First Interstellar Guide

Chapter 91


Tang Ce looked through the porthole at the huge creature floating on the sea and couldn't help but say, "This thing is too abnormal! But, it seems that there is only this kind of creature on the planet? I didn't find any other fish in the ocean. How does it survive?"

Zhu Tianyi guessed: "Maybe it doesn't need to eat, it can survive on light and water?"

Humans' knowledge of these alien creatures is actually very limited. This monster is also a strange species that has never been seen in the database.

Qin Xiao looked at the monster in the sea thoughtfully, and suddenly said: "Let the starship descend 100 meters. I want to talk to it."

Zhao Feng, who was controlling the starship, was stunned for a moment, and said nervously: "Marshal, the starship is now at a very safe altitude. If we descend a hundred meters, what if it attacks us again?"

Qin Xiao said calmly: "Open the defense shield and hurry up."

Seeing that he was determined, Zhao Feng had no choice but to follow his instructions and control the starship to descend rapidly in the air.

The monster didn't seem to expect these humans to come back, and it was stunned for a moment. Qin Xiao took this opportunity and the blue thinking tentacles instantly stretched out from the gap in the porthole, quickly passing through its layers of limbs and reaching the location of the "eye" that Tang Ce had just discovered!

It was an eye the size of a football, in stark contrast to the densely packed eyes the size of coins around it.

Tang Ce was right, this was indeed its brain.

As the thought tentacles suddenly approached, the monster felt a buzzing sound in its head, and then a gentle voice rang in its mind: "Hello, I am Qin Xiao, the commander of the Human Federation. We have no ill will towards you, we just came to this planet to investigate the truth of a matter."

The monster responded coldly: "No ill intentions? You killed many of my people."

Tribe? It called those tentacles "tribe"

This race should be a strange kind of social creature, with a leader who possesses super high intelligence, similar to the spider queen on the Red Spider Star.

However, the queen spider reproduces by laying eggs, and the baby spiders born do not need to stick to her body. The monster in front of us reproduces by self-division, like "seeds" falling off from the body, and the new life that is reproduced will gather around it and follow its collective actions.

Those tentacles are its "tribe members", which means that after the tentacles form new life, they will have the ability to move freely and think independently.

Qin Xiao said sincerely: "I'm sorry, you attacked us first. In order to save our lives, we can only fight back and defend."

The monster sneered and said, "You invaded my planet first, so I attacked you."

Qin Xiao: “…”

If we really want to argue about the order of precedence, it is indeed the case that humans were wrong first. Humans invaded its planet first, it launched an attack, and humans then defended and counterattacked, and both sides suffered losses. The Sun Army was almost wiped out back then, and today Qin Xiao and his group almost lost their lives here.

The key reason is the lack of communication, and everyone acts on instinct.

Humans have been expanding in the universe over the years, and are used to letting the Sentinel Special Forces occupy and conquer resource stars, which has led to many wars and sacrifices. If the Guide Corps had been sent in the first place, and they had communicated with it gently and politely, expressing goodwill, perhaps the tragedy would not have happened.

Yu Ran once said that the guide's spiritual communication ability is the best gift God has given to mankind.

However, humans did not make good use of the advantages of the guides. Instead, they hid the guides on the capital planet and used the worst and most brutal methods to run rampant in the interstellar space. If they continue like this, they will suffer backlash sooner or later.

Now, the backlash is imminent.

Qin Xiao communicated with the monster not for negotiation, but to confirm one thing—whether it had seen the guide.

At the moment when I connected with it spiritually just now, it was not surprised. Obviously, it knew the existence of the guide.

Ludvisi, the guide of the Sun Legion at that time, must have had spiritual communication with it. This was also the key to the fact that all other soldiers of the Sun Legion died, and only Major General Oster and Ludvisi returned to the capital planet alive!

They probably made some kind of deal, which is why it let those two people go.

Qin Xiao asked calmly: "Humans once invaded your homeland, so you also want to go and take a look at the human world?"

The monster asked back: "Only you humans are allowed to go to other planets, but I can't go to your planet?"

Qin Xiao said in a good-natured manner: "If it is a friendly visit, we certainly welcome it. But now it seems that the tribe member you sent wants to completely occupy the capital planet. After its plan succeeds, will it come to pick you up? We also have an ocean over there, which may be more suitable for you to survive?"

The monster realized that Qin Xiao was trying to trick him and did not respond.

Qin Xiao smiled and said, "Unfortunately, you still underestimated the wisdom of mankind. It is not so easy to colonize the human planet."

Upon hearing this, an extremely strong rage suddenly surged in the monster's spiritual world, and its tentacles began to attack the starship frantically. Zhao Feng hurriedly controlled the starship to take off in an instant, narrowly avoiding its attack.

The few people didn't know what the marshal talked to it about, they only knew that it was irritated by the marshal.

Qin Xiao disconnected his thoughts, his forehead already covered with cold sweat. He had just used the jellyfish to protect everyone, and now he was communicating with the highly intelligent creatures, and his mental strength was almost exhausted.

Tang Ce hurriedly poured a glass of water, helped the marshal to sit down next to him, and asked with concern: "Marshal, what did it say?"

Qin Xiao's expression was heavy: "My guess was correct. Back then, when Ludwig was at the critical moment of life and death, he communicated with it mentally and asked it to let him go. The exchange condition it proposed was to take it to the human world for a look."

These people on the starship can all say with confidence that they are not afraid of sacrifice and will never become traitors.

However, not everyone can "face death with equanimity". There are always some people who are afraid of death and will make choices that are beneficial to themselves at the critical moment of life and death. Perhaps Ludwig did not expect this creature to be so terrifying. He just wanted to survive, so he agreed to the other party's conditions.

Unfortunately, he lacked understanding of this alien creature, and after being parasitized, his consciousness was gradually devoured and replaced, and his appearance stopped growing. The monster wore his skin and lurked in the human world for many years.

It has been dormant for so long and has teamed up with Movi to conduct sentinel experiments. It is very likely that it is doing so in order to occupy the capital planet and make the ocean there its new home - completely colonizing the human planet and controlling humans to serve it.

Human beings have been occupying other planets in the universe, and now, there are powerful creatures who want to occupy the human home.

Qin Xiao sat in front of the porthole, lost in thought.

Those officials who were pampered in the capital star actually didn't see through Yu Ran. And Yu Ran's change of mind was also due to the help he received from the Spider Queen in the most difficult time.

They are all highly intelligent creatures in the universe, and none of them is superior to the other. The way of survival of those races is different from that of humans. They do not have the long-standing civilization and advanced technology of humans, but they... should not become stepping stones for humans.

Why should they give up the homes they depend on for survival to humans

Just like when the human world is invaded, everyone will try their best to fight back, they are just protecting their own planet.

Human beings’ arrogance of standing at the top of the food chain for a long time will eventually pay off.

Perhaps when the new president takes office, it will be time to completely change the interstellar expansion strategy that has lasted for hundreds of years.


At the same time, the capital star.

Yu Ran and Lu Zexuan heard the news that the marshal was seriously ill and bedridden. Lu Zexuan said, "The marshal has been the marshal for more than 20 years, and he must have cultivated some of his own confidants. I guess he will secretly leave the capital planet and find a substitute to pretend to be sick at home to hide from the eyes of the Dark Night Organization."

“What I’m worried about is that after he goes to the Clock Constellation, what if he encounters a scary monster…” Yu Ran closed his eyes, not daring to think about it anymore.

Lu Zexuan gently held Yu Ran in his arms and whispered to comfort him, "Don't think too much, Grandpa will be fine. He is S's guide, his mental power is very strong, and jellyfish can also become invisible. He can't go on an adventure alone. I guess he will go to Red Spider Star and find a few assistants to investigate together."

After listening to Lu Zexuan's calm analysis, Yu Ran's anxious mood eased a lot.

Grandpa has already left the capital planet, so there is no point in worrying now. He might as well calm down and do his own thing.

Thinking of this, Yu Ran changed the subject and said, "The first phase of the president's tour has come to an end. There is only one month left before the official vote. The Dark Night Organization should hurry up and take action against him. After killing the president, he will be replaced by a fake president."

Lu Zexuan frowned and said, "There hasn't been any news from the Presidential Palace recently."

The two were chatting when suddenly a news report came on TV: "President Harrison was intercepted and attacked by an unknown force on his way to the Bootes constellation for a speech. The presidential guard suffered heavy casualties. Admiral Oster, the commander of the Sun Corps, rushed to the scene as soon as he received the distress signal and rescued the president. Currently, the president has returned safely to the capital planet. The spokesperson of the presidential office said that the next speech will be temporarily postponed."

Under this news, countless netizens attacked another candidate.

"This must have been Mike's doing, right?"

"Assassinate President Harrison so that people will vote for him? How despicable!"

"A person with such despicable means must never become the president of the Federation."

Lu Zexuan and Yu Ran looked at each other - this must have been done by the Dark Night Organization, and they were throwing dirty water on their competitors. President Harrison might have been in trouble. At this moment, the person living in the presidential palace had been replaced by a fake one.

This trick of "stealing and replacing one thing with another" is really brilliant. Now, the Dark Night Organization has apparently controlled the leaders of the Sun, Falcon, and Star Legions. The Marshal is seriously ill and bedridden and cannot influence the overall situation. The President has also been killed. What will they do next

Yu Ran said: "Should they contact me to make the next move?"

The next day was Friday. When Yu Ran and Lu Zexuan went to work together, the A-level sentry came to see them again.

Since the Marshal came to inspect, Yu Ran no longer stayed in the same office with Lu Zexuan, but stayed in the next room, pretending to be well-behaved and reading seriously. Yu Ran had asked the sentry to buy books for him before, and today, the man put a note in the book under the pretext of delivering a book to Yu Ran.

Yu Ran opened it and saw the words: "Professor Mo Wei invites you to meet at the Institute of the Federal Academy of Sciences at 10 a.m. on Saturday. Let Lu Zexuan sleep at home and go alone."

Yu Ran tore up the note and flushed it down the toilet, saying in his mind, "Mo Wei asked me to meet him alone."

Lu Zexuan immediately became nervous: "Are you going alone? I'm worried. Find a way to take me with you. I can continue to play the role of a puppet."

"Don't worry. After all, I am the controller of two important puppets now. They won't do anything to me for the time being. I guess Mo Wei asked me to come over because he has something important to tell me. Didn't he say that he wanted to take me in as his last disciple?"

Yu Ran said this with a sneer, "He is my father's teacher. Tomorrow, I will go to his house in person to pay a visit to this 'master'."

(End of this chapter)