First Interstellar Guide

Chapter 58


At 3:30 in the morning, the sentinels of the Falcon Special Forces were awakened by a violent shaking. The entire starship was like being swept by a storm, shaking wildly and irregularly, and some of the sleeping sentinels were even shaken to the point of falling off their beds.

What happened

Everyone rushed out of the dormitory in panic and looked at each other.

"What happened?"

"Did we encounter a surprise attack by star pirates?"

"Fuck, I just rolled off the bed, you scared me!"

Lu Zexuan pretended to rush out of the dormitory. He held Yu Ran with one hand and held the door frame with the other hand. He shouted, "Everyone calm down! Zhao Quan, open the starship shield immediately and report the situation ahead."

Zhao Quan's shocked voice came from the command room: "It's over, the starship seems to have been sucked into a cosmic wormhole! My navigation path settings are obviously correct, how could a wormhole suddenly appear?!"

This sentence made everyone's face suddenly darken.

There are some mysterious wormholes in the universe. It is said that human spacecraft that fall into the wormhole will be torn into pieces by powerful forces. If a starship is really sucked into a wormhole, all of them may be buried there, without a trace left.

Wasn't it sailing smoothly on the route? How could it suddenly be sucked into the wormhole? It must be Zhao Quan's first time operating a starship today, and he was not skilled enough, so he made a mistake in the settings!

Some people looked angrily at Zhao Quan in the command room, while others closed their eyes and seemed to be praying silently in their hearts.

If they encounter alien creatures, they still have the strength to fight. But the huge cosmic force field of wormholes can easily tear apart the legion mothership, and it is difficult for humans to escape if they enter it.

The starship was shaking wildly, and a piercing alarm sounded in the command room.

[Starship defense shield damage degree 50%]

[Balance system failure]

Energy leakage

[Gravity system lost response! ]

The red alarm lights came on one after another. Due to the failure of the gravity system, everyone's body suddenly floated into the air. The starship happened to flip at this time, and Moore was thrown out by a huge force and hit the wall with a "bang". A trace of blood flowed down his forehead, but compared to others, Moore's face was pale, but his eyes were very calm, as if he was ready to die calmly.

Lu Xiaolong's face looked extremely ugly. He quickly made himself blend into the wall, spread his body into a "big" shape, and used the chameleon's powerful climbing ability to lie tightly on the wall.

Not far away, the hummingbird was dizzy and about to hit the ceiling. Tang Ce hooked his feet on a door and grabbed the hummingbird that was thrown out: "Sister Bird, be careful!"

Hummingbird was still in shock. He looked in the direction of Lu Zexuan and said, "Captain Lu, what should we do?"

Lu Zexuan was pulling Yu Ran with all his strength. At this critical moment, as the captain, Lu Zexuan immediately made a decision: "Everyone, go to the escape pod as quickly as possible. Falcon, activate the escape system in half a minute!"

The intelligent mechanical voice reported: "Prepare to activate the emergency escape system. The escape pod will be ejected after 30 seconds. 30, 29, 28..."

When the sentinels heard this, they quickly ran towards the escape pod at the tail of the starship.

Chameleon climbed the fastest, and he was the first to crawl over and grab the nearest escape pod. Hummingbird and Tang Ce followed closely behind, and the other slower sentinels also hurried to the tail of the starship, lay down in the narrow escape pod, and quickly lay down and closed the hatch.

The escape capsule is made of special materials that are waterproof, fireproof and electrical-proof, and can withstand earthquakes and tsunamis of magnitude 8 or above, but no one knows whether it can withstand the force field of a cosmic wormhole.

The Falcon starship's system malfunctioned and was close to being out of control. Continuing on the starship would only lead to death.

The escape pod is their only hope.

Lu Zexuan pulled Yu Ran and rushed quickly towards the tail of the starship.

Halfway through the walk, he found Moore sitting in a corner with his eyes closed, hugging a pillar on the starship tightly. Lu Zexuan and Yu Ran looked at each other, Yu Ran nodded, ran forward, and Lu Zexuan turned around to find Moore.

Moore was not afraid at all. Instead, a smile of relief appeared on his face.

Perhaps, dying quietly in the vast universe like this was a good ending for him. He lived and died with the Falcon starship, and never left the place he loved until his death.

If there is a next life...

Just as he thought of this, suddenly, a strong force came from his arm. Moore opened his eyes in confusion and met Lu Zexuan's deep gaze: "Go!"

The man's voice was firm and unyielding. Before More could speak, he pulled him up. More wanted to struggle, but how could a guide's strength compete with an S-class sentinel? Lu Zexuan pulled More up without saying anything, and after several consecutive jumps, he quickly rushed to the tail wing, opened an empty escape pod, and forced More in.

Moore looked at him with a wry smile: "Why are you doing this?"

Lu Zexuan said seriously: "I promised my brother to take good care of you. If you die like this, how can I explain to him when I go to the underworld in the future!" As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Zexuan slammed the hatch of the escape capsule.

Beside him, Yu Ran was shouting at him: "Zexuan, hurry!"

The mechanical sound keeps prompting.

[Countdown 5, 4, 3...]

Lu Zexuan got into Yu Ran's escape capsule as quickly as possible and shut the hatch tightly.

The escape capsule is very narrow and has limited oxygen content. If two people share one, their survival rate will be greatly reduced.

But it was too late. Almost at the moment when Lu Zexuan closed the hatch, the floor under the tail suddenly opened, and all the escape pods suddenly began to fall -

[Escape system activated]

Goodbye, good luck to you.

More than fifty capsule-shaped escape pods were forcefully ejected by the Falcon starship and continued to fall toward the depths of the wormhole like dumplings.

It was pitch black all around, and Yu Ran suddenly closed his eyes.

Lu Zexuan and Yu Ran shared an escape pod, their bodies almost touching each other, Lu Zexuan could clearly feel...

Yu Ran was trembling slightly.

This is the plan that Yu Ran told Lu Zexuan.

It was clearly his own plan, why was he shaking

Yu Ran is not a coward, and he can remain calm in the face of the crazy lunatics of the Dark Night Organization. He was trembling in the escape pod, probably because the similar scenes reminded him of some sad memories.

When the Xinghui ship was blown up, Ranran might have survived by relying on the escape pod. He had personally experienced all of this a few years ago, so he was so familiar with the path, right

Lu Zexuan's heart ached slightly, and he couldn't help but stretch out his arms and gently hold Yu Ran in his arms.

"It's okay, I'll be with you this time."

The sentry's voice was indescribably gentle, and his embrace was warm. He gently patted Yu Ran's back with his fingers, and his patient comfort gradually calmed Yu Ran's trembling body.

He has always been strong and thought he was indestructible.

However, the deep memory of his escape journey still made him feel uncontrollably sad.

After a moment, Yu Ran suppressed his surging emotions, looked up at Lu Zexuan, and the expression on his face had returned to normal.

He gently pushed Lu Zexuan away and said, "I'm fine, don't worry."

Lu Zexuan consciously loosened his arms.

Yu Ran introduced: "There is an animal on Red Spider Star. I call it the red-eyed spider. Unlike ordinary spiders, they live in groups and have the ability to fly around and weave webs in the air. There is a spider queen in the race who is responsible for reproduction. She lays eggs twice a year, giving birth to tens of thousands of little spiders each time. The little spiders are all over the planet and will report the information they see to the queen at any time. The IQ of the spider queen is even similar to that of human intelligent AI. She can summarize and process a large amount of information."

Lu Zexuan was stunned for a moment, and said, "Isn't this a bit similar to the lifestyle of the legendary Zerg?"

Yu Ran nodded: "Yes. But they are more brutal than the Zerg. Their red spider webs can instantly cut foreign invaders into edible pieces. The territory of the red-eyed spiders is full of fine spider webs, like an endless maze. The members of the Falcon Special Forces fell into this maze and they would not be able to get out for ten days or half a month."

Yu Ran took advantage of this time to cooperate with Lu Zexuan.

Lu Zexuan asked worriedly, "What about their safety?"

Yu Ran said, "Don't worry, I will ask the Queen not to hurt them. The food and water in the escape pod should be enough for them to survive for more than ten days. Students who graduate from the military academy have the ability to survive in the wild. As long as they don't suddenly go berserk, there will be no problem."

Lu Zexuan was relieved. He paused and asked again, "Will the Spider Queen listen to you?"

Yu Ran said softly, "Of course. I saved her life, and she healed my wounds. She also promised that if I came back to ask for her help one day, she would do one more thing for me. Although we are different species, we became good friends later."

Lu Zexuan: “…”

Friends? What on earth had Yu Ran been through

If he was the only survivor of the Star Legion, it meant that Yu Ran fell onto this strange planet alone.

He had just graduated from military school that year, and was less than 20 years old. He had just experienced the great grief of his parents' sacrifice. While sorting out his sad emotions, he also had to fight wits and courage with strange alien creatures, and he was still injured...

How did he survive alone and gain the trust of the strange species on the planet

Red-eyed spider

Yu Ran's eyes were one black and one red, could it be related to the injury that year? !

Lu Zexuan simply couldn't imagine Yu Ran's situation at that time.

Yu Ran looked out from the narrow window of the escape hatch and said, "The wormhole is almost at the bottom. Get ready."

The next moment, a huge suction force came, and the tiny escape pod seemed to be pulled into the center of a vortex, and suddenly began to spin rapidly. The speed of the spinning top was so fast that it almost twisted the human organs into a ball.

Lu Zexuan endured the discomfort, and Yu Ran also frowned slightly. Ten seconds later, the escape pod finally escaped from the wormhole and fell straight towards an unfamiliar planet.

It was a red planet, surrounded by a golden halo. The escape pod was caught by the planet's atmosphere and fell rapidly. There was a loud crash in my ears, and the escape pod brushed against the branches of countless towering trees, and finally rolled to the ground with a "bang".

After a moment, the escape pod stopped.

Yu Ran was lying on his back, with Lu Zexuan pressing his whole body on him, their legs pressed tightly together, in an extremely ambiguous posture.

Yu Ran was stunned for a moment and hadn't reacted yet, but Lu Zexuan's ears turned red. He quickly opened the door of the escape capsule, stood up, stretched out his hand to Yu Ran, and pulled Yu Ran out of the escape capsule.

The ground here is covered with exotic flowers and plants, and is surrounded by towering trees of strange shapes.

There was a thick red fog in front of me. This red fog was very strange, as if the dye of oil painting was splashed into the air. There seemed to be some huge monster hidden in the depths of the thick fog. There was a constant "buzzing" sound in my ears, like a mosquito, but much softer than a mosquito.

Lu Zexuan had sharp vision and soon discovered that some tiny "flying insects" were hovering over the two people's heads.

In the thick fog, there seemed to be some deep red silk threads floating gently in the wind. The threads were crystal clear and sparkled with beautiful luster... If Yu Ran hadn't told him in advance, he would never have thought that it was a spider's web.

"Buzz buzz buzz..."

The sounds in my ears become more and more numerous and clearer.

Yu Ran stood still, looking straight into the depths of the fog.

"He seems to be Ranran?"

"Yes, Ranran is back. Go tell mother!"

"Hello, Ranran. I've heard of you."

"Why did you bring such a strange person back with you!"

Lu Zexuan didn't know that the "buzzing" sounds were actually the red-eyed spiders talking to each other.

But Yu Ran heard their conversation clearly.

Yu Ran opened his palms, and the soft tentacles of thought quickly stretched out towards the fog in front of him. As the tentacles of thought flexibly explored the depths of the fog, the fog in front of him actually automatically dispersed to form a path large enough for two people to pass.

A gentle voice sounded in Yu Ran's mind: "Ran Ran, long time no see."

(End of this chapter)