First Interstellar Guide

Chapter 87


Marshal Qin Xiao has been investigating the Dark Night Organization for many years. However, his every move is being watched by the organization, so it is not easy to investigate in person, so the clues he has found are very limited. He only knows that the Dark Night Organization has opened up many experimental bases in major star regions of the Federation. For example, the base on the planet B73 in the constellation of the scepter is an important base for their research on the neurotoxin of the bloodthirsty flower.

He had doubted the famous scientist Mo Wei, but he also felt that with Mo Wei's strength, it was impossible for him to establish such a large organization.

Now after listening to Ranran's explanation, Qin Xiao finally understood the reason - the mimic octopus could pretend to be the president, and with President Harrison coming forward, naturally many people would be willing to join the organization. In this way, the scale of the Dark Night Organization could expand rapidly.

After all, the benefits that the president can promise far exceed those of Mo Wei, a scientist. The president's identity is also easy to convince people.

Who is the imitator hiding behind the scenes

This person must be very familiar with officials in various fields of the Federation. He can imitate the President so well that people can't tell the real from the fake. Qin Xiao carefully went through the names of the high-level guides of the Federation in his mind and asked Yu Ran: "Ran Ran, do you have anyone you suspect?"

Yu Ran said: "The president of the Guide Association, Ludwigi, people only know that he is an S Guide, but no one knows what his spiritual body is."

His suspicions coincided with Qin Xiao's.

The president is very mysterious, and no one has ever seen his spirit body. Could it be the mimic octopus

Yu Ran asked, "Grandpa, you have served in the military for many years. Do you know his experience before he became the president?"

After Ludwig became the president, his previous resume was hidden due to confidentiality policy. It was difficult for Yu Ran to directly find useful information, but Marshal Qin Xiao was over 60 years old and had served in the military for more than 30 years. He must know Ludwig's specific background.

Sure enough, Qin Xiao opened a document in the depths of his mind and said, "Ludwig has been gifted since he was a child. He entered the Sanctuary to study at the age of 13, graduated early at the age of 14, and attended the First Federal Military Academy for five years. At the age of 19, he joined the Sun Corps as a team guide and retired at the age of 27. After retiring, he took a year off and then joined the Guide Association. When he was 30, the old president retired and he was unanimously elected as the new president."

Qin Xiao calculated the time carefully and said, "He has been the president for 15 years, so he should be 45 years old now."

Yu Ran: “…45 years old?”

It is difficult to associate the age of "45" with that young handsome man with blond hair, handsome face and elegant demeanor.

Yu Ran asked in confusion: "His appearance has not changed in all these years. Grandpa, do you know why?"

Qin Xiao said: "I also heard that he is quite obsessed with beauty and narcissistic. He goes to the treatment cabin every year to have his appearance restored so that his skin condition remains at that of a person in his twenties. He is still unmarried. Perhaps he thinks that no Sentinel is worthy of him?"

The treatment cabin developed by Professor Mo Wei is indeed useful. Yu Ran’s broken arm was also repaired in the treatment cabin.

If Ludwig is really a handsome man who is obsessed with his appearance and extremely narcissistic, and spends a large sum of money every year on "facial restoration" to maintain eternal youth, then that is his personal hobby and outsiders cannot say much about it.

But Yu Ran always felt that something was wrong. He then asked, "Ludwigi, did anything special happen during your service in the Sun Corps?"

Qin Xiao searched his memory carefully and soon found an event in the past: "After graduating, Ludwig joined the Sun Special Forces and went into battle with them, making many contributions."

"More than a decade ago, in the summer when Ludwig retired, the Sun Special Forces were ordered to go to the Clock Star Region and occupy a planet. 60% of the planet is covered by ocean, which contains a large amount of mineral veins, oil and other resources. Rumor has it that a fierce conflict broke out between the special forces and the alien creatures, resulting in heavy casualties. In the end, only the captain and the guide returned to the capital planet alive."

Yu Ran’s pupils shrank slightly—why was it so similar to his and Lu Zexuan’s experience of going to the Swordfish Constellation

However, the Falcon Special Forces' "annihilation" in the Swordfish Constellation was a deliberate illusion created by Yu Ran and Lu Zexuan, and the team members hid in the Red Spider Star. However, the "mass casualties" of the Sun Corps' special forces in the Clock Constellation, with only the captain and the guide surviving, were real events.

Yu Ran asked: "What was the name of the captain of the special forces who survived with Ludwigi?"

Qin Xiao said: "It is the current commander of the Sun Legion, Admiral Oster."

General Oster, the commander of the Sun Legion and the husband of the Joseph. Yu Ran and Lu Zexuan had met him by chance at the Bay Park and also met him once at the Gemini Palace banquet. They were deeply impressed by the man in military uniform and serious expression.

Yu Ran sorted out this information carefully, and there seemed to be a clue that linked all the fragmentary information together.

He remembered what the fake president said when he met him: "Among the four major legions, the Sun Legion is on my side." In other words, General Oster of the Sun Legion was a member of the Dark Night Organization.

Then, Ludwig, who had fought alongside him when he was young, his team guide, and now the president of the Guide Association...

Perhaps it is the mimic octopus hiding behind the scenes

Yu Ran grasped the key point and asked, "Grandpa, in your memory, has Ludwig's appearance remained unchanged since he retired at the age of 27?"

Qin Xiao said, "Yes. The Sun Special Forces suffered heavy casualties. Major General Oster and Guide Ludwigi were both injured when they escaped from the Clock Tower. I remember that Ludwigi's face had scratches from monsters, which were repaired in a treatment cabin. After that, his appearance has not changed since then. Moreover, he rested for a whole year before returning to work at the Guide Association."

Yu Ran looked at the appearance of Ludwig in his grandfather's memory and always felt that it was a bit weird.

More than ten years have passed, and he still looks the same as when he was 27 years old, even his skin condition has not changed much...

Is he really a person who is overly obsessed with his appearance

Or, is he a "person"

Yu Ran thought of the spider queen he met on Red Spider Star. There are many unknown planets in the universe, and among alien creatures, there will naturally be highly intelligent life like the queen. What happened in the Clock Constellation back then, the Sun Special Forces

Are Major General Oster and Guide Ludwig really the "survivors" of that war

Yu Ran suddenly had a bold guess in his mind: "Could it be that Ludwigi had already died in the war? And now, the Ludwigi who appeared in front of us... is not a human at all?"

When Qin Xiao heard this, he felt a chill running down his spine.

Yu Ran analyzed: "The mimic octopus, this kind of spiritual body has appeared in the human world before. Perhaps there are similar highly intelligent life forms in the universe with strong camouflage abilities - it changed into Ludwigi's appearance and blended into human society. However, it has only seen what Ludwigi looked like when he was young, and doesn't know how humans should age naturally, so it can only disguise itself as Ludwigi's appearance when he was young?"

Qin Xiao felt cold sweat in his palms as he listened to Yu Ran's guess.

Ranran was right. Since he could meet a highly intelligent spider queen on Red Spider Star, then there must be more intelligent life forms in the universe than just red-eyed spiders. 60% of the resource stars in the Clock Constellation are covered by sea. No one knows whether there are highly intelligent life forms in the oceans there.

When the Sun Corps went to the Clock Constellation, they suffered so many casualties, which shows that the alien creatures there are very cruel. Perhaps only General Oster knows what happened that year. However, he chose to stand on the side of the Dark Night Organization. Or, he has been controlled by Ludwigi.

Qin Xiao asked in confusion: "But Ludwigi still has mental power and can heal the sentinels. If there is an alien creature under his skin, it should not retain the powerful mental power that only a guide has, right?"

Yu Ran thought about it carefully and said, "What if it is parasitic?"

Qin Xiao asked: "You mean, the highly intelligent parasitic beast completely controlled his body and consciousness?"

Yu Ran nodded and said, "I'm just speculating. I always find it strange that his appearance has remained the same. And he rested for a whole year after returning from the Clock Constellation... I only needed two months to regenerate my broken arm. According to Grandpa, he was scratched on the face and went to the treatment cabin to repair it. For such a minor injury, a week of rest is enough. Why did he rest for so long?"

Qin Xiao said: "If your guess is true, then he took a year off, most likely to hide and quietly study the rules of human society?"

Thinking of that beautiful man with a terrifying alien creature inside his body, both the grandfather and grandson felt a chill down their spines.

All the secrets are in the Clock Constellation.

The clues that Yu Ran's parents found that year also pointed to that star field. They found a barren star in the Clock Constellation, which might be the experimental base of the Dark Night Organization. However, the Starlight Corps was ambushed by star pirates before it could reach the Clock Constellation, and the starship was also blown up...

Qin Xiao said decisively: "If you want to know the truth, you must go to the Clock Tower and find out."

Yu Ran hurriedly said: "Grandpa, you can't go, it's too dangerous!"

Qin Xiao smiled, looking gently at Yu Ran who was wrapped in bubbles in his spiritual world, and said, "Ranran, I am old and you are still young. You are not afraid of death and you have infiltrated the Dark Night Organization as an undercover agent. What should an old man like me be afraid of?"

The old man's voice was low and calm: "I am the commander-in-chief of the Federation. It is my responsibility to find out the truth of that year."

Yu Ran wanted to say more, but Qin Xiao directly cut off the mental connection.

He brought Yu Ran back to the office. Everyone looked at Yu Ran, whose face turned pale after being "educated", and couldn't help feeling a little sympathy.

Lu Zexuan hurried forward, gently put his arm around Yu Ran's shoulders and asked, "Are you okay?"

Yu Ran shook his head and whispered, "It's okay, the Marshal is right, I shouldn't have followed you all the time. Starting tomorrow, I will stay alone in the next room and wait for you to get off work, otherwise it will have a bad influence."

Lu Zexuan nodded helplessly: "Okay."

Qin Xiao interrupted their conversation with a cough and said, "General Lu, I'm going to go back first. If the Falcon Corps needs any help, please contact my assistant secretary."

Lu Zexuan said respectfully: "Thank you for your concern, Marshal. Take care, Marshal."

He accompanied Qin Xiao to the door, and then took Yu Ran back to the office.

In his mind, Yu Ran's anxious mood made Lu Zexuan a little uneasy. He asked in a low voice: "Is the Marshal really going to the Clock Tower?"

The two of them were connected mentally, and Lu Zexuan heard clearly the conversation between Yu Ran and the marshal just now.

Unexpectedly, after sorting and analyzing the clues, Ranran actually guessed that there might be a highly intelligent parasitic beast in Ludwig's body.

All the answers are in the Clock Constellation.

"Grandpa wants to go to the Clock Constellation to investigate personally." Yu Ran's face was a little pale, and he clenched his fists tightly, saying: "His spirit body, the deep-sea jellyfish, can become invisible. It is not difficult for him to hide from the eyes of the Dark Night Organization and secretly leave the capital planet. What I am worried about is that if there are really some terrifying and intelligent creatures on that planet, Grandpa might be in trouble..."

"But the marshal's character is always firm. If he is determined to investigate personally, we can't stop him." Lu Zexuan frowned, gently held Yu Ran's hand, and whispered, "Grandpa is a lucky man. Besides, his jellyfish is the most powerful invisible spiritual body. Maybe the situation is not as bad as we think?"

"... I hope so." Yu Ran closed his eyes gently. If his guess was true, and Ludwigi's body was parasitic with a powerful, brutal, highly intelligent alien creature that could imitate humans, then the BOSS they faced would be more powerful than they could imagine.

I hope grandpa can return safely.

He really didn't want to lose any more loved ones.

(End of this chapter)