
Chapter 18


After Li Yuechen finished asking, he kissed him. Without the expected slap, he stretched out his arms to hug Gu Zen even more excitedly. The two exchanged a delicate and long kiss. He stuck his tongue into Gu Zen's mouth. Going to lick Gu Zhen's palate, hooking Gu Zhen's tongue, and occupying his mouth as hard as he could, he didn't let go until he heard Gu Zhen's breathing gradually getting heavier.

After the kiss was separated, Gu Chen's lips became more moist and bright, and Li Yuechen licked his lips eagerly, his eyes were full of strong desire and possessiveness for the person in front of him.

If you don't leave, you really don't want to leave. Li Yuechen knows that this matter can't be rushed. Gu Chen is a person who is soft but not hard. He finally got to this point, so he can't give up all his efforts.

He shook the umbrella and opened it, and said with deep reluctance, "I'm leaving."

Gu Chen nodded and stood at the door, the cold wind was strong, and the pajamas Gu Chen was wearing were very thin, seeing him coming out, Li Yuechen didn't dare to grind anymore, so he waved his hand vigorously: "Hurry up and get in the house." He pushed Gu Zen forward In the house, the door was closed from the outside.

Gu Chen in the room turned around and went back to the bedroom and opened the curtains to see Li Yuechen's figure, walking in the snow covered with one foot deep and one foot shallow. He was originally relatively tall among his peers, but this It also seemed very small for a while, until his figure could no longer be seen clearly and turned into a small black spot, Gu Chen drew the curtains.

He took out his homework and wrote a few questions, but still couldn't calm down, and finally got into the bed, slowly moved to the position where Li Yuechen had slept just now, and wrapped himself tightly.

When Li Yuechen returned home, his shoes were soaked, his feet were so cold that he couldn't feel it, he was shivering from the cold, and his face was blue. Aunt Wu yelled as soon as she saw him enter the door: "Oh, my little master, where did you go when it snowed so much today? Look, these shoes and clothes are completely icy, take them off soon! .”

Li Yuechen hurried upstairs and returned to the house, took off his clothes trembling, and immediately got into bed, saving a while for Qi Xinyue to see him and talk about it.

As expected, within five minutes, Qi Xinyue brought a bowl of ginger tea into Li Yuechen's room.

"What's going on, baby, why did you look like this!" Qi Xinyue exclaimed in a sweet voice, walked to Li Yuechen's bed and sat down, with some worry in her eyes.

"Mom, I'm fine. I went out to play. Who knew it was snowing so hard afterwards." Li Yuechen gulped down a bowl of ginger tea before he felt his body warm up slightly from the cold and numb state.

He blinked and comforted Qi Xinyue: "Don't worry, I'm in good health, I'll be fine after a night of sleep, this time the heating in the room is turned on very high, I feel like sweating right now."

Qi Xinyue breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that his face had turned a little rosy, but she still wrinkled her delicate face and said, "You are always so willful, knowing that it's snowing so hard today and it's so cold, you still want to go out Play, who did you go to play with?" Qi Xinyue was also a little curious, because Aunt Wu who got up early said that Li Yuechen left the house before seven o'clock today.

"Okay, stop talking, mom. I'm a little tired. I've been out for a day." Li Yuechen quickly changed the subject, afraid that his mother would continue to ask further questions, so he pretended to be sleepy and unable to open his eyes.

Seeing her son like this, Qi Xinyue couldn't bear to bother him anymore: "Okay, you go to bed first, and Aunt Wu will bring you dinner later. When your father comes back and sees you like this, he may have to blame you again." Qi Xinyue gave Li Yuechen reminded him, then withdrew and closed the door.

Li Yuechen breathed a sigh of relief and closed his eyes.

What is unexpected is that Li Yuechen's body, which he thought to be strong and healthy, actually fell ill this time.

He felt extremely hot, fine beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, and then he became cold again, with goose bumps all over his body. It's like putting half of your body in ice water and the other half in hot water.

He was restless in the middle of the night yesterday, wondering what it meant for Gu Zeng to run away suddenly after he asked that important question, and today he was able to enter Gu Zeng's house and even slept on a bed, and even got a kiss. Overjoyed and sad, coupled with emotional surges, and the cold wind blowing, I got cold.

He, who doesn't get sick easily, had a high fever this time.

He dimly heard Aunt Wu's scream, followed by various kicking and tapping footsteps, and he felt a soft towel covering his forehead.

He was helped up by Qi Xinyue and given medicine, and even heard his father's voice. Gradually, the surrounding sounds gradually drifted far away, and he fell into a coma again.

When he woke up again, he felt a sticky feeling on his body, hot and humid. He knew that he had a fever last night, thinking that there were so many kicking footsteps surrounding him yesterday, and Gu Zhen had a fever at that time. I was in the hospital ward, but no one accompanied him, cared about him, and took care of him. After he left, I could only lie on the hospital bed alone.

Feeling sorry for him again, he reached for his mobile phone and wanted to send a message to Gu Zen, but he saw several messages that Gu Zen sent him, asking if he was home, and even called himself , It's a pity that my mobile phone is muted, and yesterday I was so dazed that I didn't have time to touch the phone again.

He was very happy in his heart, and immediately called Gu Chen back.

Li Yuechen got connected and started to say: "I was a little tired yesterday, I rested early, I didn't see the message you sent me, I'm sorry."

"Are you up? Did the nanny cook for you today? If it doesn't work, you can fire her. I'll cook for you in the future, okay?"

Gu Zen nodded unconsciously on the phone, and suddenly realized that Li Yuechen was not by his side, so he couldn't see his movements.

Li Yuechen listened to the sound of breathing over there, remained silent, and then said: "Then I'll hang up first, let's send a message."

He began to feel some sadness that did not come, even though he knew that Gu Zen could not speak, he always wanted to talk to Gu Zen unconsciously, wanted Gu Zen to listen to his voice, and followed Gu Zen's steady breathing. He said that he would feel very peaceful in his heart.

But I didn't think that Gu Chen would like it or not.

His face was sullen, and it took only five minutes from the joyful face just now to the current depression. Even he himself thought it was incredible. He sighed and lay on the bed with the corners of his mouth drooping.

Before he could immerse himself in this stuffy sadness, his cell phone vibrated suddenly, and the news that Gu Chen came back was "OK"

He suddenly opened his eyes wide, and confirmed again and again that it was a word "good", and it was not that he was dizzy and missed the word "no" in front of him.

If the situation didn't allow it, Li Yuechen felt that he could jump three feet high on the spot to express his excitement. He knew too well what the word "good" represented. Where is he just allowing himself to cook a meal? This is agreeing to him entering his life, which is tantamount to accepting himself.

He was very excited inside, with joy in his brows and eyes. He tossed and turned, wondering if he was thinking too much, and let himself cook simply because the nanny didn't care about him, but the food he cooked was so unpalatable, why did he Will agree to go by himself, he can find another nanny.

In the end, he thought that even if this is not the end of Gu Zhen, it will be a big step into Gu Zhen.

It was snowy outside and the wind was biting cold, but his heart was as warm as the spring breeze in April.

Just remembering to take a shower to get rid of the sticky dampness all over her body, Qi Xinyue walked in.

"Why are you up? Lie down." Qi Xinyue said sharply, looking at Li Yuechen who was sitting up in thin pajamas.

Li Yuechen lay down again helplessly: "I'm fine, my body feels uncomfortable."

"It's okay to be uncomfortable. You must rest well today. Don't think about getting up and going out. You don't even know how bad your fever was yesterday. It scared your mother." Qi Xinyue remembered that Li Yuechen was lying on the bed yesterday with a fever With a flushed face and closed eyes, he was even more frightened.

Li Yuechen felt that it was definitely not wise to argue with his mother at this moment, so he nodded obediently, Qi Xinyue put his hand on Li Yuechen's forehead and touched it, then frowned: "It seems that I still have a low fever. She lowered her head and said to Li Yuechen: "Otherwise, I won't go to class tomorrow, and I will rest at home for another day."

How can that work! Then I won't be able to see Gu Chen tomorrow! He just promised me that I could go to his house! Li Yuechen immediately became excited, and refused righteously and sternly: "No."

Qi Xinyue wanted to persuade her again, but Li Yuechen quickly said, "No way, Mom, we're about to take the final exam, and I can easily lose track of it if I'm absent from class."

Qi Xinyue asked suspiciously: "Didn't you always get good grades? If you miss a day of class, you can't keep up with the class?"

Li Yuechen put on a serious face: "Of course my good grades are the result of I have been attending classes on time and listening carefully."

"Okay then." Qi Xinyue looked at Li Yuechen who insisted on forging ahead and was too embarrassed to stop him. She reached out to help Li Yuechen tuck the quilt, stood up and backed out without disturbing Li Yuechen, and walked out of the door for a while. Miao turned around again and said, "Take a good rest. If you don't have a fever tomorrow, no matter how persistent you are, you won't be allowed to go to class. Did you hear that?"

Li Yuechen responded with a distressed voice.

Every student in the class found that since the reconciliation between Li Yuechen and Gu Chan, the tablemate, not only the relationship between them was the same as before, but even closer than before.

After Christmas, the class began to organize rehearsals for the New Year's Day program. Several people came to Li Yuechen to rehearse the drama, but Li Yuechen refused.

"Why, you're not going to be on the show this year." Feng Haolin raised Erlang's legs and asked vaguely with a pen in his mouth. The reason why he asked this was because Li Yuechen said that he was the monitor of the class, similar to this Generally, he will participate in all kinds of activities that he can participate in, such as basketball games, sports meets, etc., last year's New Year's Day performance in the school, Li Yuechen even sang a song, and gained countless female fans.

Li Yuechen shook his head: "Let them rehearse well this year, and I won't be on it." Just kidding, if you really want to rehearse the drama, you have to rehearse every day before the performance, he is not sure if Gu Zen will wait for him .

On the day of the performance on New Year's Day, everyone knew that Li Yuechen, who was well-known in his grade, was not on the show this year, and some people were very disappointed. He even chose a very low-key position in the back row.

Li Yuechen looked at Gu Chen's lack of interest, with half-lidded eyes: "Sleepy? Are you bored?" He lowered his head and asked in Gu Chen's ear.

Gu Chen didn't speak, Li Yuechen reached out and took his head over, letting him lean on his shoulder. Before Gu Chan moved, Li Yuechen hurriedly said, "It's okay, no one saw that everyone was watching the show." In fact, Gu Chan just adjusted his posture and leaned on Li Yuechen's shoulder again.

Li Yuechen took one of the popcorns in his hand and handed it to Gu Chen's mouth. Gu Zhen opened his mouth and ate it. His mouth was a little sticky with the popcorn syrup. He licked his lips, and Li Yuechen's heart skipped a beat when he saw it. Itchy, not to mention they are still so close.

Gu Sen sensitively felt a sharp gaze behind him, and kept looking at him nonchalantly. He tilted his head and found that it was Li Xixi who was sitting not far behind him. The hatred in his eyes was as real as it was. With such a tilt of his head, he met her eyes. He didn't turn his eyes away, and kept looking at Li Xixi. He raised his arms, hugged Li Yuechen with his arms around him, and rested his head on his shoulder. The appearance of an oath of sovereignty.

Li Xixi stood up directly, and strode out of the performance hall with an ugly expression.

But Li Yuechen was at a loss by Gu Chen's sudden initiative, and stammered, "What, what's the matter with you." He didn't know where to put his excited hands, and his body became stiff.

Looking at him, Gu Chen couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

"Am I right, do you believe me this time?" It was Song Yan standing at the door, and he said to Li Xixi who had just walked out of the performance hall angrily.

Li Xixi still finds it difficult to accept the scene he saw just now, but Gu Yan's cold and warning eyes and posture all show his possessive desire for Li Yuechen. And she also clearly saw that it was Li Yuechen who first stretched out his hand to wrap his arms around her shoulders.

Jealousy and anger made her voice a little unstable: "It's disgusting, this Gu Zhen, I didn't expect that he is not only a little dumb, but also a little pervert! He must be pretending to be a hypocrite, pretending to be pitiful and approaching Li Yuechen to seduce him, That’s why he’s going down this crooked path!”

"It's okay for him to be disgusting! Why do you want to drag Li Yuechen, it's shameless!"

Song Yan didn't speak all the time, half of his body was hidden in the darkness where the street lights couldn't reach, quietly waiting for Li Xixi to finish cursing and calm down.

After Li Xixi finished venting his curses, he said, "Since it has already happened, all we can do now is try our best to stop it. I have a good relationship with Li Yuechen, and forcibly stopping it will hurt our brother's feelings, but I have an idea. Do you want to listen?" He looked at Li Xixi: "Do you want to cooperate with me?"

Unexpectedly, Li Xixi looked a little stupid, and she didn't really have no brains. She immediately asked back: "You are afraid of hurting your brother's feelings, so you want to use me as a weapon. Do you think I am stupid?"

Song Yan snorted and smiled: "Anyway, it's not that I want to be with Li Yuechen, I just don't want to see him go astray, it's up to you whether you want to cooperate or not, and it's not only you, there are people who like Li Yuechen You don't know how much, do you?"

Li Xixi didn't expect him to say that, so he hesitated for a while.

He looked at Li Xixi's wavering expression and said persuasively: "And think about it, if you really succeed in stopping him and Gu Chan, he will be very grateful to you when you are together in the future, even if he is angry at you for stopping him now, in the future When you understand it, you will find that you saved him and made some necessary sacrifices for the one you love, aren't you willing?"

After listening to Li Xixi, she made up her mind completely: "Okay, let's talk about how to cooperate."