Five Cases

Chapter 39: explode


Lu Hui, who was wearing protective clothing, looked a little bulky. He staggered to the gate of the abandoned factory, about 20 meters away from the factory building. Wei Congjia stared at Lu Hui's back with a solemn expression, and Lu An stood upright like a tree.

Xi Junhong stood beside Rao Feifei, his chattering mouth was rarely quiet.

Rao Feifei rubbed her eyes, her slender wrist was like fragile porcelain.

"Is this what you're after?" Xi Junhong said suddenly, his voice low.

Rao Feifei nodded slightly, she covered her mouth trying not to whimper.

In the vast expanse of white land, a few sparrows landed on the bare tree branches. Those little sparrows spread their wings and flew up, kicking off three or two snowflakes.

Lu Hui waved towards the factory building, took the first step, followed by the second step, and approached the floor step by step. He squinted and looked through the goggles at the dark doorway, where Ji Fanyang was standing.

The light was too dark, he couldn't see Ji Fanyang's expression clearly, he just felt a palpitation in his heart, dense pain spreading upward from the fingertips, crawling along the tiny nerves to the heart.

Ji Fanyang opened his mouth wide, and Lu Hui could see that he was saying "get out", he quickened his pace, and he had already reached this point, how could he go back

As Lu Hui got closer and closer, Ji Fanyang closed his mouth as if giving up, and stared at Lu Hui. Lu Hui couldn't help but want to laugh, this kid was quite emotional.

What Lu Hui didn't know was that the group of people with his back to him clenched their fists. Wei Congjia, Lu An, Rao Feifei, Xi Junhong, Yang Jie, and Gao Zhengcheng, unknowingly, more and more people were walking with Lu Hui. too much.

The person in protective clothing stepped into the factory with one foot, reached forward, grabbed Ji Fanyang's hand, and greeted Ji Fanyang politely through the touch of the glove. With great strength, Lu Hui pulled Ji Fanyang staggeringly. His muscles were tense, his nerves were tense, and there was not enough time for them to retreat to the safe zone together, so they could only hide on the spot.

Lu Hui quickly calculated in his mind, he pushed Ji Fanyang to the wall and shouted "Squat down!". Ji Fanyang squatted down quickly, curled up into a ball, and Lu Hui used his body as a shield to protect Ji Fanyang.

With the sound of a huge explosion, the dilapidated old factory shook back and forth, the ceiling collapsed, and huge blocks of concrete fell down, trapping Lu Hui and Ji Fanyang underneath.

The follow-up rescue operation was quick, and Gao Ju stood by the ruins, frowning.

Several search and rescue dogs ran back and forth non-stop, and there were barking sounds from time to time.

Ji Fanyang struggled to open his heavy eyelids. He only remembered that Lu Hui used his body to help him block the stone slab, and the rest of the events were all white silent movies.

"Xiaoyang..." The gentle-looking woman walked over with concern, "You finally woke up."

"...Mom?" Ji Fanyang tried to raise his head, his sore neck creaked, "Hiss..."

"Don't move around, your dad will be here soon." Fan Shuqin touched Ji Fanyang's forehead, "Director Gao called your dad to say something happened to you, but it scared me to death."

"I'm fine." Ji Fanyang twisted his neck, but still didn't escape his mother's hand, "Where is I... Lu Zu?"

"Your team leader, save that person?" Fan Shuqin expressed regret, which made Ji Fanyang nervous: "Where did he go?"

"The injury was too serious, so I was transferred to the imperial capital for treatment." Fan Shuqin sighed, "I heard from the director of the hospital that it is very likely that I won't wake up."

"What?!" Ji Fanyang trembled in fright, he half sat up with his arms propped up on the bed, "I have to go and see him."

"You lie down!" Ji Lian pushed the door open, angrily scolded, "running around all day long, insisting on being independent, what will your mother do when the corpse is brought back!"

"Aren't I still..." Ji Fanyang opened his mouth to argue.

Fan Shuqin covered his son's mouth: "Okay, don't be angry with your dad, because your dad quit the meeting midway because of this matter and let several colleagues dove."

"It's not a big deal." Ji Lian waved his hand and stared at Ji Fanyang, "My son is dying, can I go and see?"

Ji Fanyang looked at his parents with concerned faces, endured the burning thoughts, lay down and closed his eyes.

Imperial Hospital.

Lu An sat on the bench, staring at the operating room without blinking.

[During the operation], the three red letters are like the gates of hell, shining with bloody light.

"Your parents..." Sitting next to Lu An, Wei Congjia hesitated to speak.

Lu An shook his head: "They won't come."

"Lu Hui is their child." Wei Congjia frowned, "A tiger's poison does not eat its offspring."

"You know what happened when Xiao Hui was fifteen years old." Lu An said, "When I found him, he had been lying in the hospital for two days, severely dehydrated and in a severe coma. When I called, he transferred 10,000 yuan to me to pay the hospital bill. It was just a transfer of money, and he didn’t ask about Xiao Hui’s situation.”

"That's why..." Wei Congjia wondered.

Lu An shook his head and stopped talking.

[Operating] The three characters go out, the door of the operating room opens, three nurses push the bed out, and the doctor follows behind.

Lu An stood up, and the doctor came over: "Ms. Lu."

"I am." Lu An replied.

"The patient's condition is not optimistic, and he needs to be observed in the ICU for a few days." The doctor said, "We tried our best to stabilize his vital signs, but his brain and cervical spine... were seriously injured."

"Okay, okay." Lu An's eyes turned red, "Thank you."

Lu Hui sat in a dimly lit room with narrow windows close to the ceiling.

He went back to the old factory seventeen years ago, so the person sitting opposite should be - Yu Feiyang.

Lu Hui calmed down, trying to see the figure of his childhood companion clearly, but the light was too dim.

The blurry figure huddled in the corner, Lu Hui stood up, trying to get closer, he was not sure if Yu Feiyang committed suicide or not.

Lu Hui became a policeman partly because of Yu Feiyang. He didn't want to punish the good and promote the evil, but he wanted to face up to the shadow of his childhood. After all, staying in the same room with a dead body for two days is not something a mere fifteen-year-old child can bear. .

As Lu Hui approached that figure, he could hardly remember Yu Feiyang's appearance, the dust of the years covered his memory. He pushed the already cold body, and the body fell to the ground, revealing the face of Ji Fanyang.

Lu Hui's scalp exploded, and he took two steps back suddenly. The ground under his feet rumbled, and the huge explosion cracked the picture in Lu Hui's eyes.

The messy instruments in the ICU ward were beeping, and the nurses were busy.

"What's the matter?" Lu An stood up abruptly. She pushed back most of the meetings, leaving only the work that could be done on the computer. Today is the twenty-third day that Lu Hui has been in a coma.

"The patient may wake up," said the doctor hastily, gravely, "but still very weak."

Lu An watched Lu Hui being pushed into the operating room again.

The author has something to say:

The update will be normal in the future, every other day