
Chapter 12


After being at the same table with Gu Zen, it was the first time he felt that the weekend could be so long.

When I sat next to Gu Zen again on Monday, I saw the orange sunlight coming in from the window and sprinkled on Gu Zen's face, which made him look a lot gentler, not as cold and hard as before, suddenly Gu Chen's curled eyelashes trembled twice, he lowered his head, sketched a few strokes on the paper, and pushed towards Li Yuechen.

Li Yuechen was overjoyed immediately, looked down, and saw the words "Look at the blackboard"

He couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, and his face was a little hot. He always felt that his observation movements were very subtle. Could it be that every time he looked at Zen like this, he would be able to detect it.

Will he understand what he means? For a moment, I hope he understands, and the next moment I hope he doesn't understand.

A heart that is sour and sweet, it is swaying from side to side and has no stability. This is the first time I have experienced it since I grew up, and I have thoroughly experienced the feeling of secret love.

The grades in the monthly exam in this class are good, Teacher Liu is rarely amiable, and the atmosphere in the class is not so tense.

Li Yuechen was tired of Gu Chan eating and doing homework with him as usual, but Song Yan had become uncharacteristically seldom talking these days, especially when Gu Zen was around. Li Yuechen took the opportunity to ask Song Yan, "What are you doing? Wasn't it good at the beginning?"

At first, Song Yan pulled his face and lowered his head and said nothing, then he muttered: "Isn't your sympathy a little too overflowing?"

Li Yuechen said displeased: "I don't sympathize with Gu Chan."

"What's that?" Song Yan raised his head abruptly, his eyes seemed a little threatening.

Li Yuechen didn't notice it, he scratched his hair a little irritatedly: "Anyway, it's not sympathy, just like us, let's play together."

"Playing together like us, why didn't I see you give Feng Haolin, you unscrewed the cap of the bottle when you gave me water, why didn't I see you put a coat on us when it was cold and windy?"

Li Yuechen's face darkened when he heard it, and he felt that Song Yan was really messing around: "What do you want to say?"

"I didn't want to say anything." Song Yan looked at Li Yuechen's expression, afraid it was really because it was an unpleasant fight with Li Yuechen, and according to the current situation, Li Yuechen and Gu Chen are not doing well and everything is still going well. It was just my own guess, and my reaction was indeed a little too extreme, so he turned around and left after saying this sentence bluntly.

Since then, Song Yan has behaved much more normally, and no longer showed such obvious aggressiveness towards Gu Chen. Feng Haolin was relieved by this incident, and he was caught between them all day long. Then poke someone's sensitive nerves.

Li Yuechen would not bother with his brother any more because of this, it was over when it was over, and Gu Zen was even more dissociated from the whole thing from the very beginning, even though it was caused by him.

At night, Li Yuechen lay on the rocking chair in his room with his eyes closed, tapping his toes from time to time, and finally stood up.

He decided to have a showdown with Gu Zen, and it happened that his birthday was coming soon, so he invited him to celebrate his birthday, so he confessed his love to him.

Then he sat down again, thought for a while, and decided to write a love letter for Gu Chan.

It was out of control at the beginning, he didn't feel how long it had been, and then looked up at the time, it was already early morning.

Looking at the densely packed writing on the desktop, there were at least ten thousand words, he folded it contentedly and put it in the book, imagining Gu Chen's expression when he read this love letter, his heart beat a little faster.

But he didn't expect that his ten thousand word love letter would never come in handy, and things would start to develop in a direction he didn't expect.

That night, Wang Hanwen's friends came to City A to play with him, two men and two girls.

Feng Haolin couldn't go because of something at home, so Li Yuechen went with Song Yan.

At that time, Wang Hanwen introduced his friends respectively, put his arms on Li Yuechen and introduced, "This is the Li Yuechen I've been telling you all the time." Then he winked at another girl and said, "How about it? You are disappointed."

The girl laughed coquettishly: "Why do you keep making fun of me?" That being said, the girl still sat next to Li Yuechen during the meal, chatting with Li Yuechen from time to time.

The manager of the restaurant knew that they were the ones who came to eat, so he specially asked the waiters to do something. The dishes were served quickly and the service was very thoughtful.

His few friends are used to playing, the atmosphere at the dinner table has always been very good, and the topic is endless. After the meal, everyone changed the scene and went to the bar.

A few people drank a lot at the dinner table, and Li Yuechen was fed a lot at the bar. Li Yuechen gradually began to feel a little dizzy, sitting on the sofa, and after sending messages to Gu Chen, he looked at his phone from time to time After Wang Hanwen noticed it, he winked at him: "What's the matter? Are you talking about a girlfriend?" Li Yuechen shook his head: "No."

"Tsk, why are you so mysterious with your brothers?"

Looking at the dazzling light, he was dizzy for a while, he closed his eyes, and felt that he might really be a little bit over the top, so he stood up: "I'm going out to take a breath."

"What's the matter? I drank too much. It's been so long. Why hasn't my drinking capacity improved at all?" Wang Hanwen laughed, but he was actually the one who drank the most.

Li Yuechen waved his hand and walked out. As soon as he reached the door, he heard a familiar voice from the alley behind the bar.

He turned his head sideways, looked inside, and was stunned for a moment, thought he was dazzled for a moment, but when he looked again, it was really Gu Zen, and besides Luo Zhicheng, there were several other people who blocked his way.

Before he had time to think about why Gu Chen appeared here, he had already started to walk there.

"I think I made it very clear last time." Li Yuechen walked in front of them with a sullen face, looking at Luo Zhicheng.

Luo Zhicheng suddenly saw surprise flashing in the eyes of Li Yuechen who appeared here, and quickly added: "You are really everywhere." He turned his eyes to Gu Zen again, laughed mockingly, and turned back to On Li Yuechen: "It's so tight."

"Then isn't it a coincidence?" Li Yuechen replied with a half-smile.

Seeing Li Yuechen appearing here, the rest of the people all dispersed, seeming to surround him. Luo Zhicheng knew Li Yuechen, but they didn't know him. They didn't think he was alone. meaning.

Gu Chen stood there in a daze, except for glancing at Li Yuechen when he suddenly appeared, he didn't make any other movements.

Luo Zhicheng suddenly stretched out his hand to touch Gu Chen's face, his movements were extremely gentle: "Look at you now, you have been wronged, and you don't need to say anything, someone is rushing to stand up for you."

As soon as the words fell, Li Yuechen kicked his chest directly. That kick used a lot of strength. He might as well for a while, but he didn't expect that Li Yuechen would really take the lead in this situation, and he staggered to the ground He raised his head and met Li Yuechen's eyes burning with anger.

He supported it with one hand, stood up and threw his fist at Li Yuechen's face. When others saw it, they all gathered around to help, and Luo Zhicheng yelled, "Get out!"

The other younger brothers, you look at me and I look at you, Luo Zhicheng yelled again: "I tell you to get out, I didn't hear you!"

They all dispersed now, only Li Yuechen and Luo Zhicheng were left to fight together. They were just at the young age, and it didn't matter how serious they were. Both of them were killed very quickly.

When the two were fighting fiercely, Wang Hanwen and the others came out and called out, "Li Yuechen."

Maybe he also heard a sound here, so he searched for the sound and came over. Seeing Li Yuechen who was fighting with others, he was extremely surprised and hurried over to help. Come over and pull the side frame.

His ribs hurt, he took a half step back with a muffled grunt, looked at them out of breath and cursed.

"What's going on? Wang Hanwen lit a cigarette and put it in his mouth," he said with a smile while looking at Luo Zhicheng, "Xiao Luozi, haven't you learned enough from your brother?"

Song Yan stood behind him with folded arms with an unfriendly expression, and saw Gu Chan standing there again, again because of this freak.

Those younger brothers behind Luo Zhicheng didn't know Li Yuechen who didn't show up often, but everyone in this area knew Wang Hanwen, and they all started to feel a little nervous. How bad could Wang Hanwen's friends be? They couldn't mess with them at all. affordable.

A few people stepped forward and smiled: "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, it's nothing at all, just impulsive."

While talking, he supported Luo Zhicheng and was about to leave. Luo Zhicheng looked at them bitterly, knowing that staying here would only be a disadvantage to him, and he would not be able to please him.

"Did I tell you to leave?" Wang Hanwen spoke again slowly.

"Then what the hell do you want? Are you sick? Then Gu Gu thought we just met and said a few words, did we touch his finger? Fuck!" Luo Zhicheng cursed angrily.

At this time, Li Yuechen saw that Gu Chen was standing there well, and he did not see any injuries.

Although he didn't think that Luo Zhicheng stopped Gu Chan just to say a few words, it was probably because he happened to meet him and didn't have time to implement it.

But from the current point of view, he really didn't do anything to Gu Zen, he looked at Luo Zhicheng with gloomy eyes, turned his head and said to Wang Hanwen, "Let them go."

"Did you hear that? You can get out now." Wang Hanwen raised his hand as a gesture of invitation.

After the few of them left, Gu Chen made a move and wanted to leave too.

Li Yuechen strode over and grabbed him: "Where are you going? Why are you here so late today?"

Gu Chan smelled the wine in Li Yuechen's mouth, and tilted his head. In Li Yuechen's eyes, Gu Chan's slightly frowning brows and the tilted head seemed to express his rejection and boredom.

Wang Hanwen raised his eyebrows and called out with great interest as he watched from behind, "Yue Chen?"

Song Yan wanted to go up and tease Li Yuechen: "Let's go, go back, you drank too much today."

"I won't go, you go first, I still have things to deal with." Li Yuechen said, but his eyes never left Gu Chen for a moment.

Song Yan wanted to say more, but Wang Hanwen came over to pull Song Yan: "Let's not delay Yue Chen to deal with the matter, shall we?"

He whistled towards Li Yuechen and Gu Chen: "Okay, let's go first."

Now that everyone left, only the two of them were left, and the atmosphere became quiet.

Li Yuechen looked at Gu Zen's eyebrows and eyes, maybe it was really caused by alcohol or he really wanted to indulge himself. After he finished fighting for Gu Zen, what he got was Gu Zen's expression and movements. He felt very wronged.

He took a step forward and hugged Gu Chen directly, all that came into his nostrils was the breath of Gu Chen. Before he had time to ask in detail, he was pushed away by Gu Chen.

When he saw him standing under the streetlight, Gu Chen looked at him with a mocking smile on his face, no doubt without good intentions, Li Yuechen should have been angry at his ignorance, but he didn't . Gu Zen seldom showed any expression. It was the first time Li Yuechen saw him smiling like this, and his whole body became vivid. He was even seduced by such an ironic smile, just because the person who smiled at him like this was Gu Zen.

Before he could see the way clearly, he had already moved there, and kissed him, eager and passionate, Gu Zeng just hid back, but he hugged him fiercely again, and then Gu Zeng didn't resist anymore, let him kiss, and drove straight in.

When his breathing became hotter and hotter, and his lower body began to react, he couldn't help but let go of Gu Chen.

As soon as he let go of his hand, there was a "slap", and Gu Chen slapped him firmly in the face.

The force of this slap was not small, and he suddenly woke up a little bit, but seeing Gu Chen's lips that had just been kissed, which were bright red and slightly swollen, with a glint of water on them, his eyes changed again.

Seeing him like this, Gu Zen raised his hand to greet him. This time, Li Yuechen caught it and held Gu Zen's hand. He looked calm on the surface, but in his heart It's not without panic.

He coaxed almost recklessly: "Gu Chen, stay with me, no one will bully you in the future, I promise I will protect you and treat you well."

As soon as the words fell, Gu Chen's other hand greeted his face again, and this time Li Yuechen didn't dodge it.

He looked at Gu Chen with disgust in his eyes, opened his mouth and said a word, even though he didn't make a sound, he still recognized that it was the word "roll".

In an instant, like a basin of cold water splashed on the face, it was completely cooled from the beginning to the end. He stood there motionless, watching Gu Chen's back that was fading away, and didn't have the courage to pull him a second time.