First Interstellar Guide

Chapter 78


Three days ago, on Red Spider Star.

A black starship fell from the sky with a loud bang. The little spiders rushed over to check it out and reported to the queen.

"Mother, another human thing has fallen!"

"It looks like an airship, or a starship?"

"Was it Ranran who sent it down?"

"Ran Ran sent a lot of people here!"

The Spider Queen said gently, "I understand. Since it was sent by Ranran, don't scare them."

A man climbed out of the starship, accompanied by two guards. The two men asked nervously, "General, are you okay?"

Lu Tingyu waved his hand: "It's okay. Quick, find that spaceship!"

When he arrived at the designated location, he saw a small spaceship parked there. Through the porthole of the spaceship, he could clearly see a human face - it was the face of Lu Chengan who had long been "sacrificed"!

Lu Tingyu wanted to rescue his nephew, however, as soon as they approached the spaceship, the spaceship suddenly activated the self-destruction program. There was a loud "bang" and a dazzling white light swept across the starship like a huge wave. The violent shock wave swept both the starship and the spaceship into the dark cosmic wormhole.

The moment they entered the wormhole, the explosion suddenly stopped. Lu Tingyu then realized that the self-destruct device had been modified by someone, with loud thunder and small raindrops, and the gorgeous special effects of light waves and flames far greater than the actual effect, and in the end only burned a piece of the starship's exterior black.

It was obviously performed for others to see.

Lu Tingyu felt relieved and immediately activated the starship's defense shield.

After more than ten minutes of roller coaster-like bumps, the starship finally crashed onto this strange planet.

Because the protective shield was opened in advance, the starship was not damaged. He was worried about Lu Chengan's situation and hurriedly asked his subordinates to find the spaceship.

In a moment, the two reported: "General, we found it!"

Lu Tingyu walked quickly towards the direction of the sound, and sure enough, he saw a small spaceship falling down with its protective shield open.

He opened the hatch of the spacecraft and saw a monster with a "human face and a carved body" tied up with chains and placed in a container. His face was still the same as Lu Tingyu remembered, but his pupils were pitch black and his body was completely deformed.

Lu Tingyu's eyes were red with anger: "Cheng'an! How did you become like this?"

Lu Chengan didn't react at all.

Seeing his beloved nephew become like this, Lu Tingyu almost crushed his fist. He soon realized that it was Zexuan and Yu Ran who rescued his brother. Obviously, Lu Chengan became like this, which was related to the Dark Night Organization!

Lu Tingyu gnashed his teeth in hatred: "These inhuman beasts! Are they using Cheng An as an experiment?"

The two guards said terrifiedly: "General, how should we deal with this... Major General Lu Chengan?"

Lu Tingyu said calmly: "Don't touch him yet! He has been completely deformed and has no human consciousness. If we let him go, if he attacks us, it is likely that both sides will suffer. Let him stay in the container for the time being, and we will find a way later."

They both responded in unison: "Yes."

At this moment, everyone behind them suddenly exclaimed, "General Lu?"

Lu Tingyu turned around and met two pairs of familiar eyes—they were the twin brothers Zhao Feng and Zhao Quan.

The brothers had served as his personal guards for many years and were Lu Tingyu's most trusted confidants. They were recently sent to protect Lu Zexuan.

Zhao Feng saluted excitedly and said, "General, why are you here?"

Lu Tingyu pointed to the sky and said, "It fell from the wormhole."

Zhao Feng was stunned: "Then... Major General Lu?"

Lu Tingyu said: "He's fine. Are all the people from your Falcon Special Forces here?"

The two brothers looked at each other and said, "Except for Major General Lu, Yu Ran and Lu Xiaolong, all the other comrades are here."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard footsteps behind him.

The man's voice was very gentle: "Zhao Feng, I asked you to go pick some mushrooms. Why did you take so long?"

Before the two of them had time to speak, the footsteps suddenly stopped.

The person who came was Moore. He stood in the distance and met a pair of familiar yet unfamiliar eyes through the porthole of the spaceship.

The face that haunted him was still handsome and strong, but the eyes that always smiled were now lifeless, staring at him without blinking, with no expression on her face, as if they didn't know each other.

Moore froze there, his body trembling slightly.

Is... is it Lu Chengan? Is it really him

More didn't dare take another step forward, fearing that this was all a dream and he would wake up if he took another step.

Lu Tingyu saw Moore, waved at him, and whispered: "Moer, come here and see your former comrade."

Moore hesitated for a moment before walking forward stiffly.

He took every step carefully, fearing that the loud noise of his footsteps would scare the other person. It took him a long time to walk the short distance of more than ten meters, and his body was shaking the whole time.

—Until he walked to the front of the cabin and saw clearly the deformed golden eagle that was tightly controlled by chains.

At that moment, Moore felt as if his entire heart was crushed, and the pain was so severe that he could hardly breathe!

In fact, when he saw Lu Chengan's emotionless dark eyes, he had a bad premonition, but when he saw the other person's distorted appearance with his own eyes, he still felt extremely heartbroken and sad.

That sunny, cheerful, enthusiastic and confident young general must have gone through so many cruel hardships to become the monster with a human head and a carved body in front of us!

Seeing Moore trembling all over, Lu Tingyu sighed softly and said, "Back then, we all thought he was dead and even held a funeral for him. But now it seems that he was deformed and was captured by those crazy 'scientists' for research."

Moore reached out his hand tremblingly, gently touched Lu Cheng'an's face, and called softly and gently: "Lu Cheng'an... Brother Cheng, can you hear me?"

Lu Chengan's eyelids moved slightly, but there was still no expression on his face.

Moore's eyes were slightly red, and tears blurred his vision instantly. He didn't mind Lu Cheng'an's ugly appearance, and rushed over to hug the golden eagle tightly. His white fawn was also sadly circling around the golden eagle.

The people around looked at this scene and looked at each other in bewilderment.

Lu Tingyu patted Moore's shoulder and said, "He has been deformed and can't hear what you are saying. Alas... Fortunately, he is still alive. Maybe there will be hope to make him regain consciousness in the future."

The old general glanced at everyone at the scene and said calmly, "The news that Cheng An is still alive and distorted is only known to a few of us. Don't let it out. Zhao Feng, Zhao Quan, take the container away and find a secluded place to hide him."

The two brothers said in unison, "Yes."

Moore gently let go of Lu Cheng'an - General Lu was right, he was already deformed, even if he was held and cried all day, he would not have any consciousness. Hide him and take good care of him first, in the future, as long as there is hope for his recovery, Moore is willing to pay any price.

Brothers Zhao Feng and Zhao Quan carried a container and secretly hid the deformed golden eagle in a cave far away.

Lu Tingyu then said: "Gather the members of the special forces, I have something to say."

Moore brought General Lu to the special forces base.

In the past few days, they have adapted to life on Red Spider Star. They cut some branches and leaves, built a number of small wooden houses to shelter from the rain, and laid dried wild grass in the houses as blankets.

Next to the cabin there are a lot of clear water sources collected in bamboo tubes, as well as picked wild fruits and mushrooms.

With Moore in charge of arranging daily work, the "collective camping life in the wild" of more than 50 people went on in an orderly manner.

Seeing Lu Tingyu appear, everyone excitedly stood in three rows and saluted in unison: "General Lu!"

Lu Tingyu saluted in return and said, "Don't be happy yet, I'm not here to take you back... I'm here to join you."

Everyone: “???”

Lu Tingyu rolled up his sleeves and said with a smile: "You don't need to know too much about the specific reasons. Just follow my instructions. I will take you back when it's time. Now, just stay here and relax."

He turned around and inspected everyone's storage baskets, then asked, "What do you usually eat? Are the fruits on this planet delicious?"

Everyone: “… ”

I heard that General Lu planted a vegetable garden at home and raised chickens and fish in his spare time. He had already planned his retirement life early on.

He would probably enjoy the camping experience on a strange planet? But don't fall in love with it and then open up a vegetable garden on this planet.

Lu Tingyu quickly settled down on the Red Spider Star and built a house for himself, as if he wanted to live here permanently.

While no one was paying attention, Moore took a few fruits and secretly went to see Lu Chengan.

Lu Tingyu looked at his back and turned a blind eye to it.

He was an experienced person and had long noticed that the two children loved each other. However, his nephew was slow to realize it and did not have the chance to confess his feelings.

After Cheng'an's death, More has been single for all these years. Now that Cheng'an has become a deformed species, More still sticks with him. He is really a rare and infatuated person.

As an elder, he only hopes that Zexuan and Ranran, Chengan and Moer, can live together without worries. Those behind the scenes must be cleared up. Only then can their descendants live a truly peaceful and stable life.

Lu Tingyu gently touched the token in his pocket.

In fact, this token has two halves, and only when they are put together can it form a complete circle. When Lu Zexuan uses the token, Lu Tingyu will synchronize the information. This is the agreement between them. When Lu Zexuan gains the trust of the Dark Night Organization and needs his father's help, Lu Tingyu will lead the Falcon Special Forces and the Lu family's mysterious special agent team and reappear beside Lu Zexuan.


After the funeral, Jiao Shuo applied to the principal of the military academy for leave to go home and accompany her mother because she "could not bear the blow of her husband's death." The leave was quickly approved, and she left the capital star with several guards from the Falcon Legion.

Lu Zexuan also went to the Falcon Corps to officially take up his post.

The young sentry glanced at the generals in the conference room with a sharp gaze and whispered, "My father's body is still warm, and I have hurriedly taken over as the corps commander. There are many tasks that I am not familiar with, and I hope that the seniors can help and support me. If there is anything I do wrong, please feel free to criticize and correct me."

When he was facing his seniors, he was polite, modest, calm and composed. After all, he was an S-class sentinel with great strength, and he was also Lu Tingyu's only son. It was reasonable for him to inherit the Falcon Corps, and no one had any objections.

Everyone welcomed the new generation of legion commander with applause.

As a new official, Lu Zexuan needs to inspect the legion base according to the rules and let the soldiers get to know the legion's supreme leader.

Yu Ran also followed Lu Zexuan to inspect the Falcon Corps' bases on various planets as a family member.

After this round of inspection, a week passed quickly. When they finished the inspection and returned to the capital star, Rong Yingying appeared in the White Tower again.

Her appearance means that the organization has a mission to accomplish.

Yu Ran and Lu Zexuan got into the car together. Rong Yingying handed them two more anesthetics. Yu Ran injected the anesthetics quickly and the two quickly fell asleep.

When they woke up again, they saw a familiar face.

This time, the face was not wearing a bronze mask—his hair was gray, his expression was serious, and he was wearing a straight gray suit. Seeing the two people wake up, the old man showed a rare smile on his face.

"This is our second meeting, so there's no need to introduce yourself."

The other party's voice was very gentle.

Yu Ran was stunned for a moment, and pretended to be surprised and asked: "Mr. President?"

The person who met with them privately was President Harrison, whom they had just met at the funeral a week ago.

(End of this chapter)