Flash Marriage

Chapter 33: 33) Jiang Li is very strange


When I got home, I was so tired that I didn't even have time to change my clothes, so I rested my head on the sofa.

Jiang Li was standing next to me, looking down at me, his expression was so weird, it made my heart shudder. Jiang Li suddenly bent down and got a little closer to my face. I stared blankly at Jiang Li's face, and for no reason, the thought that came to my mind was, his skin is so good...

Jiang Li looked at me for a while, then suddenly said coldly: "Official banquet, do you have anything you want to do with me?"

"Huh?" I couldn't figure it out for a moment, what do I want to do with him

"So," Jiang Li pulled his face down, "What did you play at the masquerade party?"

"Eat, dance, play games."

Jiang Li raised his eyebrows, and a cold light flashed in his eyes: "Really, what kind of games have you been playing?"

"I..." When I thought of Wang Kai kissing me, I felt embarrassed. Anyway, we are relatively reserved people... So I said awkwardly, "It's just some messy games, very boring."

Jiang Li said slowly, like a wandering soul: "Really, kissing is also boring?"

I was stunned: "You... how do you know? Did you go there very early?"

There was a trace of resentment in Jiang Li's voice: "I heard a vixen, what kind of flower god kissed Snow White... When I went, I happened to see your ex-husband confessing to you, but I didn't expect that there was such a period before. The official banquet, You are really good, huh?" The last word "en" with a rising tone is obviously a threatening tone.

I don't understand, did I provoke him? But after thinking about it, I was relieved again, this kid is thinking about Wang Kai... So I raised my eyebrows and smiled: "Are you jealous?"

Jiang Li looked at me dangerously, his eyes were very bright. I found that this guy is actually just a paper tiger, and most of the time it's just a quick talk, so at this time I was brave enough to continue to pretend to be calm, and laughed arrogantly: "Oh, our Jiang Gong is jealous, what should we do?" Woolen cloth?"

"Just do it this way." Jiang Li said, suddenly lowered his head.

I instinctively felt something was wrong, I was about to stand up from the sand, but he pushed me back, and then he gagged my mouth... with his.

Two soft, cool lips rub against mine. I was startled by him, and hurriedly pushed him, but I couldn't shake him a bit. At this time, Jiang Li pressed my shoulders with both hands, and I felt that the strength on his hands was getting heavier and heavier, and the strength on his mouth was also, uh, getting heavier and heavier. He has changed from rubbing to biting, and from time to time he draws the shape of my lips with the tip of his tongue. My whole body is stiff, but my heart seems to have many bugs crawling inexplicably, which is extremely uncomfortable...

So I became furious and kicked his knee hard, Jiang Li felt the pain and let me go.

Angrily, I wiped my mouth vigorously, cursing while wiping: "Jiang Li, you are sick, right? Only people who are in love can kiss, do you understand?!" You are my nominal husband, right? Treat kissing like a joke, I hate such a man the most!

Jiang Li turned around and sat on the sofa next to me. Facing my anger, he licked his lips, and a dangerous light flashed in the corner of his eyes, fleeting. Then he smiled evilly: "So, are you and Wang Kai really in love?"

I was embarrassed: "That's just playing games, do you understand games?"

Jiang Li rested his hands on the back of his neck, leaning on the sand, very calm, so calm that I almost thought that the perverted him just now was an illusion. Calmly: "Then we are playing a game... Do you think I will take it seriously?"

I threw the pillow on his head, dropped the word "roll", and ran to change clothes and take a shower. Jiang Li, this pervert, is simply unreasonable!

Since that masquerade party, when Yu Zifei saw me again, he had changed from being entangled to dodging. Not long after, he took the initiative to ask Ying to go to the branch office in S City, which was considered to be completely away from us. I don't know if it's because of the unfair treatment he received here, or because he's not interested in me, or because Jiang Li's so-called "half box of condoms" keeps him away... In short, the result is beautiful, although the process is weird. .

Since I am a good person who knows how to repay kindness, after Yu Zifei left, I decided to show my sincerity and invite Jiang Li to a luxurious restaurant for dinner. Of course, Jiang Li wasn't too polite, he only picked the most expensive dishes, and lost more than half a month's salary in an instant, my heart aches.

After Jiang Li finished his meal, he took another bottle of Lafite, which is said to be from 1982 (to be honest, I don't really believe it). I hurriedly stopped him: "Eating Chinese food and drinking red wine is inappropriate, inappropriate..." After drinking that kind of wine, I will go bankrupt.

Jiang Li thought for a while, then nodded, "Alright, let's go for Moutai. What year is better..."

I hurriedly said, "Jiang Li, we have to keep pace with the times, let's just make the latest ones this year."

Jiang Li raised his eyebrows, with a smile that was not a smile: "Is this your sincerity?"

I laughed dryly, sincerity has to be spoken with economic strength...

Jiang Li was eating my salary gracefully. I saw that he was in a good mood, and suddenly remembered something, so I said, "Jiang Li, thank you."

Jiang Li: "You're welcome, I don't work for nothing."

I complimented him: "Actually, you are quite a nice person."

Jiang Li looked up at me suspiciously, and finally said, "What are you thinking?"

Me: "Well... you see that the matter is resolved, can you return the blog to me?" Several of my friends know about my blog, and the box scolded me a few days ago, how could you just throw away my husband? When the photo was posted, I was indignant at the time...

Jiang Li didn't agree, but just said: "Are you crossing the river and tearing down the bridge?"

Me: "But that was originally mine."

He was noncommittal, and I asked again: "Then will you give it or not?"

Jiang Li shook his head: "No."

"Why?" Too bullying!

Jiang Li: "I haven't played enough yet."

I:"… "

Jiang Li, I hate you, hate you, hate you, hate you... (echo)...

Jiang Li abused my salary for a while, then suddenly raised his head and said, "I had a meal with my father-in-law a few days ago."

I didn't realize it for a while, so I asked stupidly, "Who is your father-in-law?"

Jiang Li shook his head and sighed softly: "Guan Yan, you are hopeless."

I realized what was going on, so I said angrily, "Why does he want you?"

Jiang Li: "What else can he do? His own daughter doesn't recognize him, so he has to come to his son-in-law for comfort."

Me: "I'm afraid he is trying to win you over?"

Jiang Li: "That can be regarded as his good intentions."

Me: "Just kidding, he will also lie to you. If he really had good intentions, why did he leave my mother in the first place?"

Jiang Li shook his head, seemingly helpless: "The official banquet, you are too extreme, such a person will be more tired in life."

I bowed my head in silence, unable to figure out why everyone had to speak out for that man, who obviously abandoned my mother.

Jiang Li said again: "Didn't you already forgive Yu Zifei?"

I frowned: "Who did I forgive him?"

Jiang Li said: "At least you don't hate him anymore."

I was stunned, indeed, it seems, I really don't hate Yu Zifei that much anymore

Jiang Li said persuasively, "Good boy, admit it quickly, in fact, you don't hate Yu Zifei anymore."

I just nodded and said, "Well, I really don't hate him anymore, but so what?"

Jiang Li shook his head as if hating iron and iron, and said: "Official banquet, official banquet, don't you understand? You can't live your whole life in other people's mistakes, right? In fact, it is a waste of energy to hate someone Who would be foolish enough to waste all his energy in this life on hatred? Just because you don’t hate Yu Zifei doesn’t mean you’ve forgiven him, but you’ve really let go. You can let go of Yu Zifei, It can also let go of your dad. If a person always uses other people's mistakes to disgust himself and play, then this person is really hopeless."

I was taken aback by Jiang Li, and my brain became dull for a moment. I stammered back at him: "But... the things he did..."

Jiang Li rubbed his forehead and said, "Okay, he has indeed done some unkind things, so if you hate him, do you hate him for abandoning you, or do you hate him for abandoning my mother-in-law?"

"I… "

Jiang Li: "If what you hate is that he abandoned my mother-in-law, that is, your mother, then, does your mother still hate him now? I guess she has already wisely let go of that past, maybe she still wants to come here for a second time now." What about Chun. The people who were abandoned in your family have already thought about it, what else can you not think about? You can’t be hurt more than your mother in this matter, right? "

"I… "

Jiang Li: "Furthermore, if what you hate is that he abandons you, then your thinking is even more ridiculous. He has raised you for sixteen years and loved you for sixteen years. How are you? Okay? So, he treated you well for sixteen years, but you hated him for a lifetime because of one of his mistakes... Do you still feel that it was you who was wronged? Well, although I don’t approve of your father’s actions back then , but I also disapprove even more of your father-daughter quarrel because of this incident!"

"I..." I looked at Jiang Li in panic, not knowing what to do. He is very different today. On weekdays, Jiang Li hides his sharpness, even when he is angry, he is not too excited, only frowns occasionally. But now, his whole body seemed to be injected with stimulants, his eyes glowed, and the expression on his face was wonderful and vivid, glowing with dazzling vitality, just like a star debater in a debate competition.

Jiang Li said again: "Let's take a step back and say, do you think your mother will be happy because your daughter vented her anger for her because you and your father are in such a fight?"


Jiang Li: "On the contrary! My mother-in-law is not so narrow-minded. In fact, what she worries most is that you can't have a good relationship with your father. Her own daughter always hates her father. Do you think so? Will your mother feel better?"

I dare not look at Jiang Li, my mind is full of confusion.

Jiang Li finally made a concluding statement: "In short, Guan Yan, you are a fool with extreme thinking, and you are weak and selfish and don't think about others. It's a miracle that my mother-in-law can bear you to this day."

I hung my head in frustration, noncommittal.

Jiang Li is just like interrogating a prisoner: "You raise your head up, you are not allowed to escape, escape will only make you weaker."

I looked up at Jiang Li, maybe it was an illusion caused by my eyes being too dim at this time, I actually saw a flash of panic in his eyes.

Jiang Li regained his composure, frowned lightly and said, "Hey, why are you crying again?"

I rubbed my eyes and said nothing. You make me worthless, why don't you allow me to feel sad

Jiang Li shook his head helplessly: "You will use this trick on men." Then, he beckoned to the waiter, paid the bill and left.

Because I was in a low mood, Ren Jiangli took me out after paying the bill... Afterwards, I didn't mention it again, and I didn't pay him back, as if the meal was really invited by me (Woman, please cruel to men).

I leaned on the car window, looking at the bright night view of City B.

I asked myself over and over, do I really hate him? I hate the one who will pick me up from school, take me to the playground, buy me snacks behind my mother's back, and hug me with a smile when my mother's slap falls on my head... Dad

It has been ten years, and the word "father" is already a bit unfamiliar in my dictionary, but it once existed so clearly.

Do I hate it? If I do hate, do I hate out of love, or do I intentionally use a single thought to drive me to... hate

If I hate, how long have I hated

Did I pretend not to know him because I hated him, or because I wanted to get revenge on him? Or is it because I want to make him feel more guilty

But anyway, does it all make sense? He has already left, and my life is still going on, and my mother will still live like crazy every day, free and easy, without the awareness of the elderly.

It doesn't seem to be as bad as I thought.

Jiang Li's right, it's really unnecessary to make oneself suffer because of someone else's mistake.

My mother is right, letting go of others is actually just to let go of myself.

What's more, he gave me irreplaceable warmth and care during my childhood and youth.

Why talk about hate