadows erupt, the consequences will be disastrous. At least... let me bring Yu Ran out, and it won't be too late to retire."

Lu Zexuan was silent for a moment, then nodded: "Okay, thank you for your hard work. How is Yu Ran doing with his studies recently?"

Moore smiled and said, "He is the smartest intern I have ever met. During the few days he has been with me in the White Tower, he has already learned how to handle most cases. I believe that in a short time, he will be able to treat patients independently."

Thinking of the little guide who was studying hard, for some reason, Lu Zexuan felt a sense of warmth in his heart.

After returning to the dormitory that night, Lu Zexuan and Yu Ran went to bed early.

Late at night, Lu Zexuan suddenly had a nightmare. The horrific scene in the dream made him feel cold all over. He struggled to get up, but found himself trapped in a series of nightmares. It was as if a huge rock was pressing on him, and he couldn't get up. It was dark all around him. He couldn't see what was happening, but he always felt that there was a pair of hands pulling him down into the quagmire... falling continuously.

Lu Zexuan frowned uncomfortably, cold sweat breaking out on his forehead.

After an unknown amount of time, a pair of warm hands gently touched his forehead. Immediately afterwards, soft green vines appeared in his dream. The vines were full of vitality, tenacious and strong, and they immediately entangled him as he continued to fall.

A great force pulled him out of the mire.

Lu Zexuan woke up suddenly, and then he met a pair of clear eyes.

Yu Ran asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

Lu Zexuan's sweat had already soaked his pajamas.

The scene in the nightmare seemed like an ominous omen. The cold, dark quagmire almost completely submerged him. Fortunately, Yu Ran pulled him out in time.

Lu Zexuan rubbed his swollen and aching temples, took a deep breath to calm his breathing, and then said, "It's okay, it's just a nightmare."

Yu Ran's hand was still on his forehead, looking at him with a worried look on her face. Such intimate contact made Lu Zexuan's ears slightly hot: "... Why did you get up?"

Yu Ran explained, "Guides can sense emotions. I noticed that you were in great pain during my sleep, so I woke up. I came over and found that you were in a nightmare. I tried to enter your mental image, but you are an S-level sentinel, and the defense barrier of your mental image is very strong. I couldn't break through it for the time being. I could only try to use my mind tentacles to wake you up through your surface consciousness first."

It is not difficult for a guide to wake people up from nightmares.

But Yu Ran did not see what the nightmares and negative shadows that troubled Lu Zexuan were, and had no way to help him sort them out and treat them.

After all, Yu Ran is still playing the role of "trainee guide". In Lu Zexuan's eyes, he has grown to level B at most. Forcibly breaking through the mental picture of an S-level sentinel will immediately expose his ability.

Lu Zexuan calmed down quickly. In fact, Moore's worry was not unreasonable. In the past few years, he was troubled by nightmares from time to time. In the past, he always managed to get through it by himself and woke up naturally at dawn.

But today, Yu Ran helped him.

The feeling of someone catching you when you are about to fall and pulling you out of the quagmire...

It makes people feel very warm.

This is the power of a guide, right? Even though Yu Ran's current strength was still a little weak, he still helped him decisively.

Lu Zexuan was in a mixed mood. He suddenly wanted to hug the guide in front of him, but he was afraid of scaring Yu Ran, so he forced himself to control himself.

The man didn't seem to want to show his vulnerable side in front of Yu Ran. He lowered his eyes and whispered, "I'm fine. Go to sleep."

Yu Ran said softly, "Actually, if you have anything on your mind, you can talk to me. If you keep some things in your heart for too long, it's easy to get sick. I heard from Moore that you've never asked anyone to help you sort out your mental picture, right?"

Lu Zexuan closed his eyes and did not answer. He just didn't want people to see the bad memories deep in his mind.

Yu Ran's hand was still on his forehead, and his thought tentacles did not leave: "Don't worry, I'm here. Although my mental power is not strong, my guide element matches yours by as much as 98%. If one day you really need my help, I will definitely help you."

Lu Zexuan opened his eyes and looked at the other person.

Yu Ran's expression was serious, and the way he looked at Lu Zexuan was probably like a guide doctor looking at his sentinel patient.

However, that gentle, kind look still made Lu Zexuan's heart tremble slightly.

—He said, don't worry, I'm here.

These words suddenly made Lu Zexuan feel particularly at ease.

"Are you willing to believe me?" Yu Ran said slowly, "Let me take a look at your mental picture, okay?"

Lu Zexuan: “…”

Yu Ran was a little embarrassed: "My current mental strength cannot forcibly break through your mental barrier unless you take the initiative to remove your defense."

Take the initiative to let down your guard? Lu Zexuan fell silent.

Over the years, he has had many teammates around him, but because there is no guide to heal him, his spiritual world has always been lonely and cold.

He had seen too many deaths and lives, and knew that one day he would follow in the footsteps of his predecessors. As he was an S-rank sentinel, once he went berserk, it would be extremely difficult to treat him. He would either become a murderous monster or be executed on the spot by his comrades.

He thought there would be only these two endings for him.

But now, with Yu Ran beside him, he suddenly realized that he actually had a third way to go.

The matching degree between him and Yu Ran is as high as 98%. When that day comes, Yu Ran will definitely help him.

Yu Ran will try her best to save him.

And he was also willing to use his own life to protect Yu Ran.

Perhaps, this is the inseparable bond between the sentinel and the guide

In the past, he found this kind of bond boring and did not want to be tied to any guide.

But now, he suddenly felt that if the other person was Yu Ran, it would actually be good for the two of them to have this kind of bond.

Lu Zexuan closed his eyes and finally made a decision: "Okay, come on."

The sentinel's ears turned red. This was the first time he lowered his mental barriers in front of a guide and actively let the other person enter his mental picture.

He has always been proud and doesn't want his secrets to be seen by others. But this time, he let down his guard against Yu Ran.

He was willing to believe Yu Ran.

As Lu Zexuan took the initiative to remove the barrier, Yu Ran's green thought tentacles successfully reached the sentinel's mental picture.

He was stunned.

—In front of me are endless snow-capped mountains.

One after another, towering snow-capped mountains are connected together, majestic and desolate, with no end in sight.

This is the broadest spiritual picture Yu Ran has ever seen.

A huge falcon spread its beautiful wings and soared freely among the snow-capped mountains. When it sensed the arrival of the little white fox, it let out a pleasant cry.

The falcons in the spiritual world are larger than real starships, and their spread wings are enough to cover the sky and the sun.

However, compared with Lu Zexuan's exaggerated spiritual picture, the falcon seemed very small.

Yu Ran and the little white fox standing on the snow looked as small as ants in front of the towering snow-capped mountains.

White Eagle's voice rang in my ears: "Welcome to General Lu's spiritual world! Most of the spiritual images of S-level sentinels are oceans, grasslands, and caves, only my master has snow-capped mountains! There are endless snow-capped mountains, I can't even count how many there are, isn't it cool?"

Yu Ran: “…”

It's very cool.

But once a snow mountain collapses, it is uncontrollable!

Yu Ran felt a headache for the first time—what should he do

His original plan was to pretend to destroy Lu Zexuan's spiritual image, destroying and rebuilding it at the same time, and then reach a cooperation agreement with Lu Zexuan. The two of them would fight their way into the Dark Night Organization together and find the culprit hiding in the abyss.

After all, Yu Ran's power is limited. If he can get the assistance of S-level sentinel Lu Zexuan, the success rate will be much higher.

He was not afraid that Lu Zexuan would betray him, because as long as he destroyed and rebuilt, he would be able to see all the secrets of the Sentinel's spiritual world.

But now, what he saw was endless snow-capped mountains.

Rebuilding so many snow-capped mountains? Easier said than done!

Why did Lu Zexuan's mental picture have to be a snowy mountain? Even if it was the sky, cracks could be repaired and clouds could be regenerated, but what would be done if a snowy mountain collapsed

It was also the first time that Yu Ran saw such a spiritual picture.

No wonder there was no guide who could help Lu Zexuan to thoroughly sort out his spirit. The difficulty of sorting out the snow mountains was too high.

But Yu Ran never admits defeat, and difficult tasks are also a challenge for him. Anyway, there is still time, he can slowly think about how to deal with these snow mountains...

Finding Yu Ran standing still at the foot of the mountain, Lu Zexuan whispered, "Did I scare you? It's a bit cold here, and the scenery is rather monotonous. If you can't adapt, just leave first."

The sentry's voice was cautious, like a young lover who was revealing his most precious secret to the one he loved.

However, neither of them noticed this.

Yu Ran was still thinking about how to deal with the snow mountain, but Lu Zexuan was worried that Yu Ran would be scared. Standing at the foot of the towering snow mountain, many people would be terrified, because once the snow mountain collapsed, it would completely submerge the guide who entered the scene. If they were not careful, the two of them would die together.

Would Yu Ran be scared? Lu Zexuan thought anxiously.

The next moment, Yu Ran laughed and said seriously: "The mental picture of the S-level sentinel is indeed magnificent. This is the most beautiful snow scene I have ever seen. Moreover, your white eagle is many times larger than in reality. It is very handsome to see the falcon flying freely on the top of the snowy mountain."

Yu Ran's words are praise from the heart.

Lu Zexuan's mental picture really surprised him. The potential of this sentinel might be far more than that.

White Eagle: “…!!!”

You are really good at praising people!!

The white eagle happily flew down from the top of the mountain and circled around Yu Ran several times. Lu Zexuan also breathed a sigh of relief, because he was in a good mood. The sun shone down from the sky and shone on the white snow. This scene was indeed beautiful like a fairyland.

Yu Ran quickly scanned the surroundings and did not find any obvious black fog or shadows, but he was very clear that the negative emotions on the surface were actually easy to treat - and the shadows hidden deep in the mental picture were the biggest hidden dangers.

What exactly is the uneasiness that Lu Zexuan has buried deep in his heart? Yu Ran can't touch it now, nor can he activate his S-level healing ability to forcefully search deep in the snowy mountains. He can only slowly think of a way.

Yu Ran collected his thoughts, let the little white fox play around at the foot of the mountain, and said, "I'm glad to see your mental picture. Today I've really broadened my horizons. By the way, you just had a nightmare and didn't sleep well. Do you want me to hypnotize you so that you can have a good sleep?"

Lu Zexuan nodded: "Okay."

Yu Ran began to hypnotize.

Lu Zexuan only felt that a gentle breeze was blowing through his spiritual world, blowing away all the bad memories and emotions. His whole body was warm, as if he had returned to his childhood cradle, making him drowsy.

After a while, Lu Zexuan fell asleep, and the white eagle also landed on the top of the mountain to rest.

Looking at the man sleeping soundly on the sofa, Yu Ran sighed softly in his heart.

Lu Zexuan, it was me who dragged you into this and made you the experimental target of that organization.

I will definitely find a way to save you.

(End of this chapter)