Flash Marriage

Chapter 36: 36) Divorce? you dream


Jiang Li covered me with a pillow and said to me, "Guan Yan, what's going on with you!"

Well, it's time to be honest and honest. I don't like procrastination, and the things that should be resolved must be resolved early. So I calmly sat up from the bed, threw the pillow back, and said meaningfully: "Jiang Li, are you and I suitable?"

Jiang Li was surprised: "What is appropriate or not?"

Me: "You, our personalities, is it suitable to be together?"

Jiang Li didn't forget his narcissism at the moment, he raised his eyebrows and said, "Are you planning on me?"

I was a little crazy: "I mean, do you think we are suitable to be a couple? A nominal couple is also a couple."

Jiang Li thought for a while, and said, "It's okay, I can bear you."

But I can't stand you! I rolled my eyes, expressing my helplessness: "Since you endured so hard, then don't bear it."

Jiang Li looked at me inexplicably.

I replied in a relaxed and bright tone: "Why don't we divorce?"

Jiang Li was stunned for a moment, and then the corners of his mouth curled up. Although his smile was half a smile, his eyes made me chill for no reason. He tilted his head slightly, as if he couldn't believe what he heard just now: "You repeat?"

I was taken aback: "You... don't get excited. Anyway, our personalities don't match, and I know you can't stand me..."

"Official banquet," Jiang Li gritted his teeth, "Who gave you the idea?"

I trembled a bit, and stammered: "How... how could it be someone else... I... I thought of it myself..."

Jiang Li narrowed his eyes and sent a dangerous signal to me: "I know exactly what your brain is made of. If someone hadn't provoked you, you would have thought of divorce?"

Me: "..." Am I that inferior

Jiang Li leaned slightly, and got closer to me, so close that I could feel his breathing... so I felt a little nervous for no reason. Then, Jiang Li said to me in a tone that was almost seductive, "Who did it?"

I bravely pushed him away, turned my face away and didn't dare to look at him, and replied: "Is it important who did it? The most important thing is that you always bully me, okay?"

Jiang Li held his chin and thought for a while, then said, "Okay, I can bully you less in the future, but divorce doesn't work."

I was angry: "Why?"

Jiang Li said cheekily: "You are gone, who will cook for me?"

Me: "Whatever you want, it's none of my business then."

Jiang Li: "My mother-in-law doesn't agree, you have the heart to see my mother-in-law sad?"

Me: "It's okay, my mother is open-minded, and it will be fine after a while."

Jiang Li: "But you dare not sleep alone."

Me: "Don't worry about it, I can sleep with my mother."

Jiang Li: "What if your mother gets married?"

Me: "Please, my mother is almost sixty!"

Jiang Li: "It's okay, I'll introduce one to her. A professor in my university is now in his early sixties and planning to find a wife. Our mother is boring living alone..."

Me: "How dare you!"

Jiang Li: "See if I dare."

Me: "Okay, whatever you want, anyway, I can exercise and sleep alone in the future." I still don't believe it, I'm already a third-year-old man, and the courage always gets bigger with age.

Jiang Li said again, "I still have one last resort."

I sneered: "If you have any tricks, just use them!"

So Jiang Li suddenly and nimbly pounced on me, pressing against my body through the quilt, he lowered his head and stared at my face, getting closer and closer. I saw the light in his eyes, some cold and some hot, anyway it was very dangerous, perverted danger.

So my aura suddenly became short, and I stuttered a little nervously: "You you you... what do you want to do?"

Jiang Li raised the corners of his mouth, under the dim light, his expression looked mysterious and sinister, which shocked me for a while. He suddenly smiled, a smile that made an upside-down sentient being extremely charming. He looked down at me, and said quietly: "Rape first and then kill, or kill first and then rape, you choose one." When he spoke, it was as if there was a popsicle in his mouth, and he was breathing coldly.

I was so frightened that I closed my eyes and shouted loudly: "Look, you are bullying me again, why am I so miserable? I..."

I haven't finished yet, I feel light on my body, Jiang Li has let me go. So I opened my eyes and looked at him worriedly, afraid that something would happen to him again.

At this time, Jiang Li hugged the quilt and sat back to his seat. He looked down at me with a half-smile, but his tone was a little more peaceful than before. He: "Do you have to get a divorce?"

I turned my face away so as not to meet his gaze, nor to speak.

Jiang Li took a deep breath and said, "Okay, if you meet a man who you can trust with, I won't stop you, but for other reasons, don't talk about it."

If I tell Jiang Li that my reason is that I was lured...will he beat me

Me: "But... you always bully me."

Jiang Li raised the corner of his mouth: "Then you can also bully me."

I rely on me to think so, but the problem is that the end result of me bullying you is usually being bullied by you...

Jiang Li seemed to have guessed what I was thinking, and said proudly, "Actually, I will not only bully you, but I will also protect you. Don't always stare at my flaws."

Are you kidding, protect me? Well, although you did help me, but that was... not pure motives!

Jiang Li guessed the thoughts in my mind as if he had suddenly mastered the mind reading technique. He said brazenly: "No matter what the process is, the result will remain the same. And the result is that I can protect you."

I was a little annoyed, but I didn't know how to refute him. He always has his reasons, and every time he does something bad, his words always make people feel that he actually did the right thing... This man is really hateful and terrible...

Jiang Li saw that I was a little shaken, so he said again: "Aren't you satisfied with a husband like me? I have a car and a house, my parents are enlightened, and I am talented. These are the hardware conditions. I don't smoke, drink less, and have no Bad habit, this is a software condition... Do you admit it or not?"

I hesitated, well, I admit this.

Jiang Li pushed forward: "Besides, I'm friendly, and I basically don't take the initiative to quarrel with you."

I can't help but because you don't see blood when you kill people, and you don't use bad words when you swear...

Jiang Li: "I am also very good to you, and I often pick you up to and from get off work, and I also help you deal with your ex-husband."

I head again, although you have gained a lot of benefits from it, but it can barely be regarded as... helping me.

So Jiang Li raised his eyebrows and said fiercely: "Then what else are you dissatisfied with?"

"I..." I was speechless for a moment, how could Jiang Li be so brazen, he actually boasted himself like this...

Jiang Li didn't wait for my reaction, and said again: "The reason why you always bully you is because you are not open-minded enough, and you are ashamed to use this as a reason for divorce."

So I silently reflected on myself, am I really narrow-minded? There seems to be one...

Jiang Li continued to attack: "I know you have a lot of opinions on me, but think about it, when you need help, did I stand by?"

It seems...he made his shots in a timely manner, right? In the face of my mother and the box, I drove Yu Zifei away...

So Jiang Li made a final concluding speech: "Gentlemen are harmonious but different. Official banquet, although there is a certain gap between the two of us in terms of IQ, outlook on life, values and worldview rshǚ.net, we can still coexist peacefully. The key It is you who have to correct your mentality, otherwise you will live in more pain. I can tell you responsibly that if you divorce me, you will suffer even more. "

I froze, unable to refute.

So Jiang Li leaned over and patted my head in satisfaction: "Go to bed early, don't make trouble like crazy, divorce can't solve the problem. Of course," he paused, and looked at me with threatening eyes , "If you insist on a divorce, I can get rid of you."

I feel like an obedient cat at this moment... The point is that I can't do it if I am disobedient, because I am deceived by him, and I always feel that everything he says is reasonable and cannot be refuted, and he wants to get rid of me... Hell, I'm just a worthless guy...

So I went to sleep obediently and stopped talking.

God, my resistance all night was finally settled by Jiang Li with a few words. The divorce turmoil has not been stirred up yet, and it just calmed down like this. I felt like I was punching cotton with all my strength, very low, very low.

But I also think that Jiang Li's words seem very reasonable, official banquets, don't always stare at other people's shortcomings, as long as it is consistent with the outside world, Jiang Li will still take a clear stand on my side.

I was thinking wildly, when Jiang Li next to me suddenly sighed, "Guan Yan, you really have no idea."

I closed my eyes and ignored him.

Jiang Li added: "In order to avoid being fooled, don't listen to anyone in the future."

I opened my eyes: "Including yours?"

Jiang Li raised his eyebrows: "If you don't listen, try it."

I:"… "

So I closed my eyes sadly and stood up.