Five Cases

Chapter 28: Report


Living up to expectations, Xi Junhong clocked in at the police station to report every day, which was more punctual than the police officers of other teams.

Rao Feifei was so angry that she hid from Xi Junhong like the plague, while Lu Hui brought three or four packs of potato chips to work every day, stopped chasing soap operas, and just lay down in the office chatting with Xi Junhong and Ji Fanyang.

"The DNA test report came out." Rao Feifei put the test report on the desk, "There is a corresponding person, but he is still alive."

"What?" Ji Fanyang sat up straight.

Lu Hui lay on his stomach lazily: "I remember we found a mutilated body, dead for two years."

"Well, they checked three times and they are indeed alive." Rao Feifei replied.

Lu Hui raised his eyebrows in disbelief, reached out and took the report and opened it: "From Liangang City?"

"Sister Dong Shan found some information about him." Feifei Rao handed over another folder, "Two years ago, he brought his daughter to Linhua City for seven days."

"So he's still alive, and we found a corpse with the exact same DNA structure?" Lu Hui showed his disbelief, "Contact the Liangang City Public Security Bureau."

It wasn't until this time that Lu Hui became interested. The living dead sounded like a fantasy and paradoxical plot, which couldn't suit Lu Hui's taste.

"So, we're going to Liangang City?" Ji Fanyang asked, "That's nearly two thousand kilometers away from us."

"Yes, pack up, let's go on a trip." Lu Hui's voice was full of joy, and he turned his head to Xi Junhong and said, "Is Young Master Xi interested in joining us?"

Xi Junhong was stunned for a moment: "You want to take me with you?"

"Lu Zu, you want to take him???" Rao Feifei raised her voice.

"Why not?" Lu Hui smiled meanly, and patted Xi Junhong on the shoulder, "Who doesn't like mobile cash machines?"

"Aren't you afraid that I will delay your work..." Xi Junhong was a little stage frightened.

Lu Hui smiled and shook his head: "You are much more interesting than TV dramas."

Rao Feifei's eyes widened: "Zu Lu, you still say you're not gay?"

Lu Hui adjusted his facial expression: "Xiaojun's goal is that you are not me, so don't change the subject."

"Yes, I have always liked you." Xi Junhong said hastily.

Rao Feifei held the report in her arms: "I believe your nonsense." She walked out of the office.

Ji Fanyang stood up, dragged Lu Hui out of the office, entered an empty interrogation room and closed the door, stared at Lu Hui and asked, "Why did you bring Xi Junhong?"

"It's so funny how stupid he is." Lu Hui said.

Ji Fanyang frowned: "Nonsense, you just like to create conflicts?"

"Can harmony promote development? No." Lu Hui said, "The fastest way to solve a problem is to cause conflict."

Ji Fanyang came to a sudden: "So you want to intensify the conflict, you want to see Rao Feifei's character, and you may get two results in the end..."

"Xi Junhong's stalker Rao Feifei let go, they are together." Lu Hui said, "Or Rao Feifei and Xi Junhong simply broke off the relationship."

"An experiment?" Ji Fanyang wanted to sigh, "A love experiment?"

"Pairing experiment." Lu Hui was in high spirits, reached into his pocket with his right hand, took out his wallet and took out two red notes, "Would you like to bet?"

The corners of Ji Fanyang's lips revealed a sneer: "People who have never even been in love bet on a love experiment with me?"

"It's as if you really loved your ex-girlfriends." Lu Hui retorted, "I bet we won't be together."

"Okay, I'll bet." Ji Fanyang readily agreed.

"It's too boring to bet just the two of us." Lu Hui opened the door of the interrogation room and walked into a team's office, "Does anyone want to place a bet? Can the young master catch up with Miss Rao?"

There was silence in the office, and the team leader turned his head and asked, "How much?"

"Two hundred." Lu Hui said.

"I bet I can."

"Certainly not."

"A strong girl is afraid of pestering her husband, yes."

In just one morning, Lu Hui visited all the brigades, as if the entire city bureau was watching the movements of Xi Junhong and Rao Feifei.

The High Bureau quickly approved their documents to go to Liangang City to handle the case, and the serious crime team went back to pack their luggage after half a day off.

Lu Hui and Ji Fanyang drove back to the shared house.

"Are you sure you only carry a bag?" Ji Fanyang pulled out a box from the bottom of the cabinet and opened it, "Hey, don't put your things in my box."

Lu Hui shrugged: "It's just some gadgets."

"Small things don't work either." Ji Fanyang frowned, "Can't you bring a razor?"

Lu Hui raised his hand to stroke the blue stubble on his chin: "Little devil, you don't understand."

"Fart, you just don't want to abide by the house rules." Ji Fanyang pierced his roommate's careful thinking, "Bring a few more sweaters, the humidity is heavy along the coast."

"Okay, Uncle Policeman." Lu Hui agreed obediently.

Men's luggage is not so troublesome, after all, they don't need to bring cosmetics, and Lu Hui frowned looking at Ji Fanyang's cologne: "If one day you don't wear perfume, I will feel that the dynasty has changed."

Ji Fanyang picked out a bottle of cologne with a warm fragrance and put it in the box, and gave Lu Hui a sideways look: "Do you want to try it?"

"Okay." Lu Hui readily agreed.

"...What?" Ji Fanyang suspected that something was wrong with his ears, "Say, you want to try, spray perfume?"

"I want to try to see what's different." Lu Hui said honestly.

Ji Fanyang stood up, picked out a bottle of cologne from the remaining bottles of cologne, scented it, and handed it to Lu Hui: "Try this bottle."

Lu Hui sprayed a little on his wrist, and the top notes of the water-based fragrance smudged and drifted between the two of them.

It was the faint smell of sea water, and Lu Hui sniffed around: "Not bad."

"Congratulations on taking the first step in the world of straight men." Ji Fanyang taunted him, squatting down and continuing to pack his luggage.

In the early morning of the next day, Lu Hui led the group to board the flight to Liangang City.

There are two rows of seats, Lu Huiji Fan Yang, Yang Jierao Feifei Xi Junhong.

"Did you do it on purpose?" Ji Fanyang lowered his voice, "Isn't Feifei going to explode sitting next to Xi Junhong?"

"It's not that there is still Sister Yang." The old god Lu Hui closed his eyes on the ground, "Don't make noise, I'll catch up on sleep."

Ji Fanyang shut his mouth.

After flying for more than two hours, Lu Hui was sleeping soundly with his head tilted on Ji Fanyang's shoulder when he landed.

The plane didn't explode and they landed smoothly.

Ji Fanyang woke Lu Hui up: "It's landed, wake up."

"Hmm? Hmm." Lu Hui answered vaguely, blindfolded.

Ji Fanyang said with disgust: "Your saliva dripped on my clothes."

"..." Lu Hui subconsciously glanced at Ji Fanyang's shoulder, the sweater was clean, "Next time I will try my best to meet your request."

They stood up, Rao Feifei looked fine.

A group of people got off the plane, and people from Liangang City Bureau were waiting in the lobby to pick them up.

After receiving the checked luggage, Lu Hui walked to the entrance and exit to meet with the people from the Liangang Municipal Bureau.

"Are you Lu Hui?" The person who picked up the plane stretched out his hand, "I am the captain of the seventh team of the Liangang City Bureau, Zhong Yuxiu."

"Zhong Lingyuxiu, that's a pretty good name." Lu Hui said, with a false smile on his face, "I'm Lu Hui." He extended his hand to shake Zhong Yuxiu's.

Ji Fanyang shuddered as he followed, Lu Hui's demeanor was too relatable.

Rao Feifei and Yang Jie averted their eyes and looked away casually. Lu Hui's boastful appearance can leave a deep psychological shadow on people.

Xi Junhong watched it with relish.