Five Cases

Chapter 45: cake


["You, who are you?"

"Lu Hui."

"Are you Xiaoyang's classmate?"

"That's right."]

"Group Lu? Lu Hui?"

["Do not kill me."]

"Lu Hui!"

["You murderer!"],

"Lu Hui, wake up!"

["Please don't kill me."]

"Lu Hui!"

"Don't make noise." Lu Hui barely opened his eyes, and the young man's worried face appeared in his field of vision. He lowered his tone, "What's wrong?"

"This is a double bed." Ji Fanyang pointed to his position, "You almost kicked me off."

"... It's you who insist on squeezing together with me." Lu Hui slapped him backwards, and he withdrew his outstretched hands and feet, leaving half of the space for Ji Fanyang.

"The TV can't be turned on all night." Ji Fanyang said, "We can't afford the electricity bill."

"So you sacrificed yourself to be gay." Lu Hui rubbed his chin, "Very dedicated."

Ji Fanyang propped up his elbows, half leaned on the head of the bed, and yawned: "Whatever you want."

"Takeaway or cooking?" Lu Hui tilted his head and asked, with a pair of bright black eyes and messy hair, he looked ten years younger.

"I'm on vacation today, cooking." Ji Fanyang looked into Lu Hui's eyes and teased, "If you look at me like that again, I might really bend over."

"Aren't you happy to reward you for cooking for me for a lifetime?" Lu Hui said with a smile.

"Boom boom boom."

"Boom boom boom."

"Someone knocking on the door?" Ji Fanyang glanced down at the phone screen, "It's only nine o'clock."

"We missed the breakfast time." Lu Hui kicked the young man, "Go and open the door."

Ji Fanyang reluctantly stepped on his slippers and walked out of the bedroom. Passing by the living room, he bent down to pick up the blanket that Lu Hui threw on the floor last night, walked to the door and opened it: "Oh... Hi."

"Morning." The girl standing at the door smiled softly, "I hope I didn't disturb you."

"Excuse me... what? No, no." Ji Fanyang took two steps back to get out of the way, "Are you looking for..." He pointed behind him, "Is it his?"

"No, no, I'm here to see you." The girl hurriedly waved her hands, as if afraid of Ji Fanyang's misunderstanding, "I didn't know you were a couple before, and I came here to ask about him..."

"Who's here?" Lu Hui raised his voice and asked, "Baby?"

"..." Ji Fanyang twitched his eyebrows and sighed, "Come in and sit for a while." He walked back to the bedroom quickly, closed the bedroom door, and said in a low voice, "Are you finished?"

"You have to do a full set of acting." Lu Hui shrugged. "If you have the ability, go out and explain to her now. We are not a couple. I lied to her because I don't want her to pester me and you are a soft-hearted holy father."

"..." Ji Fanyang was silent, he turned and opened the door, "You go out to entertain guests, and I will cook."

"Okay, dear." Lu Hui took off a T-shirt, stood up and walked out of the bedroom, with a fake smile on his face, "Hello, are you...?"

"My surname is Yu, Yu Xinyu, and I live on the fourteenth floor." The girl smiled shyly, "I didn't mean to ask your boyfriend about you..."

"Oh, he didn't tell me." Lu Hui pretended to be confused, and sat on the single sofa with a smile, "He always eats a little vinegar, and then forgets it."

"I heard that you disappeared for half a month?" Yu Xinyu asked.

"I went out without telling him." Lu Hui said in a low voice, "I plan to surprise him."

"Oh?" Yu Xinyu opened her eyes wide.

"I want to propose." Lu Hui rubbed his cheeks in annoyance, "but he is too sensitive, so I can only do it secretly."

"Actually, I can help you." Yu Xinyu replied.

Lu Hui blinked, looking extremely innocent: "Really, thank you so much."

"This is the best apology gift." Yu Xinyu said.

"It's time to eat." Ji Fanyang's voice came from the kitchen, "Lu Hui, come and serve the meal."

"Hmm." Lu Hui stood up, winked at Yu Xinyu, walked into the kitchen and closed the door behind him, "Cough."

"What lie did you make up again?" Ji Fanyang asked.

"I propose marriage." Lu Hui replied.

"With whom?" Ji Fanyang poured the noodles into a bowl.

"You." Lu Hui said.

Ji Fanyang almost lost the porcelain bowl: "What?"

"It's time to eat." Without giving Ji Fanyang time to react, Lu Hui quickly opened the kitchen door and sat at the dining table, "Would you like to eat with Xinyu? Ah Yang's cooking skills are really good."

"I made an extra bowl, let's eat with Xinyu." Ji Fanyang walked out of the kitchen with two bowls, gave Lu Hui a hard look, looked up and said with a smile to Yu Xinyu.

"Then... go to my house to bake a cake later." Yu Xinyu walked over and sat beside Lu Hui.

"Yes, I just want to learn." Lu Hui picked up the chopsticks, "Ayang likes desserts."

"...he will blow up your kitchen." Ji Fanyang said, staring at Lu Hui, why didn't he know that he likes sweets.

"Let's go together, can we?" Lu Hui turned his head to look at Ji Fanyang, his black eyes were bright and round with water.

Ji Fanyang spurned his erratic position: "Okay... okay."

After the three of them finished eating the noodles together, Ji Fanyang and Lu Hui huddled next to a sink to wash the dishes.

"What's your idea?" Ji Fanyang said in a low voice, "You really deserve your conscience to deceive a little girl."

"Find something to do for our vacation." Lu Hui cleaned the plate, "Be more mature, I don't want to watch soap operas all day."

"Who the hell are you saying is immature?" Ji Fanyang was furious, "And I'm not the one who likes to watch soap operas."

After the last dish was washed, Lu Hui shook off the water on his hand: "Let's go, let's learn how to bake cakes."

"You go first, I'll make a call." Ji Fanyang said.

Lu Hui looked at him suspiciously: "You didn't cheat behind my back, did you?"

"Hurry up and get out." Ji Fanyang pushed Lu Hui's shoulder, walked out of the kitchen and said to Xinyu, "You guys go, I'll be there in a while."

"Okay." Yu Xinyu nodded.

Lu Hui walked out of the kitchen, picked up a towel and wiped his hands: "Hurry up, I'll wait for you."

"...don't be silly." Ji Fanyang waved his hand, watching Lu Hui and Yu Xinyu walk out the door.

He picked up his cell phone from the coffee table, dialed it, and waited for a while: "Hello, Sister Wu."

"Oh...Xiao Ji." Wu Lingxue's voice came, "What's the matter?"

"I want to ask about the progress of Wang Yinyin's case..." Ji Fanyang said.

"High level..."

"The high bureau just didn't let the Lu team follow up, and didn't say they wouldn't let me know." Ji Fanyang said.

"So, to put it simply, they haven't found the first scene." Wu Lingxue said, "They haven't found it yet."

"What about the trace inspection?" Ji Fanyang asked.

"There are no clues in the trace inspection, and the particle analysis shows that the body came from the sea." Wu Lingxue said.