Five Immortal Sects

Chapter 29: That fleeting opportunity


Li Yan turned and walked into the valley, thinking as he walked that he seemed to have missed a great opportunity to escape.

"How could I be so careless? I already knew the current situation, but I was still so careless. Fortunately, I asked today!"

Now his life is in danger all the time. Who knows when Strategist Ji’s fire poison can no longer be suppressed and he will start to slaughter this “pig” of his.

"No, now that we have this opportunity, we can't hesitate any longer. We have to move on and can't wait any longer, otherwise we will regret it."

Li Yan walked quickly back into the house. The things he needed to pack were very simple. A few pieces of clothes and the salary for nearly two months were placed in a brown wicker box on the table. He just needed to pack it up.

Just carrying a package would be too conspicuous, so it would be better to just put the dozens of taels of silver in your arms to avoid attracting too much attention.

Although he had not left the valley for two months, the several dozen taels of salary for the position of deputy captain of the defense department were handed over by Chen An and others every month, which made him feel much more at ease. Now he would definitely need the silver when he went out, otherwise it would be difficult to go on.

He doesn't know yet that even if Advisor Ji is not in the valley, it will still be difficult for him to get out. Chen An and Li Yin will not let him out easily without receiving orders.

His recent practice of the "Guishui Sutra" was truly a blessing from heaven. It was indeed an ancient magic technique from the fairy world, and it was a specific technique tailored for spiritual roots like his.

In just over ten days, he has felt his water spiritual power growing rapidly. He cannot look inside his body now, but he can vaguely feel that about one-fifth of his spiritual power has been injected into his dantian in just over ten days. His body has become more agile and his strength has increased a lot.

This cultivation speed is extremely terrifying. Li Yan thinks that if he cultivates at this pace, he can reach the peak of the Qi Condensation level in less than a year.

What he thought was partly right, but not entirely. He was now cultivating quickly because the technique was originally created for his physique, so he was naturally like a fish in water, especially when he was initially creating something from nothing, so of course his growth was very fast.

The second is that the water spiritual power tank in his dantian is actually pitifully small, so it feels like his spiritual power is growing very fast.

Just as Li Yan was packing up, he suddenly heard footsteps outside the house, and he thought to himself.

"Lunch is here. After this meal, I don't know when the next one will be. I'd better eat it to my heart's content. Then I'll have enough energy to run away."

After tidying himself up briefly, he stood up and walked towards the door.

"Li Yan, I heard you were looking for me just now?"

Just as Li Yan walked to the door and his hand just touched the doorknob, a familiar voice came in. This voice made him feel like being struck by lightning. He stood still and his head was buzzing.

If this voice wasn't from Strategist Ji, then who else could it be? For a moment, Li Yan felt as if he was falling into an abyss.

Fortunately, he still had some self-control. After calming himself down, he opened the door with a confused look on his face. He knew that his teacher's spiritual consciousness could be projected externally, but he didn't seem to feel the pressure of the spiritual consciousness just now.

"Hey, teacher? You're back!"

After the door opened, Li Yan was stunned when he saw the face of Strategist Ji, then he said with a look of surprise.

"Oh, I was out recently because of something urgent. I just came back and heard Chen An say you were looking for me, so I came to see you."

"I'm looking for you because I have some questions that I need your advice!"

At this time, Division Master Ji's face did not look very good. His clothes were torn in many places and faintly stained with blood. His already blue-gray face even showed a hint of black.

It is said that after Li Yan left that day, Advisor Ji made a decision and decided to go to the place marked on the map to take a look.

Now the fire poison was becoming increasingly difficult to suppress. After making the decision, he resolutely left the valley and headed west.

But things happen unexpectedly, and man proposes, God disposes. Li Yan was also extremely unlucky.

Originally, Advisor Ji's round trip was nearly 30,000 miles. Even if he walked several times faster than an ordinary person, plus the time he spent searching for treasure, it would take him at least two or three months.

However, just after Master Ji had gone thousands of miles deep into the Daqing Mountains, he happened to encounter a first-stage mid-stage monster. Logically speaking, the route he took was one he had explored before.

He would have to go at least ten thousand miles deep to encounter monsters of this level. By then, he would have been sneaking around carefully, trying his best to avoid these beings that he was currently unable to defeat.

Speaking of concealment methods, there are many in their long-standing tradition of "Xunxian Lineage", some of which use the smell of herbs to hide, and some use the terrain of mountains, rivers and streams to hide.

If Master Ji and his men did not have some tricks up their sleeves, the "Xianxun Sect" would have been searching for immortals in remote places and would have been extinct in the long river of history long ago.

But this time, somehow, the monster managed to run to the outskirts of Daqing Mountain, limping on one leg and with several deep scars on its body that could be seen to the bone.

As luck would have it, he ran into Division III, who was completely unprepared at that time and had no way of hiding his whereabouts.

A mid-level first-stage demon beast is comparable to a cultivator at the fourth or fifth level of Qi Condensation!

This injured monster had been injured in a previous fight with other creatures. Feeling the aura of Master Ji, it was far from being its opponent, and suddenly became extremely ferocious and rushed towards Master Ji to kill him.

Master Ji was only at the third level of the Qi Condensation Stage, so he was no match for the monster. Fortunately, the monster was seriously injured and had great difficulty moving. Master Ji saw that the situation was not good and immediately turned around and fled.

But the monster had been furious since it was injured, and now that it had found an object to vent its anger on, how could it let it go? It chased after it relentlessly, and the two of them chased and fled towards the edge of Daqing Mountain.

There were several times when the monster relied on its greater strength than that of Master Ji to close the distance between them. Master Ji had to try his best, using both magical powers and worldly martial arts, to barely escape to the edge of Daqing Mountain.

The monsters and ghosts in Daqing Mountain basically will not leave Daqing Mountain.

According to records, millions of years ago, there were several times when large numbers of monsters and ghosts walked out of the Daqing Mountains and wreaked havoc on the human world, causing ordinary mortals to suffer. Later, powerful human cultivators got involved.

After a bitter fight, both sides suffered countless casualties, including many high-ranking Jindan-stage cultivators, third-level monsters, and ghost kings.

Finally, after several Nascent Soul ancestors were born in the human world, things began to take a turn for the better. Eventually, they set some conditions with the fourth-level monsters and the Ghost Emperor. The specific content was not something that ordinary mortals and low-level cultivators could know.

But from then on, those monsters and ghosts retreated back to the depths of the Daqing Mountains and rarely appeared in the mortal world again.

Therefore, when Military Advisor Ji fled to the edge of Daqing Mountain, the monster did not dare to go beyond the limit, as if there was some kind of restraint outside the mountain. It could only roar at him repeatedly and then turn around and rush into Daqing Mountain again.

Strategist Ji finally heaved a sigh of relief, but he was already extremely angry. Not only did he fail to find the secret of the immortal technique, but he also almost died at the hands of a monster. Although he saved his life, he had used up a lot of his spiritual power in the battle, which made it almost impossible for him to suppress the fire poison in his body, and his spiritual power was about to go berserk.

After this incident, it was almost impossible for him to recover to his previous state. Even if he wanted to stabilize the spiritual power in his body, it would take several months of recuperation.

In this situation, he no longer had the strength to break into Daqing Mountain, and had to return to the Military Advisor's Mansion in disappointment. Next, he needed to recuperate and suppress the fire poison, and then decide how to proceed next.

If he recovers well and Li Yan has not cultivated to the peak of the first level of Qi Condensation, he will enter Daqing Mountain again to explore. Of course, he does not believe that he can be so unlucky again, and the next time he enters, he will immediately be careful and will not be as careless as this time.

He had just returned to the front of the valley, and Chen An and Li Yin immediately came to greet him when they saw him.

They saw that Lord Ji looked extremely pale, and his clothes were torn in many places and stained with blood, but they did not dare to ask for the moment and could only guess in their hearts.

"Your Excellency should be heading to the heartland of Meng State again, but how did you end up in such a mess this time? Could it be that Meng State has also sent martial arts masters like you?"

They were just thinking about these words in their minds but didn't dare to ask them out loud. Then they reported to Li Yan that he had come to see them.

After listening to this, Division Master Ji just nodded, and then asked about Li Yan's recent condition.

Chen An answered cautiously.

"Recently, the young master's temper seems to be fluctuating."

After hearing this, Division Master Ji nodded. He knew all this.

"Also, the young master has recently suddenly found a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and has been copying poems and songs. His behavior is a bit strange. I have saved the copied papers, and I don't know what to do with them?"

Chen An whispered again.

"Oh, show me those papers!"

After hearing this, Advisor Ji had already guessed most of the situation in his mind, but he still gave the order.

Chen An and Li Yin quickly came over carrying two large boxes. After the boxes were opened, Division Master Ji picked up a few pictures and looked at them.

They were nothing more than words and ancient texts from the books he had placed on the bookshelf in the house. The handwriting on the paper was disorganized, and it was obvious that it was randomly excerpted, but the handwriting was really not good.

After looking at a dozen sheets of paper, Advisor Ji put the papers back into the box and said to Chen An and Li Yin.

"These are useless. They are just things Li Yan wrote to relax. After cleaning up things like this, we can take them to the kitchen and burn them as firewood."

He knew that this was just Li Yan's anger rising and he had no place to vent it, so he found this way to calm his chest. Besides, he had used this method before.

Afterwards, Advisor Ji went straight to Li Yan's house. He planned to ask Li Yan about the situation and then start to rest in seclusion. If there was no need, he would not even see Li Yan during this period of time.

He came to Li Yan's house, but he didn't use his spiritual sense to spy on Li Yan because he was seriously injured this time.

Li Yan looked at Strategist Ji, whose face was pale and clothes were tattered, and although he didn't know what had happened, he knew that the opportunity had passed and couldn't help feeling regretful.

Judging from Military Advisor Ji’s current condition, he will not leave the Military Advisor’s Mansion at least in the short term.

"Teacher, what's wrong with you?"

Li Yan asked with concern. On the one hand, he was hypocritically concerned, but on the other hand, he really wanted to know where Advisor Ji had been for the past ten days.

Division III forced a smile on his face.

"I went on a long journey for some matters, and unexpectedly encountered a strong enemy on the way. However, I killed that guy, and I was also injured. I will be fine after recuperating for a period of time. What do you want from me?"

Division Master Ji said this half-truthfully.

Li Yan thought to himself after hearing this.

"What a pity! The person who could have injured him must be a cultivator. It would have been great if he could have been killed. What a pity! I really missed a great chance to escape!"

"Oh, I just want to ask you some questions about cultivation. I won't delay your recuperation."

Li Yan bowed and said.

"This is no small matter. Tell me what it is."

When Master Ji heard that it was about Li Yan's cultivation, he knew that it couldn't be delayed.

Upon hearing this, Li Yan could only step aside. After Advisor Ji entered the room, he found a chair and sat down.

Li Yan stood aside with his hands hanging down, and then began to rack his brains, asking five or six questions according to the formula of the first level of "Mu Yin Gong".

After hearing this, Master Ji nodded. These questions are common in cultivation, and he began to answer them one by one.

Li Yan showed a listening expression on his face, and from time to time he would interject a question to get to the bottom of the matter. This made Advisor Ji even more satisfied, and even his injuries seemed to have improved a little.

After a cup of tea, Li Yan's face suddenly became clear. He bowed again, and Advisor Ji nodded with satisfaction.

"You should practice diligently. I hope to see you reach the second level soon. That way, even if I die, you will have some power to protect yourself in this world."

At the end of his words, there seemed to be a hint of sadness on his face.

Li Yan's face changed and he spoke quickly.

"Teacher, with your skills, you will be fine if you take some more time to recuperate. I will also work harder to cultivate to repay you for your kindness."