Five Cases

Chapter 15: possibility


The sun at the end of July is particularly strong. Linhua City, Zhuchuan Province is located in the central part of northern China, with a temperate monsoon climate, high temperature and rainy summer.

Continuous heavy rain and hot sunny days are very obvious in Linhua City.

Ji Fanyang and Lu Hui stood under the big tree at the entrance of the village. Ji Fanyang took the forensic medical examination and read to Lu Hui the key words: "The time of death is about six days, and the error is not more than one day..."

"A week ago, between 9 and 10 p.m., the deceased fell into the pond and drowned," Lu Hui said.

"...Why?" Ji Fanyang asked.

"The deceased drank too much. He must have come back from playing cards. It was dark, rainy, delirious, and the road was slippery." Lu Hui analyzed, "The wife of the deceased made seven or eight calls to the police station, and it can be inferred that the death time."

Ji Fanyang nodded to show that he understood, and he was going to continue reading, but was interrupted by Lu Hui raising his hand: "Don't worry about this, go ask the old lady over there, who are the people who have a grudge against Li//Peng. "

Ji Fanyang put down the forensic report and walked towards the old lady sitting at the entrance of the village.

Lu Hui put his hands in his pockets and stood leisurely under the big tree to enjoy the shade. He looked at Ji Fanyang's back and saw Ji Fanyang squatting beside the old lady with a warm smile. Seeing that gentle expression, his tone must have been Also polite and humble.

Lu Hui bent down to pick up the forensic report. He had already read it twice, and asked Ji Fanyang to read it just to teach Ji Fanyang the method of investigating cases. In terms of teaching, Lu Hui is top-notch, but in terms of etiquette, Lu Hui is slow The nation's hind legs.

The sunlight passed through the gaps between the leaves and projected onto Lu Hui, outlining his thin figure like a ghost, even the scorching heat could not suppress the coldness in his eyes.

Ji Fanyang turned his head and smiled at Lu Hui, then stood up and said goodbye to the old lady. He walked back to Lu Hui's side: "The old lady is very vigilant, but she still asked some questions. A child who just finished the college entrance examination is called Li Yun."

Lu Hui tilted his head, waiting for Ji Fanyang to say the next thing, but there was an inexplicable innocence and youthfulness in the gesture of tilting his head by a man in his early years.

Ji Fanyang paused, took a breath and continued, "Li Yun's mother also slept with Li//Peng."

"It should be that his father and Li//Peng have a grudge, what does it have to do with Li Yun?" Lu Hui said.

"The old lady only said so much." Ji Fanyang spread his hands, "It seems that Li Yun and Li Weiguo have equal chances."

Lu Hui shook his head: "Then why did the old man in the ancestral hall only confessed to Li Weiguo and avoided Li Yun? There is something hidden, we have to find Li Yun."

Ji Fanyang paused, and said, "The child who just finished the college entrance examination... may be a minor, and we need a guardian by his side."

"Talk, not interrogation." Lu Hui said, "Let's check Li Yun's family background first. You can call the Changluowan Police Station and ask them to transfer the files of Li Yun's family."

"Okay." Ji Fanyang stood aside and went to make a phone call.

Rao Feifei and Yang Jie walked over from a distance, and Yang Jie was still holding Lu Hui to the whiteboard by the pond.

Lu Hui raised his eyebrows, watching Rao Feifei approaching him: "Are you finished?"

"It is almost certain that it is Li Weiguo." Rao Feifei said, her expression was determined, "Li Weiguo has been working abroad for many years, and he just returned to Lijia Village two weeks ago. He happened to see his wife and the deceased lying naked on the same bed. After running away, he had a fight with his wife, and the neighbors heard the movement. The trace inspection said that the shoe prints found on the soil bag were Li Weiguo's shoe size."

"Li Weiguo went out to drink during the day and came back to beat his wife at night. The couple did not divorce because of the children. Three days ago Li Weiguo went out to work again." Yang Jie said.

After hearing this, Lu Hui glanced at his whiteboard: "Who allowed you to write on my whiteboard?"

Rao Feifei and Yang Jie looked at each other, Rao Feifei timidly asked: "We are analyzing the case..."

"Such a simple inference needs to be analyzed. Are your brains used to hold water?" Lu Hui managed not to say more harsh words, his Adam's apple moved up and down, and he stretched out his hand, "Bring it."

Rao Feifei handed the whiteboard to Lu Hui. Lu Hui turned around and put the whiteboard on the branch of a tree. He wiped the whiteboard with a piece of napkin from his pocket, and re-wrote the keywords—[Li Weiguo], [Li Yun].

[Li Weiguo] wrote [the deceased went to bed with his wife] under [Li Weiguo], and [Li Yun] wrote [the mother went to bed with the deceased].

After finishing writing, Lu Hui patted the whiteboard: "Want to write on this? Form a team by yourself."

Rao Feifei nodded, Yang Jie's expression became serious, and they said together: "Got it."

From this moment on, the order in the group was established, and the gap between Lu Hui and the women in the group weakened a little. Lu Hui respects women and tries to refrain from excessive words, but this does not mean unlimited tolerance. His limited politeness cannot be so harsh. When women cross the word "stranger", Lu Hui's attitude towards women is only inferior to that of men , at least with the sharper irony removed.

When Ji Fanyang came back from the phone call, Lu Hui saw that the team members had arrived, and began to analyze the information he had already obtained: "Does Li Weiguo have an alibi?"

"According to Li Weiguo's wife, Li Weiguo didn't come back from drinking until ten o'clock every day." Yang Jie said, "And he mostly drank alone. Li Weiguo felt that people in the village looked down on him, so he didn't find drinking friends."

"Where are you going to drink?" Ji Fanyang asked.

"I really don't know. The workers who went out to work with Li Weiguo said that they called Li Weiguo several times, but Li Weiguo didn't go out to drink with them." Rao Feifei said.

Lu Hui raised his finger to Rao Feifei: "Call Li Weiguo and ask him to come back tomorrow to take notes."

"This... Li Weiguo didn't go with his former workers, he went out to find work by himself." Rao Feifei said.

"I don't care where he is, just give him a call, if it doesn't work, go to Dong Shan from Internet Security to locate him." Lu Hui said, "The last question, even if it's Li Weiguo, how did he kill Li//Peng? ?”

There was silence.

Ji Fanyang, Rao Feifei and Yang Jie looked at each other, shook their heads and said, "I don't know."

Lu Hui wrote in large font on the whiteboard [Misstep? ], he frowned, drew the positions of ponds, paths, and earth slopes on the whiteboard, marked the location where the deceased’s bicycle was found, connected the earth slopes and bicycle positions, looked up and said: “If the footprints on the earth slope are Li Weiguo’s Yes, what is he doing here?"

"Even if there is a thirty-meter-long weapon..." Ji Fanyang made a bold assumption, then smiled wryly, "Well, it's impossible."

"Could it be that Li Weiguo stood on the slope and waited for Li//Peng to pass by, then walked over and pushed Li//Peng into the pond, and the heavy rain washed away the footprints on the path?" Yang Jie said.

"There are no traces of fighting." Lu Hui threw the forensic report to Yang Jie, "Look carefully, next one?"

"Li//Peng has offended so many people, and the simple reason of falling into the water is enough to cover up all the crimes, but Li Ying insists on finding out the case. If he didn't hate his brother so much, then it may be that Li Ying has sufficient I believe that there is a mortal enemy in the village who hates Li//Peng." Ji Fanyang said, "And this mortal enemy has seized the handle of the village chief's family, and all the dirty things that Li//Peng has done must be eliminated. he."

Lu Hui nodded appreciatively, added the entry [Death Enemy] on the whiteboard, and clapped his hands: "Rao Feifei and Sister Yang went to find Li Weiguo, and Ji Fanyang and I went to the Changluowan Police Station. We will gather by the pond at dinner time."

"Okay." Ji Fanyang/Rao Feifei/Yang Jie replied.