First Marriage Then Love

Chapter 113: shining


Suit jacket, tie, shirt... After taking off his upper body, Gu Chengcheng's forehead was covered with fine perspiration, and the wound medicine was put aside, but when she saw a welt on the skin, she felt that she couldn't do it.

Recently, she has been absent-mindedly cutting her hands while cooking. The medicine was bought because of her hand injury, but his injury is so serious, will it help

Gu Chengcheng didn't know, but it's always right to disinfect it with alcohol first, but it's just how painful the wound will be once touched with alcohol. Gu Chengcheng has experienced it. She wiped it lightly while observing Mu Nanfeng's reaction. Fortunately, he just frowned, nothing else.

"Be patient..." In the end, still afraid of his pain, Gu Chengcheng said while blowing gently at the wound, careful and gentle.

Is Mu Nanfeng drunk? Is he drunk. Is Mu Nanfeng asleep? He fell asleep. But does he know what happened? He is clear.

He lost a lot of blood, and he was already dizzy. Coupled with alcoholism, it was expected that Mu Nanfeng would fall asleep, but he was still a little sober. He knew that the girl he liked was by his side. Dealing with his wounds with the utmost tenderness, even shedding tears for him.

Before tonight, these were things he didn't even dare to think about. If he had known that this would happen, he should have knelt down in the small ancestral hall earlier and let his parents take a few whips.

"Chengcheng." The hoarse male voice came out suddenly, Gu Chengcheng thought he was awake, and hurriedly put down the ointment to look at it, but it didn't, Mu Nanfeng still closed his eyes, and his thin lips pursed into a line under the high bridge of his nose.

"Yes, does it hurt?" Gu Chengcheng is neither a doctor nor a nurse. She is just a good doctor after a long illness. Her intuition is correct, but her injury is so serious that she doesn't have much confidence.

No matter how many things she has encountered, Gu Chengcheng is only a twenty-year-old girl. She is tormented if she wants to be loved or not. With a broken heart, she is not much better than Mu Nanfeng. She is anxious and hesitant. Should I wipe off those medicines, I heard Mu Nanfeng speak again, but it was lower than the last one, almost babbling.

"Xia Qiao'an has long since disappeared... Since you married me, there has been no Xia Qiao'an."

Gu Chengcheng: "..."

Since she married him, has there been no Xia Qiaoan? Gu Chengcheng sat in a daze, her whole body was a little stunned, even if Mu Nanfeng's words were so light, they were like a piece of black iron hitting her heart. .

He didn't speak for such a painful wound, but to explain it to her. Even in a dream, he couldn't forget to explain it to her? Gu Chengcheng's heart was extremely complicated. What happened tonight seemed to make her taste all the ups and downs in a very short period of time.

Reaching out his hand and gently caressing his profile, Gu Chengcheng tilted his head to look at his sleeping appearance, very quiet, even his aura was weaker, the only downside was that there was no relief between his brows.

Gu Chengcheng thought that he slept well, and ran her fingers over and over again, but it was useless, she smiled wryly at his persistence, her eyes were full, and finally said: "I believe you, I believe everything you say tonight, is this all right? ."

Strangely, as soon as Gu Chengcheng's voice fell, Mu Nanfeng's brows widened. He buried his handsome profile in her palm like a free consciousness. Gu Chengcheng noticed his movement, and his whole body did it. A stiff, stunned for a long time without moving.

That night... that was probably the case. Gu Chengcheng watched him in the middle of the night, and kept soaking a cotton ball with alcohol to physically reduce his fever. At four o'clock in the morning, when he realized that his body temperature was normal, Gu Chengcheng stopped.

Raising her sore arm, Gu Chengcheng looked tired, but she didn't stop. She took his shirt and suit to the bathroom. She knew that handmade suits had to be dry cleaned, but she didn't have any equipment here. Besides, his clothes are already torn, and logically he won't wear them again, but what about the dawn? Can't let him go out naked

It was machine washed, dried, and ironed again. It had been an hour since Gu Chengcheng finished all this. In November, when the days were short and the nights were long, it was quiet and dark outside. He put his clothes on the head of the bed, while Mu Nanfeng slept very deeply, not even changing a position for so long.

He was too tall, and he was a little cramped when lying on her little bed. She didn't want to take a nap or take a nap. She just looked at him silently, thinking about the busyness of the whole night. For some reason, she suddenly felt A bit different.

So unusual, what she did, so much like what a wife would do for her husband.

This should be bad, but she has done everything, not to mention that she has a reason to do it, Gu Chengcheng thought absentmindedly.

I don't know how long it took, but in the end, it was because Mu Nanfeng woke up that she regained her sanity. After a night of hangover, she was injured and had a fever. Although Gu Chengcheng took good care of her, Mu Nanfeng was still not feeling well. .

Opening his eyes and looking at the unfamiliar ceiling, Mu Nanfeng remembered all kinds of things last night almost instantly, as if he was afraid that everything was a dream, he sat up from the bed at 0.1 seconds after his consciousness returned, and shouted. Write: "Sincerely!"

Gu Chengcheng was on the side, startled by his violent actions, he hurriedly stepped forward to hold him down: "Don't move around, there is still a wound on your back."

The words of reprimands rang in his ears, and Mu Nanfeng was relieved when he turned around and saw the girl who had not slept all night.

"You haven't slept all night, have you?"

He stopped moving, Gu Chengcheng saw that he was quiet and stopped pressing him, she wanted to pull her hand back, but Mu Nanfeng noticed it and immediately held it: "I'm sorry, it's all my fault, making you tired? "

Mu Nanfeng's words were inexplicably ambiguous. Gu Chengcheng heard a slight fever in his ears, and shook his head: "You should go to the hospital to see your injury. I don't know much. I just took some medicine, and I don't know if it will help."

"What do I need to see?" Mu Nanfeng didn't care, and held her hand even tighter. Although the words in his mouth were sweet, they were heartfelt.

"You wish me well, then I will be well."

Mu Nanfeng's words sounded like a rogue, but in fact it was true. In the past few months, which day did he not speculate on her mind and work hard

The man's eyes were too bright, Gu Chengcheng boasted that the night had passed, she should return to reality, and her feelings for him had already been cleaned up, so he said, "Don't joke, it's already dawn, I will take you in for one night, and give You have taken medicine, benevolence and righteousness are done."

What he said again meant that he wanted to settle everything. Mu Nanfeng panicked after hearing it. Although he still had a smile on his face, he was already reluctant.

"What do you say? Chengcheng don't talk nonsense, are you driving me away?"