First Kiss Diary

Chapter 56: KISSx56


That whole night, Sun He was on four hot searches. Strangely, these hot searches disappeared briefly, but reappeared not long after.

Nuonuo was so excited that she ran to Ji Ning's room to watch the trending searches with her. When she saw that the last few trending searches were firmly in the top ten, she couldn't help but wonder, "Hey, that's strange. Sun He's PR team is so tough, why didn't they show any reaction? Are they all asleep?"

Ji Ning made a glass of milk and shook his head: "I don't know."

According to Sun He's public relations style, this hot search should not have stayed on the top for so long. She thought one hour was the limit, and she was expected to see the hot search evaporate. She did not expect it to reappear after a while.

I don’t know if it’s a bug in Weibo.

Soon, #孙荷天马雨星锤# also became a hot topic.

The hammer tonight was too hard, but there were still fans or internet trolls commenting below: What kind of hammer is this

The blogger replied: Your master is so cowardly that he closes the comments.

The hot search square was full of laughter.

If I were Sun He, I would be so angry tonight. I spent a lot of money on public relations to get rid of the truth, but the person involved was forced to expose the truth by his fans.

Moreover, after hammering a fan, he still refused to admit it, and bombarded him from all sides, telling him to hammer if he had the guts, forcing him to continue hammering. He asked for hammer and got hammer. I want to know how Sun He's fans feel.

Sun He was probably cursing at home at those stupid fans. I laughed until I left this strange world.

The fans even tried to say that she had ulterior motives to gain popularity. The perfect victim is no longer popular now. What's the conflict between her being a good person and Sun He being trash? Besides, this just proves that people are matched with people, and neither of them is a good person.

Doesn't Sun He have a fiancé? Although they are not married, does this count as cheating

This is not splitting, this is splitting.

Not only that, everything that Sun He had previously covered up by using her obscurity as a shield is now exposed under the rising popularity.

Sun He, who has been portraying a fair, wealthy and beautiful persona since her debut, was exposed by resourceful netizens that her real identity is actually an illegitimate daughter.

The word "private life" is not a high-quality added value for glamorous female artists. However, if the artist herself is likable, low-key and does not make trouble, she can still rely on the public's sympathy to gain some goodwill. After all, one cannot choose his or her birth.

But Sun He is not like that. The press releases have long exaggerated her wealth and background, and she always looks bossy when she looks at people. But after getting to the bottom of it, her identity is so shady. No wonder passersby are criticizing her again.

Last time she came to my house for a business event, she looked at me with her nose up when she got off the car. When I went back and searched for information, I felt that it was a bit exaggerated. Now I feel that this girl is wrapped in a layer of gold foil and thinks she is a gold brick.

I don’t know what kind of growing environment could make her so confused. After seeing a few people praising her, she thought she was a movie queen. After her family had some money, she thought she was rich enough to rival a country and no one looked down on her. After gaining a few fans, she became completely arrogant.

She is different from Ji Ning, who takes one step at a time and makes sure nothing goes wrong. Sun He was blown up by a gust of wind, and once the wind stops she will definitely fall down, and she will fall badly.

To sum up, it is just four words: retribution for evil deeds.

All the obstacles she had put in others' way would come back to her in another form.

In addition to Sun He, Ji Ning naturally also received a lot of hot searches that followed.

The next day, when Ji Ning was doing her makeup and hair, she found that Sun He was still on the trending searches, and there was a new trending search for her, which was her name followed by the three words "beautiful, strong, miserable".

Literally, it means that she is beautiful, has good business skills, and is so miserable that she has to take the blame and get scolded.

The popular idols in the market are all inseparable from these three words. The more tortuous the career or life path is, the easier it is to turn passers-by into passers-by fans, and passers-by fans into loyal fans.

The "miserable" here does not mean miserable in a negative sense, but it describes that even in the face of various obstacles, she can still stick to her original intention and persevere.

The topic introduction is also very simple and easy to understand—Who doesn’t love beauty, strength and misery? ! I will always love beauty, strength and misery!!

Fans actively controlled the square, allowing passers-by to see her professional ability and various advantages.

Those who had slandered her and had prejudices against her were all converted into passers-by fans out of guilt. Some sent her private messages to apologize, while others raised funds for her charity fund. Her reputation turned around instantly, and the number of views of her variety shows and dramas also increased dramatically.

People are starting to change their opinion of her and are willing to watch her works seriously, which is a good start. After all, many people stopped watching her works when they heard that she was the protagonist.

For her, this is a very precious and important opportunity. Her performance will directly affect her most valuable popularity among the public and whether she can gain a foothold among the top actresses.

Next, it depends on her own ability.


Sun He stayed on the hot search for three whole days. Ji Ning only heard later that Sun He’s public relations team was racking their brains but could not find a way to handle the crisis. They said that there were more powerful people who were trying to stop them.

When her team saw that they couldn't do PR, they could only start playing the victim, writing about how many times she had been caught in the rain and how many times she had been sick when she was a supporting role, and how her real-life fiancé didn't love her and avoided her...

But she had already overdrawn her goodwill among passers-by, and no one bought it. The internet trolls she bought to control the comments could not suppress the comments from passers-by who came to denounce her.

The team had no choice but to stop most of her activities and temporarily escape from the storm.

Sun He has no activities and is now unemployed at home, while Ji Ning has been busy filming and has been overwhelmed by invitations.

She was unable to participate in many activities due to conflicts with filming, but a national variety show invited her to a charity concert and told her that she only had to choose one between singing and dancing, and all proceeds from the concert would be used for charity.

She checked her schedule and found that she had nothing to do that day. Plus, the national variety show had a large amount of traffic, so it would be good to go and make herself known, so she agreed.

The concert is a compilation concert, which means there will be performances by many artists, roughly estimated to be around ten, with quite a few programs, and Ji Shiyan will also participate.

Ji Ning sometimes feels that having a good face is really important.

For example, in the winter, when she had to get up early many mornings to do her hair, she would feel a little better because she thought that she could appreciate the beauty of her idol when she got up.

Ji Shiyan's facial features are three-dimensional and clearly defined, and he is highly adaptable. He can easily handle both ancient and modern dramas, and he has a carefree and open temperament when he wears a crown on his hair.

The scene we filmed today was a rain scene, which tells the story of Xinghua ruthlessly breaking off relations with Yuzhe when she finds out that Yuzhe's horoscope is incomplete and that she will affect his life span.

The clothes in costume dramas are not thick to begin with, so for the sake of appearance you can’t wear too much.

Ji Ning only had a few thin layers of clothes, which were completely incapable of keeping out the cold. She was wrapped in a thick down jacket when she was not filming, but once filming began, she took off her jacket. She even did the rain scenes herself, and she also personally scouted the locations for the explosion scenes.

The director said, "For safety reasons, let's let a stunt double shoot this explosion scene."

She also refused outright: "No, I can do it myself. I have filmed explosion scenes before, so it won't be a problem."

We shot the explosion scene first, and without a break we had to shoot the difficult rain scene.

In this rain scene, she had to act like she was crying but not crying, and had to be both sad and indifferent - since she wanted to show that the heroine was determined to separate from the hero, and at the same time let the audience see her reluctance and inner thoughts, many emotional transitions were not easy.

Ji Shiyan also knew that this scene was difficult to film, but when he actually acted with the girl, he was amazed by her. Her line delivery skills had improved a lot, and she could even speak a series of explosive lines clearly without any problem of unclear pronunciation.

Being able to make the audience understand emotional scenes without subtitles requires hard work behind the scenes, and it cannot be solved in a few words or a few classes.

Before she finished the last line, her eyes began to wander. The moment she felt tears coming, she turned around in time, leaving him with her back.

The girl didn't blink when she turned around, but tears kept falling down. She lowered her eyes and looked back with restraint, then strode away into the distance.


One pass.

Ji Ning was still in the act, crying as he walked. Finally, he felt so miserable that he squatted down and cried into his knees.

She could no longer tell why she was crying, perhaps it was for the heroine in the play, or perhaps the truth of certain things was finally revealed, and all the accumulated emotions found an outlet through this opportunity.

The crew's artificial rain had stopped, and her body was soaked by the rain. The wind blew over, making her shiver with cold.

She didn't notice someone putting a down jacket on her, cried for a few minutes to end the fight, and lifted her head out of her arms.

The sky was bright blue in the morning, and even the air had a brand new, fresh smell.

"Are you done crying?" asked the man standing in front of her.

Ji Ning raised her face a little higher and saw Ji Shiyan half leaning over and using his sleeve to wipe the tears hanging on the tip of her chin.

Her eyes and nose were red, and a thin layer of undried tears was still hanging in her eye sockets, and her eyelashes were wet and stuck together.

It is really easy to arouse a man's desire to protect and possess.

Ji Ning sniffed twice: "Why are you here?"

"Come and take a look," his Adam's apple rolled, "After all, I am also responsible for you crying like this."

She knew he was talking about the play, so she pounded her legs twice, stood up, and asked, "Is the play this morning over?"


Ji Ning hesitated for a moment, and the man tilted his head and raised his eyebrows: "Why, do you still want to cry?"

She shook her head, wanting to say something but not knowing what to say. As she hesitated, someone pushed her and turned her around. She heard him say, "Then go back, take a shower, and have a good sleep."

Something was also stuffed into the palm of my hand.

After he walked away, she realized what was happening and opened her hands to look. In her palms was the hand-held heat pack he handed to her. It was the size of a pebble and was unexpectedly warm.


After the filming of that period was completed, the charity concert was about to begin, and she took out three afternoons to rehearse.

She learned dancing for a period of time when she was a child, and has been practicing folk dance for the sake of character beauty in the crew recently, so she plans to go on stage and dance in this show, with the background music being a famous ancient style song.

The person in charge asked her, "There are still songs. Do you want to sing?"

"No, I can't sing well, and I have to dance too, so I'm afraid I can't handle it."

She is not a singer who can sing and dance. It is too difficult to sing and dance at the same time.

"We have a sound engineer. What are you afraid of? We guarantee that it will sound like nature after the editing. You don't have to sing and dance at the same time. Just go to the studio and record it and broadcast it later. We'll give you a microphone and you don't have to turn it on on stage."

She knew the person in charge meant for her to lip sync.

Although this is a concert, it is essentially a variety show, just a small branch of the show. Many shows require lip-syncing for effect.

She is an actress, and the audience will not have high expectations of her singing. It would not be surprising even if it is revealed that she was not singing for real, but she still wants to be honest.

“Just dance,” she said. “Lip syncing is too complicated and easy to make mistakes.”

Finally I decided to just do dancing. Dancing is not difficult and there are dancers as well. Three afternoons and evenings of practice are enough.

On the day of the concert, she and Ji Shiyan arrived at the venue very early. She was rehearsing the dance in the room while Ji Shiyan was practicing singing next door.

When she finished rehearsing the dance and came out, the music in Ji Shiyan's room stopped.

She held her breath, feeling a little itchy, and ran to the door of his room and stood on tiptoe to look.

There seemed to be no one inside. Ji Ning opened the door and saw a black and white piano in front of him.

She didn't know how to play the piano, so she just randomly pressed three notes on it, imitating the movement of Ji Shiyan's fingertips. As soon as she finished pressing, the sound of smooth piano music came from behind her.

Turning around, she saw the man sitting in front of the piano not far away and playing, but he was blocked by the clothes hanger and she didn't notice him.

After she finished playing, Ji Shiyan asked her, "Did you hear it?"

Ji Ning is not sensitive to this aspect: "What?"

"I just wrote a piece of music for those three notes you just pressed."

—I have always known that he has a great talent for arranging music, and he has demonstrated it on some shows before, but Ji Ning never expected that the three notes he played casually could be played so beautifully by him.

Just think of this as a song written for her.

Ji Ning thought for a moment and asked, "You used to be a singer, right? Why did you stop writing songs and start acting?"

"Really want to know?"

Of course she nodded like a chick pecking at rice.

"To be honest, singing is not very challenging for me. It seems that I have been praised to the top since my debut." Ji Shiyan said, "But the main reason is that I like acting more. There are too many commercial things in stage performances. I don't like to please others."

Except for the person I like. He added in his mind.

You can be anyone in the play and let your emotions come out through the performance.

And it is very tiring for him to perform a perfect self on the stage.

Ji Ning suddenly realized.

She also has a preference for acting. Since she was a child, she liked to think about how the actors should perform based on the plot. When she was in her third year of high school, she happened to watch a few of his acting classes and decided that she really liked this line, so she temporarily learned acting.

In some ways, they are really relatable people.

Since he is so indifferent to stage performances, it probably takes fate to hear his songs.

Then the song he just wrote was very precious. Ji Ning quickly took out his mobile phone to record it: "I didn't hear the song you wrote clearly, how about playing it again?"

The man looked at the black and white piano keys, and remembered the moment she pushed the door open. Light poured in sporadically from behind her, and she stepped on the floor tiles in her ballet shoes without making any sound.

The evening light was gentle, wrapped in the dimness of the sunset. The moment she stretched out her finger, he just watched quietly, not having the heart to disturb her.

He played the passage again naturally.

Composition inspiration is something that, like heartbeat, requires a moment. Inspiration that is not recorded in time is usually difficult to replicate.

But strangely, this time he actually remembered the tune from beginning to end.

Maybe those heart-beating moments will be replayed once I see her.


The concert that night went smoothly. Ji Shiyan's fans occupied the largest area of the sea of lights, and Ji Ning's fans were not inferior. It was even heard that the two fan groups had a battle by singing cheering songs before the concert began.

This time, many CP fans came, but they didn't dare to openly hold up signs that read "I've moved to the Civil Affairs Bureau". They could only secretly hold up signs with the couple's names plus a heart.

Ji Shiyan’s fan club tickets are on the right, Ji Ning’s are on the left, and the middle area is for fans of other artists.

After the show was broadcast, a super topic called Haishishanmeng was suddenly opened.

Song Yu excitedly called Ji Ning to eat melons: "Someone gave your fans and Ji Shiyan's fans a CP name, called Haishi Shanmeng, sea salt and lemon. This is the first time I see two fans have a CP name. I heard that the fans of both sides sang each other's support songs before the show started, making it like a duet of love songs. Fuck, if I die one day, I will die of laughter."

Ji Ning went to the super topic to check and found that there was indeed a video.

Ji Shiyan’s fans sang a cheering song first, and then provoked Ji Ning’s fans. After all, the two Jis were tied up like this, so there must be an unclear relationship between their fans.

After Sister Haiyan repeatedly asked for a song, Sister Lemon could no longer sit still. Someone wrote some lyrics on the spot and set them to the tune of Ji Ning's TV series theme song, and everyone started to respond.

In this kind of compilation concert, sound, like light boards, is an important tool for comparing popularity.

Both sides began to sing cheering songs loudly, all expressing love and likes. To those who didn't know the situation, it really looked like a duet of a love song.

As soon as the super topic was opened, Mouse Sister also joined in the fun:

Swear by each other! Fans follow their idols, they are all so true.

Content tags: love and hate; sadomasochism; reconciliation; industry elites.

Damn, I'm dizzy. Who would have thought that after watching Double Click, I would start to support their fans. Can I never escape from these two people in my life

The oath of love is true, and by the same token, the oath of love is true.

Some passers-by also said:

I thought they would fight offline, but I didn't expect it to be so sweet

These two sisters are so funny hahahaha. However, Ji Ning’s fans are so awesome that they can compete with Ji Shiyan’s fans.

There was sea salt on one side and lemon on the other, and in the middle were fans of Chang Huanxi holding two "Happy" light signs, which looked like a "囍" character. I thought the two Jis got married today.

Get married! Buy it! You can buy anything! You can buy it at the Civil Affairs Bureau! You can also buy a marriage certificate!

As the super topic became popular, Ji Shiyan also became the top trending topic.

The reason was that on the day of the performance, the man had a pimple on the tip of his nose. The cause was unknown, and although it was very small, it did not escape the eyes of the audience.

Ji Shiyan was quite speechless: "Can acne also be on the trending search?"

Although he had never had acne before, this reason is too confusing to understand the audience's taste.

"Huo Sheng," Jiang Sheng, who was sitting next to him, paused, "It means that when the time comes, you will..."

Agent Jiang had something dirty to say that would get him blocked if he said it, but was finally forced back down by the man's gaze.

Jiang Sheng stood up honestly: "Okay, I'll go back first, and we'll talk about work tomorrow."

When he reached the door, Jiang Sheng couldn't help but turn around, put his hand on the door handle, and said earnestly what he really wanted to say but didn't finish -

"Even the acne is reminding you, Ji Shiyan, that it's time for you to roll in the sheets at your age." Look how horny he is.

The man raised his eyes: "..."


The author has something to say:

Haha ...

I know you want to see each other, it’s coming soon!

There are also red envelopes today!

I thought about it last night and changed the hammer at the end of the previous chapter to the words of the male protagonist, which made the hammer more solid~ If you want to rewatch it, you can clear the cache and watch it again. If you don’t want to rewatch it, you don’t have to watch it. Anyway, it’s a hammer! The hammer of the Pegasus Meteor Hammer!