First Kiss Diary

Chapter 31: KISSx31


I hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, who could have thought that the vine would break at the critical moment, Ji Shiyan, wake up, the swing is very fragile, don't press on it!

I guess it was because the Gu King was too nervous, so he put all his body strength on the chair, which is why the chair was broken. It’s quite a contrast when you think about it this way, isn’t it

Why are you kissing me? Just give me a doi!

OK, OK, what the above person said is good.

It’s 9102 now, and I’m still shedding tears over the cute, hilarious and beautiful love story in Double Click.

—The above are most of the comments that Ji Shiyan saw when watching the current program.

In fact, he had a clear idea of how he felt about Ji Ning as the show was nearly halfway through.

He knew that he had a crush on her—although he didn't know when this crush came about. Was it when he first saw her red earlobes on the red carpet? Or was it when he felt sorry for her being alone but still brave like a knight? Or was it because he thought her fan account was really special and interesting? Or maybe it was the accumulation of time

It's just that the couple relationship in the dating variety show is there, and the apparent boyfriend-girlfriend positioning is also a kind of obstacle between them. They are all dedicated actors. In order to present the best state to the audience, they will make adjustments and efforts to make the show watchable. Sometimes some plots are not what they expected, but they will still do it if they expect the audience to like it.

However, the inertia brought about by this kind of dedication also makes it impossible for them to deeply experience their true feelings for each other.

But it doesn't matter, he still has plenty of time before the show ends.


Ji Ning certainly knew how much discussion there was on Weibo about the unfinished first kiss. Even on WeChat, a bunch of her friends sent her congratulatory messages and asked about the details of how the swing broke.

Of course, as long as she shows a slight sign of increasing traffic, the haters and internet trolls will immediately arrive at the battlefield and start spreading rumors and insults, and many marketing accounts will also start to provoke conflicts for the sake of popularity.

Regarding the lawsuit between her and those black accounts, there is still some time from the time the case is accepted to the time the trial officially begins. What she can do during this period is to fight against the black accounts and collect evidence, and wait for the day of the trial.

"First Kiss Diary" is so popular, and although it is closely related to the two Ji couples, there are also many people who like the other two couples. After looking at the momentum, the program team is preparing to make a special episode as an extra episode.

The extra episode was broadcast live throughout and was about public welfare. The guests were divided into three groups to visit left-behind elderly people, left-behind children, and children in welfare institutions.

Ji Ning and Ji Shiyan were assigned to a children's welfare home.

The two met in the dressing room early that morning. Ji Ning bumped into him as soon as he entered the room with the thermos. The moment they looked at each other, something strange was brewing.

Ji Ning's mind was filled with the clear eyelashes when he approached her that day. The physiological reaction of her ears showed a red color before she was aware of it. She lowered her head: "Morning, good morning."

The man was much calmer than her, and soon returned to his cold and casual look, with no expression on his face.


"What's in your hand?"

"Breakfast." Ji Ning handed the food over.

This is the noodle soup I bought for him when I passed by this morning.

She was not very good at cooking and could only order the most basic noodles and soup, but she was concerned about his poor stomach and wanted to bring him breakfast every time they met, so sometimes she would buy breakfast in a thermos bucket and bring it over.

It was obvious that Ji Shiyan was used to it. He naturally took her thermos bucket, picked up the chopsticks and started eating.

In the rising mist, she thought of how he often ate fruits or snacks sent by fans on the set. He never accepted expensive gifts, but he was never stingy in giving them small things that implied their thoughts in return.

After a simple makeup and hair style, the two quickly got into the car.

The welfare home is in a village that cannot be reached by plane. It is two and a half hours' drive from here. Due to the bumpy mountain road, Ji Shiyan is not driving this time. There is a specially equipped driver, and the program starts recording from the moment we get off the car.

Because the car ride was taking a long time, Ji Ning got up at around three o'clock today. He was so sleepy along the way that he fell asleep with his eyes closed after looking at the street view for a while.

She was very quiet when she slept, curled up in a small ball with her forehead against the window, a few loose hairs sticking out from behind her head, and her breathing was thin and light.

Ji Shiyan also leaned back in the chair and took a nap, and was awakened by the vibration when the car reached the mountain road.

He unscrewed the lid and took a sip of water, then pressed the bridge of his nose to calm himself. He turned his eyes slightly and saw the girl's head rising and falling with the shaking.

She hugged her arms and twisted them to adapt to the car's turns and tilts, sometimes even banging their arms against the car window.

He moved closer, ready to find something to cushion her head so that she wouldn't hit it on the head when getting out of the car and affecting the filming.

When Ji Shiyan approached, the car just turned a very narrow bend, and Ji Ning was caught off guard and fell towards him.

—On him

That's fine.

In that 0.01 second, the man made a quick decision and adjusted his sitting position.

But the car suddenly braked, and Ji Ning was thrown back to his original position before hitting him, and fell forward into nothingness.

The violent movement woke her up. Ji Ning slowly opened his eyes and said in a hoarse voice, "Are we there yet?"

"… "

The man rubbed his nose to conceal his feelings and turned to face the window.

"… not yet."

"Hurry up," the driver said, "Twenty minutes left!"

Ji Ning didn't plan to continue sleeping. He felt something beside him and looked down: "How did the pillow behind me get to the door?"

"The car is shaking too much," Ji Shiyan said calmly, "Just fall over by yourself."


The car arrived at the destination, I put on some makeup and started recording.

There were already many viewers waiting in the live broadcast room. When they saw the two people, the comments became even more intense.

Ji Ning knew that she was going to the welfare home before, but she was too busy to look at the address. Anyway, she trusted the program team and let the staff arrange everything.

Seeing that the destination was here, she was a little surprised.

The director of the welfare home came out to greet them and was not surprised to see Ji Ning because the program crew had already made arrangements in advance.

However, the little boy behind him was overjoyed when he saw Ji Ning: "Sister!"

Ji Shiyan looked at her: "Do you know her?"

Ji Ning nodded, "It seems that a library was donated here."

The dean interrupted with a smile and flipped through the roster: "No."

These three words made the haters watching the live broadcast excited. You know, Ji Ning's haters care about her more than her fans, and they are always on the front line of her schedule:

Hahahahahahaha xswl, Ningning is performing a car rollover online.

What kind of idiot is this? Didn’t he even discuss this with the person in charge before talking nonsense? Did he feel good about being slapped in the face

You liar, didn't your mother give you any intelligence when she gave birth to you, or are your whole family idiots

At this time, the dean finally found something in the book, looked up and smiled kindly, "What you donated to us is the psychological counseling room and the renovation of the basketball court. The library is next door."

"Really?" Ji Ning shrugged, "Then I remembered it wrong."

Although Ji Ning couldn't see the comments from the haters, the fans had already reported them quickly, and now they were fighting back together with passers-by:

Come on, come on, the one who just said he would slap someone in the face, should he slap himself or should I do it

I reasonably suspect that it was the black powder steamed pot (the real culprit) who was so confused at home that he looked at Ji Ning with a magnifying glass every day. I gave him a spiral kick and kicked the idiot away light years from me.

He himself was subjected to cyber bullying but he still found a psychologist for his children. Oh my God, I really cried. How can there be such a good person

Of course, as long as charity is mentioned, there will always be "wise men" who think they see through everything and have tonsillitis: they do it as if it were unintentional, and everyone knows that they are showing off their charity persona. Selling a persona is so disgusting.

Not to mention that she could even remember the wrong donation, which means she really didn't memorize the script. Moreover, even if there is a script to sell the character, people have spent money. How dare you, a keyboard warrior who squats in the toilet every day, open your mouth? What contribution have you made? Selfish monsters are not even qualified to pay taxes. Oops, sorry, I suddenly forgot that your contribution is to make everywhere you go stink.

Passersby, you can check how much charity Ji Ning has done. If it weren't for the fans, passersby wouldn't know. I just happened to see it before. Fans didn't over-publicize it. They were very low-key. Don't force celebrities to the point where they don't even want to do charity.

After arguing in the comments for a while, the professional and passerby blacks gradually realized that many people were talking to Ji Ning, so they stopped boring themselves and exited the live broadcast.

Ji Ning had a brief conversation with the dean, and then received an envelope. The dean said, "This is your funding for today. I hope you can use it wisely and have a good day."

They were going to accompany eight children. Ji Ning opened the envelope and saw that it was 600 yuan as start-up capital.

Six hundred bucks? Eight kids? One day? I can't even afford the entrance fee to the amusement park!

She asked Ji Shiyan: "How can we use 600 yuan to satisfy the children's wishes and ensure the show's watchability?"

Since it is a program, it cannot be too ordinary. If it is a normal day that the children can experience at any time, there is no point in recording it. Ji Ning essentially wants to do something small for them in person.

Although this day cannot change anything, it can at least tell them something, even if it is only a little.

Ji Shiyan calmly answered her question: "Dream."

"… "

She rubbed her head, there was nothing she could do.

He glanced at her and said calmly, "It's said that if you bump into someone too much, you'll become stupid."

Ji Ning didn't understand: "What do you mean by too many collisions?"

"Nothing," the man changed the subject, "Why don't we ask them what they want to do first, then we can make a plan."

She asked the children if there was anything they wanted to do after staying in the orphanage for so long, and the answers she got were surprisingly consistent.

“I want to eat Haidilao!”

It turned out that an adopted child had come back once. The child was unable to describe the prosperous scene of the city in vivid detail, and all his emotions could be summed up in one sentence: Haidilao is so delicious!

So everyone was obsessed with it.

Of course Ji Ning wanted to fulfill their wish, but it was only 600 yuan... Could eight children be fed

As she was thinking, she suddenly had an idea: "Haidilao seems to have a discount for college students, right?"

Ji Shiyan narrowed his eyes, his expression slightly complicated: "College student?"

"Yes, I'm a student at the school. Didn't you teach us before?"

As Ji Ning spoke, he picked up his phone to check. After searching for a while, he looked up and turned his clear eyes to him happily: "It really is available, 39% off, after 2 o'clock!"

Facing her gaze that was as if she had discovered a new world because of her identity as a "college student", Ji Shiyan suddenly thought of the three words "old man" that Jiang Sheng had given him not long ago.

He didn't know where the urge to vomit blood came from, and temporarily attributed it to the fact that the program crew paid him too little.

Ji Ning had no idea what the old man was thinking, and he was still biting his lip as he calculated, "A 69% discount means we can buy nearly 900 yuan worth of stuff, which should be enough for eight children. We can eat less."


So the two of them happily decided, but they didn't know that the barrage started arguing again:

Just a meal? The children are growing up, there is no need to eat Haidilao for the sake of your own face, you can eat something else.

It is understandable. After all, little princesses who have never been financially tight all pursue living life to the fullest.

But Ji Ning is not alone now, she has to be responsible for the child. After all, she is the parent today.

Keep watching. It’s only been half an hour and you already know that the child can only eat one meal

Of course, Ji Ning had considered the problems in the barrage, but for simple things like what to eat in the morning and evening, she already had a solution.

She asked Ji Shiyan to take care of them and do his homework first, and she took a ride to town.

When she passed by just now, she saw a supermarket here and thought that there should be a certain brand of food in the supermarket. Sure enough, familiar bags were placed on the shelves, and there were sales staff next to them.

—She just signed an endorsement contract with this company yesterday.

So Ji Ning overdrew his identity as a "spokesperson" in advance and successfully got a bag of dumplings, a bag of glutinous rice balls, and a bag of breakfast bread without spending a penny.

After she returned, Ji Shiyan looked at the big bag in her hand and asked, "How much is it?"

Ji Ning gave a mysterious smile: "Free."

“How come it’s free?”

The little girl puffed her lips and said, "Just scan your face."

By saving as much as possible on breakfast and dinner, you can ensure that your children can enjoy lunch as much as possible.

After a fairly hearty breakfast, Ji Ning played some games with them. Ji Shiyan reminded them, "Are you not leaving now?"

"It's too early. You can only use that discount after two o'clock."

They set off at around twelve o'clock, and arrived at the nearest Haidilao at just after two o'clock.

Ji Ning handed the tablet out and let the children order by themselves. After they ordered, the food was returned to her and she began to manually change a full portion into two half portions.

Ji Shiyan was watching her from the side: "Do college students have to order like this?"

"No," Ji Ning said seriously, "but two half portions are more than one whole portion."

The man paused: "Who said that?"

"I have a friend who likes to eat at Haidilao. I just asked her for tips and she told me this."

The comments were almost dying of laughter:

When Ji Ning treats guests, he says: Okay, buy them all, they are mine, you can choose whatever you want. After Ji Ning received the 600 yuan, he said: No, no, this will save money.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha life is not easy, beautiful women need to learn a skill.

Just now she was standing there and learning from the waiter how to get a college student certification. She was so cute. 555 mommy kiss.

After the dishes were served, the children started eating eagerly. Ji Ning was aware not only of her role as a variety show host but also as an actress. She moved her chopsticks a few times and stopped eating.

When they stopped and were bored, she helped everyone unload their things.

Ji Shiyan reached out and took a piece of watermelon. She subconsciously looked over and the man naturally stopped: "Can't eat it?"

"Sure," she propped up her head, "Why do you think so?"

"I'm afraid you'll stop me because of money." He said lightly.

"No," she shook her head very sincerely, "It's included in the cost of the ingredients. It's free."

“…” You didn’t stop him because he wanted to eat? Was it because he had already received the money

Ji Shiyan choked and couldn't speak.

The comments were full of praise: What is a boyfriend? Saving is the most important thing.

The food we ordered was just enough, and the children left only when they were too full to walk.

The whole meal cost five hundred and twenty, and I still have eighty left.

Everyone started arguing again:

There are only eighty left. I wonder how she is going to have dinner.

We can't make dumplings again, can we

Can't have dinner for 80 yuan? A bowl of noodles is only 5 yuan, right

Do you let your growing children eat vegetarian noodles

What's wrong with eating so much meat at noon and some vegetarian food at night

Of course, Ji Ning remained calm. She first took the children to the mall, rented shoes for ice skating, and had sixty-four dollars left in the budget.

When she returned home, she used the remaining money to buy meat and some vegetables.

Apart from the few bags she was carrying, she was truly penniless.

Ji Shiyan looked at the dish in her hand and asked, "What are you going to do when you get back?"

"They are all tired from playing and sweating so much, so they can go back and make some handmade noodles."

When he returned to the welfare home, the man suddenly realized something: "You didn't buy flour."

How to knead dough without buying flour? I don’t have the raw materials.

Of course Ji Ning understood.

She swallowed and looked at him eagerly: "So I have a humble wish."


"Can you... scan your face?"

Twenty minutes later, Actor Ji carried a whole box of flour to the kitchen with an expressionless face and put it down.

"It turns out that I have been filming for so many years just to prepare for this moment."

—Just now, twenty minutes ago, the girl asked him in the most sincere voice if he could use the attention from his fans to get some flour.

And he, Ji Shiyan, who would rather lose than participate in the show himself, did it :)

Ji Ning also knew how daring he was. He pushed the orange juice he had prepared over to him and gave him a guilty look: "I'm sorry, you should take a rest. I'll do it."

The barrage of comments exploded again:

What kind of variety show genius is Little Ear? He actually asked Ji Shiyan to borrow flour. Hahahaha. Okay, it seems that they really can’t apply a facial mask. My facial mask cracked from laughing…

Ji Ning: Love that cannot be recognized is just a pile of loose sand. It doesn't even need wind to blow it away, and it will get stuck in your teeth if it can't be washed clean.

Ji Shiyan: It turns out that my national popularity is just a tool for my girlfriend to show off her reputation, lay.

I may be a fake fan, but I really like seeing Ji Shiyan’s helpless look.

Shouldn't Ji Shiyan be happy? Ningning proved that he is extremely popular and he has so many fans even in the countryside.

Ji Shiyan, who was standing on the side, watched her talking on the phone, adding water and kneading the dough with a heroic and desperate look on her face. After watching for three seconds, he couldn't bear it any longer.


"Yeah." She looked up with the water cup in hand, "Isn't that what we do?"

He handed the orange juice back to her and pulled her aside: "You take a rest, I'll do it."

The man rolled up his sleeves to his elbows, revealing his sexy veins. His fingers were long and slender, with an alluring depression at his metacarpal bones.

He held the bowl with one hand and rubbed it back and forth with the other hand. From the side, one could vaguely see the angle of his jaw bitten by his back molars. Ji Ning looked at the white dough gradually taking shape under his palm, and felt that this scene was not very friendly to him, so he looked away.

The comments were all excited:

Never done it? Well. You take a break, I'll do it. What a lewd word, I'm ready.

If the elder sister can do it, then the younger sister can do it too.

Me too.

After the dough had risen for a while, Ji Ning called the children over to help him pull the noodles into the pot.

Ji Shiyan prepared the meat and cooked the whole process, and when it was finally served, the dish was delicious and fragrant.

After a lively meal, Ji Ning took them to the market to go shopping and digest the food.

There is a second-hand bookstore in a very inconspicuous place. On display at the highest shelf is a very new copy of "The Moon and Sixpence".

She felt her pocket and unexpectedly took out eight dollars, not knowing when this was left over.

Finally, she used the remaining eight dollars to buy the book "The Moon and Sixpence", which also marked the end of the day's live broadcast.

When she was about to leave, a girl holding the book asked her, "Sister, will you and brother... uncle come again?"

Before Ji Ning could answer, Ji Shiyan frowned and asked, "Uncle?"

The girl pointed at Jiang Sheng: "He told me to call him that."

Ji Shiyan: “…”

The weather is getting cold, it's time to let Jiang Sheng get rid of his job.

"Call me brother."

"Then, will my sister and brother come again?"

"Maybe. I'll come again if I have the chance." Ji Ning rubbed the top of her head. "Are you happy today?"

"Glad," the girl looked down, "Sister, do you want to take this book back?"

"No, I'll leave it to you."

Ji Ning felt a little melancholy. He raised his head under the moonlight and looked at the twinkling stars.

For most of the children here, if they are not adopted, they will spend a large part of their time in this small place. Haidilao cannot be called their wish, but it is also the carrier of their dreams. In essence, they actually want to see the outside world and are eager to go to a wider place.

But if you want to leave, you have to make great efforts.

"I hope my sister and brother will be happy every day, and stay together forever!" The little girl blinked, "Sister, do you have anything to say to us?"

“I think so.”

Ji Ning pinched her cheek and said, "I hope you will never give up your dreams and reading."


After a day of filming, Ji Ning collapsed in his seat as soon as he got in the car, but Ji Shiyan still seemed to be in some spirit. He asked the staff for his cell phone to watch the live broadcast.

He skipped over the vicious words, lowered his eyes to glance at Ji Ning, then turned his gaze to his phone and began to read:

"I take back my prejudice against Ji Ning. She is ok."

"She's a smart and thoughtful girl. I clicked in when I was bored and actually watched it to the end."

"She completed such a complicated task very well. She was serious when she needed to be serious, and she also had a sense of variety when there were jokes. I am considering following her variety shows."

He read three lines before Ji Ning reacted. He guessed that he found himself too tired and wanted to replenish her energy.

As he was reading, the man suddenly fell silent. Ji Ning nodded and said, "Why don't you read anymore? What does the comment say?"

After a while, a man's voice came.

"Ask us when we're getting married."

The author has something to say: Good question!!! Good question!!!

There are also red envelopes today! Double update combined into one, please water me with love>3