Five Immortal Sects

Chapter 42: Unraveling the cocoon


Chen An and Li Yin were still lying on the ground. After a noise in Li Yan's room, there was no sound. After a while, they felt cold again, and then they returned to normal, but they still didn't dare to get up...

Division Master Ji sneaked into Qingshan Pass again and went straight to the military camp.

The purpose of his trip was to find the soldier who was guarding the military camp yesterday afternoon, and the other soldier who was on duty at the north gate and told Li Yin that "Lord Li had left the city two hours ago..."

He already knew which team the two soldiers belonged to in the camp.

Chen An and Li Yin were veterans in the army, and they knew the two soldiers. Just now, when he asked them in detail, Chen An and Li Yin had already told him everything they knew, like pouring beans from a bamboo tube.

Soon, Division Master Ji arrived in front of the military camp. It was already early in the morning and the gates of the camp were closed. Patrol teams passed by in an orderly manner from time to time, but in Division Master Ji's eyes, everything seemed nothing.

He could come and go as he pleased in the garrison camps with hundreds of thousands of soldiers, let alone the garrison camps with tens of thousands of soldiers in the city. Not long after, a figure rushed out from the camp like lightning.

If someone could see clearly at this time, they would be able to see that this man was holding another person in one hand, as if he was weightless, and his figure floated out of the military camp in a flash.

Feng Chuang woke up slowly, feeling cold all over. He opened his eyes involuntarily, but the scene he saw stunned him. He wondered if he was sleepwalking.

He was now lying in what seemed to be a dense forest. In his sight, there was a little moonlight shining through the treetops and leaves above him. He turned his head and looked around, but it was pitch black all around and he couldn't see clearly.

He clearly remembered that he had conducted routine team training after dinner today, and then turned off the lights and went to bed early. He was clearly sleeping in the tent, so why did it seem like he was in the mountains outside the city now

He sat up and shook his head, trying to clear his mind.

"It must be a dream!"

When he opened his eyes again, the scene in front of him was still the same. Even a brave warrior like him on the battlefield could not help but feel scared. He pinched his thigh quickly. It hurt a lot. This was not a dream.

"You don't have to be sure. This is not a dream. What you need to do now is to answer my questions honestly. That's enough!"

A spooky voice sounded in the darkness.

Feng Chuang felt a chill on the back of his neck when he heard this. He turned around and saw a tall man in a black robe standing in the darkness not far away.

"Who are you?"

Feng Chuang asked in a trembling voice.

"It's not you who's asking, it's me who's asking, understand? Remember, if you lie when I ask you questions later, the consequences will be unpleasant."

The voice came again, cold and without a trace of emotion.

"Yesterday afternoon, when you were on duty, did Li Yan, the disciple of Division III, walk out of the barracks?"

Feng Chuang was stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect that this person would bring him here and ask such a question. He hesitated for a moment, but did not dare not to answer.

"Oh... yes, he came out not long after he entered the barracks."

There was a crisp "click" sound, followed by a shrill scream that pierced through the darkness of the forest, startling the birds that were perched on it and making them fly around. The man in black robe had already approached Feng Chuang at some point and broke one of his fingers with one hand.

"You lied, answer truthfully!"

Then, during this continued low-pitched questioning, a shrill scream was heard from time to time, and in between there were also bitter pleas for mercy.

Half a minute later, Master Ji slapped Feng Chuang on the forehead. Feng Chuang's face was completely disfigured and there was almost no intact part of his body. Feng Chuang fell down limply, bleeding from all his orifices.

But there was a smile of endless relief on his face, as if death was the happiest thing for him.

Strategist Ji used all kinds of inhumane methods during this half a quarter of an hour, but his questions were always the same over and over again.

"Has Li Yan, the disciple of Military Advisor Ji, ever walked out of the military camp?"

After half a quarter of an hour, he confirmed that "Li Yan did not come out of the barracks."

Next, he leaned over and woke up another soldier.

Not long after, the shrill screams rang out again. In the dark night in the mountains, the frightened birds around had long disappeared, leaving only the darkness and the ghost-like screams that continued to echo.

Another half a quarter of an hour later, Military Advisor Ji slapped the soldier on the forehead again, and the screams stopped abruptly.

There were towering trees all around, and Advisor Ji stood there like a ghost in the dark night.

"Li Yan really did leave the city, and he left from the north gate, but another guard at the barracks said that he did not leave the barracks gate!

Hehehe... Hong Linying, you are really good at this. There are only two exits in the military camp. Since Li Yan did not go out from the camp gate, and Li Yan appeared again at the north gate, did you use the tiger talisman to let Li Yan go out through the military baggage area

When he went out, he was walking alone, not riding a horse, and in a hurry. It can be inferred that he also avoided Hong Linying. The boy was so cautious and careful in practicing handwriting without telling me, and he was able to let Hong Linying use the tiger talisman. He must be very smart and would definitely not let others control his life.

I just don't know how he managed to get rid of Hong Linying. Humph, it seems Hong Linying was also tricked by him.

Once he escapes, he will never sneak back into the city. The so-called trick of "darkness under the lamp" also depends on the timing. How can he not know how to advance and retreat with such a mindset

In this way, there is basically no need to investigate the city. I originally wanted to capture Liu Chengyong and Li Yan to question them, but now it seems that there is no need. Li Yan is hiding somewhere outside the city now. "

If Li Yan and Hong Linying were here, they would be shocked. They had been planning for several months, but after calming down, Strategist Ji figured out the whole thing in just half a night.

Strategist Ji's approach was also very particular. Although his conclusion included suspects such as Liu Chengyong, Li Shan, and Li Yu, he went directly to the key person who witnessed Li Yan.

After getting the answer he wanted, he continued to reason and the truth of the matter gradually emerged. The other conclusions were also easily solved, saving the time of finding and interrogating one by one.

However, this also saved the lives of Liu Chengyong, Li Shan and Li Yu. If it were not for Master Ji who had calmed down at this time, he might have gone after anyone he suspected.

Once he finds someone, their fate is basically certain. Just like the two soldiers, he will not leave anyone alive.

"Then the next step is where that kid is going, Lijia Village in Daqingshan? Hehehe..."

In this darkest moment before dawn, the dark face of Master Ji had blended into the night, revealing only his white teeth, which was particularly eye-catching. Then, his figure flashed, and he was about to break through the air and leave, but he stopped and concentrated for a while, and then Master Ji said to himself.

“No, although it is possible that Lijia Village may be in a dark place, this kind of gambling with one’s life is too hasty. This is not something that the boy can do.

Among these conclusions, there are two things that may reveal this kid's whereabouts. First, why did Li Yan buy a large number of farm tools and clothes recently? Second, what is the significance of Li Yan's recent large-scale planting of flowers and plants? "

He just stood there motionless, and time passed little by little until the eastern sky gradually brightened, and the mountains and forests began to look hazy green.

Finally, Division Master Ji moved and shook his head.

“Those farm tools and clothes really seemed to have no use. They were probably a way for him to calm himself down.

After all, this boy grew up in a mountain village, and he still has a primitive dependence and possessiveness towards farm tools and things in the city. It's just that these flowers and plants look a little strange.

It could be a plan of his to escape, but we have to go back and check the details.”

Thinking of this, Military Advisor Ji stood up and went to the Military Advisor's Mansion.

At this time, the military camp in the city was in an uproar. Two soldiers disappeared overnight. Could they be enemy spies? Their identities were discovered and they sneaked away in the middle of the night.

Or maybe the enemy appeared in the city and captured the two soldiers. For a moment, the military camp was extremely tense, and each camp was on guard against each other.

Among these people, there was one who vaguely felt that this matter might be related to Li Yan. That person was Liu Chengyong. He knew that one of the two missing persons was acting on orders just like himself.

The other person was also the one guarding the city that day, so it is possible that he saw Li Yan.

But he didn't dare to say anything, he just felt extremely nervous. He guessed that it might be the work of Strategist Ji, otherwise, with the strict guarding of the military camp, it would not be possible for a few martial arts masters to kidnap two living people, and everything was done silently.

Thinking about the mysterious methods that Strategist Ji used when he fought the enemy outside the city before, he became more and more certain.

Hong Linying was sitting in the central military tent. After receiving the news early in the morning, he rushed over.

Looking at the generals in the big tent, he spoke in a deep voice.

"The South Gate is closed to all, and the North Gate is strictly checked. The interior of the military camp must also be thoroughly checked. Two teams are dispatched from each camp to check every household in the city.

Just tell the public that you suspect there are enemy spies who may have sneaked into the city, and don't let anyone know about the missing soldiers, understand?"

The generals in the big tent stepped forward in unison.

"Yes, sir!"

Then they all walked out in unison.

In an instant, only a few counselors and Marshal Hong were left in the big tent.

Marshal Hong looked at his advisers and waved his hand.

"You guys go out too."


After everyone had left, Marshal Hong stared at the case in a daze for a while.

"Hey, are you going to do it right now? You're really quick. Since you're already suspicious, I'll just give in to you, kid."

… …

In the inner valley of the Military Advisor's Mansion, Military Advisor Ji has returned here. Looking at the two people still kneeling there, a hint of murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

He walked slowly to Chen An and the other man, and looked at the two people lying on the ground silently. After more than ten breaths, he waved his sleeves.

"You two, get out!"

Chen An and Li Yin had been kneeling all night. Even with their physical conditions, they were already mentally confused. When they suddenly heard the voice, they were startled and became a little more sober.

He kowtowed quickly, then slowly stood up with difficulty. Then the two of them supported each other and limped out.

What they didn't know was that they had just been to the gates of hell. It was just that when Advisor Ji saw them in such a state and he was concerned about other things, he temporarily let them go.

Advisor Ji didn't care what happened to Chen An and Li Yin. He looked at the various flowers and plants that had been planted not far in front of the stone house, and then observed them carefully. He walked along the path between the ridges, stopping and starting, and occasionally bending down to observe carefully.

Just like that, the sun slowly rose in the early morning.

At this time, Division Master Ji was squatting in front of a flower. The flower was planted on the south side of the valley, close to the foot of the mountain. Compared to the stone house and the tracts of flowers and plants, it was extremely remote.

Master Ji walked patiently through each place one by one, and when he came here, he found that the flower he planted was slightly taller than the surrounding flowers.

This is actually a very normal thing, as there is no fixed standard for the height of plants. But the strange thing is that there is a lot of space around this flower away from other flowers and plants, but it doesn't seem to be very empty. But if you look closely, it is a little different from other places.

Division Ji squatted in front of the flower and observed it for a while. He found that although this flower was taller, it seemed to have poor water. This was a bit strange. Generally, tall flowers and plants are lush, but this one has sparse branches and leaves.

He reached out and dug a few times at the root of the flower, and the flower immediately fell down, looking as if its roots were not very deep.

Then he saw that after the main stem of the flower fell over, a piece of silk was exposed underneath. He was immediately perked up and grabbed the piece of silk with his hands full of spiritual power, but nothing unusual occurred in the process of picking it up.

After picking it up, he took a closer look and found that it was a small piece of black silk, folded into small square pieces.