Flash Marriage

Chapter 23: 23) Jiang Li's cooking skills


I just wanted to speak, but the tears flowed out suddenly, and I couldn't stop it.

Jiang Li knelt down and looked at my face in disbelief: "Are you... crying?"

Nonsense, can't you see it!

Jiang Li softened his tone: "You look better when you cry than when you smile."

I raised my eyes to look at his face which was close at hand, and I really wanted to punch his face crookedly.

Jiang Li got up and sat on the sofa, took a tissue and handed it to me: "You are so thick-skinned that you can cry like this, who bullied you?"

I took the tissue and just wiped away my tears. Yes, I cry for Mao, who bullied me? No one... Also, I have a thick skin...

Jiang Li leaned on the sofa, nonchalantly said: "Did you lose your job again? It's not a big deal, I will support you."

I thought he was taking pleasure in other's misfortune, so I got annoyed: "Who wants you to raise him!"

Jiang Li said, "You were bullied outside, and you ran back to scold me, that's what you're going to do."

I didn't bother to pay attention to him, got up and prepared to cook, and distracted by the way.

Jiang Li: "What are you doing?"

I cook."

Jiang Li suddenly grabbed my wrist, pulled it down, and pulled me back to the sand.

I was really angry now: "What are you doing!"

Jiang Li replied unhurriedly, "I'm afraid you'll mess up the kitchen."

"Jiang Li! Can you stop bullying me just because I'm in a bad mood?"

"I didn't bully you," Jiang Li thought for a while, then stood up suddenly, and said, "Okay, I'll cook, and you will supervise."

I thought I had heard wrong.

Because it is a very rare scene for Jiang Li to cook, so I cheered up and went to the kitchen with him.

Jiang Li pointed to a corner of the kitchen and said to me: "Stand here and don't move, just supervise the work."

I will do it honestly.

Jiang Li dug out all the leftovers in the refrigerator, threw away the stale ones, and then put the rest in the vegetable sink, skillfully picked and washed them.

I was a little surprised: "You are very professional, it doesn't seem like you can't cook."

Jiang Li lowered his head and answered while washing the vegetables: "I only know how to wash vegetables. My mother used to cook at home. I wash the vegetables while my father washes the dishes."

What a happy family, I envy him a little. Jiang Li seemed to have guessed what I was thinking, he suddenly raised his head and glanced at me, and said, "From now on, my dad will be your dad, so you don't need to see me."

Although these words are nondescript, I am really moved in my heart. Jiang Li is a person who occasionally speaks human words.

After Jiang Li finished washing the vegetables, he piled carrots, spinach and other dried vegetables together, retracted his left hand behind his back, picked up the kitchen knife with his right hand, and began to "cut" it.

I was shocked on the spot, and it took me a long time to come back to my senses. Then, tremblingly, I said: "Jiang Li, are you chopping ribs..."

Jiang Li stopped, a little embarrassed and said: "I... I'm afraid I'll cut it..."

It seems that Jiang Li is a good boy who cherishes life. It is rare for Jiang Li to be embarrassed. Although it is understandable that he has not cut the vegetables, I still cherish the opportunity very much at this time and smiled unkindly.

Jiang Li was not angry either, and continued to "chop" those poor vegetables without blushing or panting.

Looking at the pile of variegated vegetables on the chopping board, an extremely terrifying word popped into my mind: broken corpse.

After chopping for a while, Jiang Li put away the kitchen knife, looked at me very satisfied, and asked, "Is it not bad?"

I shivered in my heart, and replied against my will: "It's okay."

"So, what's the next step?"

I stared at the pile of vegetables and thought for a while, and finally made up my mind: "Or, let's fry it."

So Jiang Li fired up the fire neatly, took a handful of the vegetables he had just cut, threw them into the pot, and then used the shovel to pick them up.

I couldn't care less about laughing, and hurried forward and said, "That's not that, that's not that, you have to wash the pot first, put the oil in, and then put the vegetables in!"

Jiang Li turned off the natural gas, turned around and pointed to the corner where I was standing just now: "Stand back."

My momentum suddenly became half-short, and I stood back obediently. Then I woke up, his uncle, why should I listen to him

So I retorted him with his words unconvinced: "Jiang Li, I'm afraid you'll leave the kitchen open."

Jiang Li replied nonchalantly: "It's okay, I have you!"

What is this called!

"Jiang Li, wait until the pot is hot before adding oil."

"Oh, don't put too much."

"You stupid, wait a while before serving the food."

"Okay, okay, then put soy sauce...that's vinegar!"

"It's on fire!!!" I immediately squatted on the ground with my head in my arms. Although I often cook vegetables, fire incidents are relatively rare, and I am very afraid of fire.

Jiang Li hurriedly put the lid on the pot without panicking. He turned his head and saw my bear appearance, and proudly said: "I learned this trick in kindergarten."

I:"… "

I don't understand, he is the one who obviously can't cook, why am I the one who gets ridiculed in the end

Jiang Li put his stir-fried vegetables on a plate with a great sense of accomplishment...in a basin, yes, you read that right, and I wrote it right, it is indeed a basin! Because the plate doesn't fit...

After serving the dishes, he said unsatisfactorily: "What else should I do?"

"How about steaming egg custard again?" The error rate of steaming custard is relatively low. Of course, there is another reason that we have no other raw materials except eggs...

Jiang Litou expressed his affirmation of this opinion and steamed egg custard.

I kindly reminded him: "Jiang Li, you haven't steamed the rice yet."

"Yes, I need to steam the rice." Jiang Li looked at the egg in his hand and said to himself, "Steam the custard or the rice first?"

"You can steam together." Steam together, everyone understands what this means, right

Jiang Li looked at me incredulously, and asked very uncertainly, "Can we go together?"

"Nonsense, of course!"

So Jiang Li washed the rice, put it in the rice cooker, added water, plugged it in, and started steaming.

Then he cracked a few eggs in a bowl, picked out the egg shells with a spoon (sweating madly), stirred a few times (this is what I taught), added sesame oil and salt (also what I taught), Then, he made a very tough move, so tough that I didn't realize it for a while.

Holding the bowl of beaten eggs, he lifted the pot of the rice cooker, then "swiped" the floor, and poured the eggs into the uncooked rice cleanly.

I stood there blankly, looking at the boiling water, rolling eggs and rice grains, laughing at the madness of this world.

It's over, it's over...

Jiang Li proudly stirred the contents of the rice cooker with his chopsticks, then looked back at me, and realized that something was wrong with me. So he asked in his heart: "Why, what's wrong?"

Just kidding, where right

Jiang Li thought about it carefully, and said innocently: "It's not wrong, follow your instructions, wash the rice, beat the eggs, and steam together..."

Steaming together, so this is how he understands "steaming together"? I staggered a bit, leaned on the wall behind me, and managed to stand still.

When Jiang Li brought the appalling meals he made with his own hands to the dining room, I was still standing in the corner of the kitchen stupidly. A voice echoed in my head for a long time: This is not true, it is not true...

After Jiang Li finished serving the dishes, he carried me into the restaurant: "It's time to eat, don't pretend to be reserved with me, are you still waiting for me to feed you?"

I resisted desperately: "No, no, I don't want to eat!"

Jiang Li dragged me away impatiently: "It's all ready for you, so don't pick and choose. When do you think I'm picky when I eat?"

Hey, hey, that's because the food I cook is normal, okay

Jiang Li pushed me onto the chair, put a bowl of boiled rice with eggs in front of me. I poked and poked with chopsticks, poked and poked, but I just didn’t eat.

Jiang Li became angry, he sat beside me and grabbed the chopsticks from my hand. I thought he was going to throw it away, just right, throwing it away would make it unnecessary to eat.

However, Jiang Li picked up a piece of egg and rice mixture with his chopsticks, then held my neck, stretched out the piece of egg and rice mixture in front of me, and said in a low voice, "Come on, eat quickly."

I always thought that the slightly hoarse, deep male voice was used to seduce women (or men). Unexpectedly, it can also be used to coax others to eat.

It's a pity that I am much more aware of beauty than before, so even if he seduces me with such a charming voice, I won't eat it.

Jiang Li didn't give up, he lowered his head and whispered in my ear: "If you don't eat, the consequences will be very serious."

I laughed: "For example?" Paper tiger, I don't believe you can do anything to me!

"For example," Jiang Li murmured, then suddenly lowered his voice and said coldly: "For example, explode your chrysanthemum!"

I had a cold war and almost fell off my chair.

Jiang Li, you are too cruel!

Jiang Li hooked my shoulder and said with a smile, "Come on, eat, it's delicious."

Trembling, I opened my mouth and bit into the egg and rice mixture.

Unexpectedly, the food was not as bad as I imagined. The eggs were hard-boiled, and the taste of the rice was normal. Of course, it was not very tasty, but it was still edible.

"Is it delicious?"

I almost had tears in my eyes, dare I not eat it...

Jiang Li nodded in satisfaction, and picked up another piece of carrot: "Come, let's eat vegetables."

I looked at the oddly-shaped and somewhat black carrot, and felt like crying.

Under Jiang Li's coaxing and persuasion on the surface, but in fact she was completely threatening, I ate half a bowl of steamed rice with eggs, and some fried pickles (also called salty stir-fried vegetables) with extra soy sauce and salt. With my obedient cooperation, Jiang Li finally let me go. He looked at his result with satisfaction and asked, "Is it delicious?"

He asked this question no less than two hundred times. I nodded fiercely, it's delicious, it's delicious!

Jiang Li smiled modestly and said, "It's delicious, why don't you eat more?"

I shook my head desperately, not eating anymore... Uncle Jiang, please let me go...

Jiang Li patted my head kindly: "My wife, I found out that my cooking skills are really good, why don't I cook all the meals from now on?"

I was frightened and shook my head again and again, Mr. Jiang, take a rest!

Jiang Li looked embarrassed: "But you won't do it."

"I do, I do, I swear!" My eyes were full of sincerity, and my expression was infinitely serious. Just kidding, don't bring such torture!

Jiang Li nodded his head in embarrassment. I breathed a sigh of relief, it's a good thing, my old bones can't stand the toss.

Jiang Li put a piece of salty stir-fried vegetables in his mouth, before he could chew, he spat it out.

And in my heart, tears have flowed into rivers.

From then on, I have a firm belief in my heart: Jiang Li is not human, he is a scum!