Five Cases

Chapter 26: by the well


Lu Hui led the team to the well, and Rao Feifei and Yang Jie went to other policemen to collect information.

The brown-furred police dog raised its forelegs and stepped on the side of the well and barked. Lu Hui walked up to the police dog, stretched out his hand and rubbed the police dog's head: "It seems that this young man asked us to check this well first."

"We have checked several times..." said the policeman with the police dog.

Lu Hui raised his eyebrows: "Did you listen to it carefully?"

"Listen to who, it?" The policeman pointed to the police dog and asked suspiciously.

Lu Hui nodded, bent down, held the police dog's head in both hands and shook it: "What are you going to tell us?"

"Wow woof!"

barked the police dog.

Lu Hui let go of the police dog, straightened his waist, and stood by the well: "When you came, was the snow on the well so messy?"

"Yes." The policeman affirmed. "The ice on the surface of the well is very thick. The children may have left after playing on it."

"Sweep away the snow." Lu Hui said, "It's useless to keep them."

The police hesitated for a while, then waved to the outside, and two policemen walked in to clear the snow from the surface of the well.

The complete ice surface was revealed, and Lu Hui supported the edge of the well, squinting his eyes, looking more like a police dog than the police dog beside him.

"They may have gone far away." Ji Fanyang said, "Do you think you can really find clues by the well?"

"Quiet." Lu Hui bent down his upper body, and put his palms on the ice, "It looks very thick."

"Yes, the villagers said that the children often bounced and played on the surface of the well." The policeman said, "We had imagined that the children fell into the well, but there was no sign of the ice breaking, so we gave up. The thought."

Lu Hui raised his palm, looked up at the rather dazzling sun hanging in the sky, and said, "The sun is very good today."

"It snowed heavily for two days in a row, and it started to clear up yesterday." Ji Fanyang said, he wrapped his coat tightly, "The sun is very good, but not warm at all."

Lu Hui warmed his palms in his pockets for a while. He bent over and walked around the well, walking slowly, with serious eyes, and paused suddenly. He took out his hand and gently touched the edge of the ice without daring too much Friction melts the ice.

"What did you find?" Ji Fanyang asked.

Lu Hui pursed his lips, and he went around to use the sunlight to look carefully at the ice surface: "There are protrusions."

"What?" Ji Fanyang followed him and bent over to look.

"There are protrusions and edges on the ice surface." Lu Hui said, he straightened his waist, and stepped on the ice with one leg across the well, frightened Ji Fanyang grabbed his arm: "What are you doing?!"

"I have an idea." Lu Hui held Ji Fanyang's hand instead, "Hold me tight."

Palms pressed against each other, Ji Fanyang's hands were warm and dry, while Lu Hui's hands were as cold as snow, the sun and darkness collided, neither of them realized that their palms were so naturally and tightly clasped together.

Lu Hui stepped on the ice with his whole body. He leaned his body and stood next to the well. The thick ice did not waver at all.

"What do you want to do?" Ji Fanyang asked.

Lu Hui frowned: "I still need someone to come in." He jumped on tiptoe on the ice, so frightened that Ji Fanyang stretched out his other hand to grab his arm.

"What?" The policeman standing aside didn't know why.

Lu Hui quickly expressed his thoughts: "There are ice slag protrusions on the edge of the ice surface. It snowed a few days ago, and all that was left on the ice surface was loose snow. The children played on the ice surface and trampled on the snow, but they didn't You have just swept away the snow, so where did the raised ice slag come from?"

Ji Fanyang tilted his head to think, and did not dare to relax his grip on Lu Hui: "Could it be the water that the villagers poured on it?"

Lu Hui rolled his eyes: "Yes, the water is not poured in the middle of the well, but poured around the edge. Life is really boring. Pour a basin of water for fun."

Ji Fanyang shook his head: "Okay, tell me what you think."

"Six five- and six-year-old children are playing on the ice, and their total weight is about 120 kilograms." Lu Hui said, "I'm not heavy enough, and I need the weight of an adult male."

"Wait." Ji Fanyang stopped the policeman who was going forward, and then asked Lu Hui, "Finish your idea first."

Lu Hui squinted at him, his eyes full of ridicule and helplessness, and he explained: "If the six children play by the well separately, the pressure will be balanced, and the surface of the well will not be crushed, but what if they stand on the same side? ?”

"Will the ice surface be lifted?" Ji Fanyang followed Lu Hui's train of thought, "They will slide down into the well, and the ice surface will return to calm, and they will be sealed in the well..."

"Drown alive." Lu Hui said, "The ice surface they pressed down scooped up the water in the well when they all fell, the ice surface recovered, the gaps re-freeze, and the excess water scooped out also froze at the same time, So there will be sticky icicles on the ice."

"... You mean, the children are under the ice?" The policeman who was watching couldn't help talking.

"It's possible." Lu Hui said, "We're going to cut through the ice."

Ji Fanyang's expression became serious: "We are talking about the lives of six children."

"Yes, dig through the ice." Lu Hui supported the edge of the well and stepped on the ground.

The policeman said solemnly: "Okay, I'll go find someone right now."

Lu Hui and Ji Fanyang stood by the well and waited. Lu Hui opened his mouth to make a joke to cheer up the atmosphere, but was forced back by Ji Fanyang's gloomy expression.

The police called people very quickly. After a while, a circle of villagers stood at the mouth of the well. One by one, they went down with a chisel, and the thick ice surface cracked with ice lines.

"I've never been so eager for you to make a wrong judgment." Ji Fanyang said, his tone inexplicably sad, "Six children..."

Lu Hui didn't say a word, and quietly stood by the well, watching the cracks in the ice that were getting bigger and bigger.

Ji Fanyang looked more nervous than the villagers, he held his breath.

"Exhale, I don't want you to suffocate here." Lu Hui said harshly, "I won't give you artificial respiration."

Ji Fanyang relaxed a little.

But this relaxation didn't last long, when the ice surface completely broke and the first body floated out—

The crowd rioted.

"You're right again." Ji Fanyang sighed, seeing the pale and cold heads floating up from the mouth of the well one after another, he put his trembling hands behind his back, "Why didn't you do it once?"

Lu Hui forcefully interrupted the young man's sorrow: "It's time for us to see that old corpse." He reached out and grabbed Ji Fanyang's arm, "Don't cry."

"I didn't cry." Ji Fanyang blinked his wet eyes. He couldn't help but look back at the well. The corpses of small children were salvaged and laid flat on the snow. He sniffed .

Lu Hui forcibly turned his head: "Don't cry, do you hear me?"

The surface of the young man's brown eyeballs was covered with a layer of crystal luster. As his mother's mournful cry came from the crowd, Ji Fanyang threw himself on Lu Hui, and buried his cheek in Lu Hui's shoulder socket.

"You wiped your nose on my sweater." Lu Hui said reluctantly. He rarely hugged people, let alone hugged them so tightly. He waved his arms awkwardly, like a raccoon that couldn't stand upright.

"Six children died, can't you feel the sadness?" Ji Fanyang's muffled voice reached Lu Hui's ears.

Lu Hui glanced at the well: "People die every day, and more children die in traffic accidents."

"They died right in front of you." Ji Fanyang said.

"To be precise, the corpse is in front of me." Lu Hui corrected, and he patted the back of the young man in his arms, "I have been a policeman for seven years, and it is abnormal to cry every time someone dies."

"I have only been a policeman for one year." Ji Fanyang said.

Lu Hui was silent for a while: "Then allow you to hug for a minute."