Flash Marriage

Chapter 57: 57) I'm crazy


The New Year's Day in City K is basically the whole city's New Year's Day. This city is not big in the first place, relatives and friends, neighbors, and those who have business contacts, or have a teacher-student relationship, it is only natural to visit each other.

In the morning, Jiang Li and I went to several teachers' homes to give gifts, and then visited a few elders who had a good relationship with Jiang's father and mother, and then visited among the neighbors, and visited his relatives one by one in the afternoon , At the end of the day, I was exhausted enough. Fortunately, there are not many relatives in his family, otherwise dinner would be missed.

But I didn't go in vain this trip, at least I got some unexpected information from Jiang Li's teacher... It turns out that Han Xiao and Jiang Li are classmates in high school, and they are classmates! No wonder the two have always had such a good friendship, but...

Forgive me that my thoughts are not pure enough, but when I think of Han Xiao's shy smile, I think he and Jiang Li will not, will not have an affair, right

This thought made me restless. I hesitated to speak several times, and wanted to ask Jiang Li, but I felt that I seemed to be too nosy. Who Jiang Li likes and who he has an affair with is theoretically none of my business. …

So I just kept my mouth shut.

Jiang Li saw my abnormality, and he said righteously: "If you have anything to say about the official banquet, just say it."

I dodged Jiang Li's gaze, and pretended to ask casually: "Well... I'm just curious, you and Han Xiao... hehe, hehehehe..."

Jiang Li immediately lowered his face: "Guan Yan, don't force me."

I shivered and didn't dare to ask again. Damn, don't I just gossip like that, can I force you...

Tomorrow is the second day of the Lunar New Year, and I'm going back to my natal home. At night, I was packing my things when I suddenly received an international long-distance call. I wondered which gods abroad missed me, so they called me on the first day of the new year. But when I heard the excited shout of an old lady on the other end of the phone, I almost thought I was hallucinating again.

I grabbed my phone tightly, wiped my sweat, and spoke very uncertainly about the tone of the sentence.

My mother spoke very quickly, probably because she was too excited: "Girl, mother, I am standing under the Eiffel Tower to call you now, this tower is so beautiful!"

I was at a loss: "What is Ai... Ai Feifei? Mom, where are you?"

My mother said disdainfully: "Ai Feifei is that famous tower in the world, the one in Paris, France, girl, you really have never seen the world, you have never even heard of Ai Feifei..."

I have black lines all over my head, that’s Eiffel, okay==

It turned out that the old lady went to Paris, too soon. I called her last night, and she complained to me that it was boring to be alone at home. Sometimes my mother's actions are always beyond my ability to accept. I don't know if she is too violent or my nerves are too fragile. I endured the deep embarrassment in my heart, and said: "Mother, why did you run to Paris without saying a word... Wait a minute, mom, who are you talking to?"

My mother coughed twice and said solemnly: "No... no one..."

"Mom, just be honest, I crawled out of your stomach."

After a battle of wits and courage, I finally know the reason for my mother's recent mystery. To put it simply, this old lady has a second spring...

I hugged the mobile phone thief and laughed for a long time, and said while laughing: "Mom, how did you seduce that uncle?"

My mother gave a "cut" and replied proudly: "He often secretly looks at me during morning exercises, how about it, mother, although I am getting older, my charm is still the same as before..."

I coughed and interrupted her: "Mom, why don't you talk to me about such a good thing?"

My mother was a little embarrassed: "Aren't I afraid that you will disagree?"

As soon as I heard it, I became angry: "Is your daughter such an ignorant person?"

My mother answered honestly: "Of course not, hehehehe..."

I asked again: "What does that uncle do? Do you have a common language?"

My mother: "He is a teacher in the Chinese Department of the university."

I:"… "

Mom, you know, what I am most afraid of is Chinese >_&1t;

I hung up the phone, fell powerlessly on the bed, and said to Jiang Li sullenly: "My mother ran away with the man and ignored me."

Jiang Li: "I think it's a good thing. She needs someone to accompany her."

I looked at the ceiling and said bitterly: "But he just found a professor from the Chinese Department for Mao..."

Jiang Li: "That's her freedom."

Goodness, Jiang Li, you will die if you comfort me? !

At this time Jiang Li went to the bed and lay down, then dragged me into his arms and hugged me well, pulled the quilt over, and said, "Go to bed early." His tone was extremely calm and natural.

I was very restless and unnatural. I leaned against Jiang Li's arms, thinking wildly with evil intentions. I always find it weird how the two of us get along now. I found that I liked Jiang Li a little bit, and I also knew that Jiang Li wouldn't like me, so I wanted to stop, but I couldn't control myself more and more. And Jiang Li, he is too hateful. He always does those intimate actions so naturally, it's hard for me not to think about it, and it's also hard for me to think about it. In fact, I am also very hateful, I clearly know that it is impossible between us, but I still enjoy Jiang Li's embrace like a demon, every time I make up my mind to push him away, but every time I can't do it.

I think I'm crazy.

Once a person has a certain obsession in his heart, he can't stop. Even if he hits the south wall, he doesn't want to turn back, but hits it again and again until his head is broken.

I feel like I'm hitting the south wall all the time now, my behavior can no longer be controlled by reason, but has been driven by a certain obsession. Especially when Jiang Li gets closer to me, that obsession will increase even more.

At this moment, I was leaning against Jiang Li's arms, nervously feeling his breathing, his body temperature, and his heartbeat. I moved my body, pretended to be calm and teased, "Jiang Li, if I were a man, would you fall in love with me?"

"Maybe." Maybe it was an illusion caused by my nervousness, I thought Jiang Li's voice was ethereal. His hot breath sprayed on my neck, so I got distracted again...

"So, Guan Yan, if you and I were not gay, would you fall in love with me?"

My heart tightened, but at the same time I was disappointed. If if, where are there so many ifs in the world? I am not a man, and Jiang Li is still gay.

I sighed softly, and said, "It's a pity that there are no ifs in this world, go to bed early, Jiang Li."

The next day is the second day of the Lunar New Year, so we don't have to go to New Year's greetings. In the afternoon, Jiang Li's high school classmate—Han Xiao, came to play with Jiang Li.

Han Xiao and Jiang Li chatted for a while, and learned about some friends' recent situation. Afterwards, the three of them felt bored, and even sat on the carpet to fight for the landlord.

I have a good impression of Han Xiao, the average woman would not hate a shy handsome guy. I was holding a handful of poker, chatting casually with Han Xiao while playing cards, asking some irrelevant questions.

Jiang Li made two A's, and I generously pulled out two 2's and threw them out, while casually asking Han Xiao: "Han Xiao, do you have a girlfriend?"

Han Xiao blushed slightly, and replied, "No."

"Bomb." Jiang Li unceremoniously took four 5's on top of my two 2's.

I was distracted by a bomb, so I asked again without thinking: "Then do you have a boyfriend?" After that, I felt embarrassed, what am I doing...

Sure enough, Handsome Han Xiao blushed even more. He shook his head and gave me a strange look.

With a dark face, Jiang Li said coldly: "Guan Yan, don't mess around."

I don't agree, is it great to have a bomb? So I threw out four k's with a lot of money, and my mother was afraid that you would fail!

Jiang Li glanced at me, and spread out his hands to show his hole cards... He still has two kings left.

"You lost." Jiang Li nimbly pasted a note on my face as he spoke. This is the fifth note so far.

I think the reason why I lost was not because I was stupid, but because Jiang Li was lucky.

I threw the poker in my hand on the carpet and said, "I don't want to play any more. It's boring. Han Xiao, please tell me about your high school."

Han Xiao smiled and said, "There are many things in high school, what do you want to know?"

I squinted at Jiang Li, and said maliciously, "Let's just tell about Jiang Li's pornographic news. Jiang Li is so flirtatious, there must have been many girls who liked him in high school, right? Has anyone secretly stuffed him with love letters? "

Han Xiao thought for a while, shook his head and said, "It seems not."

I looked at Jiang Li in surprise: "No way, Jiang Li, you are so mean? I think there were still people chasing me when I was in high school, and there were more than one."

Jiang Li was speechless, and glanced at me calmly. I shivered and dared not speak any more.

At this time, Han Xiao explained for Jiang Li: "Brother Jiang was already very noticeable at that time, but the girls in our school didn't dare."

I am sweating, what era is it, is it necessary to be so reserved

Han Xiao probably saw my doubts, and then he explained the reason to me.

Then, I fell on the carpet and laughed wildly...