Flammable Youth

Chapter 28: 28. Addicted


Xu Cen was much better after he came back from the toilet. He looked at Yu Chongchong who was lying on the floor, shrinking into his own quilt. He froze for a moment, because he didn't know that he still had to sleep with her... In fact, he was also seduced.

But the thoughts in his mind prevented him from doing this! Naturally, you have to restrain, but the feeling of kissing shouldn't be too great, although the object is not Lin Chunran, the girl who makes herself think about it. But Yu Chongchong seems to be more cute in comparison.

Xu Cen climbed to **, he still has a bottom line.

If we slept together tonight, what would we do

But early the next morning, Xu Cen felt the heavy pressure on his body. Yu Chongchong's leg was pressed on his body, and no one knew when this guy came here. Xu Cen calmed down at the end of his consternation. First, he removed the legs that Yu Chongchong had placed on him, and then took a step back and distanced himself. But how to open it is only a quilt distance, unless Xu Cen plans to get up.

But the time now is only 4 o'clock. In December, the dawn is very slow. If it is all bright, it will be at least 7 o'clock. In addition, today's cloudy day is still completely dark outside the window.

"Cen Jun!" Yu Chongchong's first sentence after waking up was Xu Cen's name: "Why did you ran away last night? Obviously we were so intense!"

"You are so fierce!" Xu Cen was a little speechless, and wanted to leave the quilt.

"Does Jun Cen still think about it now?" Yu Chongchong touched his lips and asked Xu Cen, thinking about the temptation to Xu Cen that Yu Chongchong felt that he had done it yesterday.

Xu Cen looked at Yu Chongchong. Her eyes had not been opened, and her lips were trembling slightly. The reason she opened it was because she slept all night.

Really, he really wanted to get over and kiss her. Most of the feeling of yesterday has been forgotten. If, if you do it again, you will definitely remember it! Xu Cen thought to himself that the devil's thoughts once again occupied his mind.

"The teeth haven't been brushed yet. Are they dirty?" Xu Cen wanted to move in, but he was a little arrogant and didn't want to take the initiative, but if others took the initiative, he would follow suit. The typical one is the kind of person who dislikes integrity.

"You think it's dirty." Yu Chongchong said vaguely, like the kind of answer that people have not yet woken up.

But Xu Cen didn't go out and didn't plan to wear clothes. He seemed to be waiting for Yu Chongchong's next answer before doing it.

Standing on the floor for a long time, before Yu Chongchong gave an order-like answer, Xu Cen couldn't stand the cold and got into the quilt. It just hugged this guy directly when he first entered.

"Hey, I caught you!" Yu Chongchong said with an idiotic expression.

Xu Cen was speechless, so he leaned close to her.

"Jun Cen, do you want to..." Before Yu Chongchong finished speaking, Xu Cen already leaned forward very actively and kissed her.

Yu Chongchong directly hugged Xu Cen with his hands.

Compared with last night, the two of them are much more mature, at least they won't have the feeling of stumbling.

"I like this feeling." Yu Chongchong opened his eyes and said.

"I like it too." Xu Cen touched his lips. Compared with the awkwardness of last night, Xu Cen was much more sober.

"Then we can kiss at home forever, no one else outside, it's okay if someone Cen Jun doesn't mind!" Yu Chongchong said with a smile, "Think about it, although it's very shy, but it's great!"

"No! This way!" Xu Cen felt that if he was like this, he would definitely fall into the trap, and what he would do later would be unexpected. In that case, wouldn't Lin Chunran have to give up

"Cen Jun is a arrogant guy!" Yu Chongchong had already discovered that it was only at first that he was really worried about making this guy really angry, so he didn't dare to ask for a kiss.

Xu Cen ignored Yu Chongchong and turned his back on his back.

Because the distance between the two people was too far, the quilt was torn apart, leaving a gap.

"Why is Jun Jun so obsessed with Lin Chunran? It is obvious that the difference between that woman and me is not that big, right?" Yu Chongchong said.

"But..." Xu Cen couldn't always say that Lin Chunran's picture appeared in his mind when he kissed her? That's because he is too stupid, he doesn't want Yu Chongchong to hate him. And it's not the kind of guy with low EQ.

"What?" Yu Chongchong leaned forward, not listening clearly what Xu Cen said.

"It's nothing, do you want to make a bento? It's six o'clock." Xu Cen asked.

"You're so tired, get up too! That way I will be motivated!" Although she said reluctantly, she still got up.

She put on a coat and smiled low when she walked to the door.

Is it really interesting to toss yourself

But, whoever makes his own world belong to this guy.

After thinking about it for eight years, there were all the lingering figures of this guy in his mind, from when he was a child. After growing up, people who haven't seen themselves until they leave.

After I went to school in the morning, the scene was still the same. A group of guys were copying homework around the desk.

Xu Cen's homework has been written long ago, although the basics of math and English are written in random.

"I didn't write it." Yu Chongchong walked to Xu Cen's side and said.

"What were you doing when I was doing my homework yesterday?" Xu Cen looked at Yu Chongchong, but he was stunned for a moment because he said something wrong. How did she know when she was doing homework? Doesn't she and her Live by yourself

"You do your homework together." Jin Yang asked.

Yu Chongchong stared at Xu Cen in a daze. It turned out that this guy lied to him. Yu Chongchong, who wanted to tell everything, was stepped on by Xu Cen.

It seems that Xu Cen attaches great importance to it, but Yu Chongchong is still obediently silent.

"No, no, I just said casually." Xu Cen said, "There was only a little homework yesterday. This guy didn't write anything, it deserves it."

"Because I'm watching you write." Yu Chongchong said.

Jin Yang was stunned: "Can Yu Chongchong write it? If you just transferred, you should not understand a lot of knowledge points, do you need me to teach you?"