First Kiss Diary

Chapter 53: KISSx53


Finally, Zhuo Gong, who "likes cats", changed the stage, and the position next to Ji Ning was replaced by Ji Shiyan.

Ji Ning really didn't know that he was allergic to cat hair.

This matter has never been discussed in the fan circle, and no one has ever made a joke about it. Besides, in her opinion, people who can keep dogs at home are less likely to be allergic to animal hair.

But the dog is also raised by his parents, and he is away from home all year round, so maybe no one saw it when he was allergic.

Thinking of this, she scooped up a piece of ice from the bucket.

Today I want to shoot a shot of holding ice.

It was a chilly winter day outside the window. Even though the heating was on inside, the bucket of ice was still wrapped in three layers of down jacket, so it didn't melt much.

As soon as his fingertips touched the ice, Ji Ning flinched.

The sharp cold did not give people time to adapt. Once it stuck to the skin, it quickly drilled into the bones.

She clenched her fist and blew air into her palm, preparing to put her hand next to the bucket to get used to it before taking it.

Ji Shiyan also came over at this time. The man picked a big piece with his long hand and squeezed it for a minute.

Just as Ji Ning was about to say that big ice melts slowly and was about to suggest that he change to a smaller piece of ice, the man extended his hand to her, palm facing down, and water slid over his knuckles and dripped onto the floor.

"Go on," he said.

Ji Ning half-understood and stretched out his hand, and when his hand opened, the ice in his hand fell into her palm.

The ice still had the warmth of the man's palm, a little bit of warmth, although it was quickly offset by the coldness.

But it doesn't seem so cold anymore.

Ji Ning saw him give him the ice and then go get a new piece of ice that hadn't thawed yet. He couldn't help but ask softly, "Are you cold?"

The man seemed to have no idea what cold was, and said calmly and easily: "I'm not afraid of the cold."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ji Ning looked over and could vaguely see the length of his clothes from his sleeves.

A shirt, a sweater, and an extra-long woolen coat. As far as she knew, there should be at least one more thing under the shirt.

Okay, if the idol says he is not afraid, then he is not afraid. A mature fan needs to understand the wisdom of silence.

Before the ice melted, the two of them took the opportunity to take close-up shots.

After holding the ice tightly for two minutes, the layer of warmth he had put on the ice had already faded away layer by layer.

Most of Ji Ning's ice had melted, and he couldn't feel much in his hands.

Before the next scene started, she jumped out of the crowd and ran to the air conditioner, raising her hand to receive the warm air output by the air conditioner.

The air conditioner blades were a little high, so she raised her hands as well. After raising them for a while, her hands felt a little sore. Just as she was about to rub her wrists, she felt someone coming over.

Ji Shiyan walked to the air conditioner, and easily touched the fan blades with his height advantage, and pushed them down.

His fingers were still on the air outlet, adjusting the settings, and he turned his head to say to her, "We'll shoot the next scene in five minutes."


With the air conditioner blowing downwards, she no longer had to exert much effort, but her long hair was blown into a mess, and her cheeks and earlobes were burned red.

He sighed softly, and found a hair dryer that was a must-have for the crew on the table. After plugging it in and testing the temperature, he pulled Ji Ning over.

Blowing hands with hot air is a common practice used by the crew to keep actors away from the cold, but in the past, these things were always done by Nono.

Ji Shiyan had already turned on the switch, and amid the humming sound of the wind, Ji Ning obediently stretched out his hands, spread them out, and began to heat them evenly like grilling meat.

Nuonuo and Jiang Sheng had just come in from outside after buying hot milk tea when they saw this scene in the corner.

The man was half leaning against the wall, one hand in his pocket and the other holding a hair dryer, his lips pursed and his head lowered.

The girl stood opposite him with her hands spread out, her long eyelashes drooping, switching her palms and back of her hands.

The scene is indescribably cute and harmonious.

Jiang Sheng, who was assigned, looked at the situation with distorted eyes for a while, then realized that he had been deceived.

"Okay, Ji Shiyan is awesome."

He took out the tube and started drinking Ji Shiyan's milk tea.

If you are full of love, do you still need to drink something? Only a simple and kind person like Jiang Sheng would be fooled!

Nuonuo looked at him: "What does Ji Shiyan drink?"

Manager Jiang chewed the pearls vigorously and said kindly, "I suggest that he turn left when he goes out and drink a liter of northwest wind."

Nono: “…”

The public welfare short film was completed in an hour.

As soon as Ji Ning came out, he saw Zhuo Gong waiting at the door.

Zhuo Gong smiled and said, "Are you finally done with the filming?"

"Why did you finish so early?" Ji Ning expressed his envy for his colleague who got off work early.

"I don't have much stuff, I'll finish shooting in a little while."

Zhuo Gong sneezed out of the cold: "By the way, my car has been borrowed by someone. Is your car still there? If you can give me a ride, it's just in front..."

Before Ji Ning could open his mouth and before Zhuo Gong could finish his speech, Ji Shiyan, who came out later, had already interrupted them.

"Where are you going later?"

Zhuo Gong was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Ji Shiyan to come out so soon. He cleared his throat and said, "The film and television base in front."

"Well," the man answered quickly, and seemed to think for a while before he slowly continued as if a bolt of wisdom had dawned on him, "You and Ji Ning are not going the same way, so it's just right for me to go back to the crew with her."

"How about this, I'll lend you my car."

For a moment, Drogon was frozen in jpg format:… ?

However, the man in front of him just smiled slightly, with an objective look of concern.

"It's troublesome if it's not on the same route. Why don't you just drive my car to the filming and I'll go back to the crew with her? Isn't that perfect?"

Zhuo Gong was speechless for a moment, then he thought of something and regained his fighting spirit.

"It's inconvenient. I can't drive. How can I return the car to you? It will be even more troublesome. So..."

Isn’t this simple

Ji Shiyan said: "I'll lend you the driver too."

"He'll drive you back by himself when you get there, don't worry."

Zhuo Gong felt like there was something stuck in his throat and felt suffocated by the rank of the man in front of him.

Unable to win, he chose to take a step back and say, "You don't have to lend me your car. Just get in your own car and take me to the intersection. It's not far away and I can walk by myself."

The man looked at the trees swaying in the wind and thoughtfully rejected Drogon's suggestion.

"It's windy now. What will it look like if I ask the juniors to get out of the car and feel the wind?"

Ji Shiyan curled his lips, cutting off all of Zhuo Gong's hesitation to speak: "You're welcome, this is what I should take care of."


Zhuo Gong gritted his teeth but had to accept the invitation from "Senior Ji" with a smile on his face, and said thank you with emotion.

The moment he got on the car, he felt his heart bleeding.

Ji Shiyan, old fox, too cruel tt

Different from Zhuo Gong's situation of swallowing his anger and losing his temper, the situation on Ji Shiyan's side is much more comfortable.

Although Ji Ning's RV is not big, it is well decorated. It is not as cold as his car. Every corner of her car is full of the warmth of life. The light yellow color combination makes people feel better.

Ji Ning first filled two hot water bottles, handed one to Ji Shiyan and held one himself.

Perhaps thinking it was not good to disturb them here, Nuonuo got up and went to the inner room.

As soon as Nuonuo left, Ji Shiyan felt the girl start rummaging through something in the drawer.

Within seconds, a breath with a lemony scent came closer to him.

"It will be evening soon, we..."

The man narrowed his eyes.

Ji Ning: "Let's check the lines later. Do you have the script?"

Ji Shiyan paused: "What?"

"I said that if you brought the script, we could review the night scene we're going to shoot later and discuss it." She was absorbed in her work and finally took out the script, spread it out, and saw handwriting all over it.

The notebook hit the table, awakening Ji Shiyan's unclear mind.

So this is what she wanted to say.

The man paused for a few seconds in self-doubt.

—Of course this is what she wants to say, otherwise, Ji Shiyan? What else do you expect her to say

The man straightened his clothes and entered the Platonic world of his own creation.

"Okay, which one do you want to fight?"

There were many night scenes in "Illusion Healing", and the shooting lasted until very late during those days. She finally finished work early one day, and she had to rush to another city.

After checking her schedule, she confirmed that she would join "There's a Breakfast Shop" and become one of the MCs.

The recording of "There is a Breakfast Shop" will be held tomorrow morning. She will fly there tonight and will be ready to start filming after a night's rest.

This variety show has a good lineup, and I heard that the guests are easy to get along with, but the filming may be a little tiring.

Since the name is "A Breakfast Shop", the theme is also very clear, that is, five people run a breakfast shop together. The ingredients, content, and sales time are all decided by themselves. The program does not care about anything else except setting tasks and providing some start-up funds.

At the beginning, Ji Ning also had her own concerns. She told the director that she was not very good at cooking and might not be able to help much.

Unexpectedly, the director was even happier and said what was the point of having everyone know how to cook. Of course, different blood needs to be injected to make the variety show interesting.

She had no reason to refuse the program crew's kindness.

As soon as she entered the hotel that night, the production crew gave her a camera and asked her to film the check-in process and the preparations before filming that night.

There was nothing much to photograph during the check-in process, but she was very well prepared.

She had already bought breakfast recipes of various cuisines, as well as some sauces and various kitchen utensils for conveniently processing ingredients.

To prevent unexpected situations, she also brought a small printer, equipped with a board and a pen, which she could use to write the corresponding prices for breakfast, so as to avoid having to respond to pricing questions when she was busy.

Through all these miscellaneous preparations, it can be seen that she had already thought about her position in the store.

Ji Ning is a brick and can be moved wherever he is needed.

Before going to bed, Ji Ning said a few words of encouragement to the camera, turned off the camera, and fell asleep with his head on the pillow.

The next day was a rare day because she could sleep until seven before going down to the meeting.

There was no need to open the store on the first day. It was the time for the guests to get to know each other and discuss store-related matters. Ji Ning was the third person to arrive in the room, and soon everyone else arrived.

Liu Yi is the oldest person in the store and the one who is in charge of things. With her adult children, she has rich life experience.

"Cherish today. Once we actually start making breakfast, there will be no time to sleep in. We have to get up before dawn to prepare."

Fortunately, getting up early has become a necessary professional quality for every artist.

"Let's decide!" Liu Shengsheng, an actor who is about the same age as Ji Ning, suggested, "We'll open tomorrow, so what should we cook? It would be best if it was a great start that could immediately make us famous!"

Shi Ran, who is the head chef, has already started to show off: "You can do anything. I can do it anyway."

Several young actors started discussing, while Ji Ning sat aside and wrote something. Liu Yi came over and asked her, "What are you writing about?"

“I’m taking note of some of their ideas.”

Ji Ning did not write down the more outrageous ones, but wrote down all the ones she thought were good. Perhaps it was due to her acting habit, she felt that it would make people feel more secure if she wrote them down with a pen.

After everyone had a wild discussion, someone called out to Ji Ning: "Ji Ning, why aren't you talking? Do you have any ideas?"

"Hmm..." Ji Ning pondered for a moment, "I think we should first see what the breakfast shops near our store sell. If some of them have already made signs, we should avoid colliding with them."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. After all, we're newly opened. Maybe we can rely on our reputation to attract customers in the beginning, but over time, products are still the most important."

Shi Ran said: "But I am confident in what I do."

"Having confidence is one thing, having strong competitors is another," Liu Yi said. "The store has just opened, so I think it's better to be conservative and take things slow."

Liu Shengsheng nodded: "I agree."

"Competitive analysis can be left until we are stable," Ji Ning and Shi Ran said, "If you want to compete with your competitors for consumers, the show will be very effective."

Shi Ran was convinced by her.

Liu Yi continued to ask her: "Anything else?"

“And market research?”

Ji Ning began to recall some things he had read in a book before: "What is the taste of most people here? Salty, spicy or light? Some things need to be made into fixed flavors to have the best taste. If the product goes against the audience, it is not very wise."

"Yes, we will do the research this afternoon."

Liu Shengsheng poked Ji Ning: "Do you have any idea what to do tomorrow?"

"I don't have any ideas." Ji Ning said, "But we can let everyone vote. Shi Ran can make a few of his specialties. After we taste them, we can let passers-by taste them and choose the ones with the highest votes."

Liu Yi clapped his hands and said, "Ok, let's get started and divide into groups to conduct market research!"

After researching the taste and nearby products and choosing the breakfast to make tomorrow morning, everyone was too tired to chat anymore.

Ji Ning came back the latest, and when he arrived at the apartment, everyone had already gone upstairs to sleep.

During these days of doing the breakfast show, everyone lives in an apartment at night and also has to film.

Ji Ning was exhausted, so he covered the camera with his clothes and went to take a shower. But halfway through his shower, he found that the hot water was gone.

This place was not very busy, and she couldn't shout loudly for fear of disturbing her roommate who had already fallen asleep. She hurriedly boiled a kettle of water and washed up before coming out of the bathroom.

Although it can be considered a bath, it was not a hot bath with sufficient water temperature, which is fatal in winter.

She felt as if the cold water had punched holes in her body, and her vitality and energy were flowing out.

Ji Ning lay deflated on the bed and opened his trumpet account. His mood dropped several degrees because of this cold shower.

She turned on the button and wrote an original Weibo post as if to vent her feelings—

I was in a bad mood. Ji Shiyan sent me a photo, a nine-square grid, it must be the kind I have never seen before.

I put this out of my mind as soon as I finished writing it, but refreshed the homepage after fifteen minutes and paid special attention to the Weibo post.

After seeing clearly what the special attention was sent, Ji Ning sat up instantly from the bed.

Ji Shiyan: Be happy.

The accompanying picture is a new photo, taken at the beach.

Looking closely, I found that there were exactly nine photos.

The author has something to say: Damn, when will I be able to have the benefit of asking for photos

Our idols often don't take a selfie for months [grin]? Not true

The name of the breakfast shop variety show has been changed

This chapter also has bonuses!