Flash Marriage

Chapter 35: 35) I want a divorce!


"Jiang Li, I always feel that something is wrong with you."

Jiang Li raised his eyebrows: "What's wrong with me?"

I rolled my eyes and said, "You... you're too friendly, normally you don't bother talking to me." I feel that when Jiang Li talked to me in the restaurant today, it was like a different person, which made me feel uncomfortable. I feel very uneasy. As a typical example of no business, no fraud, Jiang Li never traded at a loss.

Jiang Li folded his hands on his chest and looked at me slightly sideways. After watching for a while, he finally said, "I wanted to help you for free, but who knew you would insist on giving me something in return."

Me, me, me... Did I pay him back

Jiang Li didn't wait for me to explain, and said: "Then, what do you want to give me?" He asked, looked me up and down, and shook his head in disgust, "If you insist on giving me your body, I will have no choice but to make it difficult for you." gone."


I didn't bother to talk to him, and turned to take a shower.

Jiang Li's voice sounded behind me: "Okay, first remember that you owe me one thing, and then wait until I think about it."

Angry, this is obviously extortion!

At noon, I met the handsome Xue Yunfeng in the staff canteen. This is the second time I saw him in the staff canteen. I remember that Wang Kai once said that this beautiful man is poor and particular, so he rarely comes to the staff restaurant, and I don't know what interest he has today.

After all, Xue Yunfeng and I were already acquainted, so when I walked past him, I bowed to him as a greeting.

Xue Yunfeng didn't buy food, he stared at my face and said expressionlessly: "I want to talk to you."

I didn't respond: "Huh?"

He repeated again: "I want to talk to you, is it convenient now?"

"Oh... hehe..." What's there to talk about with me

Considering that Xue Yunfeng is so handsome, it might be a pleasure just to sit opposite him, so I had no choice but to agree to talk to him. As for what to talk about... probably Jiang Li's business.

Xue Yunfeng and I sat in the western restaurant opposite the company. The environment here is quite quiet and suitable for conversation. Although I don't like eating pizza very much, but I'm hungry at this time, and there's nothing I can do. Besides, I didn't pay for it anyway...

Xue Yunfeng doesn't eat, but he looks at me with disgust. I am speechless, this young master really has a lot of attention.

Xue Yunfeng said: "Do you... want to consider divorce?"

"Huh... huh?" The fork in my hand was almost unsteady, what is this

Xue Yunfeng repeated it patiently: "If you are willing to divorce Jiang Li, then you can do whatever you want."

I wiped my mouth, not knowing why: "I want a divorce because of Mao?"

Xue Yunfeng answered calmly: "I don't trust anyone by his side, not even women."

Me: "But even if I get divorced, he will still marry another woman."

Xue Yunfeng shook his head again and again: "Anyway, he treats you differently from others, I hope...you leave him."

I suddenly remembered that when Jiang Li was picking me up and seeing me off, he had met Xue Yunfeng a few times, and Xue Yunfeng's face was not very good at that time. Hey, this handsome man is quite sensitive. Looking at his exquisite facial features, flawless skin, and sparkling eyes, I felt a maternal feeling in my heart. So I patted my chest and said decisively: "Don't worry, Jiang Li always bullies me behind his back, and even despises my gender." (Actually, he despises my IQ more =.=)

Xue Yunfeng's eyes lit up: "Really?"

I nodded quickly: "That's right, why did I lie to you? That kid is not kind, and he takes pleasure in oppressing me." This kid, he believes in others, and he is really simple.

Xue Yunfeng thought for a while, then shook his head: "No, even if he doesn't like you now, it doesn't mean he won't like you in the future. I don't think it's safe enough."

So I continued to reassure him: "Don't worry, with his conditions, he must have contacted a lot of women, and there are also a lot of women who post back. If he likes women, he would have liked them a long time ago."

Xue Yunfeng nodded his head slowly: "That's right... But if he doesn't like it now, it doesn't mean he won't like it in the future..."

This beautiful man is really troublesome, I was a little headache by his logic: "Then you are actually not confident in your own charm?"

Xue Yunfeng's cheeks suddenly turned pink, looking extremely cute. He: "No, I'm just worried... worried about him."

I think his appearance is really interesting, so I said: "Actually, there is no way around this matter."

Xue Yunfeng raised his head, his face full of hope: "What way?"

I said solemnly: "Eunuch him, let him become Dongfang Invincible."

The face of the handsome man on the opposite side turned even redder.

Still young after all... I thought unkindly.

At this time, the beautiful man asked again: "Then he always bullies you, why don't you divorce him? Have you fallen in love with him?"

This child is really rigorous, I scratched the back of my head, and said: "I like it, but I don't like it, but I am very kind, submissive, and have the fine virtues of traditional Chinese women..."

Xue Yunfeng interrupted me: "Since he bullies you, you might as well leave him. Now that you divorce him, you can still get a benefit from me. If you really can't stand him in the future, it may be too late .”

I found that I really couldn't look at the child in front of me. Although he was still so childish when he spoke, he was very good at psychological offensive. With just a few words, Jiang Li and I were separated in an instant. The same is true, since Jiang Li always bullies me, why am I still with him? Why don't I change it... I found that this problem is really worth investigating...

So I hesitated and asked, "So... anything I want?"

Xue Yunfeng nodded boldly: "As long as I can take it out."

Actually, to be honest, this young master's proposal... is quite attractive...

When I was cooking at night, all I could think about was what the handsome Xue Yunfeng proposed today. Jiang Li always bullies me, oppresses me, enslaves me, and even oppresses me, why don't I resist? Even if I don't resist, I can escape, right? Besides, that handsome man promised me a big breakup fee... so what do I want for that breakup fee? How much

I suddenly found a problem: I don't know what I want for the breakup fee. money? It seems that I can support myself, and being an ordinary person is very happy. status? Being high and powerful must be tiring. people? Uh, it's good to keep a beautiful boy in captivity as a pet, but unfortunately he doesn't want to. territory? Heck, I'm not thinking about this...

When Jiang Li had dinner, he was in a bad mood. Because when I was distracted, I accidentally added a spoonful of salt to the soup, and the dishes were a little burnt.

Jiang Li put the rice bowl on the table, and said dissatisfiedly: "Official banquet, you are really getting more and more useless."

I thought to myself, we are getting divorced anyway, so there is no need to be afraid of him. So, uncharacteristically, I knocked on the plate impatiently with my chopsticks, and said, "I don't want to wait on you if you like it or not."

Jiang Li probably didn't expect that I could suddenly have such a temper, he stared at me for a while, and left the table angrily.

I proudly scooped a spoonful of soup into my mouth, damn, it's really unpalatable.

In the evening, I sat on the sofa and watched TV, watching the handsome men and beautiful women in variety shows, and giggled. Jiang Li suddenly came over and sat next to me, reaching for the remote control. I snatched the remote control quickly with sharp eyes and hands, and said vigilantly, "What are you doing?"

Jiang Li frowned: "Watching the football game."

I turned my head: "No." Then, I continued to watch the variety show Shale.

Jiang Li: "What's so interesting about such a mentally handicapped thing?"

I retorted: "Isn't the ball game mentally handicapped? More than 20 people are played with one ball."

Jiang Li was dissatisfied and said, "Your dishes haven't been washed yet, go and wash them quickly."

I protested: "Why do I wash the dishes every time, you go wash today, if you don't do it, you won't be allowed to eat tomorrow!" Damn, I think I'm so great, he is Jiang Li, Jiang Li! I actually had the courage to talk to him in such a tone, hehe, I don't think anyone will dare me to be worthless in the future!

Jiang Li looked at me angrily, there was something inexplicable in his eyes, I was a little scared by him, so I ignored him and continued to watch TV. Hold on, hold on, at the official banquet, you must use your momentum to overwhelm the opponent at critical moments... This was taught by Jiang Li.

After Jiang Li confronted me for two minutes, he made a surprising move: he went to the kitchen.

I stared at Jiang Li dumbfounded, in disbelief. What about that sentence, Jiang Li is a spring, if you are weak, he will be strong... He really is a bullying guy!

So I raised my legs and continued to watch TV silly, but then, I couldn't laugh anymore.

There was a sound of ping-pong-pong-pong dishes breaking in the kitchen. I almost jumped up from the sand and went straight to the kitchen. I stood at the door of the kitchen with my hips akimbo like a landlady, looked at Jiang Li who was standing among a pile of broken porcelain, and raised my voice angrily, "Do you want to rebel?"

Jiang Li said rationally and confidently: "I haven't washed it before." After that, he walked away from me expressionlessly.

I stared at Jiang Li's back and said viciously, "Idiot!"

Well, I admit that when Jiang Li was a "stupid", I was more proud than angry. There was no way, I was oppressed by him for several months, and I finally had the opportunity to call him a fool. Am I easy? I...

The next night was awkward, Jiang Li and I didn't talk anymore. He ran off to do something, and I was still leaning on the sofa and watching TV, but I didn't laugh again.

To be honest, I'm still a little uneasy... I'm really afraid that Jiang Li will order me not to sleep with him tonight, then I'll be... well, I'm worthless...

Fortunately, Jiang Li seemed to treat me like air. He took a shower and went to sleep not long after, without even looking at me.

Frightened, I watched TV for a while, feeling bored, so I took a shower, and tiptoed to the door of Jiang Li's bedroom. I turned the doorknob and gently opened the door... Fortunately, Jiang Li didn't think of using this trick to deal with me, I kept feeling lucky in my heart.

Then I sneaked up to Jiang Li's big bed, lay gently on the bed, pulled the quilt up, and fell asleep.

As soon as I closed my eyes, I was hit on the head by a pillow. The force was not heavy, but it was shocking... followed by Jiang Li's unhappy voice: "Guanyan, what's going on with you!"