First Interstellar Guide

Chapter 48


Lu Zexuan's body was extremely tired, and every cell in his body was clamoring for rest, but his mind was very clear - all the "truths" that Yu Ran told him almost overturned his three views!

A guide with two spiritual bodies, Lu Zexuan had never seen or even heard of one since he was a child!

Could it be that Yu Ran is the first guide in the history of the Federation to awaken his dual spirit

The president of the Guide Association, Ludwig, the federal marshal Qin Xiao, the president of the federal Chinese Academy of Sciences, Professor Mo Wei, and President Harrison are the most powerful guides in the federation, and their spiritual bodies are all rated S. How should Yu Ran be rated? He has two super strong spiritual bodies, should he be rated S or SS

I thought Yu Ran was just an innocent little guide who needed protection... But, it turns out that he is a hidden boss

Lu Zexuan suddenly felt a little ridiculous. He brought Boss with him, worrying about whether he would get into trouble every day... But at the critical moment, it was Yu Ran who saved him. Maybe in Yu Ran's eyes, he was quite stupid, right? Just as gullible and stupid as Bai Ying.

In his mind, Bai Ying whispered, "Don't be too sad! What if what he said is true, and he is really an undercover agent of the Starlight Corps, carrying out a special mission, then there is nothing he can do about it. He can't tell you that he is an undercover agent the first time he sees you..."

White Eagle paused and continued to talk to himself: "Besides, with his mental strength, if two foxes attack us together, we may not be able to stop them. He really has no ill will towards us, not to mention, he just saved your life."

White Eagle emphasized: "He risked his life to save your life!"

Lu Zexuan had a splitting headache: "... Can you please stop making noise? I want to be quiet for a while."

The white eagle flapped its wings and flew away aggrieved. It did not have the complicated thoughts of humans, and did not know how to think about right and wrong. The intuition and instinct of animals told it that the two foxes had no ill will towards it, and it could feel the friendliness of the other party's attitude.

If Yu Ran really wanted to harm him, why would he risk his life to save him just now... Lu Zexuan closed his eyes and forced himself to stop thinking. He needed to rest well to recover his physical strength, but the amount of information in his mind was too much, and he couldn't fall asleep for a while, so he could only frown and close his eyes to rest.

After a while, he noticed that Yu Ran stood up, took a clean towel from the bathroom, sat on the bed, and gently wiped the stains on Lu Zexuan's face. Lu Zexuan's heart skipped a beat, but he was unwilling to open his eyes.

The green thought tentacles touched his forehead, and Yu Ran's voice rang in his mind, that voice was unusually gentle: "The guide can sense emotions. I know you are not asleep, and I also know that you are a little sad and angry... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lie to you."

Lu Zexuan: “…”

Yu Ran continued, "Also, I never thought you were stupid or easy to deceive. On the contrary, you have always been very rational. I spent a lot of effort to gain your trust. The guide I met at Bay Park was arranged by my superiors. When I passed by him, I splashed my blood on the back of his hand, making you mistakenly believe that the person you met at the dance was him, so that you believed my background."

Lu Zexuan remembered this incident—the guide was indeed a member of the Starlight Corps and had participated in the graduation dance of the 494th class. It was for this reason that Lu Zexuan dispelled his suspicion of Yu Ran and thought that the incident with the guide Su was just a coincidence.

Unexpectedly, all of this was arranged by Yu Ran. Yu Ran also has a superior who can mobilize the A-level guides and sentinels of the Starlight Corps to assist him, which to a certain extent also shows that... Yu Ran may really be an undercover agent of the Starlight Corps.

Lu Zexuan still pretended to sleep and said nothing. Yu Ran sighed and said, "Thank you for your help during this period. I used you to complete some tasks, but I had no choice but to do so."

Yu Ran gently wiped the blood off his face, took his hand back and said, "Go to sleep and have a good rest."

The guide's hypnosis was very efficient, and as the green tentacles of thought soothed him gently among the snow-capped mountains, Lu Zexuan's mental picture quickly calmed down, and he fell asleep unknowingly.

Yu Ran withdrew his thought tentacles, stood up, and put the towel back into the bathroom.

In his mind, the nine-tailed fox said calmly: "Your comfort seems to have some effect."

The little white fox said: "If the sentinel is angry, just coax him. If coaxing doesn't work, hypnotize him. Use both soft and hard tactics, and you won't be afraid that he won't obey!"

While washing his face, Yu Ran said in his mind: "I don't want to force him to obey. I hope he can recognize my approach and cooperate with me willingly. Otherwise, if Lu Zexuan is exposed, my strategy will not succeed, and we may both be doomed."

The nine-tailed fox asked, "What's the next plan?"

Yu Ran frowned and thought for a moment, then said, "It's too troublesome to bring all the more than 50 members of the Falcon Special Forces with me. If one of them lags behind, we may lose everything. So, I want to create an accident and let most of the sentinels of the Falcon Special Forces... 'sacrifice'."

The nine-tailed fox quickly understood what his master meant: "You want to take them back to the Southern Triangulum and ask for help from the red-eyed spider?"

Yu Ran said, "Yes. It would be best if only me, Lu Zexuan and the inner ghost were left to escape. Let the inner ghost serve as a witness and see with his own eyes that I controlled Lu Zexuan. The rest of the Falcon Special Forces will be taken care of by Major Tang Ce. With the Red-Eyed Spider here, they will be very safe there."

This plan must be foolproof.

The organization required him to destroy Lu Zexuan's mental image within three months and completely control this crazy S-level sentinel. However, the more than 50 people in the Falcon Special Forces, except for the inner traitor, were all Lu Zexuan's confidants.

They regard Lu Zexuan as their most trusted captain and a leader worthy of following them through life and death.

If Yu Ran were to control Lu Zexuan in front of so many people, firstly, it would be difficult for Lu Zexuan to act and he would easily be exposed; secondly, if Yu Ran dared to hurt Lu Zexuan, the sentinels would immediately regard him as an enemy and work together to rescue Captain Lu, and he would not be able to handle so many people.

Therefore, the best way is to get these people away. He took Lu Zexuan and the inner ghost back to the Dark Night Organization alone.

It was mid-May, and there was still a month and a half left before the deadline set by the Dark Night Organization. In this month and a half, he needed to build up full trust with Lu Zexuan, let Lu Zexuan know the horror of the Dark Night Organization, and be willing to be bound to him in life and death, and work together to find the big fish hidden in the deep sea.

This is their only chance.


Three hours later, the Falcon starship landed in the Norma star field.

The sentinels who had returned to their rooms to rest and recuperate gradually woke up. With the development of medical technology, superficial injuries can be healed quickly. Except for the sentinel whose half body was torn apart and needed some time to rest, the injuries of the others were almost healed.

There is indeed something wrong with this person.

At 6 o'clock in the evening, the Falcon starship landed on the planet B73 in the constellation of Norma.

When Lu Zexuan got up, Yu Ran was already dressed. He gave Lu Zexuan a look that seemed to say, "Please, cooperate with me." Lu Zexuan nodded stiffly, changed into clean clothes, and went out with Yu Ran.

The moment he went out, Yu Ran's expression changed immediately - from a calm and tough soldier to a "weak little guide who had just recovered from a serious illness", who had to hold Lu Zexuan's arm to walk.

Lu Zexuan looked at his pale face and really admired his acting skills.

How to change your face in seconds

Did you graduate from the First Federal Military Academy or the First Federal Film Academy

Bai Ying thought in his mind, "He must have received professional acting training. It's really amazing. I almost believe he has just recovered from a serious illness."

Lu Zexuan was in mixed feelings, but on the surface he had to cooperate with Yu Ran.

When the two arrived at the hall, the other sentinels had already changed into clean clothes and were gathered together waiting for instructions.

When the hummingbird saw Yu Ran, he rushed over and said, "Yu Ran, are you okay?"

Yu Ran smiled softly and said, "It's okay, Sister Bird. I feel much better after a good sleep."

More and more sentinels gathered and expressed their concern for Yu Ran.

"Yu Ran was really awesome just now. He rushed out in the airship and we didn't even have time to react!"

"You are so awesome. You actually rushed into the group of monsters and saved our Land Force!"

"I thought you were going to commit suicide for love... Bah! I'm glad you're all right!"

"You rushed out to save people without caring about your own safety. Guide Yu, you really have deep loyalty to our Army!"

Lu Zexuan: “…”

He deceived me for more than half a year out of "deep love and loyalty".

Yu Ran glanced at Lu Zexuan, her cheeks slightly reddened, and she lowered her head pretending to be shy, and said: "I didn't think too much at the time, I just knew that my guide Su could save him. Zexuan was so good to me, as long as I could save him, he would let me do anything."

Lu Zexuan: “…”

You can actually fake blushing? You acted really well.

Fengniao keenly noticed that Yu Ran's way of addressing Captain Lu had changed. He was no longer politely calling him General Lu or Captain Lu, but Zexuan directly? Her eyes lit up and she said excitedly, "Ranran, you are so handsome. Captain Lu is so happy that he is speechless!"

Lu Zexuan touched his nose and coughed lightly: "Ahem. Of course, I found this guide myself, so there's no point in you envying me."

Everyone started to cheer. It seemed that Captain Lu and Yu Ran's feelings had clearly warmed up after this experience of sharing hardships. They were in the same room just now, and maybe something intimate happened. The two of them should have confirmed their relationship, and they are not far from getting married!

When will the Lu team host a wedding banquet? The sentinels excitedly imagined their wedding.

Xiong Kai came over and reported: "Captain Lu, the starship has landed on the planet B73 in the constellation of Norma. What are the arrangements for tonight?"

"Everyone, take a rest on the starship for one night. I will contact the White Tower Command and make the next plan tomorrow." Lu Zexuan gently put his arm around Yu Ran's shoulders, looked at the familiar scenery outside the porthole, and said in a gentle voice: "Ran Ran, we have arrived at the Constellation of the Square... This is your hometown."

Yu Ran said smoothly, "Yes, I've been away from here for more than half a year." He looked at Lu Zexuan with a sincere look: "Can you go home with me? I want to see how our old cake shop is doing."

Lu Zexuan turned around and looked at the team members: "I will take Ranran home, you guys rest where you are, if there is anything, use the wireless headset to contact me."

Everyone said in unison: "Got it, go ahead!"

Lu Zexuan and Yu Ran looked at each other and walked off the starship side by side.

Xiong Kai glanced at their backs calmly, but he didn't know that Tang Ce was secretly observing him in the crowd.

(End of this chapter)