Five Cases

Chapter 27: Pursue


Walking through the woods, Lu Hui was followed by Ji Fanyang, Rao Feifei, Yang Jie and several policemen.

"The body has been sent to the forensic doctor," Rao Feifei said.

Lu Hui said, "Well, when will the forensic report come out?"

"The corpse from two years ago will take about four or five days." Ji Fanyang replied guessing.

"Apply for DNA identification." Lu Hui stood next to the scene where the body was found, looked around, and came to a conclusion, "Murder and hide the body, this is not the first scene."

"Why???" Rao Feifei asked.

Lu Hui glanced at the young girl, and explained patiently: "Dismemberment, burial, no one in the village has reported the case for two years, it is obviously a skilled murder method." He put his hands in his pockets, "There is nothing to see, Find the remaining corpses if you can find them, and it doesn’t matter if you can’t find them, just go back to the bureau and wait for the DNA report.” He completely lost interest and walked away.

"Okay, okay." Rao Feifei nodded.

The group left the woods and passed by the mouth of the well that swallowed up the six children. Ji Fanyang paused, and Lu Hui glanced at him from the side.

Ji Fanyang forcibly turned his head: "Let's go."

Lu Hui nodded slightly and led a group of people away.

The two police cars left Yangliu Village, Gaotao County one after the other, and returned to the compound of the Municipal Public Security Bureau of Linhua District after a nearly two-hour drive.

Lu Hui pushed the door and got out of the car, choking on the scent of flowers and sneezing.

"This..." Ji Fanyang looked down at the petals under his feet, "I remember it was winter when I left."

The next police car drove into the parking lot, and Rao Feifei pushed the door to get out of the car, also with a stunned expression: "My God."

"Where is this young man..." Yang Jie looked up at the office building, "Feifei, do you know that young man?"

Rao Feifei raised her head in response, and the young and beautiful girl's eyes widened. She was surprised at first, and then faint anger burned in her pupils. She strode forward and kicked away the rose petals all over the ground. Yang Jie quickly grabbed her: " Calm down, Calm down, Feifei."

"Calm down." Rao Feifei snarled in a rare way, "Can you calm down when you meet someone with mental problems?"

Lu Hui walked towards the office building, Ji Fanyang followed behind Lu Hui: "Go back to the office?"

"Go to the hall to get some melon seeds and water." Lu Hui was in high spirits, "Move two stools."

"..." Ji Fanyang rolled his eyes, "You've already noticed it, haven't you?"

Lu Hui turned around and blinked innocently: "What did you notice?"

"Stop pretending." Ji Fanyang was careful not to step on rose petals under his feet, "I wondered that you kept running to the household registration office a few days ago, so it was to check this."

"Xi Junhong, twenty-four years old, fell in love with Rao Feifei at first sight, thinking 'she is the woman in my life', a rich second generation, with a bit of a brain." Lu Hui listed the information in detail and nodded with satisfaction, "If you can do it, cover it with flowers Things on the ground are normal."

Ji Fanyang sighed, and stood with Lu Hui in the hall on the first floor, looking at the young man standing in the middle of the hall: "He probably doesn't know what kind of girl he has his eyes on."

"A female high school hero who punches rape//rapists." Lu Hui's tone was a little proud and mocking, "It's a pity that I didn't bring dinner."

Rao Feifei walked into the hall frowning. She was shorter than Xi Junhong, but her momentum was much taller: "What are you doing here?"

"Pursue you, Rao Feifei." Xi Junhong took out a bouquet of red roses, "Be my girlfriend."

Rao Feifei clenched her fists: "Are you mentally ill?"

Yang Jie patted Rao Feifei on the shoulder: "Calm down." She said to Xi Junhong, "Young man, it's not good for you to do this in the hall of the Public Security Bureau?"

"I..." Xi Junhong hesitated, "I'm afraid Feifei won't see me."

"Of course I won't see you." Rao Feifei said mercilessly.

Xi Junhong said aggrievedly: "Look."

"Group Lu." Yang Jie looked at Lu Hui, "Why don't you go to the office and talk?"

"Don't, just say it here, to make it clear." Lu Hui sat on the stool and licked melon seeds with relish. He praised Xi Junhong, "Young man, you are very courageous."

Xi Junhong smiled in surprise and glanced at Rao Feifei triumphantly.

Rao Feifei didn't give Xi Junhong a straight look: "There is nothing to say, I still have to work."

"Feifei, what kind of person do you like, I will work hard." Xi Junhong begged foolishly holding a red rose.

Rao Feifei looked Xi Junhong up and down, and came to the conclusion: "I don't like people like you."

Lu Hui laughed exaggeratedly: "Hahahahahahahahaha, this sentence is posted on the door panel of our office."

Ji Fanyang raised his forehead: "Zu Lu, stop choking."

"I really hope you will give me a chance." Xi Junhong hugged the bouquet of roses in embarrassment, "I think you are my destined lover."

"Oh, then go ahead and think about it." Rao Feifei wanted to knock open Xi Junhong's head to see if there was an ocean inside, "Master Xi, can you continue to drive your sports car, soak up your beauties, and find a cliff bungee jumping?" , don’t disturb the police serving the people?”

"I am also a people." Xi Junhong said nonsense.

"You are the son of an evil capitalist." Rao Feifei said, "When you can look for a job with your resume like a normal twenty-four-year-old youth instead of sweeping the mall with a new horse, you will be considered a citizen."

"Feifei, the definition of the term is wrong." Lu Hui reminded him friendly.

"I can do it tomorrow." Xi Junhong vowed.

Rao Feifei's patience reached the limit: "Let Lu Zu serve you, don't bother me."

"I'm not gay." Xi Junhong said.

"Me neither!" Lu Hui snapped.

Ji Fanyang patted Lu Hui: "Don't make trouble."

"But Feifei, your family is also rich." Xi Junhong pointed out, "Mr. Rao came to my house as a guest."

"Mr. Zhao also visited your house as a guest, why didn't you pester Zhao Jing!" Rao Feifei retorted.

"I just like you." Xi Junhong confessed persistently.

Lu Hui pinched his throat in disgust and imitated: "I just like~like~you~"

Ji Fanyang, who was covered in goosebumps from Lu Hui's response, glared at Lu Hui: "You must be watching a TV series?"

"Isn't it?" Lu Hui shrugged.

"I don't like you." Rao Feifei repeated this sentence until she was tired. "You are annoying. I have to go to work. My team leader is a boring person who likes to watch soap operas. If you don't leave, he can sit until tomorrow."

Boring people who love to watch soap operas. Lu Hui reaches into Ji Fanyang's melon seed bag—

"Hey!" Ji Fanyang knocked off Lu Hui's hand, "This is mine."

"I'm done eating." Lu Hui said frankly.

Xi Junhong turned his head to look at the boring duo sitting on the bench, and the stunned young man said, "Do they like to watch me?"

"Are you missing a string in your brain?" Rao Feifei was so angry that she couldn't speak, "You, spend money to clean up the petals in the yard and get out of my sight."

Xi Junhong nodded: "Then can I come tomorrow?"

"No!" Rao Feifei flatly refused.

"Yes, yes." Lu Hui agreed.

"Then I'll come back tomorrow." Xi Junhong walked out of the hall with a bouquet of roses in his arms, leaving Lu Hui with a pure smile and Feifei Rao looking at each other, with Ji Fanyang and Yang Jie in the middle to ease the atmosphere.