Five Cases

Chapter 66: civil strife


The noon sun was warm and shone across half of the office. Lu Hui lay on the table with his arms crossed and his eyes closed, like a lazy wolf.

Sitting in front of the computer, Ji Fanyang organized the pictures and text materials sent back by Rao Feifei and Yang Jie into a logical report.

In the quiet office, only the rustling sound of writing echoed in the air.

"Sister works so hard, there's no need to come every day." Liu Huaizhou just walked in the door before getting off work at noon, and when he looked up, he saw Liu Wei sitting on the sofa. He took off his coat and handed it to his wife, "How is Xiaoyue?"

"Xiaoyue Xiaoyue, do you really think she is your own daughter?" Liu Wei sneered, "Why did the Liu family have a useless son like you?"

"I took two more bites of rice." Liu Huaizhou's wife Ning Qing said, "I'm taking a nap."

"I brought two chicken legs, and I will make fried rice later." Liu Huaizhou patted his wife on the shoulder, "Xiaoyue is too thin."

"It's okay, don't pretend to be harmonious in front of me." Liu Wei frowned, "Did you find out what I asked you to ask?"

"What are you asking, Du Huanyue doesn't even want to sit with us for dinner, can you tell us such an important thing?" Liu Huaizhou has a gentle temper, but he is not without temper. He took a glass of water for himself but not for Liu Wei. , "Sis, if you have nothing to do, let's go, we should have dinner."

"Liu Huaizhou, let me tell you, it won't be easy for you if the Liu family falls." Liu Wei threatened, "You think you live in Taoyuan, young master?"

"I'm not a young master, I'm just a high school teacher." Liu Huaizhou sat on the other side of the sofa calmly, took a sip of water slowly, "It's you, sister, did something bad happen to you? Are you in such a hurry?" He Pick up the remote control to turn on the TV and tune to Zhongchuan TV Station, "I was watching the news yesterday, and a female corpse was fished out of Houshan Lake."

"What do you want to say?" Liu Wei held up his momentum.

"It's just to find a topic." Liu Huaizhou glanced at Liu Wei, "It's better for ordinary people to take care of their own lives."

"Zu Lu, what's for lunch?" Ji Fanyang put down his pen and stretched.

Lu Hui lay on the table and didn't want to move: "Meat."

"I read an article that middle-aged men will become greasy if they eat too much meat." Ji Fanyang teased.

"Middle-aged men will die if they don't eat meat." Lu Hui glanced at the young man, "Go get your uncle some food."

Ji Fanyang sighed. He looked at Lu Hui's messy hair and wanted to rub it. Whether Lu Hui was thirty-five or fifteen, he felt like he was five.

"I made an extra bowl, my sister can stay for dinner." Ning Qing walked out of the kitchen with the plate and put the food on the table.

"Sister is not used to home-cooked dishes." Liu Huaizhou said, there was urging in his words, "Sister must have dinner this afternoon, right?"

"I'm leaving, you should ask as soon as possible." Liu Wei stood up, with her bag on her shoulder, "I will use your work as a guarantee."

Hearing the threat, Liu Huaizhou's face turned slightly cold: "No."

Liu Wei walked out of the living room and slammed the door, the loud sound of closing the door echoed in the corridor.

"...Let's eat." Ning Qing pulled out the chair and sat down.

Liu Huaizhou went to the dinner table and sat down, and said to his wife, "I'm sorry."

"What are you apologizing for?" Ning Qing inserted the spoon into the fried rice, "Xiaoyue has been living in our house for more than four months, and you don't talk to her much."

"I'm afraid I'll scare her." Liu Huaizhou dug a spoonful of rice, "On my way home from get off work, I went to Xin'an Street. You know, there's a new pastry shop. I'll bring you some when I come back from get off work in the afternoon."

"Xin'an Street, okay, Xiaoyue likes puff pastry." Ning Qing said.

Liu Huaizhou smiled: "She hasn't spoken to you, you know that?"

"I observed it." Ning Qing said, "I put a plate of snacks in the small bedroom, and the shortbread was all eaten."

"Hahahaha small animal observation diary." Liu Huaizhou said with a smile.

Ji Fanyang went to the cafeteria to get two chicken legs and two boxes of lunch, and returned to the office to put them on Lu Hui's desk: "It's time to eat."

"It's really virtuous." Lu Hui took a bite of a chicken leg and narrowed his eyes contentedly, "It's delicious, I've put honey on it."

"Well, honey chicken drumstick." Ji Fanyang took a bite of the chicken drumstick, "It's crispy and crispy."

"I knew you could buy good things when you go shopping for food." Lu Hui hummed unconvinced, "I never got chicken legs when I went."

"That's not my fault." Ji Fanyang blinked innocently, "They left it to me."

Lu Hui jumped up and snatched the chicken leg from Ji Fanyang's hand and took a bite: "Okay, you don't need to eat the chicken leg today, it's all mine."

"...Are you an adult?" Ji Fanyang looked at Lu Hui eating two chicken legs with relish, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, "Be a human being."

Lu Hui buried his head in the chicken leg, pretending he couldn't hear the young man's words.

Liu Huaizhou went to work with his bag, while Ning Qing stayed at home to look after Du Huanyue.

Ning Qing is the editor of a magazine. She moved her work to her home and could keep an eye on Du Huanyue's movements.

Liu Huaizhou and Ning Qing wanted to have a child a long time ago, but they never got it. Liu Huaizhou felt that he and his wife were still young, so there was no need to worry about this, but Liu Kai was worried. The Liu family needed an heir, a son would do as well as a grandson, Liu Kai chased after Liu Huaizhou and even tried to find another woman to have a child for him.

Because of the child, Liu Huaizhou quarreled with Liu Kai several times, and moved out by himself, but Liu Kai's harassment was still unavoidable.

Thinking of these things, Ning Qing sighed. She arranged the manuscript paper and put it on her right hand. When she raised her eyes, the little girl timidly held the door frame and looked at her: "Auntie... I want a pen and a notebook."

Ning Qing was surprised. Du Huanyue had been here for four months and had never made a request to them. She hurriedly picked up a pen and a manuscript paper and handed them over: "Take it." She didn't dare to ask more, for fear of scaring them away. little girl.

"Thank you." Du Huanyue returned to the small bedroom with a pen and paper, and began to write on the table.

The mid-afternoon sun was shining mildly, and Lu Hui rested his chin on one hand to read the materials Ji Fanyang had compiled, joking with Ji Fanyang from time to time.

"Is Liu Huairui's body cremated?" Lu Hui asked.

"Well, Liu Kai's actions can be said to be careless." Ji Fanyang said, "The case seems to have reached a dead end."

"Wait a little longer." Lu Hui was quite patient.

"Xiaoyue talked to me in the afternoon." Ning Qing stood at the door, helping Liu Huaizhou hang his coat on the coat rack, and she said triumphantly to her husband, "She asked me for a pen and a notebook. "

"Yo, what a surprise." Liu Huaizhou kissed his wife's cheek, and put the paper bag on the dining table, "Pineapple cake, flower cake and egg yolk cake, you can try it."

Ning Qing picked up the flower cake and took a bite: "It's not bad, give Xiaoyue two to taste."

"Hmm." Liu Huaizhou picked up the paper bag and walked to the door of the small bedroom, knocking on the door, "Xiaoyue, can I come in?"

The door opened, revealing the little girl's thin face, she pursed her lips and took half a step back to let Liu Huaizhou in, then closed the door.

This action surprised Liu Huaizhou. Du Huanyue was much more on guard against him than Ning Qing. Before he walked in, Du Huanyue must have opened the door.

Du Huanyue raised her hand, and in it was the notebook she had written all afternoon: "Here you are."

Liu Huaizhou took the book and opened it. The crooked handwriting on it looked very immature and cute, but the meaning he expressed shocked him—it was an internal ledger of the Liu family, which recorded the big and small black transactions of the Liu family in abbreviations. .

Sitting on the bed, Liu Huaizhou turned the book from beginning to end. There were not many pages, three or four pages were floating lightly, and the fate of the Liu family was carried on the sins of these three or four pages.

"No gain today." Lu Hui stood up and put on his coat, "Go home from get off work."

Ji Fanyang then put on his coat: "You owe me a chicken leg."

"Oh, I'm deaf." Lu Hui pretended to be dead.

A policewoman opened the door: "Someone is looking for you."

"Don't block my way to get off work." Lu Hui said.

"Who is it?" Ji Fanyang asked.

The policewoman automatically ignored Lu Hui's words and chose to answer Ji Fanyang's question: "A man with a child."

"Let them in." Ji Fanyang said.

"You want to seek power and usurp the throne?" Lu Hui looked at him.

"Who told you to eat my chicken leg." Ji Fanyang said.

After a while, a man led a little girl into the office. The man introduced himself: "I am Liu Huaizhou, she is..."

"Du Huanyue?!" Lu Hui and Ji Fanyang looked at each other, and Lu Hui walked over to close the office door, "It seems that there is indeed progress today."