First Kiss Diary

Chapter 18: KISSx18


The next day at 8 o'clock, the program "First Kiss Diary" was filmed.

The filming location this time is in China, and the project is to play an escape room.

Ji Ning got up at 5:30 and went downstairs to do his hair ten minutes later.

Ji Shiyan came down a little late today, and Jiang Sheng kept asking him, "You went out to steal, right? How is it possible that I couldn't wake you up even after calling you twice? Tell me the truth, did you sleep last night?"

"I'm asleep," the man said impatiently, "It's a little late."

"A bit late?" Jiang Sheng was very curious. "The ball game didn't even delay your precious fingers from pressing the lock screen. What was you watching that made you forget to sleep? Anyone who prevents you from sleeping will die, right?"

"Those who prevent him from sleeping may not die, but if you bother him again, you might die." The director came over with a smile, "Everyone hurry up, we are planning to record the show on the same day and broadcast it the next day."

Ji Ning was still putting on makeup and couldn't turn around. She stared at the mirror and asked in surprise, "So soon?"

"Yes. If the first episode is well-received, we will consider broadcasting the following episodes earlier. If we finish recording the day's show before 10 o'clock, we will try to broadcast it the next day. This will make it easier for everyone to keep up with the latest news, so that you don't have to be on the show with other actors the day before, and the audience will see that you are in a new relationship the next day."

Ji Ning thought to himself that since Ji Shiyan was in this show, how could the show not be good

Jiang Sheng snapped his fingers and sighed, "This is great. We can take advantage of the summer traffic and there will be less time delay. There will definitely be more people watching. And it will be more interesting to broadcast it this way. Let's be the first one."

"The top traffic is all here, do we still need to take advantage of the summer vacation traffic?" the makeup artist asked with a smile.

Usually, everyone would cue him when he was the top star, but Ji Shiyan never said anything, so he didn't continue the topic and sat next to Ji Ning: "What time did you go to bed last night?"

Ning said, "Half past eleven."

He raised his eyebrows in surprise, "It's quite early."

"What were you doing last night?"

She knew that Ji Shiyan had been on a health regimen in recent years, and he would basically turn off his phone and go to bed after 10 o'clock. There were few things that could keep him up late, and the last time he stayed up late was because of a friend's wedding. Of course, it could also be that he had been in the entertainment industry for too long, and he had become immune to all kinds of entertainment activities.

She was curious about what could keep him up late.

Ji Shiyan replied: "I read something."

Jiang Sheng approached and asked affectionately, "Is it that one?"

"Can you be quiet?" Ji Shiyan couldn't bear it any longer and kicked Jiang Sheng's chair to the side.

"You've changed," Jiang Sheng felt aggrieved, "I used to interrupt you when you were talking to others."

Ji Shiyan simply didn't bother to pay attention to him and leaned back in his chair to let the stylist do his hair. The mirrors in the dressing room were all connected, and he could see Ji Ning's expression through the mirror in front of him.

When I saw her, I naturally thought of the Weibo post I saw last night, and the amazing flattery performance on Weibo. The belated satisfaction and comfort began to emerge.

I thought my girlfriend had no interest in me at all, and I was quite frustrated about it for a while—but then I found out that she seemed to like me... for a long time.

It seems that I wasn’t as surprised as I am now when I won the Best Actor award.

The man raised his brows, twirled the pinky ring in his hand, and smiled casually with his eyes lowered.

Ji Ning was originally looking at his phone while reciting Xingchen's lines, but as he was reciting, he kept feeling something was wrong. He looked up in the mirror and saw Ji Shiyan looking at him.

Those eyes were already charming even when they were not smiling, and now they seemed to be smiling but also meaningful, just like a thousand-year-old wizard casting a curse.

She was so numbed by the stare.

Ji Ning touched his cheek, not quite understanding: "Is there something on my face?"

The man shook his head calmly: "No."

After thinking it over for a while, he said: "You..."

Ji Shiyan was about to speak when Jiang Sheng came over from behind and said, "Of course."

The current line triggered the switch of Jiang's earthy love talk. He pointed at Ji Ning and said proudly: "It's quite good."

Ji Shiyan: “…”

Ten seconds later, Jiang Sheng was pounding on the door outside: "Hey - hey - why did you lock me out when we have something to talk about, Ji Shiyan, Ji Shiyan!"

Ji Shiyan licked his upper teeth and locked the door: "You are fired, you don't need to come to work tomorrow."

Jiang Sheng was totally confused. Didn't he just say some disgusting cheesy love words? Was he really that bad of a reason to be thrown out

"Ji Shiyan, you are crazy!"


After finishing their makeup and hair, the two quickly arrived at the escape room.

There was no harassment from Jiang Sheng and no interruption from Nuo Nuo, and Ji's mood finally improved a little.

Escape rooms also have themes. The theme they chose is escape and pursuit, which is roughly about a person who stole a confidential chip from a person's home, and b needs to be pursued, while a needs to escape.

The two chose Team A, which is the escape team, while the other side's pursuit team B is just across the wall. They were found by the program crew, and I don't know if they are veteran players of escape room.

Ji Ning was blindfolded and taken to a place, and seemed to be separated from Ji Shiyan. She didn't feel anything at first, but the background sound effects were particularly tense. When the blindfold was pulled off, she found herself locked in a dungeon, with only a faint red light flashing on the wall.

Isn't this a girls' dating show? Why is it so scary

There was only a cameraman next to her. There was nothing in the dungeon except lights and a door with a combination lock on it.

Ji Ning bit his lip and soon heard Ji Shiyan's voice: "Ji Ning?"

"I'm down there." Ji Ning raised his voice to give himself courage.

"Wait a minute, I'll find a way to get you out."


Ji Ning sat cross-legged for a while, and suddenly found that the indicator light flashed in a very regular pattern. There was a long pause after seven small flashes, then four small flashes, and another pause. After eight small flashes and a long pause, it was followed by six small flashes, and then repeated.

She suddenly jumped up and accidentally hit her head on the low ceiling with a bang.

Ji Shiyan was originally trying to find a pattern, but when he heard the sound, he rushed to the door: "What's wrong?!"

"Nothing," Ji Ning covered the back of his head, "I was so excited that I hit my head."

She hissed, rubbed the back of her head and crawled to the door. As she was entering the password, a voice came from Ji Shiyan's side.


The two men untied the knot almost at the same time, and the dungeon door finally opened.

She just poked her little head out of the hole, and the man grabbed her with one hand and lifted her to the ground.

Lifting weights is quite useful, at least I can lift her up with one hand.

Ji Ning didn't expect that the plot he had seen in the TV series could happen to him. He coughed twice and asked, "Then what?"

"Find the next password and open this door."

It's nothing more than opening one password door after another and finding the escape exit before being caught.

Although the two had never played an escape room game, they had recorded many variety shows and had some experience. When they were about to succeed in opening a door, the alarm above their heads suddenly sounded.

The middle door suddenly opened, and a group of people rushed out, dragging the frightened Ji Ning away. It was obvious that this was arranged by the program crew.

Ji Shiyan grabbed Ji Ning's wrist and stretched out his other hand: "Don't grab her, grab me."

Then that group of people really took Ji Shiyan away.

Ji Ning bit his lip in bewilderment and looked at the director: "The male lead is gone, is Diary of a First Kiss going to be finished?"

The director smiled mysteriously: "There is a way to rescue him, but this method requires your cooperation. Next, I will give you the real password, and he can only guess the password based on the information in the room. You can only communicate through Morse code. He only has one chance to enter the password. It depends on you whether he can successfully prompt it."

She was vaguely thinking that she seemed to have learned Morse code while filming.

Unfortunately, I really don’t remember a few letters, I just remember how to pronounce abcdnmsz…

Fortunately, Ji Shiyan was smart. He turned around a few times and asked her, "Is it 5043?"

Ji Ning was holding a small radio with a code in his hand and wanted to type yes, but found that he didn't know how to do it. After thinking for a while, he typed nsdd.

He should know this abbreviation of the fan circle slang "You're right", right

Not long after she sent it, Ji Shiyan successfully entered the password.

Ji Ning originally thought that he knew what it meant, otherwise how could he be so sure? But just as he walked out of the door, he heard him ask himself: "What is nsdd? You can't send a Morse message, so why are you just typing it randomly?"

"Don't you know?" The girl's voice was slightly raised. "I don't know how you dared to enter the password?"

"Because I won't guess the wrong password."

“…” Well, you should be mentally prepared for the high-IQ idols that you are a fan of.

Ji Ning rolled his eyes and threw the question back to him: "Guess what?"

The man paused. "Is it really interesting?"

The girl nodded and looked at him eagerly.

Ji Shiyan thought for a while and said, "Boys? Mud and sand?"

He pondered for a while and asked, "How well do you sleep?"

What the hell is going on? Ji Ning smiled and explained: "You are right."

Ji Shiyan: …

After finding out that he really knew nothing about the lingo used in the fan circle, Ji Ning couldn't help but want to educate him - how could an idol not know the lingo used in the fan circle? She was determined not to let her idol be laughed at for not surfing the Internet for 500 years.

"You should know zqsg, right? It's the one that most people use." She raised her eyes.

"Football club song."

"It's true feelings." Teacher Ji Ning asked the third question, "xswl?"

Because the difficulty of the question was too high, someone who gave up was inexplicably calm: "Slimming online dating."

Ji Ning couldn't help but frowned his delicate eyebrows: "Be serious!" This couldn't be what he meant.

Seeing the girl looking a little angry, he found it even more funny and raised his eyebrows, "I'm serious."

Ji Ning let out a sigh of relief and told him the answer: "I am dying of laughter."

"What are you laughing at?"

Ji Ning was stunned for a moment: "I said xswl is making me laugh to death."

The man nodded, his eyes teasing and smiling: "I know, I asked you what you were laughing at."

Ji Ning clenched his fists and decided not to bother with this childish person for the time being.

"Pph probably doesn't know, right?"

"Peng Pai Hu." He has lost everything.

"They pretend to be my fans, and then comment on provocative content everywhere to lower the impression of me by passers-by. They seem to be my fans, but they are actually criticizing me."

The man nodded and said bluntly, "Why use abbreviations? Can't you just type it out?"

Ji Ning hummed, "In the beginning, it was the fan circle that used abbreviations, because sometimes the content on Weibo was not searchable, so they used the first letter to replace the idol's name. Later, some commonly used words also began to be abbreviated, and many people used it this way."

Ji Shiyan hesitated for a moment and lowered his voice, obviously more interested in another topic: "What can you say to be afraid of being searched?"

What else could it be? Either he wants to sleep with you or he wants to scold some other artist who cheated you, but he’s afraid of bringing trouble by mentioning his name, so he abbreviated it.

"Nothing..." Ji Ning tried to cover up the truth and touched his nose, "Maybe it's something that's not convenient for you to see."


After another afternoon of shooting, the day's shooting was over.

Although the filming of the program has ended, the two will meet again the day after tomorrow because the magazine "Lightly" will hold its third anniversary celebration. Ji Ning was busy filming and wanted to turn it down, but because she was on the cover of the latest issue, Lightly asked someone to contact the director to let her go, so Ji Ning went.

As a person who appeared in the inaugural issue, Ji Shiyan naturally also received an invitation.

Although it was a magazine celebration, everyone was more or less there for the purpose of publicity. Ji Ning's "Rose and the Wind of That Time" was about to be broadcast, so the crew discussed that she and the male lead should sit together.

The male lead of Rose is played by Xiao Bo, also a relatively famous young actor. After Ji Ning sat down, he looked back and saw many fans holding up his light boards.

When she turned around, she found that the chair on the right was labeled with Ji Shiyan's name, and next to Ji Shiyan was Fu Xuan.

Xiao Bo arrived soon, and at the same time, Ji Shiyan also sat down next to her.

Ji Ning didn't know who to look at first.

Feeling Ji Shiyan leaning towards him, Ji Ning thought he might want to talk to him. Just as he turned his head a little, Xiao Bo poked his arm.

She turned back: "Hmm?"

Xiao Bo asked: "When are we going to do the roadshow?"

"I haven't received any notification yet, maybe soon?" Ji Ning said.

"That's right, the show is going to be aired soon, and we definitely need a promotional period before it airs. Hey, are you busy these days?"

“A little bit, but the publicity will go.”

"That's good. Don't let me face the media bombardment alone."


Xiao Bo thought about it again and said, "Do you think we should do a warm-up celebration, such as wearing sailor uniforms when the ratings exceed 2?"

"You're wearing a sailor suit?" Ji Ning was stunned.

"Yes, if you want to pursue excitement, you must follow through to the end."

Ji Ning pursed his lips, finding it a little funny: "That's fine."

Ji Shiyan tilted his head and could hear Ji Ning chatting happily with someone, and they were even laughing at the end.

The best actor was unhappy at that moment, very unhappy.

You left him alone to chat with other men, right? You seem quite happy

After discussing work plans with Xiao Bo, Ji Ning did not forget his idol and turned to ask, "Did you say anything to me just now?"

The man straightened his sleeves and said expressionlessly, “No.”


Seeing that he looked unhappy, Ji Ning nodded and said nothing more.

Later, the air conditioner on the stage splashed water onto the back of Ji Ning's hand, and the man just calmly threw her a piece of paper without saying anything.

Ji Ning frowned, wondering if something went wrong today that made him in a bad mood

Afterwards, the two didn't talk much. After walking the red carpet, everyone was going to the celebration banquet. While in the car, Ji Ning found that the official Weibo had posted a notice that the first episode of "First Kiss Diary" would be broadcast next week.

Undoubtedly, it quickly became a hot search again. This time, most of the square (hot search homepage) was occupied by Ji Shiyan's fans, and Ji Ning's fans also quickly occupied a place. Both sides were promoting their idols' dramas and promoting the shows as normal work.

That being said, seeing how quickly it became a trending topic after the official announcement, there are actually quite a few people paying attention to the show.

In Ji Shiyan's car, Jiang Sheng flipped through his phone and said, "So many people on the official blog said they didn't want to make an appointment before, I think there are still many people who want to make an appointment."

Not knowing what he saw next, Jiang Sheng shouted, "Hey, the anti-explosion press release is here?!"

Literally, explosion prevention means preventing this couple from becoming a big hit, and using some means to spread brainwash press releases that "the Shuang Ji couple is fake" to suppress the traffic of the two.

Ji Shiyan still had no expression. He turned his head to glance at the draft that was pushed. The draft was nothing more than a few pictures of the two people's celebration, taken out of context, and the title was written in a very exaggerated way -

Ji Shiyan and Ji Ning sat together at the ceremony without any communication? It seems that the relationship is just an act!

After seeing the way Ji Shiyan looked at Ji Ning, can you still support the Double Click couple?

Ji Shiyan teaches you how to avoid being used to gain popularity. They are couples on stage but strangers off stage. If you are a top star, then avoid suspicion together!

I don’t know which team is behind this, but they are afraid that the popularity of the two-person CP will affect their own resources.

The hotel was only half an hour’s drive away, and Ji Ning and Ji Shiyan arrived almost at the same time and were also seated at the same table.

The celebratory banquet served seafood, and each person was given several servings of dipping sauces to make their own.

Just as Ji Shiyan picked up the spoon, he heard Xiao Bo starting to make small talk with Ji Ning again.

"Have you seen our promotional posters? There is one version that is so funny that it almost made me die of laughter."

Ji Ning took out his phone and flipped through it: "The one with the sketch?"

"Yes, it was said that it was painted by Lin Zhan."

Ji Shiyan finally couldn't help himself and retorted in a deep voice: "Lin Zhan has stopped painting for a long time."

It’s not like they hadn’t approached Lin Zan before for their promotional posters.

Ji Ning and Xiao Bo looked at him at the same time. The latter was holding a spoon, and there was no emotion in his eyes. One could only see Ji Shiyan calmly using the spoon to scoop up the seasoning. It seemed that he just happened to be involved in this topic and was not concerned about them. The focus was still on the seafood in the plate.

Xiao Bo suddenly realized: "Then I remembered it wrongly, it was Lin Sheng who drew it."

Ji Shiyan did not answer and continued to prepare the seasoning without any emotion. Suddenly he heard Jiang Sheng approach him and ask, "Is the vinegar delicious?"

The man paused and frowned.

Jiang Sheng pointed at his bowl and ate the watermelon seriously, "I said don't put too much vinegar, it will take away the flavor."

Ji Shiyan lowered his head and realized that he had already routinely scooped out half a bowl of vinegar.

He didn't even blink, picked up a new bowl and mixed it again as if nothing had happened.

Later, when the celebration banquet was over, the person in charge said that the media were still waiting there and wanted to take another group photo.

When taking a group photo, Ji Ning saw that they were all seniors, so he stood quietly to the side, afraid of blocking the seniors' center position.

Ji Shiyan gave the center seat to the lady and moved to a seat slightly to the side.

He looked up and saw the media in place. He looked at him, then smiled and looked at Ji Ning who was far away. His eyes seemed to say, "We are so far away again. Tomorrow's headlines will be decided."

How will she be scolded for being a loser then? How many attacks will she have to endure in vain

Bai Bai heard her call him "senior" so many times, and it was very likely that she was his fan. Even if Xiao Bo made her feel bad, it was impossible for him not to protect her at this moment.

The man stepped forward.

When Ji Ning was still changing seats with someone else, he suddenly heard Ji Shiyan calling him, "Ji Ning."

He spoke at a volume that everyone in the venue could hear, neither too high nor too low, and with confidence.

Everyone looked towards Ji Shiyan.

Ji Ning also poked his head out and looked at him from a distance across the crowd: "Huh?"

"come over."

The man raised his hand, "Come over here."

The author has something to say: I’m so angry, but I still have to protect my wife.

There are red envelopes available within 24 hours today, and the next ones will be randomly selected! Leave me a message and you can get a red envelope. Come and take advantage of Lu Ling (?)

Some little darlings have been asking about adding more chapters. Actually, I have different habits from some big guys. I prefer to post in one chapter rather than several chapters. Sometimes my word count is the amount of two or even three chapters. I will write more if I have time after the v! Don't worry, everyone!