Flash Marriage

Chapter 52: 52) Skiing


After dinner, our family of three (this is so awkward) sat in front of the TV and watched variety shows. Jiang Li doesn't like watching those variety shows very much. In the past, the two of us often robbed TV. But today he dared not, because my mother also likes to watch variety shows.

Since my mother has always favored Jiangli today, it made me very upset, so I decided whether to take Heijiangli or not. So I leaned on my mother's shoulder and said while watching TV: "Mom, Jiang Li's old variety show is not good, do you have a problem with him?"

My mother was being amused by the host, and when she heard what I said, she pushed my head away and said: "If you like something, other people will like it, how I usually teach you, how to get better Chang Yue went back?"

I rubbed my head, dissatisfied, so I leaned on her back again, and complained: "Jiang Lihuan, if you keep looking at these things, you will become more and more stupid."

My mother picked me up and pushed me onto Jiang Li, and explained to Jiang Li: "He means that looking at these things will make stupid people more and more stupid."

I sat up and wanted to argue with my mother, if I don't bring such a bully, I still bully her own daughter! It's fine to bully her own daughter, but to protect her son-in-law!

My mother, however, was quick to push me onto Jiang Li before I could speak, and said triumphantly after the violence: "Don't keep pestering me, my obligation to support you is when you are eighteen years old It's over, now Jiang Li is raising you!"

It's a good thing, I'm raising him, okay? He eats my cooking and wears my laundry every day!

I just wanted to talk, but Jiang Li grabbed my shoulders and dragged me into his arms. His arm was so strong that I couldn't move. I was hugged by him like this, leaning against his chest. I am very angry, he is obviously my slave, it really turned against him! But in front of my mother, I was too embarrassed to do it. Anyway, even if I did, the unlucky one must be me.

Jiang Li hugged me, rubbed his chin on my head affectionately, and then I heard him smiling to my mother: "I just joked with Yan occasionally, I didn't expect her to remember it."

I'm angry, occasionally a joke? Mom, I hear it at least once a week!

I struggled a few more times, and Jiang Li finally let me go. I leaned on the sand, scratched my head, and glared at him angrily. Jiang Li smiled leisurely, as if I was not glaring at him, but seducing him... How could I think of the word "seduce"? It's a hell of a thing. If you want to "seduce", it should be Wang Kai or Xue Yunfeng went to "seduce"!

I shook my head, the world is really getting more and more inexplicable.

When I was going to sleep at night, I hugged my mother and said with a smile: "Mom, I want to sleep with you."

My mother pushed me away impatiently: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

I relentlessly rubbed against her body, coquettishly like a pug: "Mom, I'm going to sleep with you, how long has it been since I slept with you..."

My mother yawned and ignored me.

At this time, Jiang Li played his role as a slave: "Mom, Yan misses you, let her sleep with you," he said, paused, and said, "Anyway, there is still a chance for the two of us to be together." There are many."

So my mother readily agreed.

What a treat, differential treatment, double standards! I followed behind my mother, turned my head and gave Jiang Li a resentful look.

I lay sprawled on the bed, my mother came over and slapped me on the head, and said to me in a very serious tone, "Did you quarrel with Jiang Li?"

I rubbed my head and replied aggrievedly: "No..."

My mother sighed for a long time, and said: "Yan, you are too old, I hope you don't miss Jiang Li again."

I giggled and said, "Mom, you think too much."

My mother glared at me: "It's because you don't know how to cherish, Jiang Li is so kind to you."

Mother, you don't understand the situation, he is my slave today, how dare he treat me badly.

Seeing that I didn't speak, my mother added: "Women, it's not easy to find a man who can live with me for the rest of my life. You girl, you still don't know how to love Jiang Li."

I buried my head in the quilt and still didn't speak. My mother's "lifetime" theory irritated me. To be honest, I really never thought about living with Jiang Li for the rest of my life. When I was a fool, I thought about spending the rest of my life with Yu Zifei, but what happened? Now that Jiang Li and I are together, we are basically living a day-to-day life. What if we really live like this for the rest of our lives? It doesn't seem to be a bad thing... But why does my heart seem empty

When I got up early in the morning, my mother was gone. I really wondered what she was doing in such a hurry, but the old lady gritted her teeth and said no.

After a casual breakfast, my slave and I headed straight to the ski slopes.

Jiang Li likes to skate more, I think it must be because the veneer looks more fancy and handsome, it can be seen that Jiang Li is actually very boring.

Of course it doesn't matter if I'm snowboarding or snowboarding - I don't know anyway. But since Jiang Li promised to teach me, naturally I also want to skate.

I stepped on the skis and felt that my feet were bound, as if I was about to fall if I moved, so I stood there stupidly, not daring to move. Then Jiang Li pushed me silently...

Where did that sentence come from? Yes, like an arrow leaving the string, it went out with a "swish"... Although I am not as exaggerated as an arrow, it is enough to choke me if I do not overdo it. Besides, I am on a downhill slope, and the faster I go, the faster I go. I was so frightened that I opened my arms and screamed, leaning back desperately, hoping to reduce the speed, but unfortunately it didn't work. I felt like I was in a driverless car that was out of control and could have an accident at any moment.

So the accident really happened...

Just as I was shaking my teeth and claws from side to side, I couldn't stand still and fell on the snow with a "boom". Although it won't hurt, but... my butt hurts!

Jiang Li stepped on the skateboard and slid over leisurely. His gliding route was basically a serpentine, turning left and right, but unfortunately he couldn't fall down. As soon as I saw his calm and calm face, I became angry.

Jiang Li smiled and bent down to pull me up. When I was pulling his hand to stand up, I suddenly jumped on him while he was not paying attention. Jiang Li was unprepared and fell backward magnificently, of course he didn't forget to pull me down with him.

I pressed on Jiang Li, pinched his neck and said viciously: "It's against you, why did you sneak attack me!"

Jiang Li let me bully him without any resistance, with a faint smile on his face. At this time, his expression was not as sharp and cold as before, but a little softer. The sun in the winter morning was still cold, but when it hit his long eyelashes, it made people feel that there was a kind of warmth slowly slipping from the bottom of his heart. I was deceived by his hypocritical appearance, and slowly let go.

Jiang Li was still lying obediently on the ground, smiling calmly, and said, "I just want to see how your sense of balance is." As he spoke, his eyelashes were still shaking.

I was attracted by the long eyelashes in the sun, and I reached out to flick them in a mysterious way. I was wearing thick gloves at this time, and the gloves were still stained with snow. Jiang Li seemed to be taken aback by me. He turned his head away from my gloves, and said in a deep voice, "Guan Yan, don't mess around." There is a faint smile.

I came back to my senses, withdrew my hand embarrassingly, and said solemnly: "So... what do you think of my sense of balance?"

Jiang Li smiled slightly: "Not bad."

I was overjoyed by his praise, and decided not to care about his sneak attack on me. It's a pity that Jiang Li added another sentence at this time: "The brain is not developed, but the brain must be developed."

I just stood up with difficulty, and almost fell again because of his words.

It's a pity that I can't do anything about him, Wangtian... There are always some perverts in this world, with both brains and brains developed at the same time, such as the one in front of me.

At this time, Jiang Li also stood up... I refuse to admit that he even stood up very handsomely ==

Jiang Li patted the snow off my body and head, and then said: "Okay, let's start class."

Looking at the vast snow field, Jiang Li's tall and straight figure, and his skillful posture, I rubbed my ass, feeling sad.

Jiang Li stood on the snow slope with his hands behind his back, and said inscrutably, "When you slid down just now, you made a very common mistake, that is, desperately trying to stop, but in fact, if you put yourself in a good position and kept going forward, I can skate very well. There are always some things in this world, once started, can’t be stopped, out of control, such as skiing, or... "

I scratched my head, half understanding: "Another example?"

Jiang Li didn't answer, but pulled a forced smile at me: "Guess."

Guess what!

Although I was dissatisfied, I still said to Jiang Li very considerately: "Jiang Li, if you can't laugh, don't force it. There is no rule that slaves must laugh at slave owners."

Jiang Li staggered a bit, barely standing still, so I realized that maybe his snow skills, maybe, didn't look very good...