Flash Marriage

Chapter 12: 12) Our honeymoon


The past few days and Jiang Li have gotten along fairly peacefully, but we will soon usher in less peaceful days—our honeymoon is about to begin.

Since I am relatively normal, I would have some resistance to honeymoon with an abnormal person, especially with a man who can't beat and can't beat, has no manners and doesn't respect women. However, if I don’t go to the free seven-day tour of the Maldives, it’s more or less impossible to pass, so I had to make up my mind to go there, and it’s right to be a tourist.

I have never been to the Maldives, but I just heard that it is very beautiful, the sky is very blue, the water is clear, and the beach is full of beautiful men and women. When I was about 20 years old, I once dreamed of being able to sell on a certain island in the Maldives. Selling bananas can be regarded as a big hermit in the market. Of course, this dream soon became like nonsense, irrelevant. Later, I had many dreams, but none of them lasted more than three months. As the saying goes, those who have ambitions set up long-term ambitions, and those who have no ambitions often set up ambitions. The second half of the sentence is me. However, I still think that people who have no ideals or ambitions live a more relaxed and happy life. Moreover, there are billions of people in the world. If everyone becomes the prime minister, president, and chairman of the country, will the world be in chaos

So, those great people, if it weren't for us useless people who played supporting roles silently, I don't think you would still be great!

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, this careless topic has gone too far, and now we are back to the honeymoon issue. Although I just regarded the honeymoon as a free seven-day trip to the Maldives, Jiang Li obviously didn't think so. He didn't even intend to travel, he just handed me a ticket and told me to go alone.

I hesitated to take the ticket and asked, "What about you?"

Jiang Li replied: "There is still something to do at the company, I have to go back."

This guy finally remembered his company. But I was still a little reluctant, swallowed my saliva for a long time, and finally said: "Then who will sleep with me?"

Jiang Li frowned, and said, "Just find someone."

Too much, am I such a casual person? So I said angrily: "Then I can mess around with men and women."

Jiang Li obviously didn't expect me to answer like this, he looked at me inscrutablely, and finally said: "Whatever you want, just don't bring AIDS back."

I scratched my head, still hesitated, and stopped talking for a long time. Jiang Li got a little impatient and said, "What's wrong with you?"

I had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "If you don't go, who will pay for me..."

Jiang Li seemed relieved, he took out a visa card and handed it to me, saying: "Swipe this."

I took the card, and my mood suddenly brightened.

Just fell asleep in a daze at night, Jiang Li suddenly covered my head with a pillow, and said coldly: "Guanyan, you better love yourself over there."

I turned around and faced him, inexplicably: "What's none of your business?"

He closed his eyes, and his tone was still not much better: "I just can't get used to women who are flirtatious."

I remember that the teacher often asked us to practice extracting the stem of the sentence during school, which is also one of the few Chinese skills I have mastered. Now extract Jiang Li's words to the main sentence, that is: I, I can't understand women. Very good and powerful, this sentence can better summarize Jiang Li's dark heart at this time.

Thinking of this, I curled the corners of my mouth evilly, and said with a smile: "It's a pity, I happen to be a woman who is prone to flirtatiousness."

Jiang Li suddenly opened his eyes and stared at me sharply. With a shudder in my heart, I immediately suppressed the anxiety in my heart, closed my eyes and ignored him. Damn Jiang Li, one look can scare people half to death.

At this time, Jiang Li said leisurely: "If you dare to do something out of line, I will naturally have a way to deal with you when you come back."

I closed my eyes and thought to myself, even if I did something outrageous, you wouldn't know it!

When he woke up in the morning, Jiang Li had already returned from his morning exercise. When I passed by the living room, I suddenly found a huge suitcase lying in the center of the living room. That suitcase is not mine, mine is in my room. So, it's Jiang Li's

I became confused and asked Jiang Li, "Are you going to run away from home?"

Jiang Li explained indifferently: "I want to go diving, let's go to the Maldives together."

Jiang Li's decision made me lose the chance to have sex again.

But I still have a problem that I don't understand. When did his luggage be packed? Could it be that he had planned it for a long time? Then he pretended not to go, this sullen man!

Jiang Li saw the confusion in my heart and said, "I cleaned it up last night."

Me: "Then why don't I know?"

Jiang Li: "You slept like a dead pig, how could you know?"

I:"… "

Maldives is beautiful, but the process of going to Maldives is painful. Fortunately, we are in the off-season of travel, and it is relatively easy to book air tickets and hotels, but the flight of nearly ten hours is still too much for me, and I have to change planes halfway. I basically slept while listening to music along the way, and I fell into a drowsy sleep. In Jiang Li's words, it's a pity that I'm not a pig.

When I arrived at Male Airport in the evening, it was already past ten in the evening, and there was still a security check. The hotel we booked is on another island. Fortunately, it is not far from Male. After customs clearance, we can get there by speedboat in a while. Busy to and fro, when we got to the hotel, it was almost twelve. The two of them cleaned up briefly, washed up and went to bed. Jiang Li didn't forget to tease me before going to bed: "You've been asleep all day, how can you still fall asleep?"

I ignored it, and decided in my heart that he was jealous, jealous that I was happier than a pig if I ate enough, slept soundly!

I think Jiang Li is really a lunatic. He still doesn't forget to do morning exercises when traveling. In the early morning, he ran around the island before coming back to eat breakfast. This also deepened my contempt for him.

The hotel's breakfast is self-service, very rich, but mainly Western food, nothing to my taste. But the fruit here is not bad, I just ate fruit and cakes, drank drinks, and had breakfast.

After breakfast, we came to the pier and joined the island hopping tour with several other people. The island tour is to take us to some nearby aboriginal islands to experience the local folk customs.

The sea in the Maldives is really beautiful. The sea is very calm. Looking at it at a glance, people have a very open feeling in their hearts. The island's vegetation, beaches, villas, and wooden houses built on the water, coupled with the clear sky blue water, are picturesque, peaceful and beautiful. I held up the camera and kept taking pictures, so the beautiful scenery must not be missed.

I just found out today that the original inhabitants of the Maldives are also very good at doing business. There are many shops opened by locals here, selling some souvenirs. There are many interesting things here, such as wooden lacquered boxes, and pendants made of shells and fish teeth. The shop owner was very enthusiastic, and I was too embarrassed to refuse, so I picked a few more... Anyway, someone paid for it.

After visiting various islands all morning, I am also a little tired. But the program after lunch is more exciting, that is - diving.

Jiang Li's huge suitcase contained a set of sophisticated deep diving equipment and a diving camera, which seemed very professional. After he was armed, he took the camera and dived directly, regardless of my life or death.

Jiang Li's figure quickly disappeared into the water. The water on the beach here is very clear, and things nearly ten meters underwater can be seen clearly. In this way, Jiang Li must have dived more than ten meters. Hmph, fuck it, I don't envy you as much as you like! He'd better sink in and feed the sharks and never come out.

Compared to Jiang Li, my outfit can be called shabby. Life jackets, snorkeling treasures, and a shallow water camera rented from the hotel are all my props.

Snorkeling is a very simple and safe thing, of course, the scenery that can be seen is also somewhat limited. After I was equipped, I dived into the water and slowly swam to the distance.

The underwater scenery is so beautiful that it makes one's heart beat faster. This is the clearest sea water I have ever seen. Being in such water makes people feel that life has become purer and more peaceful.

From time to time, groups of fish whose names I can't name swim by in the water. Most of them are colorful and beautiful in shape. Some fish are so courageous that they swim right past me and turn a blind eye to me. I stretched out my fingers to poke their bellies, and what I got in return was their dexterous dodge. They are really a group of cute guys. I became more playful and tried to swim to a farther place.

After swimming for a while, I saw coral. The beautiful corals are of different colors and poses, which are amazing. Nature is such a wonderful fellow.

After playing in the coral for a while, I guessed that the tide was about to ebb, so I reluctantly left. I will definitely come to play tomorrow, I haven't seen enough of this coral yet.

When we returned to the hotel, Jiang Li had already returned, and he was surfing the Internet in his room. I think he must have been bored diving, so he withdrew early. Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel proud, so I took the notebook, stuffed the camera's memory card, and showed him the photos I took during the dive just now.

Jiang Li glanced at my computer, looking like a carrot or cabbage, with an expressionless face.

I smiled: "Just be envious, I'm curious what you did under the water."

"Do this." Jiang Li said, calling out a picture to show me.

I looked at his computer screen, and my eyes lit up immediately: "This coral is so beautiful, it seems to light up! And this fish, so beautiful, I haven't even seen it!"

Jiang Li explained from the side: "This coral can move."? ?

Jiang Li pushed my head away to prevent my saliva from flowing onto his keyboard screen, and then said: "This is soft coral, it can move."

It's amazing. It's the first time I heard that there are soft corals in this world. I really want to see it for myself!

Jiang Li saw what I was thinking, and put an end to my thoughts with one sentence: "With your aptitude, it may be difficult to get a deep-water certificate."

I pursed my lips, pushed his hand holding the mouse away, and then controlled the mouse to see if he took any other beautiful pictures.

Five minutes later.

"Jiang Li, did you take these few photos?" After looking around, Jiang Li only had a few photos of the soft coral in his computer, and they took pictures of the beautiful coral in various forms, so beautiful is beautiful. But... too little

Jiang Litou admitted, "There's nothing else to photograph."

Me: "Are you kidding? There must be a lot of fun in the deep water. It's such a rare opportunity to come here."

Jiang Li glanced at my computer screen again, and said, "Taking pictures is more expensive than fine ones, what's the point of bringing back a pile of rubbish?"

I am angry, you are trash!