Flash Marriage

Chapter 56: 56) New Year's Eve


Ever since Jiang Li talked nonsense to the receptionist that day, I entered xQ again, and everything went smoothly. And the eyes of the xQ employees looked at me, tsk tsk, full of awe, occasionally mixed with a little bit of ambiguity or jealousy, I rarely enjoy such eyes, so I got motivated and worked harder to deliver meals to Jiang Li up.

Time flies so fast, the Spring Festival is coming in a blink of an eye, most of the employees of xQ are on vacation, and Jiang Li, naturally, will not wrong him.

So on the day before Chinese New Year's Eve, Jiang Li and I boarded a plane to City 1.

City K is an ordinary county-level city in northern China. It is not far from City 1, and it takes about an hour to get there by car. Jiang Li's parents have been living in K city. I've always been looking forward to coming to City K to see it, because I really want to see what's so special about City K that it actually created such a human disaster as Jiang Li.

When we arrived at Jiangli's house, it was already evening, the surrounding was very quiet, and we kept a low profile. Jiang Li's family lives in the family building of No. 1 Middle School in City K. According to reports, many residents in this building are teachers, and some of them are Chinese teachers...

It's okay, I'm not afraid, my mother-in-law is still a Chinese teacher, so I'm afraid... I followed Jiang Li, thinking wildly about embolden myself.

Jiang Li's parents warmly welcomed us, but I was still apprehensive seeing that beautiful Chinese teacher. Alas, why am I so unlucky.

After dinner and chatting for a while, I planned to go to bed. I've been running around all day today, and I'm too tired.

But when I sleep, I have a problem. I want to sleep with Jiang Li on the same bed, under a quilt...

That bed was a standard double bed, much bigger than Jiangli's. And... I've never shared the same quilt with Jiang Li, uh...

I peeked at Jiang Li, he seemed indifferent. Damn, just because you don't have feelings for women doesn't mean I don't have feelings for men, okay

Inexplicably, a sense of heat surged up on my face, I lowered my head and tugged at the quilt in embarrassment, and said reservedly: "Well... do you want to ask your mother for another quilt?"

Jiang Li answered irrelevantly with a blank face: "It's our mother."

"Okay, my mother," I swallowed, feeling nervous, "Then..." Is there any quilt...

I almost choked on Jiang Li's words, he said, "Our family is poor, maybe we don't have any other quilts."

I was so thunderstruck that I could barely stand still. Good one, your family is poor? You are the founder of xQ, you can't even afford a quilt, can you

Jiang Li seemed to realize that this method is not reliable, so he had no choice but to say: "Then I'll ask." He turned around and went out, and came back after a while, "I asked, is there any? , It’s a pity that my mother recently got a new type of mothball, and the quilts that are not in use now have been smoked with mothballs.”

I gritted my teeth: "It's okay, I don't mind." Isn't it just smoking mothballs for a few days. I've been having erotic dreams recently, dreaming that Jiang Li kisses me. What if you don't have a beastly heart in my sleep and give Jiang Li to that, how can I get along.

"Are you sure?" Jiang Li looked at me maliciously, "Are you sure you don't mind smelling the mothballs that smell like cloves and poop?"

I shivered, what kind of mothballs are so perverted, lilac flowers and poop!

So I drooped my head: "I'm sorry, I don't mind very much." Well, a quilt is just a quilt, I am not the kind of person who has no concentration, huh!

Lying on the bed, I could clearly feel Jiang Li's breathing beside me, and I could even more clearly feel the sound of my own heartbeat. I think I'm really crazy. Although I am a person who is lustful occasionally, I am not a lustful person. Besides, my attitude towards beauty has always been to look at it from a distance and not to play with it. But now...

I turned my back to Jiang Li, suppressing my heartbeat. I felt that I was really a disaster, and I actually became a nympho to a homosexual.

Because I was too tired during the day, I thought about it for a while, and fell asleep unconsciously.

The next day I woke up very early, of course Jiang Li woke up earlier than me, to be precise, Jiang Li and his family of three all got up early to go to morning exercises... Sure enough, Jiang Li's perverted habit has a tradition.

Ever since I saw Jiang Li in the morning, he has been sneezing from time to time. So I greeted him kindly, but unexpectedly he gave me a dissatisfied look and said, "It's not because you always grab my quilt in the middle of the night, the official banquet is really lively when you sleep."

I blushed again and ignored him.

After breakfast, my parents-in-law found a pen, ink, paper and inkstone to write couplets. I haven't seen couplets written for a long time, so that in my mind, couplets are completely bought rather than written. So looking at the three members of the scholarly family in front of me sharpening their knives together, I suddenly felt that I was so low-level...

The beautiful Chinese teacher finished writing a pair of couplets, raised her head and smiled kindly at me, and said, "Yan, come and write together."

I shook my head reservedly: "Hehe, I... I won't..."

The Chinese teacher enthusiastically pulled me over: "It's okay, Jiang Li can't do it either. Writing and posting Chinese New Year can bring good luck."

I looked down at the big and correct "Fu" written by Jiang Li, and thought that the teacher would also lie and be superstitious...

Forget it, just write it, anyway, I am not a hypocritical person, you insisted on me to write it, and I don’t count as embarrassing. Holding the brush, I wrote the four big characters "Caiyuan Guangjin" on a piece of red paper with one stroke. Some strokes are as thick as the new eyebrows of a crayon, and some strokes are as thin as the thin arms and legs of a heavy smoker. , After I finished writing, I couldn't bear to read it.

The beautiful teacher smiled and took the "Caiyuan Guangjin" I wrote to the side table to dry. I was a little embarrassed and looked at everyone's expressions one by one. My father-in-law was fine, he still smiled kindly, while Jiang Li, ya, smiled, but contempt was written all over his face. So my head got hot, and I said to him: "Actually, what I wrote is cursive."

When I said this, Dad Jiang, who really wrote cursive script, turned his face away...

So I feel more embarrassed. Just at this time, the beautiful Chinese teacher came over, and I seemed to grab a life-saving straw, hoping that she would come to rescue me. Unexpectedly, she walked over excitedly, and happily wrote the four beautiful words "Give birth to a precious son" on the red paper, and then happily took it to dry...

I buried my head low, not daring to look at Jiang Li. I felt my face was burning badly and I thought I was sick, sick for no apparent reason.

The task of posting couplets was given to me and Jiang Li. When I posted "Cai Yuan Guang Jin" on a cabinet in Jiang Li's room, I turned my head and looked at Jiang Li expectantly, and said, "I wrote it very ugly, right?" Actually, I want you to Comfort me a few words >_&1t;

Sure enough, Jiang Li comforted me and said, "It's okay."

I looked at him moved, at this moment, he added: "At least it can ward off evil spirits."

I:"… "

In the afternoon, I went to the temple fair with Jiang Li. The New Year's temple fair was very lively, I bought a lot of things and stuffed them for Jiang Li to carry. Although the things in the temple fair are fun, there is nothing too novel, but there is one thing that surprised me. I found that within fifteen minutes of walking from the No. 1 Middle School family courtyard to the temple fair, eight out of ten people we met on the way knew Jiang Li and greeted him cordially. The older ones called him "Jiang" or "Li", the younger ones called him by his first name, and some called him "Brother Jiang", "Brother Jiang" and "Brother Ion"...

I think it's amazing. Although City K is not big, it's not too big, right? How do you make everyone look familiar

I was a little unbelievable, so I asked Jiang Li: "Do you know them?"

Jiang Lite replied frankly: "I don't know."

I:"… "

Seeing Jiang Li's nonchalant look, I felt embarrassed for him, and then asked, "But they all seem to know you..."

Jiang Li continued to remain calm: "It's probably because our parents are too well-known."

Seeing Jiang Li so calm, I believed it, and secretly began to worship those two people's teachers. Of course, I didn't know what was going on until I heard Han Xiao later.

It turns out, it turns out that Jiang Li's popularity is likely to overshadow his... er, ours, parents'. Why

City K is a very small city, and the education here is relatively backward. If a child can be admitted to a famous school like Tsinghua University and Peking University, it will definitely be a sensation in the whole city. As for Jiang Li, he was the champion of the provincial college entrance examination in their class, that's right, the champion of the provincial and college entrance examinations...

Many people in China are used to watching the Spring Festival Gala on the night of Chinese New Year’s Eve. I am like this, and so are my parents-in-law. As for Jiang Li...whether he is like this is not important anymore...

So the family of four happily sat in front of the TV to watch the Spring Festival Gala. Although the host’s dress made me very fascinated, and although some dances were really dazzling and inexplicable, I think the lighting background of the stage is really beautiful. , so look very hard. After watching it for about two hours, except for me, the other three people started to yawn. I looked left and right, and said embarrassedly: "How about we go to bed early?"

The Chinese teacher shook his head: "We keep the year old, if you are sleepy, go to bed first."

But I am very excited, not sleepy at all.

At this time, Jiang Li suddenly said: "This Spring Festival Gala is quite boring, isn't it?"

I just wanted to shake my head, but I saw the Chinese teacher and the math teacher nodded in unison. Uh, don't they think the stage is beautifully done? (Trouble you to pay attention to it ==)

The math teacher suggested: "Why don't we watch the film."

The other two agreed. I asked Jiang Li, "What movie?"

Jiang Li replied calmly, "Horror movies."

I:"… "

Do you want to be so perverted and watch horror movies on the night of New Year's Eve? Who are the three members of this family...

All the lights in the room were turned off, and there were four people sitting side by side on the sofa. The faint blue light from the TV shone on the faces of the four people, which was extremely eerie.

I listened to the soul-stirring music on TV, and felt my hairs stand on end one by one.

It's not that I haven't seen horror movies, it's because I've seen a lot of them before that I'm even more scared, because I know how scary this thing is. And it’s fine if I’ve seen this film before, but according to reports, it’s the latest one released this year. The two people’s teachers have been reluctant to watch it, and want to watch it together when their son and daughter-in-law come back.

I've learned a lot, and it turns out that horror movies can also be used to celebrate the New Year >_&1t;

I finally understood Jiang Li, with such tough parents, he wouldn't have passed if he wasn't tough. At the same time, I also began to sympathize with him. According to this guy, he has been influenced by horror movies since he was a child. No wonder he has such a perverted personality now. In fact, he can't be completely blamed...

Suddenly a bloody head appeared on the screen!

I let out a scream of "嗤", and grabbed something beside me, holding it tightly. When I was grabbed by that thing, I realized that it was Jiang Li's hand that I was grabbing.

I blushed, shook off his hand embarrassingly, and continued watching TV. Fortunately, the room is relatively dark now, and everyone can't see my embarrassment.

As the plot unfolds, there will be a howl or two from me in the room from time to time, other than that, there are only those creepy voices on the TV.

Then, the heroine came to her garden in the middle of the night. There is a faint light around, it is very dark, and it makes people feel extremely heavy. The garden is as quiet as death, but it makes people feel that something is about to happen.

The heroine walks into the depths of the garden step by step, step by step.

I held my breath and stared at the TV screen without blinking. Appeared, that guy is about to appear...

At this moment, a hand slowly climbed onto my shoulder...

I yelled "ah", reflexively wanted to jump up from the sand and shake off that hand, but was pressed firmly on the sand by that hand!

Before I could react, I was dragged into the arms of the owner of that hand again, holding me tightly. Then that person whispered in my ear with a smile on his face: "It's all fake, what are you afraid of?"

I also know the nonsense is fake, but...but it's scary...

No, it's Jiang Li? Jiang Li actually frightened me? I reacted, struggling to get away from Jiang Li, and at the same time asked him angrily: "Jiang Li, why are you trying to scare me! Don't you know that scaring people can scare people to death?!"

Jiang Li didn't let go, he raised his chin slightly, and said with a sense of urgency: "Look, that headless dead man has appeared."

I turned my head to look at the TV screen, and saw the headless corpse quietly appearing behind the heroine, then it raised its hands and gently held her head...

I screamed, hugged Jiang Li tightly with both hands, and buried my face in his chest, not daring to look any more. Wife is scary!

I think I must have been disturbed by horror movies, because I felt a slight vibration in Jiang Li's chest, he seemed to be... laughing

It’s fine if you don’t scream while watching a horror movie, but can you still laugh? Sure enough, this world is less real than horror movies!

I was lying in Jiang Li's arms, and suddenly realized that the posture of the two of us was very, very ambiguous. I felt like my face was burning, everything around me disappeared, only Jiang Li's strong arms and strong chest remained. I raised my head cautiously to look at Jiang Li, only to find that he was staring at the TV screen with no expression on his face. He still held me with both hands, and he didn't intend to let go at all, as if all this was taken for granted.

I lowered my head, feeling a little sad in my heart. It turned out that Jiang Li didn't care, he really didn't care at all. He hugged me like a frightened cat, calmly and naturally.

He won't like me, he likes men.

However, I seem to like him for a while...

I rubbed Jiang Li's neck, and chose a comfortable position to lean against his arms. Although this embrace does not belong to me, but... just let me borrow it for a while. I know it's wrong to do this, but I can't help myself.

I really admire myself, in such a chaotic scene, I can still fall asleep. Probably because Jiang Li's embrace is too warm and comfortable!

I didn't catch up with watching the New Year's Eve, nor did I catch up with watching the fireworks at midnight. When I woke up, it was already late at night, and a dim orange desk lamp was on by the bed, warm and quiet.

I was woken up by peeing.

When I woke up in a daze, I felt a little heavy on my waist, and there was something hard on my back. Subconsciously, I reached out to touch my waist and found a hand.

So I woke up instantly. Then I discovered that I was actually sleeping in Jiang Li's arms.

At this moment we were lying on our sides on the bed, I was leaning on Jiang Li's chest, he was holding my waist, his chin resting on my head, the posture should be as close as possible, just like a loving couple.

My head seemed to be hit hard by something, and it took me a long time to recover. But my heart was churning again, why did Jiang Li hug me to sleep

Deep down in my heart, I was looking forward to a certain answer, but that answer was denied by me over and over again.

I struggled in my heart for a while, and found that I really couldn't find a balance between emotion and reason, so I had no choice but to simply get rid of those messy things in my mind and solve the physical problems first.

So I got up from Jiang Li's arms, put on some clothes and went to the bathroom.

When I returned to the bedroom again, I hesitated for a moment, and lay down beside Jiang Li, a little further away from him. Since I can't get some things, then I would rather not even see hope, it's easier to give up.

However, just as I lay down, Jiang Li pulled me into his arms and hugged me again.

I felt like my heart was about to jump out, and my body was so stiff that I didn't dare to move.

Jiang Li whispered in my ear, "Stop thinking about it, go to sleep."

My heart sank, and I mustered up the courage to call him: "Jiang Li."

Jiang Li responded.

I swallowed, extremely nervous: "You...why are you hugging me to sleep?"

Jiang Li replied: "Guan Yan, you don't really want to freeze me to death, do you?"

My body relaxed, but I didn't know whether to be happy or sad.