First Kiss Diary

Chapter 49: KISSx49


In order to prevent himself from being dazzled and not wanting to appear too naive, Ji Ning took another look at the small label at the end of the necklace when he took it out.

You read that right, it is indeed a familiar custom brand.

When this brand first came out, Song Yu complained, "Not only is this expensive, but it also doesn't understand men. How many men only buy necklaces for one woman in their lifetime? If the next woman wants this brand and can't buy it, wouldn't it be a disaster? So in summary, it's very inhumane no matter how you look at it."

Ji Ning of course also participated in the discussion. At that time, she said, "What if the man really doesn't buy it for other women anymore?"

—That is a low-probability event. How many men have the courage to do this at such a young age? This brand will go bankrupt sooner or later.

In response to her assumption, Song Yu said:

I didn't expect that after a few years, this brand still hasn't closed down. Ji Ning was thinking in a mess.

Ji Shiyan reminded her: "Try it?"

He added: “I’m not sure if it’s appropriate.”

Ji Ning turned his head and saw that the camera had already started recording. He didn't know whether it would be cut into the main film or the behind-the-scenes footage.

She pinched the two ends of the necklace, lowered her head and put it around her neck, but after trying for a long time she couldn't get the clasp right.

Ji Shiyan tilted his head to take a look, "Can't wear it?"

"This necklace..." Ji Ning choked, "It's not easy to twist. I can't find the right position."

"I'll do it."

He pushed her hair forward, turned her body around, and quickly fastened the necklace.

The girl turned to him, probably thinking it was polite to show him what he bought.

The man's eyes moved downwards. The pendant was longer than the collarbone, and extending downwards was a piece of fair skin. Further down...

He stopped looking at her in time, turned his head slightly uncomfortably, and gave her the right to speak: "What do you think?"

"It's good, and the size is just right."

She felt like Cinderella's sister. When she saw the high-heeled shoes, she wanted to put them on even if she had to cut off the heels.

What's more, this thing was tailor-made for her, so it's hard for it to be unsuitable.

"Then take this video with you," the man said, "and go skiing today."

Ji Ning pursed his lips and nodded reservedly on the surface, but fireworks were already going off in his heart.

She likes winter the most among the four seasons. She likes to wrap herself up into a thick ball to feel safe. She likes to breathe freely after pulling the mask off her face with great effort. She likes to collect all the snow on the air conditioner outdoor units at home and make a snowball and put it outside the window.

I like winter because I fell in love with him when it was snowing.

"But I'm not very good at skating," she whispered, "Will I fall?"

"Probably not," he said, "What is your definition of not very good at it? Do you have any experience with it?"

“I think so.”

The girl moved her head inside the hat, tilted her face upward, and struggled to get her lips out from under the hat buckle.

She opened her mouth, her apricot-pink lips opening and closing, and the white mist she exhaled covered her face hazily before dissipating.

"I've seen it in Korean dramas eight hundred and ten times."

Ji Shiyan waited for a long time: "No more?"

“No more.”

"… "

Okay, then he roughly understood what skiing meant to her.

The man pulled her hat back up. It was wide and had a bonded windshield that just covered the tip of her nose.

He didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, but his knuckles brushed against the tip of her slightly red nose, the touch was gentle.

"I understand." He said in a deep voice.

There were not many people at the ski resort. Everywhere you looked, it was a vast expanse of white. The sky was translucent blue, and there was a crisp crackling sound when you stepped on the snow.

Ji Shiyan guessed that she probably didn't know how to ski, so he planned to teach her how to avoid obstacles and brake today.

But when he saw the couple next to him hugging each other and flirting with a stick, he felt that he might have miscalculated.

There may not be many girls who have just fallen in love who really want to come here to learn how to ski.

So the man decided to temporarily change his strategy.

He brought the ski suit over for her to change. Ji Ning quickly put on her clothes and shoes. When she was about to change her gloves, she saw the man looking at her with his slender fingers holding the ski poles.

Ji Ning had something to say that he didn't know whether he should say it or not. He kept swallowing it up, and finally he opened his mouth.

She pointed at his hands: "You didn't change your gloves..."

Since it was the last session anyway, she asked, "Are you going to help me put on the gloves first?"

The man seemed to stand there for a few seconds, then he put his ski poles aside, walked up to her, and his voice was faintly smiling.

"Okay, I'll change it for you."

She felt that her earlobes must have turned red, but fortunately he couldn't see it because she was wearing a hat.

The girl spread her fingers and stretched them forward.

Her fingers were also beautiful, straight and long. He somehow thought of a video he had seen somewhere, in which a little white cat opened its claws on its own initiative when its owner was cutting its nails. It was very obedient.

The man lowered his head and looked at her red fingertips: "Did you paint your nails?"

She retracted her fingers, not expecting him to notice this.

I just asked a manicurist to do it yesterday for the sense of ritual. I'm not going to be laughed at again.

But he's been looking at it for so long... he should think it's pretty, right

She saw the man staring at her fingertips for a while. Just when she thought he had begun searching the straight man's dictionary for words of praise, she heard the man speak.

Ji Shiyan put on gloves for her and said, "Nail polish is bad for your health."

Ji Ning waited for a while:

She deeply feels that in the future, in addition to the titles of "the most beautiful man" and "the top actor in acting", her idol can also win the title in voting similar to "the world's number one straight man".

Before skiing, Ji Shiyan taught her the movements. She placed her feet shoulder-width apart, checked her center of gravity, grabbed the ski poles and began to practice. She turned around and asked him, "Is that right?"

He walked leisurely behind her, holding the pole with her hands, and as if to get a better view, he leaned his head forward as if to rest it on her shoulder.

Her shoulders froze instantly, as if they had been frozen into ice.

"Like this," the man moved twice and felt something, "Why are your shoulders so stiff? Relax a little."

As he stepped back, her shoulders finally began to relax naturally.

After learning the theoretical knowledge, he started to practice. Ji Ning felt that his lack of skills was not because he didn't work hard or the teacher didn't teach well enough, but because the teacher became a distraction.

Who can learn knowledge when their idol is resting his head on their shoulder

She felt that it would be an insult to the handsome guy to be distracted by learning how to ski when faced with such beauty.

Before going on stage, she asked Ji Shiyan anxiously, "I shouldn't die, right?"

Not knowing what the hell she was asking, the man laughed: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

As a result, she started to make all kinds of dangerous postures and moves in a short while. Ji Shiyan wanted her to brake, but he was afraid that she would not only forget how to brake but also become more and more panicked, so he had to stand by the tree and raise his hand: "Shift your center of gravity to your left foot and slide towards me."

She was so nervous that her voice was shaking: "Won't it hit you?"

But her body leaned towards him honestly. The man took two steps forward, raised his hand and hugged her waist.

Ji Ning paused.

He was knocked back a few steps by the impact, but fortunately there was a tree behind him, so neither of them fell.

"Stop slipping."

The man's breath fell on the top of her head with a slight gasp, as if he was really a little scared: "You are not dead, I must be scared to death by you."

Ning felt the restraint around his waist, blinked his eyes, and heard his heart beating rapidly.

"But you caught me, didn't you?"

After a while, he sighed and seemed to be laughing.

"Yeah, I got you."

Since they couldn’t continue skiing, Ji Shiyan took her to make a snowman.

As they were piling up the snowballs, a snowball relay suddenly started from somewhere. Ji Ning was hit twice. As a high-level player, she naturally refused to admit defeat, so she put a bag of snow in her pocket and joined the war.

Finally, she had played until she was completely exhausted. She sat cross-legged on the snow and breathed deeply. The man came over with a cup of hot water and handed it to her like an old mother.

Ji Ning took a sip and asked, "Why didn't I see you just now?"

“I don’t play these.”

She recalled again, "Just now I saw you holding up your phone, were you taking a photo?"

He nodded.

Ji Ning stretched out his hand: "What did it look like? Let me see."

"It's charging over there," the man said, "It takes great pictures."

"Tsk." She also completely relaxed, blinked her misty eyelashes, and said in a tired voice, "I don't believe it."

It was already afternoon when they finished recording the skiing and snowball fight. After dinner, the two of them took a walk along the river.

I had not been standing on the roadside for a while when the letter from the program team came.

She opened: The recording of the last episode has been completed. The first season of "First Kiss Diary" has come to an end. I am grateful for all the encounters.

To be honest, Ji Ning was indeed confused.

This enjoyable day suddenly came to an end, as if highlighting some moments that made people still feel hopeful.

The night wind was a bit biting, and her nose was blown red. She sniffed, turned her head and said to him, "We're done."


The man's voice became increasingly unclear in the howling wind. He said, "It's very cold. Let's go back first."

She nodded, took a few steps back before turning around, put her hands in her pockets, and grabbed the soft down in her down jacket.

It seemed like it ended too quickly, but also like it wasn't over yet. A sudden farewell always makes it difficult to distinguish everything.

When she took two steps out, her cell phone suddenly rang. The moment she picked up the phone, the street lights behind her suddenly lit up one by one.

The music reached her ears faster than any other sound—

At this time, the wind started to blow again. She turned her head in the whistling sound of the wind, and her long hair was blown all over the place.

He sat under the street light, holding a guitar in his arms, strumming the chords with his slender fingers, and began to sing in a deep voice.

Every word the man sang seemed to bring her back to the critical point between reality and virtuality. She took two steps forward and heard his clear melody.

"This night is too tense/time is too long"

At this moment he looked up, and the guitar sound that had suddenly stopped began to linger again—

"My Girl"

"Where are you/Looking at the moon"

The man had a deep voice and there was no microphone in this song, so it seemed like it was sung for her alone.

The word "my girl" was so gentle and affectionate, as if it was whispering in one's ear, and every word made one's heart itch and the tip of one's tongue burn.

When she said the last sentence, she heard him seem to change the words.

This face becomes even gentler under the light, and the sound of the guitar flows out like a music box that won’t stop once it’s turned on:

"Where are you?"

"Beside Me"

He was standing under the dim street lights, and there was a rustling of leaves.

The surface of the river reflects pavilions and terraces, and in the distance there is a bright moon hanging high in the sky, its light as bright as a silver thread.

It seems like a tailor-made dream that you only have once in a lifetime.


When she returned to the hotel that day, Song Yu was taking a shower. When Song Yu came out of the shower, she saw her reciting the script.

"What are you doing? Memorizing the script?" Song Yu tilted her head. "Hasn't the variety show finished filming?"

"Yes." Ji Ning said.

"You're not crying," Song Yu was surprised. "I saw all the female guests cry in the last episode. They cried loudly and choked in their brother's arms."

"You're not going to cry, are you? It's just the end of the variety show, not the end of life." Ji Ning said, "Maybe because I was having too much fun, I forgot that today was the last episode, and I didn't have time to prepare myself for the moment."

"Don't give me that. You need to prepare your emotions before you can cry? Tears come in just three seconds, okay?" Song Yu brought the body lotion to the bed and asked her while rubbing it, "Why aren't you sad? Share it with me."

Instead of sharing his emotions with her, Ji Ning took off the necklace and placed it in front of her.

“Do you remember this brand?”

Song Yu looked at it for two seconds and confirmed: "How could I not remember it? Even if it turned to ashes, I would..."

She suddenly stopped and looked at Ji Ning: "Ji Shiyan sent it?"

Ji Ning nodded and said in a daze: "What do you think this means?"

"From the perspective of CP fans, Ji Shiyan loves you so much that he has gone crazy and declared his sovereignty to the whole world. Your love deserves to be recorded in history! Double Click is real!"

Ji Ning looked at her and knew that she had something else to say.

"But from your friend's perspective, it's not that simple."

Song Yu calmed down in an instant: "I know what you are thinking, but you like him. You have a filter in your relationship, just like CP fans, it is difficult to be objective."

"I used to like a boy, but whenever he turned around to look at the class schedule, I thought he was peeking at me."

"Did Ji Shiyan order this necklace in his own name? Did he start recording when he gave it to you? Would he have done this even if there were no cameras and he didn't consider the effect of the show?"

"You need to figure out these three first before you can sort out your feelings."

Ji Ning relaxed his shoulders and took a breath after getting Song Yu's answer.

"Yeah, that's what I thought."

It's hard not to think about this brand, but she's not sure whether Ji Shiyan was aware of this when he ordered it. What if he gave the drawings and the staff under him happened to have contact with this brand and made a product placement

It's not completely impossible.

In fact, after so long, she is not stupid, and she also wondered if he liked her.

But soon this thought will be suppressed by myself.

You can’t be a fan of someone like this. Once you start to have demands and greed based on your feelings for him, the relationship will become impure.

What he meant to her could not be simply summed up in the word "like". At many times, she relied on him as a pillar to have the confidence to persevere. She did not want everything to become impure.

"Instead of thinking too much, you might as well clear your mind," Song Yu patted her shoulder, "If a man likes you, he will take the initiative to find you."

"Hold on, let's wait and see what happens. Anyway, the variety show has already been recorded, and we will know what his feelings are for you after leaving the show."


On the other side, Jiang Sheng and Ji Shiyan were already sitting in the VIP room for seafood.

Jiang Sheng ordered a bunch of food for himself, and when his meal came, Ji Shiyan hadn't yet chosen what he wanted.

Jiang Sheng thought he had difficulty making decisions and kept giving him suggestions. As a result, option a wasn't okay, option b wasn't okay, and option c, e, and so on were all rejected.

Jiang Sheng was speechless: "You are so hard to please. What do you want? What do you like?"

"I like Ji Ning."

Agent Jiang was struggling with the abalone in his hand with a spoon. Upon hearing the words, his fingers slipped, and the spoon flew out and collided with the bowl with a crisp sound. The abalone, meat and shell included, fell into the soup bowl, and the soup splashed all over his face.

Jiang Sheng: “… … … …”

He wiped his face and asked with trembling lips: "What the hell???"

The author has something to say: I will update one chapter first!! It is not finished yet!! The second chapter will be coming soon!!!