Five Cases

Chapter 9: case closed


"Today is the last day." Gao Ju walked into the group office, followed by Chang Hui who was watching the excitement.

Ji Fanyang stood up: "High level, regular team."

"How is the case going?" Gao Ju asked kindly.

"The case can be closed with a little paper work." Ji Fanyang replied.

"Closed the case by suicide?" Chang Hui couldn't help asking.

"Homicide." Ji Fanyang replied, and the young man's handsome face could not help showing admiration, "The Lu team found a small mistake yesterday, so the integration of the case can be judged as homicide."

"Oh?" Gao Ju was aroused. He sat on the sofa and took the tea from Rao Feifei, "Tell me well?"

"Okay." Ji Fanyang polished up a bunch of reasoning that he had said to Lu Hui in the early morning and told Gao Ju.

After Ji Fanyang finished telling the story of the case, the voice fell, and there was a long silence.

Gao Ju took two sips of tea and sighed: "You are indeed an outstanding detective from the Provincial Public Security Bureau. It seems that I will come to invite you here in person." He squinted his eyes, a little complacent.

Chang Hui sighed: "I am not as good as him."

"Group Lu is too powerful." Rao Feifei's eyes were full of admiration, and Ji Fanyang nodded, as if the two glasses of water poured on his face a few hours ago had turned into admiration and rolled in his heart.

"Since this is the case, why not let Xiao Lu stay in Team Seven?" Gao Ju asked along the way.


The two voices overlapped, everyone looked up, and Lu Hui stood at the door of the office.

"Xiao Lu is here." Gao Ju raised his hand in greeting, "Come on, let's have a good discussion."

"There's no need to discuss it, I won't talk to the brigade." Lu Hui sat behind his usual desk, and didn't even bother to look straight at everyone present.

Gao Ju wasn't angry at all. He was angry when he was almost rejected by Lu Hui. He turned his gaze to Chang Hui: "Tell me why you don't want Xiao Lu to work with Team Seven?"

"I can't hold him back." Chang Hui smiled wryly, "If something happens, I can't hold him back."

Lu Hui glanced at Chang Hui contemptuously.

Gao Ju nodded slightly: "That's right, I'll think about what to do later."

"Gaoju, don't let Lu Hui follow other brigades anymore, I don't think anyone can hold him down," Chang Hui said.

Gao Ju couldn't help laughing: "Someone can restrain him." As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of high heels came into the office.

Lu Hui gradually sat up straight, his eyes moved to the door, he frowned angrily, and muttered a few words in a low voice, like a child who was caught skipping class.

"Lu Hui." A tall woman appeared at the door of the office, dressed in a tie and suit, with a slender waist, red lips and curly hair, and looked six points like Lu Hui.

Lu Hui looks gloomy and indifferent, but this woman is flamboyant and sharp.

"... Sister." A syllable popped out from the tip of Lu Hui's tongue.

Everyone who heard the sensitive syllables looked up one after another, and all kinds of admiring eyes were cast on the women.

The woman who can hold Lu Hui down, tsk tsk tsk tsk, spectating forcefully.

"Miss Lu." Gao Ju nodded, "Please come here."

"I'll trouble Gao Ju to take care of my younger brother." Miss Lu smiled, her beautiful lips curled up, "I'm Lu An."

"Then Miss Lu, let's talk to Xiao Lu first, I'll go and deal with some documents." Gao Ju stood up.

"I have something to do too." Chang Hui said winkingly.

"I'll go to the trace inspection to get the report." Rao Feifei said.

"I..." Ji Fanyang frowned, and all the excuses he could think of were quickly finished by the group in front.

"You stay." Lu Hui gave Ji Fanyang a sideways glance, "Have you finished writing the closing documents?"

"No..." Ji Fanyang faced two pairs of gazes from the Lu family, wishing he could immediately hide behind the sofa.

"Then continue to do it. The case must be closed before twelve o'clock." Lu Hui pressed his subordinates with a serious face, and when he turned his head, Lu An who came over twisted his ears, " need to be gentle."

"You've made progress." Lu An put on a half-smile, "Little bastard."

"Then you are the bastard's sister." Lu Hui couldn't help retorting, but his ear was still in the bastard's sister's hand, "Hiss..."

"The bureau chief that Xiao Wei found for you is too soft-tempered, don't think you can push your nose and face." Lu An let go, and Lu Hui hurriedly took two steps back out of his sister's control.

"If it weren't for me, this case would be closed as a suicide." Lu Hui plausibly said, "Then we let a murderer go. For the sake of justice and truth, I did the right thing."

"Fuck your justice and the truth, have you ever had these things?" Lu An mercilessly demolished Lu Hui's platform, "I won't mention the shitty things you did in the Provincial Public Security Bureau, if it wasn't for the small Wei recommended you to the city bureau, and you have been expelled long ago."

"Oh, then I'm lucky." Lu Hui shrugged.

"You white-eyed wolf, you turned your head and left Xiao Wei behind you. Did you greet him seriously last time you met him?" Lu An asked.

Lu Hui looked at the wall on the right with a guilty conscience: "I said hello."

"I said hello in a serious way." Lu An is familiar with Lu Hui's routines, and she patted Lu Hui's head bitterly, "Xiao Wei is magnanimous, he has been mad at you for so many years. Say something fresh , another young man, you lost your popularity, what's going on?"

"He chose to leave by himself." Lu Hui frowned, "Suggestion."

"Little kid!" Lu An was so angry that he slapped Lu Hui's chest, "It's uncomfortable for you to say nothing every day. Young people are arrogant, so why can't you just say a few words to the leader?"

"Oh, I'm really thankful to him for giving me a disciplinary lesson." Lu Hui retorted eccentrically.

Ji Fanyang finally saw the childishness of the Lu group. He didn't dare to breathe, and devoted himself to the paperwork. His ears were pricked up, like two secret intelligence stations with radars.

"Go and apologize to the young man later, whether it's sincere or not." Lu An said.

Apologize? Ji Fanyang stopped writing.

Lu Hui then turned around and stared at Ji Fanyang, like a rich landlord oppressing long-term workers: "Keep working!"

"..." Ji Fanyang lowered his head and plunged into the sea of documents.

"Did you hear that?" Lu An's fingertips moved close to Lu Hui's ears.

"Well..." Lu Hui agreed perfunctorily.

"Good boy." Lu An rubbed Brother Xiong's hair, "I heard that young man has returned to the third team. I'll wait for you outside the office of the third team."

"..." Hearing the rustling sound of writing behind him stopped again, Lu Hui felt that he was cornered. He nodded, then quickly turned his head to give Ji Fanyang a sideways glance, and turned away from the office.

"Huh..." Ji Fanyang breathed a sigh of relief.

Office of three teams.

Seeing Lu Hui push the door open, Yang Jie greeted him warmly: "Xiao Lu is here?"

"Well, Sister Yang." Yang Jie and Lu An were about the same age, and Lu Hui showed more respect, "I'm looking for Qi Zhou."

"Huh?" Qi Zhou, who was writing a document, raised his head, "What's the matter?"

"Come out for a moment." Facing Qi Zhou, Lu Hui put away his politeness and became that complete bastard again.

Qi Zhou had no choice but to put down his pen and follow Lu Hui out of the office.

They came to a relatively quiet stairway, and Lu Hui glanced at Lu An who was standing in the distance from the corner of his eye, with annoyance flashing in his eyes, he looked up at Qi Zhou and said, "Why don't you just hear that I apologize to you, You can preach it everywhere, and I won't deny it."

"Oh?" Qi Zhou's eyes lit up with interest, "You were forced to apologize to me? Why?"

"Complaint." Lu Hui slipped three words from his throat.

"You say I'm suing the devil?" Qi Zhou's eyes widened, "You childish ghost!"

"But I've closed the case, it's homicide." Satisfied, Lu Hui swept Qi Zhou with his contemptuous eyes, "Your discipline and so on didn't find the answer."

"Okay, you won, then what?" Qi Zhou spread his hands, "Aren't you going to apologize to me?"

"..." If Lu An hadn't been standing in the distance, Lu Hui might have hit him.

"Xiao Lu." Yang Jie walked towards them, "Have you finished talking?"

"Okay, I accept your apology." Qi Zhou patted Lu Hui's arm, "I'll go first, paperwork."

"..." Lu Hui looked at Qi Zhou's leaving back, feeling extremely aggrieved.

"Have you finished apologizing?" Lu An came over and said with some relief, "I think that young man is quite sensible."

"Tsk." A single sound popped out from the tip of Lu Hui's tongue.


Lu Hui, Ji Fanyang, and Rao Feifei walked into the Gaoju office.

Yang Jie was standing in front of the desk.

"Everyone is here, sit down." Gao Ju said with a smile, "From today onwards, Yang Jie will be in the same group as you."

"The captain of the third team?" Rao Feifei asked.

"I have my own arrangements." Gao Ju looked as if he had planned long ago, "Your team doesn't have to follow a certain brigade, and it will be set up as a criminal investigation and serious crime team separately. I will directly manage you. Which brigade encounters difficult cases, you Just go to which brigade to help."

"Is this... in compliance with the regulations?" Ji Fanyang asked.

"Xiao Lu was invited by me against the rules." Gao Ju laughed, "Does Xiao Lu have any objections?"

"There is one." Lu Hui said, "Let's go to the brigade to help. Should we lead or cooperate?"

"Cooperation." Gao Ju replied, "The captain has an opinion and asked him to tell me, you can't jump too much."

Lu Hui, who had been educated by Lu An, is still relatively well-behaved. He reluctantly snorted: "Yes."

Since then, the Linhua City Criminal Investigation Team has been established.

The author has something to say:

The first volume is over.

Leave a message... To be honest, I'm not that serious...

Volume Two: Weird Coincidences