Five Cases

Chapter 23: Confrontation


Just because Lu Hui sat down, it didn't mean he had compromised.

He has walked alone for too long, from the age of fifteen to thirty-two, seventeen years, he was alone, walking among all kinds of people, he was cynical and mean, especially sitting at this moment On the balcony couch in the background of the rain, those wolf-like eyes projected a cold glass luster, he erected all his thorns, and used them as spears to attack the young man who was giving him a gentle massage in front of him: "I am not just I went to move, and I collected some information." He raised the corners of his lips, "I made a few calls and learned something."

"Who are you calling?" Ji Fanyang raised his head, his face changed slightly, "You won't be calling..."

"Your ex-girlfriends, yes." Lu Hui smiled smugly, "Thank you Captain Wei for your help, I got three numbers, your first little girlfriend is too old to find it is not convenient."

Ji Fanyang stopped massaging, and frowned: "What did you tell them?"

"I didn't say anything, only two of them answered the phone. I mentioned your name—" Lu Hui elongated his voice like a mischief, "then they talked all over the bamboo tube. I didn't expect that our angel would attract so many people." complaints."

Ji Fanyang sat silently, looking at Lu Hui with brown eyes. Even though Lu Hui was extremely sarcastic, there was little anger in his clear eyes. He pursed his lips with a little embarrassment: "So what did they say? ?”

"You are a person with a strange redemption complex." Lu Hui raised his right hand and touched the stubble on his chin with his index finger. He tilted his head and looked at Ji Fanyang carefully, like a cultural relic restorer evaluating porcelain objectively, "You found People who are suffering, people who are hurt, people who are miserable, get close to them, guide them, want them to see the sun and the flowers.”

"In the group office, Rao Feifei is about the same age as you. She is sweet and beautiful, has a free and easy personality, and has a superior family background. When a heterosexual man walks into the office, the first thing he notices is Rao Feifei, not me. A 30-year-old is lonely. Weird man."

"You choose to hang around me from morning to night. If it wasn't for the Public Security Bureau to pay you, I thought it was my sister who hired me a nanny. You trust your feelings, you follow your feelings, and you meet you A lot of problem ex-girlfriends, you led them to see the beauty of the world, and they dumped you cleanly."

"It sounds like revenge, but it's not. They didn't dump you. It was you who stayed away from them, which caused them to dump you. This is your strategy. Heal a person, and then leave to find the next tragedy."

"Wounded people are special to you, and when you focus on guiding someone who is miserable, you are out of your mind and it makes that person feel special. When tragedy becomes drama, Or a more exaggerated comedy, where you pull away and treat everyone with tenderness, while the former 'tragedies' don't feel unique, they become mediocre."

"To put it simply." Lu Hui laughed viciously, "Your freshness period is only between discovery and cure. After the cure, you will no longer be interested in focusing on that person. You will become a nice man, a central air-conditioner." Warm men, they don't feel unique, they suspect that you don't love them anymore, so they chose to break up." Lu Hui bent his right leg, "They said, they can't feel your love, so they have to choose to break up, your love The shelf life is too short."

"I'm not..." Ji Fanyang tried to refute, but he opened his mouth and found no reason to refute.

"It's a pity they don't know, it's not that the shelf life of your love is too short, you don't love them at all." Lu Hui said, he patted the young man's shoulder pitifully, "You just enjoy the fun of guiding and healing, and their dependence and gratitude It can satisfy your hypocritical fatherly heart."

Ji Fanyang supported his forehead with his left hand, and pinched the bridge of his nose: "So you think it's wrong to lead others to have hope for life?"

"I hope it's not wrong. What I want to say is that you are a hidden scum." Lu Hui relaxed and leaned against the side of the couch, "You heal one person after another, listen to their secrets, and get a lot of Thanks for dumping one poor girl after another and getting a ton of good reviews. You're only twenty-five, and by the time you're sixty-five, you'll probably have forty ex-girlfriends, maybe a lucky one or two If a girl accompanies you into the marriage hall, then you will be even more miserable, you will get divorced and pay a stack of alimony."

Ji Fanyang stabilized his emotions, and he began to counterattack with strength: "Yes, I admit it, thank you very much for helping me analyze the reasons for my frequent breakups, what about you? Since Yu Feiyang died, you have become like this, You have chosen a dark path, you have chosen an unattractive personality, you hate suicide, but you are obsessed with self-destruction, and you wish you could be on the battlefield every day and die heroically, it doesn't sound like a coward, but you Ever thought about your sister? Did you ever think about someone who cared about you? You didn't, you selfish coward."

"You also went to check my files at the university and the Provincial Public Security Bureau?" Lu Hui sat up suddenly, "You emptied your savings just to help a strange juvenile murderer and check my past to the bottom ? Are you out of your mind?"

"You wasted an afternoon tidying up your kennel and making harassing calls to my ex-girlfriends, who is at fault?" Ji Fanyang retorted, "I didn't use up my savings, I only spent five cents Four."

"Oh, four out of five, have you used up all the belongings you brought with you when you left home?" Lu Hui sneered, "Just because of your paternal heart and curiosity that you have nowhere to put, how lacking is love for you?"

"I am very short of love. Now tell me about that factory." Ji Fanyang held Lu Hui's right leg to prevent him from escaping, "The factory in the suburbs, the one more than 20 kilometers away from your home, you disappeared for two days. Half a day, what happened?"

Lu Hui flinched back, trying to pull out his right leg. Ji Fanyang pressed him firmly, and the young man showed a triumphant smile: "You can't run away, old bastard."

Lu Hui kicked his legs twice, gave up and slumped his shoulders, and the heavy weight enveloped him again. He cleared his throat: "If you don't let me go, I will shout..."

"Rape a thirty-two-year-old man, I can do it, really." Ji Fanyang smiled.

Lu Hui stared at the young man dumbfounded. He withdrew his right leg desperately. Now he looked like a wild dog trapped in a trap: "Let go, little bastard."

"Say, maybe we'll stay here until tomorrow morning." Ji Fanyang grabbed Lu Hui's ankle.

The two stared at each other, like a tug-of-war of equal strength, the time was frozen, and it was quite difficult to pass every minute and every second.

In the end, Lu Hui sighed resignedly, and began to tell his stories, those painful, yellowed old stories: "There was a child..."

"It's you, right." Ji Fanyang smiled, "The way of telling stories is too old-fashioned."

Lu Hui glared at the young man: "Are you listening or not?"

"Listen." Ji Fanyang adjusted his expression obediently.

Lu Hui changed the narrative perspective from the third person to the first person: "My good friend, Yu Feiyang, is a very cheerful person. He was also the first person who dared to talk to me, my only good friend at that time."

Lu Hui lowered his head, and his eyes fell on a corner of the balcony: "His parents divorced early, and he was sentenced to his mother. We met in elementary school. In the second year of junior high school, he became easily depressed and negative. I didn't notice his behavior." abnormal."

"We went to school together and were at the same table, but I didn't notice his emotional changes. He would cry suddenly and didn't want to go home. I took him back to my house and found a bedroom for him to sleep for a night. Usually, His mother will come to pick him up from school the next day."

"This situation lasted for two years. After graduating from junior high school, at the end of July, I can't remember the exact day. He came to my house and asked me to go out, saying that he found a good place for hanging out, so I went with him. Yes. We took a taxi and came to the abandoned factory more than 20 kilometers away from the city."

"It should be a paper mill. I don't know. I was dragged into the huge factory building by him, all the way up to the second floor. He pushed me into a small room, and he himself followed. I was secretly puzzled and guarded. , but he walked into the room with me and made me wonder what he wanted to do."

"He dropped the lock, locked the iron door with a huge iron lock, and threw the key through the window, and he told me everything."

"Laughing and telling me that he was forced to have sex by his mother for two full years, and then he pulled out a knife and cut his wrists."

"I watched him bleed out. Do you know how much blood a person can bleed?" Lu Hui was expressionless, and he gestured, "It can dye a large area of the floor red."

"The factory has a high ceiling, narrow windows, no electricity, and it's pitch black. I sat quietly for one day, looking at the dead body of Yu Feiyang. Ceiling windows to escape."

"I managed to climb up the window. The room is on the second floor. I broke the glass and jumped down to the second floor and broke my leg." He touched his right leg. "I climbed to the side of the road. I don't remember who took me I was sent to the hospital, and when I woke up, my sister was the only one by my bedside."

"Where are your parents?" Ji Fanyang asked.

"They." Lu Hui's voice was neither sad nor happy, "They are still working on a scientific research project in the laboratory."

The author has something to say:

The character dialogue in the second half of Chapter 22 has been revised.

There is one more chapter to finish the second volume.