Flash Marriage

Chapter 9: 9) The so-called thriller


I turned on all the lights in the bedroom, curled up in the quilt by myself, and said to myself, "It's okay, I'm not afraid of anything, I have nothing..."

I think I'm really worthless, I'm still pretending to be tender at such an adult. But at this time, although I was very tired, I was extraordinarily awake, and I couldn't fall asleep no matter how much I slept. It's okay if you can't sleep, so you don't have nightmares.

Forget it, let's watch ghost movies. I'm afraid of ghosts, but when I have nothing to do at night, I just want to watch ghost movies. That kind of feeling is the kind of feeling that you know that you can't do something and the consequences will be very serious, but you have to do it. I don't know if you have ever experienced that feeling.

Although the box man is sometimes a bad thing, but most of the time he is quite in my favor. A few days ago, she gave me a few DVDs of horror movies, threatening that they would be for me to pass the time and liven up the atmosphere. Although I think using horror movies to enliven the atmosphere is really a brain teasing idea, but in line with the principle of "don't want nothing for nothing", I simply accepted it. Didn't expect it to come in handy so soon.

The best configuration for watching a horror movie is a big room, a big screen, late at night, and you need to be alone. Except for the TV, all light sources must be turned off. Then a group of people on the sand, watching while shaking, this is exciting.

Jiangli's house, oh no, it should be our house now. Our living room is very big, and there is a 45-inch LCD TV in the living room, which is well-equipped. So I held the disc, ran to the living room lightly, turned on the TV, plugged in the disc, and adjusted the volume so as not to disturb Jiang Li. After turning off the lights, I curled up on the sofa and watched expectantly, ready to scream.

At the beginning, it was a glamorous beauty with a strange look on her face. I think it was probably a female ghost, or she was possessed by a ghost. So he tensed his nerves, and then looked down, but the more he looked, the more aggrieved he became. There are no subtitles in the whole movie, and the words are full of gibberish—devil’s talk. How does this make me feel? The box is too careless to buy me a gift! Moreover, this ghost movie seems very lewd, there are a few Chinese characters in the title, I can recognize them, but they are still forbidden words! I feel more and more strange. I guess this beautiful woman was raped first and then killed. How pitiful.

Then, a man who looked like a milestone in the obscene world appeared, and came to talk to the beauty, chattering and not knowing what was going on. The background of the whole movie also began to change. The color tone didn't have any horror or supernatural feeling, but it made people feel... **, eh

Then, the two began to kiss each other.

It's disgusting, the current horror film market has also fallen, and they actually use sex scenes to earn attention! I am very outraged. What makes me especially unbearable is that they actually chose such a wretched man to act in a sex scene, so what kind of director, are you sure you are not ruining this movie

I have a peculiarity, I will never die until I reach the Yellow River. So when the huge X-rated picture on TV jumped into my eyes, I completely woke up and burst into tears.

Good thing, this is that kind of horror movie, it's absolutely □! Box, you are doing well, I will hang you up and whip you tomorrow!

At this moment, I was staring at the screen stupidly, as if all the nerves in my body were hit by the electric current, I was at a loss for a while.

Jiang Li came at this time. He floated to my side like a ghost, and said eeriely, "What are you looking at?"

Reflexively, I jumped up from the sand and jumped to the front of the TV, trying to block the two entangled bodies with my body, but my 87 hips really couldn't resist the 45-inch LCD screen.

It's not that I haven't seen it, but I feel awkward watching it in front of a man, even though this man is actually not interested in women. So I bit the bullet and said, "I'm watching... a thriller." I'm not wrong, this thing really terrified me.

At this time, although part of the picture was blocked by me, but I couldn't block the sound no matter what. The woman Yiyi's voice came from the TV, which made people's hearts tremble. That wretched man was muttering nonsense, but luckily it was nonsense, I couldn't understand it.

But just because I don't understand doesn't mean Jiang Li doesn't understand, crying. After the two of us were silent for a while, Jiang Li suddenly said: "The lines in this thriller are quite interesting, may I translate them for you?"

I didn't stand still, and almost fell to the ground on the spot. So in a rage, I quickly turned off the TV.

It was quiet now, and the room was plunged into darkness.

When suddenly plunged into darkness, people's sensitivity to light is often very low. Like a blind man, I fumbled to get back to my room, and then tripped over the table in front of the sofa. When I fell, I thought that Jiang Li would definitely catch me, this is the essence of Gou Xue.

So in the next second, I was lying in Jiang Li's arms very peacefully. Probably because of his good figure, his embrace makes people feel quite safe.

Just as I was about to say thank you to Jiang Li, he threw me on the sand unceremoniously, then strode to the door and turned on the light. I don't understand why he doesn't trip.

Then Jiang Li didn't even look at me, and went straight into the bathroom.

I was quite curious about what he wanted to do, so I asked, "What's wrong with you?"

There was the sound of rushing water in the bathroom, and he seemed very impatient: "Can't you just take a shower?"

Me: "Didn't you wash it already?"

Jiang Li's voice was as chilly as a draft: "I was startled into a cold sweat by your thriller again."

I:"… "

I knew he would never miss this opportunity to make fun of me!

I stood up from the sand with my head drooping, and walked back to my room. When he walked to the door, Jiang Li's Qianbian voice floated out again: "It seems that you are not frigid."

Jiang Li, you pervert!

I had no choice but to express my dissatisfaction by slamming the door heavily.

Back in my room, I still didn't dare to sleep, and I didn't have any interest in watching horror movies anymore. I had no choice but to take out my weak books and go online.

I am really a sentimental person when I go online on the wedding night (I despise myself).

I've been busy getting married, and haven't been on the game for a long time, so I logged on. The game I play is called "Xia Ke Xing", which is very popular now, and the box is also playing, and we are from the same gang. In fact, I am a real game idiot. I was really bored at the beginning. Considering that if I don’t play games, I can’t keep up with the times (that’s what I think, please despise me), so I played "Xia Ke Xing" with the box.

Not long after I got on the game, there were no less than ten people who talked to me, and they all asked me without exception: Aren’t you getting married today, why do you still have time to log in to the game

It seems that the tongue of the box is really long, and I am speechless.

Just as I was hesitating how to reply to them, Ren Yue sent a message after dusk: "Help me?"

Renyue Duskhou is the boss of the gang. I thought that if I let him know that I lied to him, the future life would be difficult. The most important thing is that Renyue Duskhou knew my level like the back of his hand, and he would never believe that I am playing the game now. This person is a helper. So I had to reply to him.

Official game idiot: "Boss, do me a favor, and the people in the gang are you looking for someone to help me hang the game."

"Official Game Idiot" is my in-game name. When I first played this game, I didn't know anything about it, so I wanted to name it "Game Idiot" very pragmatically. Who knows that this name has a market and has been used by others, so I had to add my name before "Game Idiot". last name. As soon as I saw this, I remembered the first time I met someone after Dusk, he had no concealed contempt for my name.

Box thinks I'm stupid, so it's always unwilling to take me with me when playing games, it's embarrassing. So most of the time, I just brushed those low-level monsters in "Xia Ke Xing" by myself in obscurity. Occasionally, when I see other people forming a team to fight the boss, I always walk around from a distance. About three months ago, I was fighting with a level 30 wild boar spirit, and I was about to be abused by him. In a hurry, I saw someone passing by, so I shot an arrow at that person and said quickly, "Hey, do me a favor."

That person is the person about after dusk. I didn't know how powerful he was at the time, I just held a glimmer of hope to catch a random passer-by to save him.

Ren Yue was quite caring after dusk. He suddenly pulled out the big knife behind him, and saw a flash of cold light, and the pig spirit instantly turned into a pig corpse.

Immediately, I admired his... big knife very, very much. Of course, I only found out later that the wild boar spirit broke the record of the lowest-level monster that his weapon had touched.

After Ren Yue finished chopping the wild boar essence at dusk, he said: "This is the first time I saw someone fighting a pig with a bow and arrow. You are really worthy of your name."

The official game idiot: "Laughing and laughing, thank you Brother Huang for saving me."

After the dusk of the appointment: "Since you are a game idiot, why are you still playing? You don't even have the self-awareness of an idiot."

The official game idiot: "Everyone else plays, if I don't play, I will fall behind, and if I fall behind, I will be beaten."

Ren Yue made an embarrassing expression after dusk, and then said: "Then why don't you steal vegetables, those things are simple."

Official Game Idiot: "That's an idiot."

After the evening of the appointment: "It's quite idiotic, but I think that thing is very suitable for you."

Official Game Idiot: "…"

I cheekily asked him to add a friend, he hesitated for a while, and agreed, this is the reservedness unique to a master, Khan.

Since then, Renyue has become the highest-level master in my friend list after dusk. Listening to the box later, this person is one of the best masters in this server after about dusk, and my official banquet was simply luck to hook him up.

So I quickly felt like I had found an organization, and I often ran cheekily to hunt monsters behind Renyue Twilight. After Renyue Dusk, he simply let me join his gang, including the box. So I once again refreshed the minimum standards for joining this gang. Because I have the support of the boss of the gang, and I have a thick skin, the people in the gang did not embarrass me too much.

I was very puzzled, and once I asked someone about why Mao covered me like this after dusk. He replied: "It's rare to see such a stupid person these days, so I'll just try to find something new."

Tears... Am I that stupid

But because he is a master, I don't care about him. Anyway, there are enough people who despise me in this world, who is he