First Marriage Then Love

Chapter 97: Concern is messed up


On the opposite side, Gu Chengcheng was constantly being drunk by customers. She couldn't drink it, but the guests in this room were so enthusiastic that she couldn't stand it.

Gu Chengcheng has no alcohol capacity to speak of, not to mention that it is even more uncomfortable to drink red and white. When she felt unbearable, she withdrew from the room, and did not find herself being followed and monitored at all.

Gu Chengcheng's stomach hurts when he drinks, not to mention her head is groggy now. She found Liu Chengzi and asked her to watch for herself first, but herself, she went out to buy medicine without even changing her clothes and taking her wallet. Yan Zhenli just behind.

It was already early in the morning, so she only had to go to the 24-hour supermarket to get her medicine. She didn't put on a coat when she went out, and the night wind was extremely cold, and it was rare to see the road on this road.

Gu Chengcheng's drinking taste became more and more drowsy when the cold wind blew, and gradually even her footsteps became a little vain. She patted her forehead lightly while striving for a quick walk, and did not notice the young man who came out of the bar next to her.

"Little beauty~" Apparently he was also drunk, and that person's mouth was frivolous.

When Gu Chengcheng heard this, her scalp felt numb, her spine froze, her first reaction was to run, but how could a little girl run faster than a man? Gu Chengcheng was caught with one hand just after taking a few steps.

The man's body temperature was very low, and his hands were cold and slippery. Gu Chengcheng felt the chill in his heart, and couldn't help shouting sharply: "Rogue! Let go of my hands!"

Drunk men can't stand it. Gu Chengcheng didn't know how to deal with such a situation. She was panicked and struggled constantly. It seemed that the man had just been stimulated by something, and he was angry when he heard the words. He pulled Gu Chengcheng closer, and pressed his other hand like a gun to Gu Chengcheng's forehead: "Little beauty~ What did you just say? Say it again in front of me, but I didn't hear it clearly."

The street lamp in the shape of white magnolia shone a dim light, Gu Chengcheng was getting closer to him now, and then she saw the man holding her hand tightly.

No... It can't be called a hand anymore, the bloody appearance makes people unbearable to look directly at it, Gu Chengcheng doubts that he doesn't feel pain? Otherwise, how could there be so much strength to hold her.

"Let go! Let me go..." She shouted, but in the early morning street, where there was still a lively scene in the blue sky and daytime, Gu Chengcheng was almost desperate.

Closing her eyes tightly, Gu Chengcheng couldn't think of anything in her mind at the moment, but at this moment, a pair of warm hands suddenly appeared behind her, and a very familiar voice comforted her in her ear: "Don't be afraid, Chengcheng, It's Auntie."

Having said so much, Gu Chengcheng didn't have time to be surprised when he saw Yan Zhenli holding a valuable leather purse and swiping up at the drunk man.

"Kill you, kill you! Big rascal!" Yan Zhenli cursed while she tried her best.

The man probably didn't think that there were still people at this point, and he was stunned by the repeated beatings. When he came back to his senses, he threw Yan Zhenli and Gu Chengcheng down with a flick of his hand.

Gu Chengcheng was fine, she didn't fall much, but Yan Zhenli only cared about protecting Gu Chengcheng herself, but she was out of luck. The asphalt road scratched hard on the flesh, and she couldn't help but peel off a layer of skin first, revealing red flesh, no matter how you look at it. terrifying.

Yan Zhenli fell to the ground and didn't get up for a long time. The man seemed to wake up a little bit drunk when he saw this scene. He was also worried about the accident and ran away as if he was in a hurry.

Gu Chengcheng was so frightened that she didn't know that Yan Zhenli's fall was a three-point truth and seven-point pretense, and she was so anxious that tears almost fell.

"Auntie..." After a few months, Gu Chengcheng finally shouted this again, feeling like a dream.

"Auntie, what's wrong with you?" Shaking her gently, Gu Chengcheng's mind went blank. She was so frightened that the long-cherished tears finally fell on Yan Zhenli's face.

What hatred? Why no longer has anything to do with the Mu family? Gu Chengcheng couldn't remember anything at the moment. At that moment, she seemed to relive the night when she was ten years old, when the fire in the sky destroyed everything in her home and her.

The little girl was crying helplessly and heartbroken. Yan Zhenli, who was pretending to be dead with her eyes closed, could no longer pretend. He couldn't hear the movement around him except for Gu Chengcheng, so he probably understood that the drunk man had already left. loose.

Sitting up, Yan Zhenli's actions suddenly startled Gu Chengcheng, and the girl stopped crying immediately, and stared at her for a long time.

"What's wrong? Frightened?" To be honest, Gu Chengcheng cried so hard just now, Yan Zhenli was very moved, and she asked her with a half-smile.

Gu Chengcheng was crying earnestly just now, but even if she stopped, she was still twitching. She opened her lips and asked with difficulty, "You... are you not dead?"

Yan Zhenli actually wanted to say: Don't you hate me? Don't you think that the matter of the Gu family has something to do with the Mu family? Then why are you unhappy that I am dead? But for such a young girl, she couldn't bear it, so she shook her head.

"Auntie also read it on the news. I heard that touching porcelain is the most useful now, so I gave it a try."

"And then." Sobbing, Gu Chengcheng's eyes were still red.

Yan Zhenli's injuries were not serious, she just broke a few skins and slapped her foot. She stood up after hearing Gu Chengcheng's words, and pointed to the surrounding where no one was around. The middle-aged Yan Zhenli had a playful look on her face at this moment. 's demeanor: "Then it really worked," she said.

Gu Chengcheng's mind was still buzzing, she didn't find Yan Zhenli's words funny at all, she stared at the injury on Yan Zhenli's elbow with bunny eyes, and finally she said, "I'll take you to the hospital. ."

Yan Zhenli didn't want to go to the hospital. She felt that it was inconvenient not to talk about it so late. Wouldn't it be better to go back to "Jiangnan" first? But it was rare for Gu Chengcheng to let go of his heart and send her to the hospital, so he had to pretend to be in pain even if he was not sick, and she responded with a good voice.

There were not many taxis in the early morning. Occasionally, there were still guests. Gu Chengcheng was wearing thin clothes and waved his hand in the cold wind for a while. Finally, a taxi came.

"Master, please, my family is injured, and I have to go to the hospital immediately, just go to the nearest hospital, okay?" Holding the taxi window tightly, Gu Chengcheng said in a hurry and didn't realize what he said. It was Yan Zhenli's heartfelt move when she heard her say the word "family".

Concern is chaos, and the feelings expressed when you are the most anxious are often the most real.