Five Immortal Sects

Chapter 23: A mixed bag for the third-placed division


"Military Advisor Ji was very lucky. When the storage bag of the paper book he obtained exploded, it shattered and eliminated the layer of protection of the immortal law, so it was easy to see the contents of the book.

The magic techniques recorded in this book should be owned by a certain poison cultivation sect, and this magic technique is to use poison to gain enlightenment.

First, after sensing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth entering the body, he used a variety of poisonous herbs with secret techniques to refine juice as a medicine, which was then absorbed into the body for refining.

After the spiritual energy becomes stronger, it will be stored in the body, constantly strengthening the tendons, veins and internal organs, and finally completing the entry of Qi Condensation and entering the first level of Qi Condensation.

This method of cultivation is not the right way. It is not like the Taoist, Buddhist, and Confucian practitioners who practice step by step and steadily. Instead, it relies on the power of poisonous herbs to forcibly cleanse the meridians and marrow. In other words, this is an unconventional method.

This military advisor not only has great opportunities, but is also an extremely ruthless person.

First, he didn't know whether he had spiritual roots, but he dared to try. If he didn't have spiritual roots, he would take his internal force as spiritual energy, and once the juice of the poisonous grass entered his body, he would die immediately.

Secondly, this technique is perfectly matched to his spiritual attributes, otherwise it would be extremely difficult to succeed.

After he got the book, he was naturally happy and planned to practice it, but this magic method required the use of poison, and the method of preparing the secret recipe was recorded at the beginning of the book.

An entry-level recipe for cultivating immortals like this would naturally not be some precious herbs that are too hard to find, but this is only for the immortal sect. The several herbs required in the recipe are extremely rare among mortals.

However, for the "Xunxian Clan" who have been walking in the deep mountains and primeval forests for many years, it was not too difficult. Master Ji quickly found most of the herbs, but in the end there were still two kinds of herbs that could not be found.

These two herbs are important for harmonizing the medicinal power. Otherwise, when absorbing the juice, the person will suffer abnormal pain because they cannot neutralize the power of the poisonous herbs. "

Li Yan was silent. At this moment, he finally understood why his practice was so painful. It turned out that it was due to the lack of herbs to harmonize the medicinal properties.

“At that time, Master Ji continued to search for several years and finally found another herb. However, he could not find the last herb no matter what. This was when his ruthless character was undoubtedly revealed.

When he was short of a certain herb and was not yet sure whether he had spiritual roots, he began to practice introducing the herb into his body.

It was destined that the skills were compatible with his spiritual roots. Although the process was painful, after 49 days of practice, he successfully entered the first level of the Qi Condensation Stage.

However, he didn't know that this entry-level formula of the Immortal Sect, although extremely low-level, had been developed through tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of years of refinement.

The list has been simplified to the point where it cannot be simplified any further. Each herb has its special function and cannot be ignored just because it is not the main ingredient but only an auxiliary ingredient.

Although he advanced to the first level of Qi Condensation through such forced training, he had already planted the seeds of disaster.

Because of the lack of a harmonizing ingredient, a lot of residual medicinal power remains in the body, which will cause fire poison to grow over time.

At first, there were not many signs and symptoms, but as Master Ji's practice gradually improved, after a few years, the part of the medicinal power that had not been refined and remained in the body slowly grew stronger and formed a fire poison.

His initial behavior was just like how you felt some time ago, feeling irritated and upset, but by then he had already cultivated to the second level, so he was able to suppress it with his magic power.

He thought that as his practice improved, the magic power in his body would eventually be able to eliminate the fire poison. So he practiced while looking for ways to calm his mind.

He knew from the introduction in that introductory paper book that he had to cultivate to the third level of the Qi Condensation Stage before his consciousness could leave his body, and only then could he read the contents of the jade slips and jade books.

So when he was unable to open the jade book and jade slips, he didn't know if there was a solution inside them, so he looked for the simplest method, such as sitting in meditation in the cold wilderness, immersing himself in musical instruments, etc.

In this way, he was able to cultivate to the third level of Qi Condensation Stage. When his consciousness could leave the body, he excitedly used it to read the jade book and jade slips.

Of course he couldn't open the jade book. When he opened the jade slip, he first learned that the jade slip and the paper book were a set of exercises. Of course he became even more excited, thinking that he should be able to find a solution from it, but the final result shocked him.

The front of this jade slip records the Qi-condensing formulas for the fourth to tenth levels of this immortal technique, and the back of the jade slip actually focuses on explaining the advantages and disadvantages of using the formula for cultivation.

Not to mention the benefits, the disadvantage is that if you use an improper formula and force yourself to practice, the result will be that fire poison will be generated in your body, and this fire poison will continue to nourish and grow along with the spiritual power in your body.

Later on, his own magic power could no longer suppress it, and when he reached the peak of the third level of Qi Condensation, the fire poison in his body would multiply at a crazy speed.

It will not give the practitioner any chance at all and will attack immediately, causing the practitioner's qi and blood to flow backwards and the body to explode and die.

But if you want to stay below the peak of the third level of Qi Condensation Stage without practicing, that is wishful thinking. The fire poison is growing and growing stronger every day, and you must improve your realm through continuous practice in order to suppress it. This is undoubtedly like drinking poison to quench thirst.

In the world of cultivating immortals, especially in the sects that have been passed down for thousands or tens of thousands of years, there is no sect that does not have a set of protection measures for its own skills. Even if it is just the lowest-level entry-level skills, there will be targeted modifications.

Therefore, I didn't explain these in the paper books, because I was afraid that the paper books would accidentally be leaked to the outside world, and when you find out later, it would be too late, and their fate would be a tragic death. This result made Master Ji shocked and angry, so he began to look for a solution everywhere.

Until one day, he met a senior in the Foundation Establishment Stage, and coincidentally, this cultivator also came from the 'Xunxian Lineage'.

At that time, if the cultivator in the Foundation Establishment Stage was willing to spend a lot of his own magic power to help him sort out and eliminate the fire poison in his body, it could still be eliminated.

But in the world of immortal cultivation, the law of the jungle prevails, the strong prey on the weak, and killing people at the slightest sign of displeasure is common. The foundation-building cultivator, considering that Master Ji was from the same "Xunxian lineage", was lucky enough not to kill him.

After Advisor Ji's earnest pleas, the Foundation Establishment cultivator finally pointed out a way out for him because they were from the same lineage.

Tell him that if he can cultivate to the fourth level of Qi Condensation Stage, he may be able to eliminate the fire poison in his body, but the probability of this happening is not very high.

After all, this technique clearly states that when one reaches the peak of the third level of Qi Condensation, the fire poison will burst out, and the Qi and blood will be reversed, causing death. There will be no time for him to continue practicing.

Another method is to delay the practice time as much as possible!

If you can capture a young cultivator who is also practicing this technique during this period of time, you can try to make a surprise attack and reach the fourth level of the Qi Condensation Stage by forcibly absorbing the spiritual power in this young cultivator's body.

If successful, this might clear the fire poison from the body; if failed, both of them would die.

This method is also conditional:

First, the two people must practice the same martial arts, so that there is no conflict between their martial arts.

Second, the selected cultivator must cultivate to the peak of the first level, and can only and must cultivate to this level.

If the chosen cultivator was too powerful, he would be immediately attacked with his third-level cultivation. Not to mention reaching the fourth level, he would probably explode and die.

If the chosen cultivator's skill is too low and the spiritual power in his body is not enough for him to reach the fourth level, it will be a waste of effort.

Afterwards, this foundation-building cultivator, without further ado, taught Master Ji the method of absorbing other people's spiritual power.

This method of absorbing people's spiritual energy passed down by cultivators in the Foundation Establishment Stage is not a secret method in the world of immortal cultivation, but there are very few people who use it.

First of all, no matter whether the result is successful or not, the unlucky low-level cultivator who is absorbed will lose all his vitality and die on the spot, which is an extremely miserable end.

At the same time, absorbing other people's spiritual power for one's own use is not something that can be accomplished easily. First, the properties of the skills must be the same. Otherwise, the properties of one's own spiritual power and the absorbed spiritual power are different, and the repulsion between the spiritual powers can be fatal.

Secondly, this method of improving cultivation is not worth the cost for normal cultivators. Even if it is the same technique, absorbing other people's spiritual power still requires assimilation in the end, which requires a long period of seclusion and refining.

It could take a few years at the least and decades or even hundreds of years at the most, depending on how much spiritual power you have absorbed from the other party. At the same time, you cannot use any spiritual power during this period, otherwise the two spiritual powers will become disordered and you will go astray.

If you have this much time, it would be more peaceful to practice on your own.

Thirdly, this practice is despised by the world of immortal cultivation. Although it has not yet reached the point where everyone is calling for your death, if others really knew that you used this vicious technique, most people would attack you in groups.

Therefore, unless it is a last resort, this technique is basically useless.

This Foundation Establishment cultivator also told Advisor Ji that he was only speculating whether the fire poison in his body could be eliminated by reaching the fourth level.

But even so, Strategist Ji already knelt on the ground to express his gratitude profusely.

The senior in the foundation-building stage finally gave him three packets of "Qingxin Powder". This medicine is a low-level powder among elixirs and does not have much effect.

It is difficult for people who have just started practicing to enter a state of meditation and they are easily irritated and upset. This medicinal powder is used to help these low-level practitioners quickly calm their minds and focus their attention on the Yuan and Oneness.

But this is extremely necessary for Master Ji. In this way, he can greatly extend the time of suppressing the fire poison.

After receiving guidance from the Foundation Establishment cultivator, the military advisor tried every possible means to find a suitable candidate.

Of course, the best way to find such a candidate is to find the sect or family where this magic skill is located, and then find a chance to sneak in, find a person at the peak of the first level of Qi Condensation Stage, subdue him and bring him out, and then let him absorb spiritual power.

But he would never dare to do so, as that would undoubtedly be courting death!

As a member of the long-standing "Xunxian lineage", Master Ji knows that if someone like him secretly practices the immortal arts of another sect or family knows about it, the only outcome waiting for him is death."