Five Cases

Chapter 1: Prologue (1)


Director Gao struggled to find an old neighborhood following the description of Wangnianjia Captain Wei. The neighborhood was dirty and messy, and small vendors along the street were hawking small commodities. Little old lady, finally walked to the door of the unit. The wooden door creaked and swayed back and forth. Gao Ju didn't dare to push the door hard, for fear that half of the door would fall off. He turned his body sideways and leaned into the corridor—narrow stairs and corridors. There are two bags of household garbage next to the mats at the door of the two families on the first floor. Gao Ju couldn't help but sighed and stepped up the stairs.

Fortunately, the stairs are made of cement. Gaoju bent over two steps and quickly climbed up the first step. He climbed to the sixth floor of the top floor. After confirming, the door opened, revealing a bearded face. The person who opened the door had thick hair, a beard extending from the earlobes to the chin, a pair of eyes with a cold light like a wolf, and a dirty big man in a dirty T-shirt. Underpants and dirty slippers, with a hoarse voice: "Who are you?"

"My name is Gao Zhengcheng. Are you Lu Hui?" Gao Bureau took out his police//official// ID card, "Can I go in first?"

"No." The man rejected Gao Ju indifferently, and planned to close the door.

"Wait a minute, young man." Bureau Gao hurriedly stretched out a foot to push against the door, "You are a famous police detective, we can go in and discuss in detail."

"Famous?" The man stared at Gaoju, but he didn't plan to close the door anymore, "Who told you to come here."

"Captain Wei introduced me. Although I am only the director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau and not as good as the Provincial Public Security Bureau you used to work for, I can at least provide you with a job." Bureau Gao eased his tone, "Linhua City really needs a job." Talent like you."

"Oh, no." Lu Hui was about to close the door again.

"Wait, wait a minute, I will try my best to get as much salary as you want." Gao Ju supported the door frame, his expression seemed to say [make an offer].

Lu Hui's beard moved, and the light in his eyes was faintly visible, as if deliberately making things difficult: "I want absolute control."

"Why don't we go in and discuss in detail?" Gao Ju suggested.

Lu Hui reluctantly opened the door to make way.

Gao Ju entered the living room sideways, and saw the dusty sofa, piles of instant noodle boxes, beer bottles, and a few dead cockroaches. He picked up a barely-fitting bench and sat down.

Lu Hui sat on the sofa casually, his thick beard covered his lips, and his expression could not be seen at all, or he had no extra expressions at all: "My team is my team, and no one can interfere .”

"You can try it first, why don't I arrange a team for you to handle the case with the Criminal Police Serious Crime Squad." Gao Ju agreed, "But you can't be too independent."

"Yeah." Lu Hui raised his eyelids, "I have a measure."

"..." Gao Ju was skeptical, "I will fight for enough funds."

"That's your business." Lu Hui acted as if he didn't care about the salary at all, "One car is enough."

"I can still afford this amount of money." Gao Ju nodded and asked, "Have you eaten yet?"

"I'm eating now." Lu Hui stretched out his hand to pick up some boxes of instant noodles on the coffee table, and Siri ate it with a snort, not caring if the soup got on his beard.

"..." Gaoju stood up helplessly, "How about this, why don't you follow me to the bureau to fill out an entry form?"

Lu Hui raised his head and drank the soup, threw the box on the tea table casually, and said, "Okay, let's go."

"... No way." Gao Ju waved his hand in disbelief, "You need to take a photo when filling out the form, so you shave your beard first."

Lu Hui was taken aback for a moment, stroked his beard, and walked into the narrow bathroom with his slippers on.

Standing in the living room, Gao Ju heard the sound of buzzing razors. He wiped his forehead, as if he couldn't believe that he had actually kidnapped a weirdo.

As for Lu Hui, he shaved off his long and messy beard neatly with a razor in his hand, leaving short blue stubble. He put down the razor, raised his hand to touch the stubble, and frowned reluctantly.

"Scrape it off." Gao Ju stood at the narrow doorway of the bathroom.

Lu Hui hesitated for a moment, picked up a razor and shaved off the remaining stubble, revealing his fair skin. The thirty-two-year-old lonely man had a particularly gloomy and handsome appearance, especially his eyes, which were dark and hard, with a pan With a faint cold light.

Lu Hui applied the shaving foam to his cheeks again, and shaved off the uneven stubble. His skin was pale, his eyes were dark, and he shaved like a ghost.

Gao Ju asked, "You haven't gone out?"

"Hmm." Lu Hui splashed water on his face, brushed back his messy hair, turned around and asked Gao Ju, "Is that so?"

"Barely." Gao Ju tried his best to ignore the chicken coop hairstyle, "The car is parked outside the community, and I will drive you to the Municipal Bureau."

"Hmm." Lu Hui had no subordinate consciousness, and seemed unaware that Gaoju was about to become his superior.

Gao Ju had long heard about this geek's temper, shook his head and went to work as a driver without complaint.

It takes about 40 minutes to drive from Liuting District to Linhua District. In addition, Lu Hui lives in the depths of an old residential area that turns a few miles away. Gaoju drove for more than an hour before arriving at the Linhua District Municipal Police Bureau.

Gao Ju led Lu Hui's personnel department, took a photo and finished the inauguration letter, and Gao Ju brought people to the director's office.

"There is no need to wait another day to go to work. You just came here and you are not familiar with anything. Yang Jie is an old employee in the bureau. Let her take you around to get acquainted." Gao Ju said.

"Where's my team?" Lu Hui asked.

"I'll hold a meeting tonight and transfer some people to you. Do you have any requirements for the team members?" Gao Ju asked politely.

"Don't get in the way," Lu Hui said.

"..." Gao Ju rubbed his temples, "Choose a few sensible ones."

"Yes." Lu Hui nodded.

"Your team members will be in place tomorrow." Gao Ju said.

"Director?" A capable female criminal policeman pushed the door open, "Are you looking for me?"

"Well, Xiao Lu, this is Yang Jie." Gao Ju greeted the female detective, "Yang Jie, this is Lu Hui, the detective I told you about last time."

" are Lu Hui, you have heard about it for a long time." Yang Jie shook hands with Lu Hui, "Then let me introduce the work in the bureau."

"Well, thank you." Facing the sister-like care of the female criminal policeman, Lu Hui showed a little respect.

"Don't be restrained, just call me Sister Yang." Yang Jie smiled.

"Sister Yang." Lu Hui called her politely.

"Okay, let's go then." Yang Jie waved to Gao Ju, "Let's go out first."

"Go, go." Gao Ju waved his hand.

Lu Hui followed Yang Jie out of the office.

Gao Ju picked up the handset of the landline: "Hello, Xiao Wei? Well, Xiao Lu has agreed to come to work with me."

The author has something to say:

*The director cannot directly recruit people, this is an overhead

*The director of civil servants' salaries cannot be determined, this is an overhead

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