Flammable Youth

Chapter 106: 107. Losers


Lin Chunran looked at this guy's surprised expression suspiciously, then got up and went back to the room: "I'm asleep, I've been walking for a day, and I'm exhausted."

Xu Cen also went back to his room and lay down. As far as he was concerned, he was not tired at all... The next day, Xu Cen got up very early and went to buy breakfast. When he came back, Lin Chunran happened to be there. Get up: "Here." He handed Lin Chunran's share to her.

"I want to go to school early to make up my homework." She said.

"Then take it over to eat." Xu Cen said to her.

Lin Chunran took it, nodded, and put on his shoes on his own: "Are you eating together at noon?" Xu Cen asked.

Lin Chunran looked at him and shook his head: "No more."

Xu Cen nodded and watched her leave.

He ate his breakfast at home alone, cleaned it up, and went to school.

He was a little disappointed, feeling that Lin Chunran did not want to let others know the relationship between the two of them, so the change in the relationship between the boy and girl friends did not seem to have a big impact on the two of them, even if Xu Cen didn’t say that, as long as With a thicker skin, you can still call Lin Chunran out to play on Sundays. As long as you say please have lunch, it's ok to invite her to play.

Even if it's a handle for crossing the road, it can be an excuse. Just be thicker.

So Xu Cen didn't know what effect this promise had.

But somehow it's also taken this step.

At least it's better than doing nothing. If you don't confess to her, you won't have the courage to do the following things.

On Monday morning, it passed quickly.

After having lunch with Jinyang, Jinyang ran for training, while Xu Cen went back to the classroom to read novels. But halfway through, I really wanted to see Lin Chunran, and then got up and ran to the first class.

But the strange thing is that Lin Chunran is not in the class.

Xu Cen was stunned, because last week, Lin Chunran had been sitting in the classroom with Luo Ziyou, but not today? Did you go to the cafeteria for dinner? Xu Cen walked slowly towards the canteen, but now the canteen has been exhausted, leaving only a group of aunts and uncles cleaning up the debris in the canteen.

Variety building? Xu Cen thought to himself, and then walked towards the Variety Art Building.

The inside is still empty, no one is inside, and you can hear the echo of the footsteps inside.

However, after the next second, there was a huge noise, it seemed that something hit the ground, or it came from the second floor.

Xu Cen was shocked, and the whole person shook, and then slowed down and walked towards the second floor. Because of the small number of people, the toilet here was naturally considered as a choice for more people to go to the toilet because it was clean. So Xu Cen came here for no reason, and he wouldn't be embarrassed when he meets others.

He looked over the rooms one by one, and finally determined that the sound came from a locked room.

There is a voice in it that keeps thinking about it.

Xu Cen pressed the doorknob and found that it was locked. He could only crawl around and listen.

However, I can't understand what's going on when I play, and the girl's voice is too low.

"Someone is outside?" the girl said and then suddenly said loudly.

Xu Cen was stunned for a moment, and went straight away.

He slid downstairs without making a sound on his toes.

The girl came over and opened the door, but she didn't see anyone and felt that she felt wrong, so she closed the door.

"Pick up things first," Lin Chunran said to her.

Luo Ziyou sat on the chair and looked at her angrily, feeling betrayed, and ignored her.

Lin Chunran was only able to clean up the debris on the ground by himself: "Whatever you think, I didn't agree to what you said at the beginning. Later, you kept pestering me? I didn't intend to make any friends! "Lin Chunran helped up the chair that fell on the ground, panting and hesitating.

"Hunting you?" Luo Ziyou was a little angry.

But the fact is like this.

Luo Ziyou fell in love with this guy the moment he saw Lin Chunran, and what he always wanted was to let Lin Chunran take that kind of cold route.

But Lin Chunran didn't agree to her request at all.

"Isn't it?" Lin Chunran looked at her.

Luo Ziyou didn't speak anymore, but he hated the guy Xu Cen very much in his heart.

She saw Yu Chongchong before, but isn't Yu Chongchong that guy's girlfriend? How come he has become Lin Chunran again, how abnormal he is!

Lin Chunran took a look at Luo Ziyou after packing up. Seeing that she had nothing to say, he opened the door and left.

Luo Ziyou is naturally not reconciled. The relationship with Lin Chunran, who has been in business for almost a month and a half, is so dead

I definitely don't want to.

Plus the guy from Xu Cen! Actually pedaling two boats? And it's not handsome at all, it looks a little wretched!

How could a simple guy like Lin Chunran cheat such a scumbag!

So I must take revenge on that guy.

Moreover, the day before yesterday, at noon, the lips of the two people were about to touch each other, even though Lin Chunran was in a daze, but after recovering, she gently pushed herself away. She thought she actually had that idea too!

But I didn't expect to tell myself that she already has a boyfriend.

So she and herself are just ordinary friends? If it's just a normal friend... Why did you work so hard before

Naturally, she wanted to pounce Lin Chunran or put it to bed!

She wanted to see Lin Chunran's other side, the erotic side, or the more unrestrained side.

It's a pity... I seem to be at a loss.

Lin Chunran returned to the classroom.

She didn't want to talk to Luo Ziyou about this.

However, Luo Ziyou seemed to have a different view of herself today. His eyes made him feel super uncomfortable, with the obvious feeling of desire, which made him very uncomfortable.

That's why it came to a showdown. Actually, I wanted to make up someone a long time ago, but I never thought of anyone.

It happened that Xu Cen's appearance met this requirement.

It seems that Lin Chunran promised that Xu Cen's relationship is also related to this reason.

"Have you eaten?" Xu Cen asked Lin Chunran at the door of the class. There were already a lot of people in the first class, but they were all sleeping. Lin Chunran had just returned. The position hasn't been seated yet.

After hearing Xu Cen's voice, she turned her head and looked at him: "I have eaten." She said.

"Okay." Xu Cen already knows who the person walking out of the Variety Show is...