Five Immortal Sects

Chapter 70: Stone tablet


Li Yan was now walking on a small path covered with thin bamboos, with clouds and mist floating by from time to time.

Thinking about the helplessness that came with practicing the Disintegrated Poisonous Body, and the pain he felt when his meridians were separated, he couldn't help but shudder and shook his head, as if he wanted to put these unpleasant things aside.

He raised his head and looked around. Occasionally, another path diagonally to the side would appear on the path he was walking on. This reminded him of the scene a month ago when he was looking for a place to practice magic.

That day, after he decided to find a place to practice outside the courtyard, he left the courtyard and walked around.

But that area is all residential, and although the surrounding courtyards are quite far away, he is a poisonous person, so there is no guarantee that he will not be affected.

After searching for a while, he still couldn't find a suitable place. When he walked to the back of the west side of his courtyard, he found a path leading to the top of the mountain. He simply walked back along the path.

This is a small path that passes through dense bamboos. White clouds move slowly between the branches and leaves, and birds fly across the blue sky from time to time. It is a quiet and peaceful scene.

Li Yan walked while looking for a place suitable for his cultivation, and at the same time he was also experiencing the quiet and ethereal atmosphere here. After walking for a while, he found a forked path. He turned and walked over.

The forked path twisted and turned among the bamboo forest. After walking and stopping for half a cup of tea, Li Yan found himself at a dead end.

At the end of the path is an even more densely interwoven bamboo forest. The spaces between the bamboos are so small that only a mouse-sized creature could pass through them.

Looking around, the open space left was not very big, so it was not suitable to practice here.

Li Yan shook a few thin bamboos. He originally intended it to be a casual action and it did not have any meaning. He also planned to turn around and look for another place.

But when he put his hand on a thin bamboo, he touched nothing. His palm went through it, as if it was pressing on nothingness. He was stunned.

He stood still, withdrew his hand, hesitated for a moment, and this time pressed his palm towards the thin bamboo beside him, and this time he actually touched the real object.

So, he stretched out his hand towards the dense bamboo forest at the end of the path again, and again pressed his hand into nothing, as if there was nothing.

This made Li Yan feel strange. He carefully extended his spiritual sense. When his spiritual sense touched the dense bamboo forest, he found a familiar feeling, which was the feeling he had when his spiritual sense reached the protective formation in the courtyard.

As soon as his spiritual consciousness touched the bamboo forest, it was bounced back, and he couldn't help but be startled.

"Why is there an illusion array here?"

Although Li Yan has not been practicing Taoism for a long time, he will read many books on Taoism whenever he has time, and he knows the types of formations.

Just as he was about to increase his spiritual sense to detect again, a cold voice suddenly rang out.

"Why are you here?"

Li Yan was startled by the sudden sound. Along the way, except for the birds flying in the sky or among the bamboos, the surroundings had always been as quiet as a quiet valley. Suddenly, this tranquility was broken, as if all balance was lost.

He quickly took a few steps back and turned to look around, but strangely there was no one around.

Just as he was hesitating, the dense bamboo forest in front of him twisted, creating ripples like waves, and then a tall and graceful figure appeared.

After this person came out, he stood still and looked at Li Yan coldly.

Li Yan looked closely and saw that it was the short-haired and fit Sixth Senior Sister Gong Chenying. She was wearing a tight outfit, with curvaceous body curves and her full chest still rising and falling slightly. There was still crystal sweat on her sunny and healthy skin, and she looked like she had just been practicing.

Looking at the cold and aloof girl in front of him who was slightly taller than him, Li Yan was stunned for a moment, then quickly bowed.

"Hello, Sixth Senior Sister. I just wanted to come to the back mountain to find a place to practice. I saw a small path and walked in. It seems that I have come to the wrong place. I am sorry to disturb you. I will leave now."

Li Yan didn't know where this place was. Could it be the residence of this cold senior sister? Didn't she live in the bamboo courtyard? Several questions arose in his mind, but he certainly wouldn't ask them rashly.

After hearing this, Gong Chenying did not answer, but looked at Li Yan coldly with an expressionless face. Seeing this, Li Yan smiled bitterly, turned around and walked in the direction he came from.

“If there is a stone sign at the intersection of this mountain, you don’t have to enter. Inside are all useful or forbidden places of Xiaozhu Peak.

In addition, you can only walk up to 50 miles, and then all the way to the top of the mountain is the forbidden area of Xiaozhu Peak. Except for the master and uncle, no one else can enter. But even if you want to enter, you don’t have the ability. "

Just as Li Yan turned around and walked back, the cold voice behind him sounded again.

Li Yan looked back in surprise, but at this moment, apart from the echoing sound, there was no human figure in front of the bamboo forest.

A smile appeared on Li Yan's lips. It seemed that this Sixth Senior Sister was not as cold as she appeared to be, but the words she said were too hurtful.

He thought about it and realized that when he entered this path just now, he did not find any stone tablets or stone monuments. Could it be that he overlooked them

Half a cup of tea later, Li Yan stood on the main road up the mountain again, looking at a small intersection that slanted to the side, where there was a small upright stone.

Li Yan couldn't help but smile bitterly. As soon as he returned to the fork in the road, he began to look for the "mouth card" that Sixth Senior Sister mentioned. After searching for a long time, there was only a stone less than a foot high standing in front of him, and the rest was rubble on the ground.

There are no words or pictures on this stone, so it is okay to regard it as something naturally formed in the mountains.

"I hope that Sixth Senior Sister would not say 'stone tablet' or something like that, but 'stone plaque'. If you don't say it, I'm sure a new member would not know it even if he came here."

Li Yan shook his head again. He couldn't understand why Xiao Zhufeng seemed to do everything in the simplest way, and some things were so simple that you couldn't figure out the tricks.

Li Yan continued to walk up the mountain. On the way, he saw several forks in the road. Three of the paths had similar one-foot-high stones beside them. He also met many people coming in and out of the three paths. Li Yan did not recognize these people.

Li Yan felt a little strange. The only two people in Xiaozhu Peak that he had never seen before were his third and fifth senior brothers. Moreover, he also saw the labels on those people's sleeves clearly. None of them were from Xiaozhu Peak.

There are Buli Peak, Laojun Peak, Sixiang Peak and Lingchong Peak. This makes Li Yan feel a little strange. He wonders what these small paths they enter and exit are used for.

But on second thought, he gave up the idea of going in to explore. What he needed now was to improve his strength as quickly as possible so that he could have the ability to return to the small village in Daqingshan as soon as possible.

Those who were coming and going also saw Li Yan. Seeing that Li Yan looked unfamiliar and the spiritual power emanating from his body was very weak, many people showed surprise on their faces.

But they saw that Li Yan was wearing the robe of an inner disciple, and was obviously not a menial disciple. When they noticed the golden bamboo logo on Li Yan's cuffs, some of them looked at him in surprise or suspicion, and then they just passed by him, and no one spoke to him.

Li Yan noticed that these people seemed to be very well-behaved. They only entered and exited from the intersections with stone signboards and never went to other places. After coming out, they flew away directly. No one would stay in Xiaozhu Peak for long.

Seeing this, Li Yan muttered to himself and walked straight up. He didn't want to look for a place to practice magic near a crowded place.

After walking another seven or eight miles upwards, they could no longer see the stone tablets beside the paths. Similarly, Li Yan did not encounter any human figures here, which made him have some guesses about the places of those paths.

A quarter of an hour later he actually found a few relatively suitable places, but he did not practice immediately because he remembered what the Sixth Senior Sister, whose figure and expression were the opposite of his, had said before.

"You can only go fifty miles upwards!"

There was no one around here now, so Li Yan simply walked up to do something that would not attract other people's attention but would satisfy his curiosity.

In this way, he wandered around along the way and found several good places one after another, especially a platform halfway up the mountain, which made him more satisfied.

The platform is about ten meters in size, with a path leading to the platform from the bamboo forest. The platform is surrounded by dense bamboo forest on three sides, and the other side is suspended out of the mountain, with an endless sea of clouds below.

Standing on it, one can see more undulating mountains in the distance. Except for a few peaks that can be compared with Xiaozhu Peak, most of them only have a small part of the mountain peak exposed in the sea of clouds.

The clouds in the sky in the distance were rolling and unrolling, and the sight was refreshing. It was really a view of all the mountains. Li Yan liked this place very much and decided to stay here immediately...

After Li Yan came down from the platform, he continued to walk up the mountain. He still couldn't forget what Sixth Senior Sister said.

He looked at the stone path under his feet and felt puzzled. Why was it that in this back mountain, whether it was the main road or the other small paths that slanted into the dense bamboo forest, only two or three people could walk side by side

When people walk along the path, they can see endless bamboos everywhere, which gives people a sense of boundlessness and no end.

I don't know if it was intentional, but if someone walks on this stone path, he will soon feel that he is the only one in the world. With the sound of wind and the swaying of bamboo leaves, a feeling of loneliness arises spontaneously!

An hour later, Li Yan saw the stone path bend again in front of him, and then it disappeared behind the dense bamboo forest...

Li Yan was not annoyed by this. Instead, he liked the silence on the long journey. He was not talkative by nature and even had a bit of an eccentric personality.

Calculating the distance in his mind, he felt that this place should be about fifty miles away from Sixth Senior Sister, but he did not feel any restrictions.

Li Yan looked around and planned to turn around the bamboo forest in front. If the scenery there remained the same, he would go back.

At this time, he was already a little nervous, fearing that he would really break into some powerful restriction. After walking for so long, his curiosity was slowly replaced by reason, but there was always a bit of luck and curiosity that did not disappear, which led him here.

This only shows that he is not an adult after all, and youth's curiosity about the unknown can often overcome reason.

Li Yan was thinking this in his mind without stopping. Soon he turned around the bamboo forest. When he looked up, he was stunned.

After walking in the dense bamboo forest for a long time, his mind was already occupied by the endless and repetitive bamboo forest. He instinctively thought that after turning around the bamboo forest, the stone path under his feet would just pass through another bamboo forest and extend upward again...

But at this moment, a huge square appeared in his eyes. There was no black bamboo at all, or even nothing at all. However, there was a tall stone tablet standing in the middle of the square.

This stone is not a stone tablet, but a real stone tablet, about thirty or four meters wide and more than twenty meters high. It has no words or pictures, but it gives people an overwhelming feeling, as if a god is looking down on the world.

Li Yan only took a glance at the stone tablet, and his brain was suddenly struck by lightning. The blood in his chest surged and it seemed as if the blood in his body was about to burst out of his body.

He was so frightened that he quickly retreated. As he was retreating, he felt a sweet taste in his throat and blood foamed from his mouth. He spat out blood several times in succession. It was not until he retreated to the corner of the bamboo forest and could no longer see the huge square that the pressure on his body disappeared.

Li Yan held his knees with his hands, breathing heavily, with blood still dripping from the corners of his mouth. At this moment, the shadow of the huge stone tablet still lingered in his mind, as if it occupied his entire mind, standing tall.

He didn't know what was going on. For a moment, the only thing in his mind was the stone tablet and a small path behind the tablet that vaguely extended to the back of the mountain!

After panting for a long while, Li Yan straightened up and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his hand. There was a self-deprecating look on his face. He brought all this upon himself.

This was almost suicide. The power of the immortals was unfathomable, and I was just a mortal who had just seen the road to immortality. It was ridiculous that the Sixth Senior Sister had already reminded me, but I still came here to seek death.

At this point, Li Yan finally had a true understanding of cultivating immortals. That was the supreme path, that was irreversible pressure, and that was a force that he could not fathom.

Li Yan walked down the mountain without looking back. He deeply realized how insignificant he was, an ant that could die at any time. A desire had already arisen in his heart, a desire to obtain that supreme power.

The boy has finally grown up!!