
Chapter 1


Li Yuechen was sweating after playing basketball, and took a bottle of mineral water from Song Yan, "After school?"

"Not yet, isn't there a class meeting today, the mid-term grades just came out this week, I guess the old class will have to talk about it for a while." Song Yan followed Li Yuechen to the outside of the playground.

Li Yuechen smiled nonchalantly after hearing this, and Song Yan shouted jealously: "You don't have to worry, I don't know when you learn it every day, you don't play with us every day in the open, secretly Stay up all night and fight hard."

"Yes, yes, I stay up until twelve o'clock every night, or you stay up until one o'clock in the morning, surpassing me." Li Yuechen said with a smile.

Song Yan couldn't help but rolled his eyes, only ghosts would believe you.

Thinking this way in my heart, I didn't dare to open my mouth again, for fear that I would really offend this young master.

As soon as the two of them walked out of the playground and before they reached the teaching building, they saw Feng Linhao who ran out and said in an extremely exaggerated tone, "Do you know the boss's new seating chart! Hurry up!" Guess who our brother Yuechen is with this time" winking for fear of arousing others' curiosity.

Li Yuechen glanced over indifferently, and didn't seem to care much about who he was sitting with.

On the contrary, Song Yan was really curious, and reached out to hold Feng Linhao and shook him: "Who is this lucky guy, it can't be Yao Jiajia, right?"

"Hey, actually, I don't know. I saw from the window of the back door that the old class was writing a new seat list on the blackboard and it hasn't written our Brother Chen yet. Let me give you a preview first." Feng Linhao patted his head with a smile: "Isn't it because Lao Ban is inside that I dare not go in, waiting for you two to be together?"

Maybe he felt a little embarrassed by his anxious appearance just now, Song Yan angrily hit him, "Then you pretend to be a fart." Feng Linhao started to run forward, and Song Yan chased after him.

After going all the way up the stairs to the floor where Class 16 is located, the two of them both stopped and did not dare to say anything. After a while, they saw Li Yuechen slowly turning from the stairs, glanced at them, and almost laughed out loud: "Keep running!" , why don't you come in, let's see what you two are doing."

"Didn't you dare to enter without your death-free gold medal?" Feng Linhao said dog-leggedly, then bent his waist and stretched his arms, posing for an invitation to enter, and whispered, "Please invite first."

Li Yuechen looked at the quiet look inside and was really nervous. He knocked on the door and called for a report. Teacher Liu, the class teacher on the podium, was talking about which students had regressed so much this time, and some class leaders were really impetuous. Terrible, it has affected the atmosphere of this class. He didn't respond to the report. He looked at Li Yuechen with a straight face until he continued to speak: "What's going on, I'm almost ten minutes late." Yue Chen for a short while is considered a warning.

Li Yuechen said without changing his face: "I'm not feeling well, I'm going to the infirmary." Behind him, Feng Linhao and Song Yan hurriedly said: "Yes, he is not feeling well, and we helped him go."

Teacher Liu frowned, as if his heart was clear, but he didn't want to entangle too much. After all, Li Yuechen did well in the exam this time. Those words just now meant for him. After the beating, Teacher Liu waved his hand, and Li Yuechen stepped forward. He strode into the classroom, followed by Feng Linhao and Song Yan cleverly.

"Both of you stand at the door!" Teacher Liu immediately yelled at the two slippery people behind.

The two slowly returned to the door, and Li Yuechen spread his hands helplessly at them, mouthing that Lao Ban was in a bad mood today.

Anyone can see that Mr. Liu is in a bad mood today, which is directly related to the sharp drop in the average score of the midterm grade this time.

After Li Yuechen sat down, he looked up and saw Gu Chen written next to his name on the blackboard. No matter how good his memory was, he couldn't find much information about this person. The only thing he remembered was who had mentioned that to him. Gu Chen couldn't speak, he was a mute.

"I won't name those students who have regressed here. You know in your heart that you are already in the second year of high school, and there is only one year left before the college entrance examination..."

Li Yuechen was a little distracted listening to these clichés.

"Okay, that's all for today's class meeting. Take the test paper back and read it all by yourself, study the wrong questions repeatedly, and start commenting tomorrow. By the way, change seats according to the seating chart I just arranged after school today, to save money Some of you sit together and chat all the time." After Teacher Liu finished speaking, he walked away quickly.

In less than three minutes, the whole classroom began to boil, and I began to think of the sound of moving and lifting the table.

Li Yuechen turned his head to look for his new deskmate, glanced around, and finally saw that person in the small corner of the last row. He was thin and small, with pale skin. He lowered his head there, and suddenly seemed to notice something looking up. It happened to meet Li Yuechen's eyes.

Li Yuechen frowned and looked at the man's too slender wrist, walked straight to the last row and lifted up his desk, "take the chair by yourself" and put Gu Chen's desk next to his own neatly, perfectly fitting .

Gu Chen was stunned for a moment, and after a while, he bent down and walked over with his chair in his arms.

Looking at it this way, Gu Nian is actually not much shorter than himself, but just too thin, making him look very thin.

"Li Yuechen, let's go"

Song Yan and the others were already waiting at the door. They made an appointment to play games at the Internet cafe after school today.

As soon as we got together, I heard Song Yan muttering, "You are too unlucky, the old class actually put you together with that freak this time, it can't be that he hasn't given up at this level and he wants to let you Help him, it's really bad luck."

"Freak? Why do you say that, you call him that because he can't speak?" Li Yuechen couldn't help frowning.

Song Yan looked at his face and hurriedly explained: "You just came here this semester. I don't know. It's okay that Gu Chen is a dumb person. His brain is not normal. If you don't believe it, you can see for yourself. His eyes are the same as those of a person. Dead things make no difference, Terrorist"

"Does he have no friends in this class?"

Recalling the lifeless face he saw today, it seemed like nothing could arouse his emotional ups and downs.

"As a friend, he has always been alone. Last year, some people in school didn't like him. The one who beat him up insisted that Gu Chen looked down on him. In fact, he looked down on everyone with that look. He didn't care if they beat him up. In the end, I felt bored even after beating a few times, and our old class took it too seriously, so we let it go."

Li Yuechen lowered his eyes and kicked a stone at his feet away: "How can someone who can enter our class be bullied like this?"

City A's No. 1 Middle School had a very high threshold, and their class either came in through wealth or trust, or they were ranked in the city's high school entrance examination.

And these two, recalling Gu Chen's lifeless face, thin body, and barely passing grades in a few subjects, he is neither like a pampered rich kid, nor like an outstanding and hard-working successful student. Just wandering around the edge of class 6 nondescriptly, huddled in a corner like a dark shadow.

"That's right, it's really strange that Lao Ban still keeps him and doesn't drive him away." Song Yan also scratched his head, and then patted Li Yuechen on the shoulder as if to comfort Li Yuechen: "But It doesn't matter, that freak will definitely not dare to mess with you, you can just pretend that he doesn't exist."

Li Yuechen was not very satisfied when he heard this mouthful of a freak, but there was no need to tell Song Yan because of an unfamiliar or even very strange classmate.

After playing games until ten o'clock, a few people ordered supper and ate quickly, Feng Linhao and Wang Hanwen continued to play: "If you go back, go back first, what time is it?"

"What's the matter, you guys have to stay up all night?" Li Yuechen looked at Feng Linhao's dazzling computer screen.

Wang Hanwen tapped the keyboard loudly: "It's not the weekend tomorrow, what are you afraid of?"

"Well, if I leave at this time, it will be almost twelve o'clock when I get home, and I don't have to go home after playing for a while, my old man will appoint me to punish me." Song Yan looked reluctant.

"Let's go, good boy, don't worry about going home late, Daddy hit you." Li Yuechen patted Song Yan's head with a smile, Feng Linhao laughed out loud, and Song Yan followed Li Yuechen's ass with a bitter face up.

As soon as he came out of the Internet cafe, the cool breeze blew away the dull atmosphere in the Internet cafe just now, Li Yuechen frowned and smelled the smell of smoke on his body. In fact, he is not keen on playing games, but it is good to play games with his friends when he has nothing to do. He has asked them before, "The computer configuration at home is also very high, why don't you play at home?" Feng Linhao always looks unpredictable It looks like, you don't understand, how boring playing at home is. He really didn't understand why playing games in a small cubicle filled with smoke was more atmospheric than playing games in a spacious home.

After parting from Song Yan at the last intersection, Li Yuechen didn't arrive home until almost half past twelve. The light in the living room was still on, but the light in the window on the second floor had already gone out. Li Yuechen opened the door lightly, and quickly entered his bedroom.

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