Five Cases

Chapter 50: Meet


"Aren't you going to work?" Lu Hui squinted on the sofa and looked at Ji Fanyang who had just walked out of the bathroom.

"What? Do you have plans for today?" Ji Fanyang straightened his collar, lowered his head and tied his tie seriously.

Lu Hui shrugged: "There is a date."

"With whom?" Ji Fanyang asked.

Lu Hui lied calmly: "Yu Xinyu."

"Ah???" Ji Fanyang tilted his head, looking a little unbelievable, "Did you take the initiative to invite me? Or did she take the initiative?"

Lu Hui rolled his eyes: "She took the initiative, she bought flowers, she ordered the restaurant, she opened the room with her ID card, okay?"

"..." Ji Fanyang sprayed some perfume on his wrists, put on his coat, and chattered like an old father marrying his daughter, "Turn off the TV when you leave, lock the door behind you, it's windy outside, wear more, Don't go out of town."

"Yeah." Lu Hui waved impatiently, "Let's go, I'm going to be late, Mama Ji."

Ji Fanyang shook his head, glared at Lu Hui with hatred, opened the door and walked out, and closed the door heavily.

Lu Hui grabbed the remote control and pressed the mute button. Hearing the sound of Ji Fanyang's footsteps gradually disappearing, he stood up, changed into casual clothes, put on a watch, stroked his hair with some water, put the keys in his pocket, Turn off the TV, walk out the door, and lock it.

Wuer Street, Linhua District, is located in an old block in Linhua District. The municipal government has tried to repair it several times but failed. Because the streets are narrow, mostly one-way or two-lane, crowded and dirty, urban management patrols don't like to go inside.

Lu Hui took a taxi to Wuer Street and paid a relatively high taxi fare. He opened the door and got out of the car, looking for No. 83 along the street.

No. 81 is a barbecue restaurant, No. 82 is a ramen restaurant, No. 84 is a small shop... No. 83

Lu Hui took a few steps back, looked back and forth two or three times to make sure he read it correctly, there is no number eighty-three

He frowned, stood between the ramen restaurant and the small shop, stopped the passing merchants and asked, "Excuse me, where is No. 83?"

The merchant's expression suddenly became strange: "Are you looking for No. 83?"

"Someone told me to come..." Lu Hui said.

The merchant gave him a push: "Sit inside, sit inside." They walked into the ramen restaurant together and passed through the back door. No. 83 is the common warehouse of the small shop and the ramen restaurant.

"You sit first." The merchant moved a greasy bench and placed it next to the greasy wooden table, "Sit and wait for a while."

"He said he would come at one noon." Lu Hui said.

The merchant nodded: "Then wait until one o'clock, there are still ten minutes."

After all, the merchant left.

Lu Hui sat on the bench without even a glass of water, looking pitiful.

The weather in early spring is not very good, gloomy and not warm. Same as in that room.

Lu Hui picked up a willow branch. There were green buds sprouting from the willow branch, which should have been broken off from the willow tree by some naughty child.

"I have every reason to kill you."

"You're a policeman." Wang Yinyin is no longer young, and the wrinkles and dark yellow spots on her face are particularly obvious, "I know what happened back then caused you... I didn't expect Yangyang to do such a thing to hurt you."

"Yu Feiyang is extreme? Isn't what you did extreme?" Lu Hui raised his voice, as if the wound had been torn open, "to this day, you don't regret it at all?"

"What can I do if I regret it?" The woman looked at Lu Hui with cloudy eyes, terribly lifeless and cold, "Can he come back to life if I regret it?"

"He can't survive, he hates you." Lu Hui held a dagger, the sharp blade gleaming coldly, "My leg hurts every year, so I can think of Yu Feiyang every year. We don't have a deep friendship, but because You." He paused for a moment, then raised the dagger, "I'm a policeman, so I can't kill you." He scratched his wrist fiercely, blood spurted out, and the dagger and Lu Hui fell to the floor together.

Lu Hui waved the wicker, and the soft branches hit the stone bricks, leaving light white marks. The wrist should be cut vertically, but he didn't want to die at the time, so he cut his wrist horizontally, the tendon blocked the artery, and he was rescued.

After the blood transfusion, Lu Hui with a bandage on his wrist was sent into the room again.

The second time I saw Wang Yinyin, Lu Hui looked very weak, and the dagger was placed on the table between them.

This is a malicious survival game, but Lu Hui doesn't want to be one of the beasts.

Wang Yinyin quickly grabbed the dagger.

The monitor hanging on the wall suddenly turned on, and the noisy sound attracted the attention of the two.

The picture shakes for a while, then gradually becomes still, it is the interior of an airplane.

Lu Hui saw a familiar figure, it was Lu An.

The screen shows the economy class, and Lu An is opening the curtain to ask the flight attendant for a blanket.

The phone on the table rang, and Lu Hui rushed over to pick up the receiver.

"Kill Wang Yinyin, or we'll kill your sister."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Hui looked at Wang Yinyin. Wang Yinyin trembled and couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Lu Hui is a desperate wolf.

It was one o'clock at noon, and Lu Hui dropped the willow branch and looked towards the back door.

A short figure appeared, and Lu Hui narrowed his eyes, which seemed familiar to him.

It was a woman, Lu Hui tried hard to recall that he had seen this woman at Du Chengxian's house.

"Lu Zu, we meet again." The woman sat at the table and brought two bottles of water thoughtfully, her gentle demeanor was exactly the same as that of Ji Fanyang.

"Wang Jing." Lu Hui recognized the woman, Du Chengxian's wife.

Wang Jing blinked, she had changed too much, her hairstyle and clothes had all changed, the original long-haired dress became a short-haired leather jacket, from gentle and homely to smart and neat, she said: "Du Chengxian is dead."

"How could he die in the witness protection plan?" Lu Hui frowned.

"He died, to get this." Wang Jing took out a hard drive, "I copied seven or eight copies, this is the whole video of you and a woman locked in the same room."

"What is he doing with this?" Lu Hui asked, he really didn't understand.

Wang Jing brushed her hair and said, "For me, Xiaoyue, and you. He thinks that only you can kill the people behind him, so he sacrificed his life to get you out."

"This video can save me from punishment." Lu Hui said, "But I'm still too conspicuous."

"Yes, so you have to die." Wang Jing said, she put the hard drive back into the bag, "When you die, I will have someone put the video on the Internet."

"This is your condition? Do you want me to die?" Lu Hui opened the water and took a sip, "Okay, deal."

"I hope you can make big news." Wang Jing said.

Lu Hui smiled and said, "You have to have confidence in me."

Wang Jing stood up: "I'm leaving."

"Wait." Lu Hui stood up and lowered his voice, "When you're sweeping the grave, thank Du Chengxian for me."

"His name is Du Chengwu." Wang Jing said.

"Thank Du Chengwu for me." Lu Hui said.

"Okay." Wang Jing nodded.

The author has something to say:

Thank you [Zhen Da] little angel for your message