Five Cases

Chapter 55: go back


At the exit of Terminal T2 of Weishan Airport, Zhongchuan City, Zhuchuan Province, a man with a tie and a suit and leather shoes came dragging a suitcase. Song Qingchuan stopped, took off his glasses, wiped them with his head down, and put them on again. . In the past two years, he has looked like a frail scholar, with a clean shaved beard revealing a white chin, a well-pressed shirt, and a faint scent of marine perfume.

"Mr. Song." The person who came to meet the plane was arranged by Lu Qingqiong, who looked about the same age as Song Qingchuan, "My surname is Huang."

"Mr. Huang." Song Qingchuan nodded, "You are Feng Ya's friend, right?"

"Yes, Fa Xiao." Huang Zili and Song Qingchuan walked out of the airport side by side, "I heard from Uncle Lu that you came here specially to attend Mr. Liu's party?"

"No." Song Qingchuan shook his head, "I have other things, but, Mr. Liu?"

"The richest man in Zhongchuan has a listed company." Huang Zili said, "His daughter Liu Wei is engaged."

"Who is she engaged to?" Song Qingchuan asked.

"A little-known psychiatrist." Huang Zili said, "I've seen him twice. At the party, he has a gentle temper and seems to be tightly controlled by Liu Wei."

"You don't like him?" Song Qingchuan asked with interest.

Huang Zili shook his head: "I don't like it when I get it, but I just don't deserve it. Liu Wei is a stubborn person. A few years ago, he quarreled with his father and wanted to tear the house down. I didn't expect to fall in love with such a persimmon-like kid." , their apparent age, that kid is three or four years younger than her."

"It sounds interesting. I have nothing to do today. Let's find a restaurant to talk slowly?" Song Qingchuan smiled friendly.

"Okay, my task today is to receive you. If the reception is not good, Uncle Lu will have to skin me." Huang Zili said, he pressed the car key, and the lights of a black Land Rover in the parking lot three to four hundred meters away from them turned on. Liao Liang, "I've booked a table, drink two glasses of wine, let's chat slowly."

"Okay." Song Qingchuan got into the car and fastened his seat belt, "When is Mr. Liu's party? I'm very interested."

"A week later." Huang Zili drove the car out of the parking lot and onto the viaduct, "What, Mr. Song wants to go and have a look?"

"No, I should be in Linhua in a week." Song Qingchuan refused, "How many children does Mr. Liu have?"

"Three, the eldest is a daughter, the second son is a teacher, and the younger son died five or six years ago." Huang Zili said, "Mr. Liu was so angry at that time."

"I heard from Feng Ya that the youngest son died of illness?" Song Qingchuan asked.

"That's what they say to the outside world." Huang Zili said, "But think about it, if Mr. Liu died of illness, would Mr. Liu be so angry?"

"That's right." Song Qingchuan nodded approvingly, "Are you going to attend a banquet in a few days?"

"Yes." Huang Zili turned the steering wheel and drove off the viaduct, "Does Mr. Song eat spicy food?"

"Eat." Song Qingchuan replied, "I don't like anything spicy."

"That's fine, I ordered Sichuan cuisine." Huang Zili parked the car on the side of the road, "Small restaurant, I often come to this restaurant."

"Good food doesn't come at the front." Song Qingchuan said, he opened the door and got off the car, walked into the restaurant, Huang Zili came to the front desk and said: "I have booked a private room, my surname is Huang."

"Okay, everyone, follow me." The waiter opened the innermost box in the corridor, "Please come in."

Huang Zili and Song Qingchuan walked in and found a seat to sit down. Huang Zili ordered two bottles of wine, as if he wanted to educate Song Qingchuan about the current situation in Zhongchuan City.

The Psychological Counseling Office of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhuchuan Medical University.

The woman with cold eyebrows was sitting on the sofa, and the male doctor sitting opposite her said helplessly and gently: "We agreed before that you can no longer be my patient."

"Why not?" Liu Wei said, "I think you are the best."

"Psychiatrists can't develop relationships with patients." The doctor sighed. "Since we're engaged, you'd better go shopping and choose your dress."

"Fan Zhe, how can you be so gentle." Liu Wei squeezed the doctor's chin, smiled and rolled her eyes, "Okay, I'll let your next patient in right now."

"Well, good boy." Fan Zhe patted Liu Wei's shoulder reassuringly, "Wait for me at home."

"Okay, my little fiance." Liu Wei kissed the corner of Fan Zhe's lips, picked up her bag and walked out of the office.

Fan Zhe's eyes turned cold the moment the door closed, he wiped his forehead and the corners of his lips slowly, stood up, walked into the bathroom and washed his face. After he finished cleaning, he opened the door to invite the next patient to come in.

"Liu Wei's fiance is called Fan Zhe?" Song Qingchuan said, "It's an interesting name."

"Young psychiatrist." Huang Zili picked up a piece of chicken. "He looks very handsome. I heard that he receives the most female patients."

"You can see it in the photo." Song Qingchuan nodded.

"Mr. Song is not bad either." Huang Zili teased, "You can compete with Fan Zhe on the same stage and see who is more popular between you two."

"Mr. Huang thinks too much." Song Qingchuan laughed, "Mr. Huang, I don't know if Feng Ya told you, but I like men."

"...?!" Huang Zili was almost stuck in his throat by a chicken bone, "What?"

Song Qingchuan pretended to be embarrassed and smiled: "I'm very interested in Mr. Fan Zhe's appearance. If he has any inappropriate behavior at the banquet that annoys Mr. Liu, you have to help me get rid of him." Got it."

"How can I help?" Huang Zili simply put down his chopsticks, lest Song Qingchuan say something shocking and scare him into reincarnation.

"Play by ear." Song Qingchuan handed out his phone, "Remember my phone number, and send me a text message when the time comes."

"What if he makes Mr. Liu extremely satisfied?" Huang Zili asked.

"Then bless them." Song Qingchuan smiled strangely.

"... You're not going to snatch a marriage, are you?" Huang Zili asked.

Song Qingchuan choked while drinking tea, he put down his teacup: "Why should I want to snatch a kiss?"

"You said you fell in love with Fan Zhe," Huang Zili said.

"I said, I've taken a fancy to Fan Zhe's looks." Song Qingchuan said, "It's just my looks, and am I a bandit? Want to rob Mrs. Yazhai?"

"That's true." Huang Zili nodded, "Eat, eat."

Fan Zhe used to keep a pen in his shirt pocket, looking extraordinarily refined and quiet.

His half-length hair was tied behind his ears, dyed tan, and he wore a pair of flat glasses on the bridge of his nose. When he smiled, it was like a breeze blowing across his cheeks, so gentle that his heart was drunk.

"Doctor Fan." A female doctor hurriedly opened the door, "I'm really sorry, I have an urgent matter and can't be on duty in the afternoon, can you help me? I'll do it for you tomorrow."

"Okay, if it's urgent, go quickly." Fan Zhe said.

"Okay, thank you very much." The female doctor closed the door and left.

Fan Zhe took off his coat and put on his shirt and sat back on the chair. He took off the pen pinned in his breast pocket, and carefully unscrewed the small cap on the top of the pen cap. A miniature transmitter was inlaid on it. He held an oscilloscope in his right hand. Carefully stare at the waveform record values.