Five Cases

Chapter 37: disappear


While Lu An was making tea, Lu Hui, who was comfortably floating in the pool, dragged Wei Congjia, who was sitting by the pool, into the water.

"My shirt!" Wei Congjia slapped Lu Hui's hand off angrily, and swam towards the shore.

Lu Hui grabbed his arm and refused to let him go, and said in a low voice, "Give me the file, or I will drown you."

"You drown me." Wei Congjia stopped struggling and resigned himself to floating on the water.

Lu Hui had nothing to do with him, let go of his hand, and said softly, "I need a job."

"In the case of the old corpse, how many people can find out the truth?" Wei Congjia persuaded earnestly, "No one asks you to solve the case 100%."

"Fart, you are cowardly." Lu Hui said, "I have a clue, why didn't I check? Which hunter would rather watch the rabbit run away than let the dog go?"

"I just want to make you less stunned!" Wei Congjia lowered his voice, "I know more than you, much more, about this file." He pursed his lips, "The risk is too great."

"You let the crime go?" Lu Hui opened his eyes wide.

The corner of Wei Congjia's mouth trembled: "This is a delaying strategy!"

"Do you think I believe it?" Lu Hui swam to the shore, picked up the vibrating mobile phone, "Hello?"

"Zu Lu, is Xiao Ji with you?" Rao Feifei's anxious voice came.

Lu Hui frowned: "He went back to Lin Hua yesterday, why?"

"He didn't come to work this morning." Rao Feifei said, "The high bureau is in a hurry."

"Didn't come to work?" Lu Hui's heart thumped, and he tried to keep his emotions stable, "I'll go and ask."

Lu Hui put down his phone and looked at Wei Congjia with a serious expression: "Ji Fanyang is missing."

Wei Congjia choked on water: "Missing?!"

"Now you should give me the file, right?" Lu Hui climbed up the ladder, walked out of the swimming pool, picked up a blanket and dried himself, "We are grasshoppers on a rope."

Wei Congjia didn't speak, and seemed to be still immersed in the explosive news of "Ji Fanyang's disappearance".

"Xiaohui, Congjia." Lu An walked into the room, saw Lu Hui's expression, and said, "What happened?"

"Ji Fanyang is missing." Lu Hui said, wrapped in a blanket like a fluffy cat, "We have to go and see."

Lu An nodded, his expression became serious: "I'll go with you."

"Sister, you..." Lu Hui wanted to stop him, but Wei Congjia interrupted him: "Yes, let's go together."

"I heard that child is a high-ranking official's son?" Lu An said, "Put on your clothes, and I'll wait for you in the living room."

Wei Congjia picked up a towel and wiped his hair clean, and said while wiping, "If you can find Ji Fanyang, I will return the file to you."

Lu Hui curled his lips: "Are you trying to coax a child?"

"Yes." Wei Congjia nodded of course, choking Lu Hui silently.

They got dressed and walked to the living room, where Lu An was sitting on the sofa waiting for them.

"Call the Public Security Bureau of Zhongchuan City." Lu Hui said, "The car that Ji Fanyang drove was lent to us by the surname Huang. He must return the car first and then go to the train station or passenger station to take the car."

"Will the surname Huang lend you a car?" Wei Congjia took out his mobile phone and dialed the number, "Hello? I'm Wei Congjia."

"Captain Wei?" Officer Huang's voice came out.

"Well, Lu Hui borrowed a car from you the day before yesterday. Did someone return the car yesterday?" Wei Congjia asked.

"A young man came to pay back, with a good attitude, much better than Lu Hui."

"..." Wei Congjia couldn't help laughing, but he corrected his attitude, "That young man is missing."

"Missing?" Police Officer Huang was surprised, "He said he was going back by intercity, and the ticket was already bought."

"Intercity? Okay, let's check it right away." Wei Congjia hung up the phone and said to Lu Hui, "Let's go to the train station."

Lu Hui looked down at the phone screen, time: 10:15 in the morning, he replied: "Well, let's go."

The three walked out together, Wei Congjia drove, Lu An and Lu Hui sat in the back seat.

Wei Congjia started the car, drove out of the courtyard, and headed for the train station.

Lu An's hand covered Lu Hui's: "It's okay to show concern properly."

"I don't..." Lu Hui frowned, looking a little confused, "Why should I worry?"

"Because Ji Fanyang is your new friend." Lu An said, "You haven't had any friends for a long time."

"Worry can't solve the problem." Lu Hui said.

"Acting worried is just to make you look less of a jerk," Wei Congjia continued, shrugging, "everyone does it after all."

Lu Hui nodded knowingly.

Wei Congjia breathed a sigh of relief, having dealt with Lu Hui for many years, attributing perceptual problems to rationality is the best way to persuade Lu Hui.

Lu An shook his head helplessly: "One day you will feel it."

"I don't want to feel it anymore." Lu Hui closed his eyes, and his curved eyelashes covered his emotions tightly.

The car drove into the parking lot of the train station, and Lu Hui pushed the door to get off. He was wrapped in a thick down jacket, like a waddling brown bear.

Lu An walked beside him, Wei Congjia locked the car and followed them, and the three walked into the train station.

They went directly to retrieve the surveillance video.

"Some are busy." Wei Congjia sighed, "At least six hours of surveillance video must be watched."

Lu Hui sat down quietly and turned on the player.

Three forty in the afternoon.

Lu Hui's cell phone rang, and it was an unfamiliar number.

"Lu Hui?" The voice from the receiver was a middle-aged male.

Lu Hui frowned: "Who are you?"

"Your team members are in my hands," the man said.

Lu Hui looked slightly nervous, but his voice was still indifferent and steady: "So?"

"The factory next to Zhonglin Highway used to be a paper mill." The man said, "I believe you will find me soon."

The man hangs up.

Lu Hui clenched the phone tightly and said, "Don't watch the video anymore, go to the original paper mill on Zhonglin Highway."

"...Wait." Wei Congjia grabbed Lu Hui's arm, "They're coming after you."

"I know." Lu Hui's expression was calm, he didn't even raise his eyebrows, "But I have to go."

"There is no need to guess about the follow-up development." Wei Congjia said, "They proposed an exchange, you agree, and the two of you will die together."

"Do I have other options?" Lu Hui stood up, "No, so I'm going."

"Because Ji Fanyang is your friend?" Wei Congjia asked.

Lu Hui hesitated for a while, then said, "Because Ji Fanyang is the son of Commander Ji."

"Nonsense." Wei Congjia was already furious.

Lu Hui was fearless: "Is it meaningful to explore the relationship between Ji Fanyang and me now?" He broke free from Wei Congjia's hand and put on a down jacket, "Notify the Public Security Bureau of Linhua City and Zhongchuan City that the Zhonglin Highway belongs to the junction zone. It’s not easy to divide the area.”

Lu An said: "I'll drive you there, Xiao Wei, go to the Zhongchuan City Public Security Bureau and inform someone."

Wei Congjia was stunned for a while, then said, "Okay."

Lu An and Lu Hui walked out of the office, and Lu Hui pursed his lips: "Sister, do you support it?"

"Since you admit that Xiao Ji is your friend, you should take on the responsibility of a friend." Lu An said, her beautiful eyes were like a pool of cold springs, "No matter how you choose to express this friendship, you should try it. one time."

Lu Hui nodded, with an unknown attachment in his black pupils.