Five Immortal Sects

Chapter 114: Deadly time


Facing the defense he had set up, Li Yan felt more confident. As his level of Guishui Sutra improved, Li Yan realized that the more he practiced it, the more powerful it became. Its power was not as simple as one plus one. He also knew the source of Dong Fuyi's arrogance when he talked about the Five Immortal Sect. It was the strong confidence from the Five Immortal Sect and the Guishui Sutra. However, since he came to the secret realm, the Guishui Sutra in his body began to become a little strange. Li Yan felt that this strangeness was related to this world.

This made him speculate about the origin of this secret realm. Li Yan even wondered whether the secret realm was related to the Five Immortals Sect. Otherwise, why would he feel like a fish swimming into the sea after entering here

If Dong Fuyi was here, he would surely be able to see the secret at a glance. Thinking of the tall old man, Li Yan sighed in his heart, wondering how the only master of the sect was doing now.

Just as Li Yan was feeling emotional, he suddenly heard a "sizzling" sound above his head, and a "rumbling" sound suddenly came from inside the ball.

The monks from both sides immediately stopped their attacks and became alert. Some looked up, some scanned the surroundings. Even Zhizhong and Gong Chenying in the distance stopped fighting.

When everyone looked in the direction of the sound, their faces changed drastically. There was a "sizzling" sound above their heads, and the outer layer of the sphere was covered with a layer of black stuff, which was constantly spreading and expanding, causing the originally translucent sphere to quickly become dim.

The sizzling sound was like the burning sound of something being corroded.

At the same time, with a rumbling sound, a three-foot-high earth platform rose up on the ground in front of the two sphere walls where the two sides had entered. Everyone was stunned by this change in the scene, and then they understood the reason in an instant.

The huge black shadow in the sky has arrived, and it is covering from two different paths. Now it is covering the outside of the sphere, and the sphere should have a certain resisting effect.

Judging from the sound, the sphere's defense should be weakening. When the sphere is broken, everyone inside will die.

Zen Master Zhizhong and Gong Chenying looked at each other, then at the two raised earthen platforms. They quickly separated, and without any hesitation, they flew towards the two earthen platforms.

As everyone was looking at them in astonishment, the moment the two men stepped onto the platform, they each raised a blue diamond crystal in their hands and injected magic power into it frantically.

At the moment when magic power was injected into the blue diamond crystal, two blue light beams burst out from the blue diamond crystal held high. The light beams shot up into the sky and directly hit the sphere above the head.

As Li Yan and others were watching, the loud crackling sound above their heads suddenly seemed to be blocked by a soundproof cover, and the sound suddenly became much smaller. Gong Chenying and Master Zhizhong looked at each other, and their tense mood eased a lot.

The two made their quickest and most accurate judgment. Although the sizzling sound above their heads was much quieter now, no one knew how long they could stop and delay the attack of the huge black shadow in the sky. But at least after the sound became quieter, everyone felt much safer.

Just when everyone was somewhat calmed down, suddenly a wind blade came out from the Wuliang Sect with a "whoosh" sound, and directly slashed towards the neck of a member of the Pure Land Sect.

Everyone was stunned. Before they could figure out who had made the move, colorful lights flashed across the field and the sound of explosions could be heard again!

It was Li Yan who launched the attack. He also saw that Gong Chenying and the others were concentrating, but the anxiety in his heart rose again.

Without waiting for Gong Chenying to speak, he sent out a wind blade towards the nearest monk.

Li Yan’s current understanding of the Wheel of Life and Death is just two words: “speed”. Only speed can buy time for survival!

Just like these monks in front of us, they were a little slower on the other road before. After the two roads intersected, they had no time to recover their consumed mana and were forced to choose to fight.

Gong Chenying couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Just at the moment when she injected her magic power, the blue diamond crystal seemed to be a bottomless pit. It actually drew away all the magic power she had just injected in a breath, which made her feel empty and uncomfortable.

After quickly using her magic power, she was able to maintain stability, but the infused magic power disappeared in an instant, which frightened her. She knew that if this continued, she would not be able to hold on for too long.

There was only about 60% of his magic power left in his body, which might not even last for a hundred breaths. For the moment, he had no way to distract himself and let everyone attack quickly.

Just when Gong Chenying was about to forcibly separate a wisp of her spiritual consciousness to transmit a message, she saw that a wind blade from her own side had already killed the other side. She knew that someone had noticed that something was wrong with her. Looking at the ordinary-looking black boy who made the move, a smile appeared on her lips.

"Junior brother, your reminders and actions here were timely. I didn't expect that my team would benefit from him!"

Thinking of this, she raised her head and looked towards another platform. After seeing the situation of Master Zhi clearly, she finally put her mind at ease temporarily. The dark and thin Master opposite was obviously not much better than her, and he also had an expression of giving it his all.

In this case, he could only wait for the battle between the Qi Condensation disciples of both sides to end, and hope that Li Yan and the others could kill the eighteen monks as soon as possible before he fell.

Li Yan made a move and immediately sent a message to the five people on his side.

"The captain can't hold out for much longer. I'm not going to defend anymore and I'm going to attack with all my might!"

After saying that, Li Yan glanced at the five people, among whom were Wu Shixi and Yu Yiyong from Lingchong Peak, and three were Buli Peak disciples. These people also saw that Gong Chenying was under great pressure, so they had to fight quickly.

"Okay, we will separate and attack with all our strength. No matter what, we have to end the battle as soon as possible." The scar on Wu Shixi's face trembled, and his figure flashed out from behind Li Yanyu.

With a flick of his robe sleeve, several colorful centipedes flew away, and he slapped his waist with his other hand again, and several more black lightning bolts flew out, their body shape was somewhat similar to the Mirror Shadow Scorpion.

"No matter whether the other five teams share the same idea as us, I will send a message to the other five teams and they will immediately follow up and attack!"

Yu Yi waved the brush in his hand and said lightly, then he took a step back and began to transmit the message quickly. What each team emphasized was cooperation, which Gong Chenying had already prepared.


The three Buli Peak disciples agreed almost at the same time, and did not show any dissatisfaction with Li Yan's private decision. With a loud shout, they rushed out from behind Li Yanyu's curtain in three directions.

After Li Yan narrowed the rain curtain, he only protected his own area and also leaped over with the wind blade just now.

It’s a long story from his attack to the transmission of voice, and then to the decision of several people. The transmission of voice took only half a breath, and everyone had already dispersed and rushed out to attack.

Just as Li Yan and his companions pounced, the other five teams broke up into small groups and attacked one after another.

The power of the attack this time was several times greater than before. The formation of the six teams of the Wuliang Sect was originally a temporary drill. It was okay to use it for a little defense, but once they joined forces to attack with the power of the formation, they seemed a little overwhelmed. After all, the six people had been cooperating for a short time.

Now that they were separated, everyone displayed their strongest means of attack. For a moment, monsters were everywhere on the ground, and spirit insects were everywhere in the sky. Purple mist and green clouds surged up and filled a large area of the ball.

When the wind blade slashed out by Li Yan was one foot away from the monk's head, the monk remained unmoved, as if he did not see it. With his eyes lowered, his feet were still moving like the other seventeen people.

Just as Li Yan was approaching, the monk had left his original position as the Eighteen Arhats formation rotated. Suddenly, blurry lotus flowers appeared above the heads of these monks.

The lotus spun rapidly, emitting golden light, which caused the wind blades slashed out by Li Yan and the magical attacks of other cultivators to hit it, and then all bounced off and dissipated.

Just as Li Yan fell, he was supposed to face a monk, but as the formation of eighteen people moved quickly, three monks appeared at this position in an instant, facing him.

The three monks each bent a finger and shot towards Li Yan, then continued to move without looking at the result.

Li Yan felt three powerful energies approaching from behind him, and he could not help but dodge several times. In the blink of an eye, three green lights passed by him.

A ray of green light passed through his armpit and actually pierced a finger-sized hole in his dark green robe. This sect robe was a low-level spiritual weapon, and ordinary attacks could not hurt it at all, but it was easily pierced by a finger of energy.

"Buddha Finger" is the unique skill of the Arhat Hall of Buddhism. This made Li Yan feel terrified.

Eighteen people appeared and disappeared like a whirlwind. Multiple people might appear at any time in each position, so that the attacker was facing only one person at one moment, but had to face attacks from multiple people the next moment, which caught him off guard.

The Buddhist techniques themselves have the ability to restrain evil and resist certain poisonous effects. Coupled with the Eighteen Arhats formation, the attacks of the poisonous insects and spirit beasts in the sky cannot get close for a while.

However, a lot of poisonous gas and miasma still took effect. It was obvious that many of the 18 monks in the formation had been poisoned by the miasma. The formation gradually slowed down, but it would not be defeated in a very short time.

As a result of the Wuliang Sect's attack style that ignored defense, several spirit beasts were directly hit by the powerful Buddhist magic, and several were killed or injured in a few breaths.

On the other side, in just a dozen breaths, Gong Chenying and Zen Master Zhizhong were sweating profusely.

Hearing the "sizzling" sound above their heads gradually growing louder, the cultivators on both sides became extremely anxious, and Li Yan and the others also had sweat on their foreheads.

"We must break this Eighteen Arhats formation!"

The biggest obstacle at the moment is this Arhat formation, which is like a turtle shell. Although some monks have been poisoned and their magic power is almost exhausted.

But they can still hold on for a while, otherwise they will be dragged to death by the black shadow, and time is running out.