First Kiss Diary

Chapter 21: KISSx21


Have a good night.

Ji Ning turned off the alarm on his cell phone under his pillow, opened his eyes to familiarize himself with the furnishings of the hotel, then got up and opened the curtains.

It's not daybreak yet.

For her, starting work early in the morning is a common occurrence, and so is changing hotels. Generally, she will stay in a hotel near where she will be working the next day the day before. The hotel is the second home for the artist.

Ji Ning changed his clothes, washed his face, and quickly rushed to the set to do his makeup and hair.

After all, she is the heroine of "There Are Stars Here", so she doesn't need to do her own makeup. The crew will prepare a special makeup artist for her. She only needs to arrive at the set early in the morning. Each crew has a special dressing room.

She fell asleep for a while when the makeup artist was applying foundation to her, and woke up a little while the makeup artist was doing her hair. She took out her phone to read the news.

Every night after she finished checking her secondary Weibo account, she would log out of it to avoid being secretly photographed and accused of trying to ride on Ji Shiyan's popularity.

With a tendency to become a hot topic, she dared not act rashly.

Although she had logged out of the account, Weibo still retained some memory and recognition functions. She flipped through it twice and saw Ji Shiyan’s related Weibo, saying that he had finished shooting some commercials and rushed back to City T overnight.

The nearest shooting point for Xingchen happens to be in City T.

While Ji Ning was getting his hair done, the third female lead of the show, Yin Yao, also came to get her makeup done. Because there were not many makeup artists on the crew, Yin Yao waited on the side. Just when Ji Ning was about to finish, two extras came over, probably also waiting to get their hair and makeup done.

The makeup and hair of an extra is much simpler and can be done in ten minutes.

The two girls watched Ji Ning discuss something, and she vaguely heard the three words "Ji Shiyan".

Then the two of them stood up and greeted Ji Ning and Zhuo Gong, and their greetings were so warm and sincere, showing the humble demeanor of newlyweds. The only one they missed was the lukewarm Yin Yao, who was sitting opposite them, and her face looked a little embarrassed.

The two of them looked at Yin Yao expressionlessly. Seeing that she didn't even have an assistant, they almost wanted to roll their eyes.

This was not the first time that Ji Ning had seen this kind of situation. On the surface, they came to study acting seriously, but in fact, they were just trying to curry favor with the leading actors. They looked down on those who were slightly less famous.

When she first started acting, she was also treated differently. She thought that with more experience, there would be no more troubles. However, she did not expect that even after two years of debut, it is still difficult for her to let go.

The first lesson for an actor is not to hone his acting skills, but to respect everyone equally. Besides, Yin Yao was a nice person and even brought her coffee.

Ji Ning left the chair, and when the two took it, they continued to smile at her: "We newcomers don't know how to act, so the seniors must give us more guidance. We will be very obedient! There will be opportunities in the future..."

Ji Ning paused and said, "Yin Yao's acting style is very suitable for you to learn. You can try to figure out her performance."

The newcomer was stunned.

Ji Ning tilted his head: "No greeting?"

The two of them reacted immediately and stammered to Yin Yao several times, "Please give me more guidance, teacher."

Yin Yao was also stunned for a moment, then looked at Ji Ning, who smiled at her and said, "We will have our scene later, I'll wait for you outside."

Yin Yao never expected that Ji Ning would stand up for her. After all, she had only brought coffee to Ji Ning a few times. Many leading actors would think that the entire crew should serve them and would not care about the efforts of others at all.

She had also seen some negative information about Ji Ning before. Some people said that Ji Ning flattered the powerful and looked down on the newcomers. Now she vaguely understood the reasons. It was because some newcomers really needed to be taught a lesson.

Ji Ning is obviously fine.


Ji Ning was waiting for the filming to start under the shed. Yin Yao didn't come out yet, so Zhuo Gong came out first after finishing his styling.

"You can," Drogon nudged her elbow, "The dressing room is super cool."

Ji Ning raised his eyebrows.

Zhuo Gong stood up in front of her: "You know, actually I have encountered this situation before. I was filming with Brother Shi Yan before, and there was a female No. 4 who only fawned over him the whole time and ignored everyone else. Brother Shi Yan flipped through the script and asked her directly, 'Am I the only one who is a human being?', which scared her... Hahahahahahahahahahaha. Later, she bowed to the cameraman whenever she saw him."

"You two are quite similar in that you both confront each other head on."

Ji Ning nodded and waved the script at him: "Review the lines."

"You're a workaholic, aren't you?" Zhuo Gong angrily held the script in his hand, "Can't you have some time to rest and chat?"

"The audience won't give you time. If it doesn't look good, they will quit," Ji Ning said leisurely, "If you don't want to talk to me, go find Yin Yao?"

"No, no, no, right, right. I love working, and work makes me happy."

Ji Ning laughed and reminded: "The scene where she was jealous of the male lead."

In the script, the heroine has very good grades, and every time after school there are boys coming to her to ask questions. Over time, the male protagonist becomes a little annoyed and asks the heroine the same questions that others have asked before.

The scene is after school, Ji Ning is in the right mood: "Qi Zailin, it's late, let's go home?"

Zhuo Gong was still not calm, and shook his head: "Song-Chen-Xing-I have a problem too."

At this time, the heroine would point to a certain question and ask the hero. Ji Ning followed the script and spoke his lines: "Ah? Is this it?"


After the heroine finished explaining the topic, she was told to stay and wait for the teacher. She did her homework while waiting, and the hero accompanied her. The two did not have many lines, so Ji Ning skipped them.

Next is the performance of the heroine who has a cold and falls asleep in a daze. In a half-awake state, she sees the hero utter some incredible words, as if she thought she was dreaming: "What?"

"You heard it."

Zhuo Gong sang the four words "I like you" in Cantonese, which should have been affectionate and cold, in a long tone: "Black pineapple. Those eyes are moving, and the laughter is even more charming..."

Ji Ning: “…”

Can we let him take the medicine before rehearsing the words

Ji Ning rolled up the script in his hand and said to Zhuo Gong: "Don't forget that you are a cold and aloof character."

"Then change your posture," Zhuo Gong changed his face to paralysis and continued singing. However, he suddenly covered his head after singing two sentences, "Fuck! Who hit me?"

A ball of paper rolled to the ground.

Ji Ning looked in the direction of the target and saw Supervisor Ji sitting under the shed next to him with an expressionless face and his legs casually crossed.

"Take a look." Ji Shiyan gestured.

Zhuo Gong covered his head and unfolded the piece of paper, his expression gradually becoming complicated. Ji Ning saw a few words on the back through the light and found that these were the lines for the afternoon play.

At the same time, Producer Ji asked a soul-searching question: "You are so happy chatting, you must have said your lines very well."

Life is not easy, Drogon sighed.

"I'm sorry, Brother Shi Yan," Zhuo Gong wisely admitted his mistake, "I'll go and memorize my lines right away. I'm not qualified to sing here."

Ji Shiyan: "It's good that you know."

Drogon: ?

Zhuo Gong pulled a stool and was about to sit down when Ji Shiyan came over and said, "I had a trick when I was filming before."

Zhuo Gong immediately listened attentively: "Well, you say!"

"You must go to a place where there is no one to memorize your lines," Ji Shiyan looked into the distance meaningfully, "When you are alone, you will feel more immersed and it will be easier to understand."

Drogon frowned for a few seconds, then understood: "Okay... I'll go."

"But if I leave, who will talk to Ningning?" Zhuo Gong seemed reluctant, "So I..."

The man answered quickly: "It's okay, I'll help you."

Zhuo Gong stared at the sky with a choked look: "...Okay."

I never realized that Supervisor Ji was such a helpful person before.

Zhuo Gong took the script to the empty little fan place, squatted there and experienced life pitifully.

Ji Ning didn't know where Ji Shiyan got the script, but the man sitting opposite her did have the lines in his hand, and he also knew which scene would be filmed next.

Ji Shiyan looked at her lazily with his back to the sunlight: "One more time?"

"Oh... OK."

Ji Ning coughed twice and started to recite the heroine's lines for the second time: "It's late, let's go home?"

"I have problems, too." He said it slowly and steadily, with a certainty and unwillingness to admit defeat, even a hint of dissatisfaction.

Ji Ning pointed at the script and imitated the heroine pointing at the topic: "Is this it?"


After a few seconds of silence, Ji Ning went through the transitional plot in his mind, and then he spoke for the heroine in a daze: "What?"

"You heard me." His voice was calm, confident, and a little bit seductive. "I like you."

-Even though my subconscious mind was prepared, the moment I actually heard the words "I like you" I was still caught off guard and overwhelmed. My ear bone nerves and ventricles trembled twice, as if I heard the crackling sound of firewood burning next to my ears.

I can't hear you. Say it again

It's amazing that the subwoofer can kill someone just by saying a few words of confession.

The words "die without regrets" in bold capital letters popped up in her mind, but she quickly erased them.

No, she has not seen the lawsuit won.

The straightforward lines combined with good actors have a lethality of 100%.

Ji Ning felt that even the tip of his tongue was burning.

Ji Shiyan seemed a bit relaxed. He flipped through the script and asked, "Why are your ears red?"

Ji Ning counted with his fingers: "I have heat stroke."

"… "


After finishing the morning's filming, Ji Ning returned to the RV to rest for a while and prepare for the afternoon's filming.

Although the past two years of filming have not been peaceful, at least her bank account has never been empty. She earns enough to support herself and afford this RV. In the past, RVs were only for big-name artists, but now everyone's requirements for artists are becoming increasingly stringent. Artists who can afford RVs have bought one out of their own pockets, which is much more convenient for daily life.

After finishing the low-calorie, high-filling meal prescribed by a nutritionist, she opened Weibo to take a look.

Even after Chongfei was sued in court, her account did not stop and became even more arrogant during the court process. She probably wanted to prove that she was not afraid of anything. She also comforted her fans, "Please take good care of Ningning tomorrow."

It's really interesting that a person who lives in the shadows can face the bright light and calmly comfort his fooled fans not to be afraid. He uses randomly edited videos, pieced-together photos, and his ability to make up stories based on pictures to use some netizens who are easily incited as pawns.

Nasty, cheap, bad and stupid.

Of course, the reason he has been jumping around so happily recently may be that he is feeling guilty. After all, the more guilty a person is, the louder he likes to shout.

Other people do one good deed a day, while the black accounts just say one nonsense a day, no, they say several nonsense a day.

The black account is working hard for money every day. Ji Ning certainly knows that it is impossible to run this black account successfully by one person alone. Only if there is benefit is he willing to dig into her every word and action every day. Which normal person would not like a star to set up a black account, care about her every move more than her fans, and dig into her words and actions on a daily basis

Behind every huge black account there is a team operating or supporting it, and they must be her competitors.

If you dig deeper, the black account chain is far from that simple.

Chong Fei's rumor-mongering kept up with current events, and Ji Ning was almost moved.

Is this the professionalism that [Chicken] fans boast about? Even if he himself is present at the scene, he has to sit aside to enjoy the cool air, and let the stand-in complete the back view and watering scenes. Tsk tsk tsk, he takes the money and does not do any work but instead sells the persona. Any [Chicken] is great if he has a dream.

The accompanying picture shows Ji Ning watching a supporting character who is dressed the same as her performing.

The relationship lines in the original novel of "There Are Stars Here" are very simple. Taking into account the story and ups and downs of the script, the screenwriter added the role of her twin sister when adapting it, played by Yin Yao.

In this scene, the mother bought very similar clothes for the heroine and her sister, and the sister was mistaken for someone else by the hero when they went out on the street.

Just pick a shot with the male lead in the background and there will be a rumor that "Ji Ning is enjoying the cool air and watching the double acting for him." If it weren't for these black accounts, Ji Ning really didn't know that the story could be made up like this.

Just when Ji Ning was reading Zhong Fei's Weibo, Nuo Nuo knocked on the window outside.

"Ningning, the shooting is about to start, get ready."

Ji Ning nodded, walked out of the RV with a small electric fan, and as soon as he came out, he saw Yin Yao walking over.

Yin Yao was still wearing the costume from the scene where the black fan spread rumors, because that was the last scene, and so was Ji Ning.

Yin Yao waved her phone and smiled at Ji Ning in a friendly manner, "I remembered that we haven't taken a photo together in such a long time. Do you want to take a selfie together?"

Ji Ning nodded: "Okay."

The moment she pressed the camera button, she thought of something.

Yin Yao took two photos, and Ji Ning also took out his mobile phone to take a few selfies.

Before the afternoon scene started filming, she quickly edited a Weibo post and sent it out.

I sent a postcard with Yin Yao. Please check it out, my dears. We have a selfie with the sisters.

Sending postcards is a plot from the popular game "Travel Frog" a long time ago. The frog in the game often goes out to travel, and the old mother players will occasionally receive postcards with photos in their mailboxes from the frog's son.

So later on, people said that sending photos was like sending postcards home, and fans would also ask their idols to "send more postcards when traveling."

Of course, Ji Ning’s Weibo post is not as simple as posting a selfie. Some people didn’t realize it at first and were only concerned with saying “Ahh, sofa”, “Baby is so beautiful”, “Baby finally doesn’t have to take selfies at deadly angles”.

Soon, anti-black fans discovered the clues:

Is Baby responding to the black account's suggestion of a body double? Does the sisterhood mean that they have a very good relationship or is the script adding a new family line? Anyway, they are two characters! I saw that the collar of the back view posted by the black account is orange, and Baby's collar is red!

Orange and red actually look very similar from a distance, so Ji Ning took a selfie of the two's collars. A comparison shows that the person in the black photo is not a stand-in at all, because the stand-in will wear the same clothes as the protagonist. Moreover, she specifically mentioned that it was a sister selfie, which means that this is a new character.

It can not only promote but also dispel rumors calmly.

The fans who reacted almost died of laughter—

The marketing account was thinking, damn it, I even bought the draft and spent all the money, and it was debunked in seconds before I could even post it, screw you. Hahahahahahahahahahaha I’m so happy, it’s so cool to be a fan of an idol like this!

Be your own boss and fight against the black fans. Today I support the Big Brother Ning x Little Ear CP!

Sorry, your sister Ning is awesome.

This is so smart. I’m a fan. Starting today, I will officially join Sister Lemon’s team.

Yin Yao was also smart, and immediately reposted and commented: The new characters are adapting to the script, I hope everyone will tolerate and like it~

The black account was completely hammered to death and couldn't even move.


After filming for more than a week, she finally had an afternoon without any filming. However, Ji Ning couldn't rest because she had to go back to school.

Nowadays, people's requirements for artists are comparable to those of saints. It is useless to be a good actor, they also have to be good in moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic aspects, otherwise they will be ridiculed.

You are a student, right? Even if the film academy teaches you how to act, it is useless if you act well outside. If you don't go back to school, it will be a handle. If you fail a course, it will be even better. You can be on the hot search for "xx failed a course" all day long.

In order to avoid gossip, she couldn't stay away from school all the time, she had to go back occasionally.

There is a lines class in the afternoon. I heard that the teacher has something to do today, so he replaced him with a talented person.

But Ji Ning didn't care, because she had been taking lines classes and often went back to the hotel to take an hour's class before going to bed.

In the afternoon when there were classes, Ji Ning and Nuonuo arrived early. The students in the same class were a little surprised to see her and kept discussing in low voices. Two boys in the back saw that it was Ji Ning and kept whistling. Ji Ning ignored them, so they threw chalk that they got from somewhere at her.

A 20-year-old boy is essentially no different from a 16-year-old. He has not yet fully matured. When he sees a pretty girl, he wants to flirt with her to attract attention, not to mention that the girl in front of him is a young actress who has easily become a hot topic.

The boy behind him was lost for a while, and seeing that Ji Ning was still writing notes, he got a little annoyed: "Why don't you come back? Do you really think you're a big star after filming two movies? I threw you away to give you face. I also followed your black account, did you know that?"

At this time, the class bell had rung for a minute, but the two people at the back were still making a fuss. Ji Ning could no longer bear it and was about to turn around when he heard a cry of surprise.

She turned her head and saw a familiar figure passing by the window, then standing on the podium with an exclamation.

It turned out to be Ji Shiyan.

Why is he here

The two boys at the back also forgot what they were doing and just stared at the blackboard without blinking.

"Fuck, I've never seen such a top star in my lifetime..."

The man was tall and had a straight back, with an air of majesty that came from his presence.

He held the book upright and placed his fingers along the spine.

Everyone's eyes were focused on him, probably waiting for this "substitute teacher" to introduce himself. Although everyone knew him, he probably still had to go through the basic procedures, right

The man fixed his eyes under the attention of the whole room, and his gaze fell on the back of Ji Ning. The first sentence he said was -

"Two in the last row."

There was an uproar in the classroom for a moment, and then he continued, "If you like throwing things, go out and throw them for a whole class."

The author has something to say: Do you dare to throw it away on my wife

* "There Are Stars Here" is a short story published by my baby Bo Pi Da Xian on the 18th edition of Fireworks Color B~ I will also add this for new readers 030

This chapter also has bonuses!