Five Cases

Chapter 43: dead


["Why should I..." Lu Hui looked down at the blood dripping from his hands, he was holding a knife.]

Lu Hui opened his eyes suddenly, sat up panting in shock, his body covered in cold sweat.

"Group Lu...?" Ji Fanyang stood beside the sofa, frowning, and turned off the TV with the remote control, "Why did you sleep in the living room and still turn on the TV?"

"Forgot to turn it off." Lu Hui lied casually, stepping on his slippers and said, "I'm going to wash up."

"Okay." Ji Fanyang moved a step to the left to make way, "Breakfast is on the table."

"Well, eat later." Lu Hui walked into the bathroom, turned on the faucet, bent over and splashed a handful of cold water on his face, his heart was beating fast, he held the sink to calm down for a while, raised his hand Pick up the mouthwash cup and fill it with water, and squeeze the toothpaste onto the toothbrush.

Ji Fanyang sat at the dining table and waited for Lu Hui to be seated. He made two bowls of noodles, two poached eggs on top of the noodles, and two cups of soy milk. Lu Hui came over and opened the chair to sit down. He picked up the poached egg and took a bite. Juice flowed out from the soft egg yolk. He squinted his eyes in satisfaction: "It's delicious."

Ji Fanyang took a bite with his chopsticks, and asked worriedly: "To see a psychiatrist today, you can't run away."

"Yeah." Lu Hui replied vaguely, and Siri snorted while eating the noodles in the bowl.

Ji Fanyang had no choice but to finish his breakfast with a heavy heart. According to the usual practice, Lu Hui stood up to wash the dishes.

They drove to the Linhua City Public Security Bureau. Lu Hui and Ji Fanyang walked into the hall together, and Gao Zhengcheng stood in the hall.

"High Bureau." Ji Fanyang greeted, and he laughed, "Look, who's back."

Lu Hui then said, "High Bureau."

"You're back." Gao Zhengcheng's expression couldn't be described as happy, and he was even a little depressed. "Go to my office and discuss in detail."

Ji Fanyang and Lu Hui looked at each other, and the young man nodded: "Okay."

They went upstairs into the chief's office.

"At four o'clock in the morning today, someone found a female corpse in a rental house." Gao Zhengcheng walked around behind the large mahogany desk, pulled out the leather chair and sat down. The fingerprints are all yours after identification."

"Whose?" Ji Fanyang asked.

"Lu Hui." Gao Zhengcheng replied, pointing at Lu Hui with his pen, "Where have you been for the past half month?"

"That's why I brought him to the Bureau." Ji Fanyang turned slightly sideways, cutting off Gao Bureau's view of Lu Hui, "He doesn't remember."

"He doesn't... he doesn't remember?" Gao Zhengcheng was a little dazed, "What do you mean you don't remember?"

"I'll bring him to see a psychiatrist." Ji Fanyang said.

"Cough..." Lu Hui patted Ji Fanyang on the shoulder, telling the young man to take a step aside so as not to block his sight, "Can I go and see the scene?"

"No, you are a suspect." Gao Zhengcheng flatly refused, and he stood up, "Let's go to Jingshan's, does Team Wei know you're back?"

"I don't know." Lu Hui said, "I didn't ask Ji Fanyang to tell anyone else."

"Your sister doesn't know either?" Gao Zhengcheng opened the office door.

"Yes." Lu Hui and Gao Ju walked out of the room together, and Ji Fanyang walked behind Lu Hui.

A group of people came to the psychotherapy room, Jing Shan was sitting on the sofa, she turned her head and saw them coming in: "High level."

"Xiao Jing, this is Lu Hui, the leader of the criminal investigation team. He has been missing for half a month, and he said that he doesn't remember what happened in the half month." Gao Ju said, "You come and do an assessment."

Jing Shan's eyes fell on Lu Hui: "Okay."

Gao Ju asked, "Is one morning enough?"

"It depends." Jing Shan replied, and she said to Lu Hui, "Sit down."

Lu Hui hung his coat on the hanger, and sat on the single sofa opposite Jing Shan in a thin sweater.

"Then we'll come back in the afternoon." Gao Ju dragged Ji Fanyang out of the psychotherapy room.

"Gao Ju, I want to stay." Watching Gao Ju close the door of the treatment room, Ji Fanyang said.

Gao Zhengcheng sighed: "Xiaojing has always disliked being watched while working, besides, Lu Hui will be distracted when you are here."

Ji Fanyang thought for a while, then asked: "Then can I go to see the scene of the corpse?"

"The body is at Forensic Doctor Wu, you should go and see the body first," Gao Ju said.

"Okay, I'll go right away." Ji Fanyang turned and left.

Gao Ju looked at the back of the young man leaving and rubbed his temples.

Psychotherapy room.

"Take off the watch." Jing Shan's eyes were very sharp, and her pupils were somewhat similar to those of Lu Hui, they were both clear and cold.

Lu Hui took off his watch, revealing the twisted scar on his wrist. He smiled and said, "New tattoo, do you like it?"

"Too ugly." Jing Shan said, "Tell me what you remember."

"Boom boom boom."

Ji Fanyang knocked on the door of the forensic room.

"Come in." Wu Lingxue answered the door, she raised her head, "Xiao Ji."

"Well... I heard that the second team found a female corpse last night." Ji Fanyang walked to the morgue, "Is it this one?"

"No, the one on the left." Wu Lingxue said, she asked sensitively, "Is it for Lu Hui?"

"... I guess." The young man moved and stood beside the mortuary table on the left, "Have you found your identity information?"

"It's easy to check. I keep my ID card in my pocket. My surname is Wang, and my name is Wang Yinyin." Wu Lingxue said, "Did Group Lu say something?"

"No." Ji Fanyang shook his head, "He doesn't remember anything."

"Don't remember?" Wu Lingxue frowned, "This is rare, he found you?"

"Well, he was sitting in the stairwell waiting for me last night. He was dressed in rags and had a deep scar on his wrist." Ji Fanyang gesticulated on his wrist, and he patted his forehead. TV all night."

"You turned on the TV to sleep last night, why?" Jing Shan asked.

"I need a sound." Lu Hui's fingers began to tremble, "I can't sleep without a sound."

"Tell me about your childhood." Jing Shan kept recording in her notebook.

"Wang Yinyin, do you know this person?" Wu Lingxue asked.

Ji Fanyang shook his head: "I don't know."

"Does Lu Hui know?" Wu Lingxue asked.

"He..." Ji Fanyang hesitated, "I know part of his childhood, but I have never heard of this name."

"The deceased was divorced early and had a son who died when he was young." Wu Lingxue said, "She has no relatives, so how could she have anything to do with Lu Zu?"

"Wait..." Ji Fanyang heard the description was a bit strange, so he asked one more question, "What is the last name of Wang Yinyin's ex-husband?"

Wu Lingxue glanced at the computer screen: "The surname is Yu."

Ji Fanyang was completely terrified, he stood up straight: "What's the name of the boy who died early?"

Wu Lingxue said, "Yu Feiyang."

"Yu Feiyang." Lu Hui said, "My childhood playmate."

"He committed suicide in front of you." Jing Shan analyzed, "You should have had stress symptoms at that time, so you don't like to go to other people's sites, unfamiliar places, and small spaces. You come back after disappearing This symptom has become more serious, and it can be inferred that you have been locked in a small and dark room again."

Lu Hui looked at Jing Shan with deep eyes: "Maybe."

"PTSD." Jing Shan said, "Temporary judgment is this, post-traumatic stress disorder, plus acute stress response. Amnesia is a manifestation of post-traumatic stress disorder."