Flash Marriage

Chapter 58: 58) Confession


During Jiang Li's high school days, he lived under the shadow of a woman.

This woman is five years older than him and is a gangster. City K is a place, and there are not many hooligans, so relatively speaking, this woman's influence is not considered.

Originally, Jiang Li was an honest and good student in high school, and his perverted nature hadn't been exposed yet. At that time, he couldn't get along with a female hooligan.

Blame it on his ridiculously good-looking face.

One day, a female hooligan was wandering comfortably on the street, and accidentally saw Jiang Li in her youth, and then, she was amazed, drooling, unable to extricate herself.

Then, the rogue sister launched a strong offensive.

However, the youthful, lively, innocent and natural girls in No. 1 Middle School in K City obviously became the biggest obstacle for the rogue sister to embrace the handsome guy, so she said unceremoniously: If any of the girls in No. 1 Middle School dares to approach Jiang Li, the rogue The sister immediately broke her leg!

Although handsome guys are very important, legs seem to be more important. The key problem is that even if they sacrifice their legs, they may not be able to win Jiang Li's heart. So the girls in No. 1 Middle School were very sensible and didn't dare to get too close to Jiang Li.

This is why no one chases after Jiang Li.

I covered my stomach and smiled and said: "It turns out that the people in City K are so talented, haha, I laughed so hard... Then what happened next?"

Han Xiao: "Later, Brother Jiang came up with a very clever solution."

Me: "What way?"

Han Xiao: "Brother Jiang secretly dated that female hooligan. He was gay, and then the female hooligan let him go with great regret. Brother Jiang is really smart. Back then he knew how to pretend to be gay to reject others."

I laughed and said, "He's not pretending, he obviously..."

"Official Banquet." Jiang Li suddenly called me, I looked up at him, and saw that his eyes were gloomy and his face was very ugly. He stared at me and asked coolly, "Is it funny?"

I shivered and shook my head vigorously: "Nothing is funny, hahahahaha..."

Jiang Li, forgive me, I can't help it. When I think of you being molested by a female hooligan, my blood spurts...

After Han Xiao left, I suddenly leaned in front of Jiang Li, lifted his chin with my index finger, and said lewdly, "Handsome guy, how about following sister?"

Jiang Li's eyes flickered, but he said nothing.

I went on to say: "Hey, follow my sister, I will guarantee that you will be popular and drink spicy food, and be happy like a fairy, ah..."

Jiang Li suddenly pushed me on the carpet, I screamed and looked at him in panic. I saw him pressing my shoulder and leaning over slowly. His face, getting closer...

Jiang Li's pupils were dark and dark, like black pearls in the deep sea with all their brilliance lost, containing countless emotions that I couldn't understand. He approached one by one, and I could see my own reflection in his eyes. There was some astonishment and panic, but there was also a hint of... expectation.

The tip of Jiang Li's nose almost touched mine, he stared into my eyes and said in a deep voice, "Official banquet."

"En." I involuntarily agreed.

Jiang Li: "It's best not to play with fire with me."

I blinked my head. But, what does Jiang Li mean by this? Is it a warning

At this time, the door of the living room opened suddenly, and the Chinese teacher and math teacher walked in with a smile. Then, they saw us entangled in ambiguous poses lying on the ground at a glance. They were stunned, Jiang Li and I looked at them, also stunned.

The atmosphere was awkward and weird.

The Chinese teacher broke the silence first, and she said with a sneer, "That, that... have a baby early..."

I:"… "

Jiang Li: "..."

I have always wondered why in this world some people like firecrackers and some people like to set off firecrackers. In my opinion, the kind of thing that can produce sudden explosions has no advantages other than having some intimidating effects.

Moreover, I am very afraid of the shock that those things that will explode suddenly, such as firecrackers, explode suddenly with a "bang", causing others to tremble three times, which is really overwhelming.

As for City K, there is no control over fireworks. In other words, people here can set off firecrackers anytime, anywhere... What a terrifying thing!

Because of this, every time I go out and see a child setting off firecrackers, I cover my ears and hide away, with a more tangled expression. Jiang Li always laughed at me for being cowardly, and I basically didn't respond to it. Anyway, he is a pervert, and the pervert's thoughts are very weird, I understand.

There was a temple fair on the fifth day of the lunar new year, and it was said that a very professional lion dance team was invited, so Jiang Li and I rushed to watch it excitedly.

As soon as we walked out of the family courtyard of No. 1 Middle School, we saw a group of children looking at us not far away. They screamed when they saw us pass by.

At this time, I saw a huge firecracker on the side of the road, smoking green smoke.

My mind went blank, and I still haven't realized what's going on. At this time, Jiang Li suddenly pulled me away, and then moved to block me. He wrapped me in his arms and blocked the firecracker with his body.


I was startled, huddled in Jiang Li's arms, trembled unconsciously, sweat broke out in my palms.

Jiang Li kept patting me on the back, comforting me softly: "It's okay, don't be afraid."

I looked up at Jiang Li, his expression was gentle, as if comforting a frightened animal. My eyes were red, and tears fell down.

Seeing me crying, Jiang Li seemed a little overwhelmed. He hugged me tightly and kept repeating "Don't be afraid, it's okay" "This thing doesn't hurt anyone"...

But I became more and more sad, lying in Jiang Li's arms and sobbing. Jiang Li, why are you being so nice to me? Do you know that it's easy for me to fall in love with you

Jiang Li patted my back and said softly, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

When I heard this, I didn't know where the strength came from. I suddenly pushed Jiang Li away, wiped away my tears, and said loudly, "Who are you to me?" I ignored Jiang Li and ran home. .

Who are you to me? Why do you treat me so well!

Ever since the firecracker incident, my attitude towards Jiang Li has always been somewhat evasive. Since I can't get some things, I just hide away.

I knew in my heart that I had fallen in love with this person. That is, I fell in love with a gay sadly.

But there will be no ending between me and him, I told myself over and over again, official banquet, you have to be rational, you have to see clearly, there will be no result for you.

Official banquet, please be self-aware.

Sometimes, Jiang Li would look at me inexplicably and ask, "Guan Yan, you seem to be avoiding me?"

At this time, I would smile foolishly and innocently, and reply: "No, Jiang Li, you think too much."

Jiang Li, I am not avoiding you, I just want to avoid an unrealistic hope.

The Spring Festival holiday is over soon, and Jiang Li and I have returned to our normal lives, the difference is that I am still dodging him.

Jiang Li, before I forget you, I will avoid you.

I also thought about getting a divorce, but I have always been hard on myself. With a wry smile, your defeat at the official banquet is due to your soft heart.

Today is Valentine's Day, of course, this holiday has nothing to do with me.

At noon, I was silently eating lunch with Jiang Li. Jiang Li suddenly said: "Guanyan, I... I have some things to deal with tonight."

I bowed my head and replied, "Yes."

Jiang Li: "Maybe I will go back later."

Me: "En."

Jiang Li: "You wait for me at home."

Me: "En."

The atmosphere was a little awkward for a while, so the two lowered their heads and continued to eat.

In the afternoon, I received a call from Wang Kai, who sadly told me that he was broken in love.

I smiled and said, "You are in love like eating. Is it necessary to be so distraught when you lose a relationship?"

Wang Kai replied: "Yanyan, you are really not mean, I am so sad, you are not going to comfort me?"

I suddenly thought of Jiang Li, so I nodded my head and said, "It's just right, I also lost love, let's comfort each other."

When Wang Kai heard this, he became interested: "Okay, you, have you fallen in love after not seeing you for a few days? I thought you would stick to your gay husband."

I smiled wryly and didn't explain to him. I just asked, "What about you? Who can make you so obsessed?"

Wang Kai replied: "It's hard to say, let's meet and talk at night."

I made an appointment with Wang Kai at a western restaurant. Although I don't like western food, I came here for dinner anyway, so I don't care what to eat.

As soon as I sat down in front of Wang Kai, I teased and said, "I can't imagine that there will be a day when Huaxin Daluo is trapped by love."

Wang Kai smiled wryly and said, "Am I really that philandering?"

"Don't ask me about this, just ask your ex-girlfriends, ex-ex-girlfriends, and you will know the answer."

Wang Kai shook his head with a smile, and said, "If I were, I would treat someone wholeheartedly. Would you believe me?"

I replied: "If it was before, I probably wouldn't have believed it. But now seeing how miserable you are, I believe it again."

Wang Kai smiled meaningfully and looked at me quietly, making me feel uncomfortable. He suddenly said, "Yanyan, if I were to treat you wholeheartedly, would you still believe me?"

My heart sank, I lowered my head unnaturally, pretending to be relaxed and said: "Wang Kai, you just like to make jokes like this."

Wang Kai smiled and said, "Yanyan, I'm not joking."

I just wanted to talk, but I felt that someone was watching me from the position obliquely in front of me. So I turned my head and met Jiang Li's complicated eyes.

I think this matter is too bloody, so bloody that I can't believe it.

Jiang Li, Xue Yunfeng, Wang Kai and I are in the same restaurant...

Jiang Li stared at me for a while, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth. Then he looked at Wang Kai again, his eyes flickering. I lowered my head guiltily, not daring to look at him.

Wang Kai noticed my abnormality, and he also saw Jiang Li when he turned his head. I don't know how the eyes of these two people communicated, because I kept my head down and didn't dare to look at anyone.

Wang Kai suddenly said, "Yanyan, you don't really like Jiangli, do you? He's gay."

I smiled wryly and said: "Emotion is something, if you can control it, then it would be great."

Wang Kai nodded: "Yes, I fell in love with you because I couldn't control it. Do you think I want to?"

here we go again. I scratched my head helplessly, and said, "Wang Kai, if you don't make such a joke, you will die!"

Wang Kai suddenly grabbed my hand, with a sad and eager expression on his face: "Yanyan, why don't you want to believe me? I really love you, really!"

I was shocked by his serious appearance, and my brain froze for a moment, unable to react. At this time, Jiang Li who was diagonally opposite suddenly stood up from his seat and walked towards this side.

I looked at Jiang Li apprehensively, at a loss.

Jiang Lixun came to our table, and I saw his face was ashen, and the depths of his eyes were full of anger, which made people dare not look directly at him. He took Wang Kai's hand away, pulled me up from the seat, and walked quickly towards the door. I heard Wang Kai calling me behind me, but before I could turn around, I was dragged out of the restaurant by Jiang Li.

Jiang Li walked too fast, I couldn't keep up with his pace, I was almost dragged by him. Moreover, my hand was so painful from his grip, and my steps were very messy, so I said: "Jiang Li, let me go, it hurts... you, you slow down, I can't keep up..."

Hearing what I said, Jiang Li looked back at me, his face softened a little, but it was still ugly. He let go of my hand, and I rubbed my wrist, just as I was about to say something, when he suddenly picked me up by the waist, and quickly went straight to the parking lot.

My mind went blank and my heart nearly jumped out. I gripped Jiang Li's clothes tightly and was at a loss for a moment.

Jiang Li... what is he going to do...

Jiang Li stuffed me into the car, fastened the seat belt, and started the car without looking sideways. His face is still very ugly, I dare not talk to him.

But I think Jiang Li's behavior is very inexplicable, and I guess it can only be explained by the word "abnormal".

Yes, Jiang Li is a pervert, so everything he does is understandable. However, there always seems to be some vague expectation in my heart... Maybe, maybe Jiang Li is jealous of him

But what if Jiang Li likes Wang Kai? What if he was angry because of Wang Kai? Jiang Li is gay...

Thinking of this made me depressed again.

The atmosphere in the car was very oppressive, and I was so nervous that it was difficult to breathe. The short ten-minute drive seemed so long at this time.

Jiang Li carried me upstairs, opened the door, closed it, and then he... directly pushed me against the door.

Jiang Li held my shoulders with both hands, with great strength. He looked down at me, as if there were flames beating in his eyes, dangerous and hot.

He raised his eyebrows, and said slowly, "Dating on Valentine's Day?" His voice was very soft, but it made people feel chills down their spines.

I dodged his gaze and explained unnaturally: "That... I didn't..."

"Huh?" Jiang Li looked at me straight, as if, this explanation is far from enough.

I lowered my eyes and said, "I really have nothing to do with Wang Kai, I swear."

"Really." Jiang Li was noncommittal, but it sounded like he was not as angry as before.

So I took courage and said: "I know you like Wang Kai, how dare I..."

"Official banquet!" Jiang Li's hand grabbing my shoulder suddenly became stronger, he lowered his head, and his face was a little closer to mine, I saw the anger in his eyes, the waves were turbulent. I was shocked for a while, and lowered my head in disappointment.

Jiang Li lifted my chin, forcing me to look at him.

He stared into my eyes and said: "Guan Yan, I have endured you for a long time!"

I don't know why, but the next moment, I almost lost my sanity.

Because of Jiang Li, he suddenly kissed my lips...

It was the kind of forceful, angry kiss that seemed to impose a punishment. Jiang Li took my lips in his mouth, licked them heavily, rubbed his own lips against mine, and then he held my lips again, biting lightly with his teeth. pain. I subconsciously wanted to escape, but he grabbed the back of my head, and his other hand slipped to my waist, holding me tightly so that I couldn't move.

"Well… "

I thought "pain", but before the word "pain" came out, Jiang Li's tongue had already invaded my mouth. He sucked hard, the tip of his tongue swept every corner of my mouth, and then hooked my tongue to entangle with him...

My head was dizzy, and I lost all perception. At this moment, my world is only Jiang Li. I narrowed my eyes and looked at Jiang Li's slightly furrowed brows and trembling long eyelashes, then slowly closed my eyes, wrapping my hands around Jiang Li's neck.

Jiang Li tightened his grip on my waist, and even more crazily kissed me.

My legs were weak, and I leaned against Jiang Li's arms weakly, breathing heavily. I, Jiang Li, you can't do it, kissing is life-threatening, if you stop one step later, I might really die from lack of oxygen.

Jiang Li hugged me tightly in his arms, leaned against my ear and said in a messy breath, "The official banquet, you forced me."


Jiang Li: "So even if I like you, you can't leave me, you can't hide from me, let alone divorce me."

Is this a confession? I can't help but sigh, a pervert is a pervert, even the confession is so perverted!

I rubbed against Jiang Li's arms, and laughed softly, "Jiang Li, you are so stupid."

Jiang Li: "..."

I hugged Jiang Li and refused to let go, always feeling that all this was so unreal. Isn't Jiang Li gay? Shouldn't he like men? Thinking of this, I worriedly asked: "Jiang Li, you... don't you like men..."

Jiang Li glared at me angrily, and said, "I'm not, I never have been!"

"Okay, okay, no, no," I felt a little joy in my heart, but I was not at ease: "But you dated Xue Yunfeng today, how do you explain this?"

Jiang Li rubbed his chin against my head, and replied, "I'm going to break up with him."

When I heard about the breakup, I felt a little sad again. Looks like... looks like I broke them up

Jiang Li saw what I was thinking, and said, "Guan Yan, I'm not gay in the first place, so you don't have to worry about whether you are a third party."

I leaned my head against Jiang Li's arms again, and said: "That's right, Xue Yunfeng is a good boy, you have to let him go."

Jiang Li suddenly lowered his head and bit my lips, pressing down the heavy kiss again.

After another bout of anoxic lingering.

Jiang Li exhaled fiery breath, and whispered in my ear: "Guan Yan, you are so good to others, can you be nice to me?" There was such a trace of resentment in his voice.

Out of breath, I replied: "I... I'm good enough to you..." Washing, cooking, housework, being a wife and a nanny, where can I find such a talent!

Jiang Li: "You can treat me better."

Me: "For example?"

Jiang Li: "I'm hungry."

"That's easy, I'll cook for you." I said, standing up from Jiang Li's arms and going to the kitchen.

Jiang Li pulled me back into his arms, and pressed his forehead against mine. He stared straight at me with twinkling eyes: "I don't eat."

I blinked my eyes twice, not knowing why: "Then what do you want to eat?"

Jiang Li held my face and said with a smile, "I want to eat you."

Before I could react, I was picked up by Jiang Li and quickly walked into the bedroom.

Jiang Li put me on his huge bed, and while unbuttoning his shirt, he leaned over and kissed me. He kissed my face, forehead, eyebrows, eyes carefully one by one, and then moved back along the eyes, tossing and biting my earlobe lightly.

I was so nervous that I didn't dare to move, and stammered: "Jiang...Jiang Li, don't you think...that we are, uh, too fast..."

Jiang Li raised his head, his eyes sparkled with fierce flames. He raised the corners of his mouth, smiled at me seductively, and said, "Hurry up? We've been married for half a year, and now we're only in the bridal chamber. How dare you go too soon?" He said, throwing off his shirt, revealing his lean and strong upper body, and then leaned over keep kissing me. His heavy and hot breath sprayed on my neck, so my heart beat faster and faster, and my breathing became more and more chaotic...

I was so nervous that I didn't even know where to put my hands... No way, it's my first time.

While stripping off my clothes one by one, Jiang Li comforted me softly: "Don't be nervous, I won't eat you again."

I can't laugh or cry, you just wanted to eat me...

Jiang Li also seemed to realize the problem in his words, so he changed his words: "Don't worry, I will eat very heartily."

I turned my face away, Jiang Li, you are actually not suitable for comforting people >_&1t;

Jiang Li was dissatisfied with my expression, he turned to my face and kissed vigorously, while kissing, he groped to take off the last piece of clothing on my body.

(Attention, because the author is more reserved, and Jinjiang is more harmonious, so we will not describe too many details here, but only extract part of their language when they have sex. Readers are welcome to make up their own minds about other actions. In addition, there are people who want to complain Let’s save effort on children’s shoes, there are no prohibited words in this chapter and there are no over-the-top descriptions~ so the author is very reserved~)

"En...Jiang Li, this, will it hurt?"

"Hey, I'm in a lot of pain now."


After some time.

"Hey, it doesn't seem to hurt very much. Hello Jiang Li..."

"That's a finger."


"Ahh... it hurts! Jiang Li, you bastard!"

"me… "

"Why does it hurt so much, Jiang Li, is there something wrong with you..."

"I... I only go in for a..."

"It hurts..."

"Well… "

"Ahhhhhhhhh... It hurts me to death! Jiang Li, you kill people..."

"Yes... sorry... um..."

"It hurts..."

"You... bear with it, it will be fine in a while... um..."

"It hurts..."

"Be patient, um... official banquet, don't move around..."

"Ahhh... It hurts so much... It's you who is moving around!"


After some time.

"It hurts...Jiang Li, you liar!"

"kindness… "

"Aren't you going to be fine in a while? It's been so long!"

"Well... wait... just wait a while..."

"How many times have I waited, it hurts..."

"kindness… "

"Liar, get out!"

"Wait... wait a minute..."

"Ah, it hurts... why are you so hard..."

"ah… "


"Guan Yan, I love you."

"Woo, it's finally over."